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Sample Question JSC (English 2nd paper)

Somoy Academy
Race Course, Comilla
Model Test No. 10
Class Eight
Time: 2 hours                                              English 2nd Paper                                        Full Marks: 50
Part A : Grammar (Marks-30)
1. Fill in the gaps of the following text with appropriate articles. Put a cross (x) for zero article.                                                                                                                                  0.5x6=3
We live in the age of (a)___ science. Newspaper is (b)___ wonder of modern science. Newspaper is (c)____ paper which carries news of (d)____ whole world. It is such (e)____ important thing that we cannot go (f)___ single day without it.
2. Fill in each gap with appropriate preposition:                                                           0.5x6=3
With --- at  ---  from --- in  ---- about ---- to  ---of
a) The man begs ____ door to door.
b) They are not contented ___ what they have.
c) The man is devoid ____ common sense.
d) Industry is the key ____ success.
e) True happiness lies ____ contentment.
f) We should not laugh _____ the poor.
3. Make four sentences from the substitution table:                                                          4
Our nation

The National Martyrs Day and International Mother Language Day.
The 21st February
Some glorious and memorable days.
The 26th March
The independence day.
The 16th December

Our victory Day.

4. Change the following passage into indirect speeches:                                                        4
The man said to the manager, “May I come in Sir?” “Yes, come in.” “What do you want?” said the manager. “I want to open a bank account in your bank,” said the man. “Can you tell me how I can open a savings account?”
5. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets.                                       5
a) The old man was unable to carry the load. (Negative)
b) Very few metals are so precious as gold. (Comparative)
c) Cricket is a very exciting game. (Exclamatory)
d) Don’t go out in the rain. (Assertive)
e) Promises should be kept. (Active)
6. Re-write the following passage using capitalization and punctuation.                        3
 the teacher said to kamal why are you talking in the class you should behave yourself kamal replied sir i am sorry i am asking rahim to lend me his pen my pen has run out the teacher said be attentive and listen and to my lecture
7. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underline in the text. 5
The prophet Mohammad (Sm) equated one literate non-beliver with ten (a) literate believers. Islamic organization working on (b) literate and patronage of (c) scholar. Ibn Sina (called Avicenna in the west), one of the most famous Muslim philosophers of  all times, saw the task of (d) educate as creating a complete citizen (e) physical, (f) mental and (g) moral, and preparing him for a profession whereby he could earn, his own (h) lively and contribute to the society.
8. Complete the following text with suitable verbs in the box with their right form.     4
Waste ---  suffer ---- envelop ---- educate----- do ----- study ---- be ---- know
It (a)___ high time you (b)____ for the exam. You (c)____ much time wandering aimlessly and (d)____ meaningless jobs. Don’t you (e)_____ that your parents expect you to (f)____ . But if you are not serious right from now, you (g)____ in the long run. Besides, your future (h)____ in darkness.
Part- B: Writing Test (Marks – 20)
9. Suppose, you are Rana/Ratri of Comilla Pilot School & College. There are no common room in your school. Now, write an application to your Headmaster for opening a common room.                                                                                                                                  8
10. Write a composition about Duties of students in 250 words.                                           12
২০১২ সমাপনী ও ২০১৩ SSC পরীক্ষায় শতভাগ A+ এর গৌরব অর্জন করা একমাত্র প্রতিষ্ঠান
সময় একাডেমী, রেইসকোর্স, কুমিল্লা০১৭৬১৭৫১৯৭৪, ০১৯১৭৪২৮০৪৮
সময়ের সাথে, পরিবর্তনের সাথে, আমরাই সেরা
Md. Showkatozzaman Shaown
BSS (Hon's), MSS (Eng), IELTS (British Council)
Founder & Chief Teacher of 
Somoy Academy
Senior English Teacher of 
Comilla Pilot School & College
Mobile: 01761 751974, 01917428048

