Paragraph (English 1st paper)
Good food
We eat
food to satisfy our hunger and to live well. Good food
means the right kind of food for good health.
It is nutritious. It must contain natural substances that our body needs
to grow properly and stay healthy. The various kinds of food that we eat can be
classified into six classes according to what substance they contain and what
they do to us. They are Carbohydrate, fat, protein, vitamins, minerals salts
and water. These different classes of food have different food values, and as
such, they perform different functions to our body. The foods having
carbohydrate give us heat and energy. By eating rice, bread, potatoes, sugar
and gur we get carbohydrate. The foods having fat also give us heat and energy.
By eating oil, butter and ghee, we get fat. Both carbohydrate and fat keep our
body fit for work. In the same way the
foods having protein build our body and help us to grow up properly. By eating
fish, meat, eggs, dal, beans etc. we get protein. The foods having vitamins and
mineral salts protect us from diseases and keep our body strong and healthy. By
eating vegetables, fruits and by drinking milk we get both vitamins and mineral
salts. Water is also very important and absolutely necessary to keep in good
health. It controls the heat of our body, helps us to digest food and keeps our
blood healthy. For the proper growth of our body and for keeping it healthy we
should eat the necessary quantities of these foods everyday. We must not eat too much though the food is
good. Eating too much is bad for health. We have to eat only a certain amount
of food that our body needs. So we do not need the same kind of food in the
same quantity. It depends on our growth and physical structure.
Good Health/Health
is wealth/ How to maintain good health
Good health
means sound body. The body that is free from all sort diseases is called good
health. We can keep good health to follow some rules and regulations. To keep
good health one should rise early in the morning and take some physical
excises. Besides, eating vegetables, drinking pure water and eating balanced
diet are the prerequisite of keeping good health. I am a student and I always
try to follow the rules of health. Because, I know that health is wealth and
health is the root of all happiness. Balance diet is essential for keeping good
health. The foods that contain carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and
minerals are called balanced diet. If people do not take balanced diet, they
often suffer from various diseases. Therefore, I always try to have balanced
diet. The importance of keeping good health can not be described in words.
There is a proverb that a sound mind depends on a sound body. A healthy man is
really lucky because he can do his duties properly and become successful in
life. Therefore, we should keep good health to lead healthy, wealthy
comfortable and diseases free life.
How to Follow the Rules of Health
Health is wealth. It is the root of all
happiness. Health is the state of having sound mind in a sound body. To keep
sound body, the rules of health should be followed strictly. First of all, take
physical exercise regularly and eat a balanced diet. Without taking physical
exercise, nobody can remain hale and hearty. Then, take proper rest. Next,
drink clean and sufficient water. Pollution free water is essential because
polluted water causes different water-borne diseases. After that, take leafy
vegetables. Try to be free from tension and. Finally, cleanliness is very
important and so keep yourself and your environment neat and clean. Bear in
mind that cleanliness in an indispensable part of belief. Besides, one may take
part in various sports and games for the purpose. He should not keep late hours
at night and should get up early in the morning. And thus sound health can be
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Good Health
Good health refers to the
physical and mental soundness which makes one healthy, fit and active and keeps
one free from diseases. But it is not easy to maintain good health. In order to
keep good health, one should follow certain rules of health. One should take
regular physical exercise, proper rest or sleep and above all, a balanced diet.
But it is a matter of regret that most of our people, as they are living below
the poverty line, cannot manage all the foods necessary for maintaining good
health. But even the rich and educated people of our country, though they take
a wide variety of foods, are not conscious of the rules of good health. The
ever-increasing problems of our day-to-day life seem to affect our health
greatly. They give rise to frustration, hopelessness, mental disorder and much
other socio-economic confusion. All these factors take away the peace of our
mind and affect our health. However, a person with a simple and carefree life
is likely to enjoy a sound mind in a sound body.
Nakshi Kantha
Nakshi kantha is a kind of embroidered quilt. The name was taken from the
Bengali word, ‘naksha’ which means artistic pattern. It is a kind of
traditional craft and is said to be indigenous to Bangladesh
and West Bengal in India.
