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Showing posts with label Completion sentence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Completion sentence. Show all posts

Completing Sentence


Completing Sentences

নিচের Tense এর গঠনগুলো দ্বারা ৯৫% Completing Sentence তৈতি করা যায়।

1. Present + Present/ Future

2. Past + Past/ Past Perfect/ Future Past

3. Past Perfect + before + Past Indefinite.

4. Past indefinite + after + Past perfect.

5. If + Present + Future.

6. If + Past + Future Past.

7. If + Past Perfect + Future Perfect.

8. Lest + Should + V

9. Imperative + otherwise + Future indefinite.

10. No sooner had ….. than.

11. Scarcely had …. When

12. Hardly had…. When

13. It is high time/It is time + Past indefinite.

14. While + Continuous

 1. As if/ As though (‡hb)  :  

a) Present Indefinite           + as if / as though       + Past Indefinite

b) Past Indefinite                 + as of/ as though       + past Perfect

c) Present/ past Indefinite     + as if/ as though           + unreal past (were)

Ex:       He pretends as if he knew everything.

Hasan proceeded as though I had not spoken.

He runs fast as if he were a mad.

Habib behaves as if he were a mad.

He speaks as though/ as if he were a leader.

Rishan walks as if he were lame.

2. That (‡h) :   

Present tense     +    that      +    present / future tense.

Past tense          +     that     +     past tense.

Ex:       We are glad that we have won the game.

Mother told me that she could walk swiftly.

He said that he would be unable to come. 3

I am sure that he can do the work.

I am sure that he will be successful.

Do you believe that he is dishonest?


Which/that (‡hwU--†mwU/†h¸‡jv---†m¸‡jv)

Which  e¯Í, cªvbx, †`‡ki cwie‡Z© e‡m| GwU singular I plural Dfq ‡¶‡Î e¨eüZ nq|That e¯Í, cÖvYx e¨w³i cwie‡Z© e‡m, Z‡e †`‡ki cwie‡Z© e‡mbv|GwUI singular I plural Dfq‡¶‡Î  e¨eüZ nq|


All that glitters is not gold.(PK PK Ki‡jB †mvbv  nq bv|)

He is sure that he will pass in the examination.  

That he is honest he is poor.

It is true that we are progressing day by day.

He said that he had not gone to school the previous day.

His silence proves that he is guilty.

I am sure that he will succeed.

Mother told me that she would cook for me.

3. So…….. that (GZB ............ †h):    

So + adj/ adv + that + sub + verb

Ex:       He was so foolish that he could not understand this easy sum.

The weather was so cold that I could not go to school.

The wind was so strong that dry leaves flew away.

The load is so heavy that the man can not carry it.

The man is so old that he can not walk.

The old man is so weak that he can not walk.

He was so foolish that he could not realize his friends.

Musa was so determined that he could easily success.

He is so weak that he can’t walk.

He is so dishonest that nobody trusts him.

The dinner was so delicious that I could not check my temptation.

The load was so heavy that he could not carry it.



4. So that/ In order that (hv‡Z): 

Present tense   +      So that / In order that     + may/can

Pastt tense   +       so that / In order that     + might/ could

Ex:       He opened a bank account so that he could save money.

We eat so that we can live.

He went to London so that he could attend the conference.

Man eats in order that he may live.

They came here in order that they might stay for few days.

We have been work hard so that we can win this year’s challenge.

We take exercise so that we can keep   our body fit.

We eat so that we may live.

He worked hard so that he could pass.

 He always flatters his boss so that he may get benefit.

He went to London so that he could achieve higher education.

He opened a bank account so that he could easily deposit money.

Man eats in order that they may live.

They come here in order that they could enjoy a movie.

5. Lest (‡k‡l Avevi):   

1st Clause + lest + sub + should + Present .

Ex:       Read diligently (cwikªg mn‡hv‡M) lest you should fail in the examination.

Walk fast lest you should miss the train.

Take your umbrella lest you should drench in the rain.

You must go to the bank quickly lest you should fail to cash your cheque.

Walk fast lest you should miss the train.

 Avoid mistakes lest you should get poor good marks.

Read attentively lest you should fail in the exam.

The old man walks slowly lest he should fall.

They ran hurriedly lest they should miss the train.

Go to the bank with the cheque lest you should fail to cash your cheque.

He walked fast lest he should miss the train.

He walks slowly lest he should stumble.

Read diligently lest you should fail.




6. Though/ Although  (hw`I......... ZeyI):   

   Though/ Although + 1st sentence + we‡ivax fvev_©K 1 wU   Sentence.