গনিত মডেল টেস্ট (JSC)

mgq GKv‡Wgx
†RGmwm g‡Wj †U÷- 9
mgqt 3 N›Uv                                       MwbZ                             c~b©gvbt 100 
cvwUMwbZ – 24
1 | †hvMdj wbY©q Kit                                                         6
2| †h †Kvb `yBwU cÖ‡kœi DËi `vIt                                                                                          6 ×2=12
K) GKB nvi gybvdvq †Kv‡bv Avmj 6 eQ‡i gybvdv-Avm‡ji wظb n‡j, KZ eQ‡i Zv gybvdv  Avm‡j wZb¸b n‡e?
L) evwl©K kZKiv gybvdv KZ n‡j, 13000 UvKv 5 eQ‡i gybvMv Avm‡j 18850 UvKv n‡e?
M) evwl©K 10.50 % gybvdvq 5000 UvKvi 2 eQ‡ii Pµew× gybvdv wbY©q Ki|                                           
3| †h †Kvb 1 wU cÖ‡kœi DËi `vIt                                                                              6×1=6
K) GKwU wÎfzRvKwZ †¶‡Îi f‚wg 24 wgUvi Ges D”PZv 15 wgUvi 50 †mgwUwgUvi n‡j, Gi  †¶Îdj KZ?
L) GKwU cyKz‡ii ˆ` N¨© 32 wgUvi, cÖ¯’ 20 wgUvi Ges cyKz‡ii cvwbi MfxiZv 3 wgUvi| GKwU  †gwkb Øviv cyKziwU cvwb k~b¨ Kiv n‡”Q hv cÖwZ †m‡K‡Û 0.1 Nwb¥Uvi cvwb †mP‡Z cv‡i| cyKziwU  cvwbk~b¨ Ki‡Z KZ mgq jvM‡e?
exRMwbZ- 30
4| †h †Kvb `yBwU cÖ‡kœi DËi `vIt                                                                          6×2=12
K) mij Kit  
L) Drcv`‡K we‡k­lY Kit i)        ii)     iii)
M) jv. mv.¸ wbY©q Kit 
5| mvaviY ni wewkó fMœvs‡k cÖKvk Kit                                                                                        6
6| †h‡Kv‡bv 1 wUi DËi `vIt                                                                                                     6×1=6
K) A= {1,3, 5} , B={5,7} n‡j   ,   A B wbY©q Ki|
L) †h mKj ¯^vfvweK msL¨v Øviv 171 Ges 396 †K fvM Ki‡j cÖwZ‡¶‡Î 21 Aewkó _v‡K  Zv‡`i †mU wbY©q Ki|
7| †h †Kv‡bv 1wUi DËi `vIt                                                                                                  6×1=6
K) †j‡Li mvnv‡h¨ mgvavb Kit
L) 10 eQi c~‡e© wcZv I cy‡Îi eq‡mi AbycvZ wQj 4:1| 10 eQi c‡i wcZv I cy‡Îi eq‡mi  AbycvZ n‡e 2t1| wcZv I cy‡Îi eZ©gvb eqm wbY©q Ki|
R¨vwgwZ- 36
8|  K) cÖgvb Ki †h, mvgvwš¿‡Ki KY©Øq ci¯ci‡K mgwØLwÛZ K‡i|                                                     6×2=12
     L) wc_v‡Mviv‡mi Dccv‡`¨i wecixZ Dccv`¨ cÖgvY Ki| (exRMwY‡Zi mvnv‡h¨)                       
     M) cÖgvY Ki †h- e‡Ëi †K›`ª †_‡K mg`~ieZ©x mKj R¨v ci¯ci mgvb|
9|  K)  †Kv‡bv PZzf‚‡R©i `yBwU mwbœwnZ evûi ˆ` N¨© I wZbwU †KvY †`Iqv Av‡Q | PZzf©‚RwU AvK‡Z  n‡e|                             6
     L) †Kv‡bv mvgvwš¿‡Ki mwbœwnZ `yBwU evûi ˆ` N¨© Ges evû‡Ø¨i Aš—f©‚³ †KvY †`Iqv Av‡Q| mvgvš—wiKwU AvuK|                      6
10| †h †Kvb GKwUi DËi `vIt                                                                                                 6×1=6
K) †Kv‡bv e‡Ëi AB I AC R¨v `yBwU A we›`yMvgx e¨vmv‡a©i mv‡_ mgvb †KvY Dcbœ K‡i|  cÖgvY Ki †h, AB =AC.
L) cÖgvY Ki †h, PZzf©‚‡Ri KY©Øq ci¯ci mgvb n‡j Ges ci¯ci‡K mg‡Kv‡Y mgwØLwÛZ  Ki‡j Zv GKwU eM©|
11| cÖ`Ë DcvË wb‡q PZzf©‚R AsKb Kit PviwU evûi ˆ` N¨© 3 †m.wg., 3.5 †m.wg., 2.8  †m.wg. I 3 †m.wg. Ges †KvY |        6   
Microsoft equation গুলো show না করায় আমরা দুঃখিত
12| †h †Kv‡bv `yBwU cÖ‡kœi DËi `vIt                                                                                      5×2=10
K) †Zvgiv wb‡R‡`i ga¨ †_‡K 20 R‡bi `j MVb Ki Ges `‡ji m`m¨‡`i D”PZvi  MbmsL¨vi mviwY ˆZ wi Ki|
L) wb‡P 50 Rb wk¶v_©xi D”PZvi MbmsL¨v wb‡ekb †`Iqv n‡jv| GKwU AvqZ‡jL AvuK|
D”PZvi †kªwY e¨vwß (‡m.wg.)
MbmsL¨v (wk¶v_©xi msL¨v)
M) 50 Rb wk¶v_©xi ˆ`wbK mÂq wb‡P †`Iqv njt  mviwb †_‡K Mo wbY©q Kit
mÂq (UvKvq)