The art has been practiced in rural Bengal for
centuries. The name ‘Nakshi kantha’ became popular after the poet
Jasimuddin’s poem ‘Nakshi kanthar Math’was published in 1929.
Traditional kanthas are made for family use. Old or new cloth and thread are
used to make these quilts. Mymensingh, Jamalpur, Rajshahi, Faridpur, Bogra and
Jessore are most famous for this craft. Now it is produced commercially. You
can find them in many expensive handicraft shops in cities. The quilts are now
in great demand because of the colourful patterns and designs embroidered on
them. Finally, we can say that “Nakshi Kanhta” signifies a token of Bengali
culture and tradition.
The Floating Market
A market which stands temporary and can move from one place
to another easily is called floating market. It is an important place for both
in town and village because different types of essential goods are sold here.
There are two types of floating markets; one can mean a temporary market like
hat and another can indicate the market which really floats on water. Usually
this type of market is very rare in our country but in foreign countries, like Bangkok it is very
common. Generally, a part of the people of Bangkok lives beside the canals, which are known
as ‘klongs.’ They travel on the klongs by boat and at that time they buy their
necessary commodities from the floating market. They can purchase them from
their personal boats easily and the rate of the commodities is also cheaper
than other markets. The Tha Kha floating market is
the most historical importance and interesting market. The Tha Kha
floating market is more traditional with a few tourists visiting than other
floating markets. Originally, the Tha Kha floating market used to sit only six
or seven days a month depending on the phase of the moon. Now a days, the trade
takes place on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays too. The main buyers here are the
Tha Kha natives. People seem to know each other very well. Everyone was seen
smiling and calling each other by name. The locals did not notice Mita and
others much. They were all busy buying and selling. So, the
market is very famous to them and they get much interest from
Folk Song
Folk song is the part and parcel of
Bangladeshi culture and tradition. Bangladesh is a reverie country and
its size is like a delta. She was relived of Pakistan in 1971.She has her own
culture and tradition. Bangladesh
is teeming with various kinds of folk songs such as Palligiti, Bhatiali,
Bhawaiya, Jari, Sari, Gambhira, Lalongit, Palagaan and song of Hason Raja. Folk
songs are rendered in the traditional style of community. Here the traditional style includes the themes, words and
tunes of the songs that have existed for a long time among the common people.
The traditional musical instruments are usually played with these songs. These
instruments are Dotara, Tabla, Sarinda, Piano, Guitar, Harmonium, Bamboo flute,
Ek-tara, Drum and Violin; Villagers still lull to sleep through listening to
these songs. Now young generations are gradually getting westernized and the
song are rendered by western instruments. Despite these negative aspects, we
can say that folk songs are the symbol of Bangladeshi’s culture and tradition.
The dream of Rumi Akhter
Rumi Akhter Rina is a 13 years old. She is in class 8 at Prime School
in Chittagong.
She dreams of becoming an electrical engineer.She is the daughter of a day
labourer. So she has never believed her dream would come true. She has never
thought she could be an electrical engineer. But an opportunity came. She took
part in a six-month vocational training programme. And that raised her hopes
high. In the evening shift, she took training in electrical and house wiring at
the training centre. The centre is run by an NGO in Bahaddarhat area of Chittagong city. After
the training, she can now install calling bells, motor connections, tube
lights, electric fans and so on. Thus Rumi Akter’s dream has come true.
Poramanik’s love of nature
Kartik Poramanik lives in a village named Tarapur. He is a
hair-dresser by profession. But he is a nature lover at heart. His passion is
to plant saplings. He has planted hundreds of trees beside the roads, in and
around the bazaar, schools and colleges and open fields. Many of these trees grew
into big trees. He started planting
trees when he was only 10 years old. His father advised him to plant trees for
getting the blessing of god. Kartiuk has remembered his father’ word. Now there
are hundreds of trees in his village. Many of his trees are now 35-40 years
old. He takes great care of the trees. He waters the saplings at night. Now
everybody knows him as a nature lover.
