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Showing posts with label WH- Questions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WH- Questions. Show all posts

WH Questions


WH- Questions

1. "‡K" eySv‡j "Who" Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡Z nq|

2. "Kv‡K" eySv‡j "Whom" Øviv Ki‡Z nq|

3. "Kvi" eySv‡j "Whose" Øviv Ki‡Z nq|

4. ev‡K¨ "wK, †ck, eqm, D”PZv" BZ¨vw` m¤c‡K© D‡j­L _vK‡j "What" Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡Z nq|

5. "mgq" m¤c‡K© Rvb‡Z PvIqv n‡j "When" Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡Z nq|

6. "¯’vb" m¤c‡K© Rvb‡Z PvIqv n‡j "Where" Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡Z nq|

7. "wKfv‡e, KZ, †Kgb" BZ¨vw` eySv‡j "How" Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡Z  nq|

8. "KviY" m¤c‡K© Rvb‡Z PvB‡j ev "‡Kb" eySv‡j "Why " Øviv cÖkœ Kiv nq| 

9. "‡KvbwU" eySv‡j "Which" Øviv Ki‡Z nq|

10. cÖ`Ë ev‡K¨ I, We, me, us _vK‡j cÖ‡kœ Zv You n‡q hvq Ges My ev our _vK‡j Zv Your n‡q hvq|

11.  cÖkœ Ki‡Z AV cÖ‡qvRb n‡j , ev‡K¨ †h AV Av‡Q †mB AV e¨envi nq| hw` AV bv _v‡K Zvn‡j Tense I  Person Abyhvqx Do/Does/Did e‡m|


  • Who Gi e¨envi-

à ev‡K¨i ïi“‡Z e¨w³evPK Subject _vK‡j Who Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡Z nq|

Rule: Who + Ext?

Example: Shakespear wrote Hamlet.     WH- Who wrote Hamlet?

Nobody believes a lair.     WH- Who believes a lair?


à  Everyone, Everybody ev  all _vK‡jt

Who + AV + not + V + Ext?

Everybody wishes to be happy.    Wh- Who does not wish to be happy?

Everyone can do this.    Wh- Who can not do this?

All love flowers.   Wh- Who do not love flowers?

  • Whom Gi e¨envi-

à V+ e¨w³ , ev Preposition + e¨w³ _vK‡j  Whom Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡Z nq| Preposition+ e¨w³ _vK‡j - Preposition + Whom e‡m|

 Rule: Whom + AV +Sub + PV + Ext?

I meet Hasan in the market.   Wh- Whom do you meet in the market?

The work was done by Sumon.   Wh- By whom was the work done?

  • When Gi e¨envi-

mgq evPK kã _vK‡j ev GKwU KvR KLb nq Zv eySv‡j When  e‡m|

Rule: When + AV + Sub + PV + Ext?

He will come tomorrow.   Wh- When will he come?

I get up at 5 am.   Wh- When do you get up?

My father visited America last year.   Wh- When did your father visit America?

  • Where Gi e¨envi-

à ¯’vb evPK kã _vK‡j ev GKwU KvR KLb nq Zv eySv‡j When e‡m|

Rule: When + AV + Sub + PV + Ext?

I live in Comilla.   Wh- Where do you live?

They went to cinema .   Wh- Where did they go?


  • Why Gi e¨envi-

à ev‡K¨ †Kv‡bv KviY D‡j­L _vK‡j Why Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡Z nq| G †¶‡Î ev‡K¨ mvaviYZ for, since, because, becouse of, owing to , due to, account of, as, to + V BZ¨vw`

†h †Kv‡bv GKwU D‡j­L _v‡K| (“for/since + mgq" D‡j­L _vK‡j How long Øviv cÖkœ MVb Ki‡Z nq|)


He was late for traffic jam.   Wh- Why was he late?

I went to the cospital to see my friends.  Wh- Why did you go to the hospital?


  • Whose Gi e¨envi-