Article: A, An, The GB wZbwU‡K Bs‡iwR‡Z Article e‡j| A Ges An †K Indefinite Article (Awbw`©ó)  e‡j| The †K Definite Article (wbw`©ó)  e‡j|
A I An Gi e¨envi

Rule 1: k‡ãi cÖ_‡g Consonant _vK‡j Gi c~‡e© a Ges Vowel (a,e,i,o,u) _vK‡j an e‡m|
†hgbt                    This is a book.
                              I saw an owl.
                              This is an egg.
Word Gi ïi“‡Z  Consonant _vK‡j a
Vowel (a,e,i,o,u) _vK‡j an
A bag                   a mango
A boy                   a tiger
A book                 a table
A cat                    a tree
A chair                a woman
A dog                 a student
An egg          an elephant
An apple      An inkpot
An ox          an umbrella
An ass         an ice-cream
An idiot       an inch
An ant          an orange

Rule 2: k‡ãi cÖ_‡g "E", "U" eu, ew _vK‡j Ges Gi D”Pvib "BD"i gZ n‡j Gi c~‡e© a e‡m| †hgbt
He is a European. (BD‡ivwcqvb)
A union (BDwbqb)
There is a university   (BDwbfvwm©wU)  in Dhaka.
This is a unique (BDwbK) opportunity.
The cow is a useful (BDRdzj)  animal.
A ewe (BD) †fox
Rule 3: †Kv‡bv k‡ãi cÖ_‡g "h" _vK‡j Ges Gi D”PviY bv n‡j Zvi c~‡e© "An" e‡m| †hgbt
He is an honest man.
He is an honours graduate.
Sixty minutes make an hour.
He has an heir.
H Gi D”PviY n/ n Gi gZ n‡j  a
n/ n Gi gZ bv n‡j - an
A horse (‡nvm)
 A history (wnmwUª) 
A hotel (‡nv‡Uj) 
A handle (n¨vbWj)
An hour (AvDhvi) 
An honest ( A‡b÷) 
An heir (Gqvi)
An honor (Abvi) 