সময় একাডেমী , রেইসকোর্স, কুমিল্লা . 01761751974, 01917428048
The Truthful
Once upon a time, a dove and a bat were very good friends. One
day the two friends decided to set out on a journey. They flew over the rivers
and hills and came to a big jungle. Both the friends were very tired, they
needed to sit down and take a rest. Soon night fell and it was dark all around.
A storm rose. It started to rain heavily. The dove and the bat started to look
for a shelter. They came upon a century-old rain tree. An owl had his nest in
that tree. The dove and the bat requested the owl to give them shelter. They
begged for some food too. The selfish owl was not happy. But he gave them
shelter and shared his dinned with them. The dove was so tired that she could
not eat much. But the bat was sly. He ate greedily. Now he began to praise the
owl in the hope of getting more food. The owl was very pleased at the bat’s
ethnic people of Bangladesh
There are many ethnic people in Bangladesh. They are important part
of our culture. The majority of these
people live in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. The others live in the regions of
Mymensingh, Rajshahi and Sylhet. They live in forest areas, in the hills and in
rural areas. They practise Jhum cultivation. They clear a piece of land
in the forest, prepare it and sow seeds in it. They are mostly farmers. By
religion they are Hindus, Christians or Buddhists. They speak their own mother
tongues. Some of them are the Chakmas, the Marmans, the Tipperas
and the Moorangs who live in the Hill Tracts. The Santals live
in Rajshahi. The Khasias and the Monipuries live in Sylhet and
the Hajangs and the Garos in Mymensingh. Infact all the enthnic
people are important part of our population.
The wheel
The wheel is the greatest invention of human beings. Human
beings conquered the distance by discovering the wheels. The wheels has helped
to create a new civilization. A wheel is a circular object. It can rotate around
its axis and help easy movement of things across a surface. The wheels are
infact, everywhere. They are on our cars, trains, planes, wagons and so on.
Besides, they are on most factory and farm equipment. The Mesopotamians were
the first to use the wheels. The oldest ever built wheel was discovered in Mesopotamia in 3500 B.C. After the Mesopotamians the
wheel was further improved by the Egyptians. They made wheels with spokes. Then
they used them on chariots around 2000 B.C. Wheels reached the Indus Vally by
3000 B.C. Chariots with spoked wheels were made in ancient India, around
1500 BC. They were used for war, hunting and racing. Infact, we cannot imagine
modern life without wheels.
River gypsies
in Bangladesh
River gypsies are an ethnic group in Bangladesh. They are known as bedey
to local people. The gypsies have their own lifestyle and culture. They live in
groups and do not own any land. So, they
live a nomadic life traveling from one place to another. These people roam
across our rivers and waters from May to December in small country boats. These
boats are their houses and these people are a part of our waters. In winter,
many water bodies dry up. At that time they return to the mainland and live in
make-shift tarpaulin tents on open river banks. Throughout the monsoon, they
remain busy with fishing. They also dive for natural pearls in waters.
Sometimes, they camp for a couple of weeks. Men catch snakes and entertain
people with snake charming and sell herbal cures. Women go from door to door to
sell bangles, cosmetics and other things. They also try to heal pains of old
people often by sucking out blood from their body. Many villagers believe in
the magical power of the gypsies . They can an evil spirit leave someone’s body
by magic or special Powers. Now a days many gypsies are coming to town and
changing their profession.
Non-textual Paragraph গুলো অবশ্যই শিখতে হবে। সময় সল্পতার কারনে Non- textual paragraph গুলো লিপবন্ধ করতে না পারায় আমরা আন্তরিকভাবে দুঃখিত।
Non-textual Paragraph গুলো অবশ্যই শিখতে হবে। সময় সল্পতার কারনে Non- textual paragraph গুলো লিপবন্ধ করতে না পারায় আমরা আন্তরিকভাবে দুঃখিত।