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Showing posts with label conjunction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conjunction. Show all posts




Conjunction: †h word `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK word, clause, ev sentence †K mshy³ K‡i , Zv‡K Conjunction e‡j|Ex:

     He is reading and writing.             He is rich but unhappy.

     Rahim is strong and brave.            Romel is weak but active.

    Walk quickly or you will miss the train.

Conjunction †K wZb fv‡M fvM Kiv hvq| †hgbt

1. Co-ordinating Conjunction

a. Copulative/Cumulative Conjunction: and, also, as well as, both, too, not only, but also, further, moreover etc.

b. Alternative Conjunction: either…or, neither…nor, otherwise, or, else etc.

c. Adversative Conjunction: But, yet, still, while, only, whereas, however, on the contrary etc.


d. Illative Conjunction: Therefore, for, so, as, then, thus, consequently etc.

2. Sub-ordinating

Because, if, whether, since, before, so that, that, as, so, though, although etc.

3. Correlative Conjunction

Both…and, either..or, other than, neither..nor, not only… buy also, the same,…as, weather…or not, so… that, no sooner… than, hardly… when, scarcely…. When, else…. Than, else… but, though…yet, as soon ….as, such…as etc.




Conjunction Gi e¨envi

mgRvZxq ev we‡ivav_©K word  ev clause or sentence Gi gv‡S e‡m|

He is reading and writing.

He is rich but unhappy.


1. Both Rahim and his brother are absent today.

2. He has both men and money.

3. You have money as well as men to win.

4. The day was wet as well as dry.

5. He as well as hi father has done this.

6. You have either money or men to win.

7. The day was either wet or dry.

8. Either he or his father has done this.

9. You have neither money nor men to win.

10. The day was neither wet nor dry.

11. Neither he nor his father has done this.

12. You have not only money but also men to win.

13. The day was not only wet but also dry.

14. Not only he but also his father has done this.

15. You will win whether you have money or not.

16. I shall go out whether the day is wet or not.

17. He will come whether his father comes or not.

18. The stick is so thick that you cannot break it.

19. The bag is so heavy that I cannot lift it.

20. The field is so small that we cannot play.

21. Please try as much as you can.

22. He is not as lazy as you are.

23. I never saw such a naughty boy as Rahim.

24. I never ate such a sweet mango as this.

25. He talks as if he were mad.

26. You speak as if /as though you knew everything.

27. He looks as if he had seen a ghost.

28. It isn’t as though he were poor.

29. He ran away lest he should be seen.

30. Walk slowly lest you should fall.

A. Join each pair of the following sentences by a suitable Conjunctions.


1. He is rich, He is not happy.          2. We sat down, we were tired.

3. I honored him, He is a brave man.               4. They started the game. It was late.

5. He failed. He worked hard.           6. You will pass. You work hard.

7. You will fail. You work hard.      8. I shall come, I am not ill.

9. We should sit quietly, We should listen to the music.

10. Karim is tired, Rahim is tried.