Rule 4: msw¶ß k‡ãi (abbreviation) cÖ_‡g consonant _vK‡j Ges Gi D”PviY Vowel Gi gZ
Md. Showkatozzaman Shaown
B.S.S (Hon’s), IELTS (British Council)
Founder & Chief Teacher
Asst. Teacher (English)
Comilla Pilot School & College
01761751974, 01917428048
n‡j Gi c~‡e© "an" e‡m| †hgbt
He is an M.A.  (G)
Mr. Hasan is an L.L.B. (G)
He is an F.R.C.S. (G)
        ]An M.A/M.P/ S.P/ L.L.B (Gg G /Gg wc/ Gm wc/ Gj Gj we)]
wKš‘ msw¶ß k‡ãi cÖ_g A¶i consonent Gi gZ D”PvwiZ n‡j "A" e‡m| †hgbt
He is a B.A.
Mr. Karim is a B.Sc.
          A   B.A/ B.S.S/ Bsc. (we Gm Gm/ we G / weGm wm)
Rule 6: k‡ãi cÖ_‡g "O"  _vK‡j Ges Gi D”Pvib " Iqvi " gZ n‡j Gi c~‡e© a e‡m| †hgbt
I saw a one-eyed (Iqvb)  man.
Give me a one-taka (Iqvb)   note.
Rule 7: A‡bK mgq ¸Y ev Zzjbv Ki‡Z a e¨eüZ nq| †hgbt
You are a Nazrul.
She is a beauty.
Rule 8: KLbI KLbI preposition iƒ‡c a e‡m| †hgbt
He went a hunting. (a= preposition) (†m wkKv‡i wM‡qwQj)
Rule 9: Hundred, dozon, pair, thousand, million, score, couple BZ¨vw`i c~‡e© a e‡m| †hgbt
Give me a hundred rupees.
A hundred boys
Rule 10: Such, Many BZ¨vw` Singular Common Noun wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ n‡j Gi c‡i a/an e‡m|
†hgbt                  Such a man is the glory of the nation.
Many a man was present there.
Rule 11: Mr/Mrs/Miss Gi c~‡e© a e‡m | †hgbt
A Mr. Khan came to me yesterday.
Rule 12: Zzjbv eySv‡Z `ywU Noun hw` GKB e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K wb‡`©k K‡i , Z‡e cÖ_g Noun wUi c~‡e©
a/an e‡m| †hgbt
Grammar is a better servant than master.
wKš‘ Noun `ywU hw` wfbœ e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K wb‡`©k K‡i Z‡e cÖZ¨vw± Noun Gi c~‡e© a/an e‡m  |†hgbt
She is a better singer than a dancer.

Eid Mubarak

 সকল ছাত্র-ছাত্রী, শিক্ষকমন্ডলী, অভিবাবক ও অনলাইনের শিক্ষক ও শিক্ষার্থীসহ সকল বন্ধুদের জানাই  সময় একাডেমীর  পক্ষ থেকে ঈদের শুভেচ্ছা। ঈদ মোবারক ...।।

Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you
want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the
things you want to do. So In this Day I wish all my friends, relatives, they were a dreamy life ....I seems that Eid units all Muslims, Hidus, Christan, Buddhism over all human being in worship and prayer. Wish u a very happy EID MUBARAK.

Notice For PSC

প্রাথমিক শিক্ষা সমাপনী পরীক্ষার্থীদের জন্য বিশেষ ঘোষণা
প্রাথমিক ও গণশিক্ষা মন্ত্রণালয় এ বছর থেকে প্রাথমিক শিক্ষা সমাপনীর পরীক্ষার সময় ৩০ মিনিট বাড়ানোর সিদ্ধান্ত নিয়েছে
পরীক্ষার নতুন সময়: ২ ঘণ্টা ৩০ মিনিট
পরীক্ষার নতুন সময়কাল: সকাল ১১টা থেকে দুপুর ১টা ৩০ মিনিট পর্যন্ত
পরীক্ষা শুরু হবে আগামী ২০ নভেম্বর