Ex: Though he is rich, he is unhappy.

Though Bangladesh has limited natural resources we can not utilize them properly.

Although/ though he is poor, he is honest.

Though the boy is intelligent, sometimes he makes some mistakes.

Though it is raining, he left the place.

Though he had a lot of well-wishers, none came to help him in time of need.

Although  he worked hard, he did not pass.

Although traffic in Dhaka city is increasing, no one is doing anything about it.


No sooner ….. than

Hardly….. when




Scarcely ….. when


(‡hBgvÎ ............ Agwb)

No sooner




      + had + sub + P.P +                       + sub + past from



Ex:       No sooner had I left the room than it began to rain.

Hardly had I left the room when it began to rain.

Scarcely had I left the room when it began to rain.

Scarcely had he reached the station when the train left.

No sooner had he reached the school than he met him.

Scarcely had the assembly begun when I came out of the room.

Scarcely had he come when it started raining.

No sooner had he reached the station than the train left.

8.          if (hw`) / unless(hw` bv) / provided(hw`)cÖf„wZ kZ© cÖKvk Ki‡Z e‡m|

Unless (hw` bv):

Affirmative /



a)                                + Unless + Affirmative


Affirmative /



b)    Unless + Affirmative +




Ex: You will fail unless you work hard.

You will not succeed unless you work hard.

Unless you hurry up, you will miss the train.

Unless you hurry up, you will not be able to catch the train.

Unless he gets up early in the morning, he cannot get enough time to work.

I will not go unless I am invited.                                                       


9. Provided/ Provided that/ Providing that (hw`/ GB kZ© mv‡c‡¶ †h):

Ex:      He can lend you the money provided you will help him.

He can lend you money provided you repay it in time.

   He will shine in life provided that he works hard.

  He will shine in life provided that he works hard.


10. Till - ch©šZ / Until - hZ¶Y bv ch©šZ/Before -- c~‡e© /After - c‡i  /  When - hLb / Since - ZLb †_‡K etc. mgq cÖKv‡k e¨enZ nq |

1. Till, Until:

Till:  Till A_© ch©šZ| Gi c‡ii Sentences wU Affirmative or Negative †h †Kvb B n‡Z cv‡i| †hgbt

Read the book till I come back.

Work hard till you can prosper in life.

He closed the door till the wind did not blow.


Until: Until A_© hZ¶Y bv ch©šZ | G‡`i c‡i ïay Affermative Sentences nq| †hgbt

Wait here until I come back from office.

We walked until we reached the station.

We worked until we became tired.

Do not leave until I come.

11. Before (c~‡e©  ), After (c‡i )

Before:                  Past Perfect + before + Past Indefinite

                                [Sub + had + P.P + Obj + before + sub + past + obj.]

Ex:       I had reached the station before the train left.

They had waited at the station before I arrived.

We had sold our old car before we bought another car.

She had finished the housework before she went out.


After:           Past Indefinite + after + Past Perfect.

Ex:       He came home after he had finished his work.

He was given the jobs after he had been tested for it.

Past Indefinite /

Past Perfect

12. When (hLb):

####    A) When +                                + Past Indefinite.


Ex:       When I went there, I found him absent.

When I had gone there, I found him absent.

When we had reached the college, the bell rang.

Present Indefinite/

Future Indefinite


         #### B)     Present Indefinite + When +


Ex:       10 a.m. is the time when I start my work.

10 a.m. is the time when I shall start my work.

Do you know when the last train will arrive?

Present Indefinite/

Future Indefinite

It is 11 o’clock when we go to bed.                                                                      

C)                                            + When + Present Indefinite


Ex:       The temperature drops when the sun sets.

The temperature will drop when the sun sets.

Nila will add to the family income when she gets job.

Tania will buy a mobile set when she earns money.

When he goes there, he meets/ will meet him.

 ####      D)  AZxZ wb‡`©kK Word + When +     Past Indefinite

Ex:       1971 is the year when we got our independence.

1952 is the year when our language movement occurred.

13. Since (†_‡K):    Past Indefinite + Since + Past Perfect

Ex:       It was many years since we had seen him last.

It was long since I had met you.

They suffered much since tornado had hit their village.



14.  Since/As (‡h‡nZz):  

Since/As + Past Indefinite + Past Indefinite / Past Perfect.

Ex:       Since the boy broke discipline, he was punished.

Since the weather was very cold, I could not go to school.

Since they played well, they won the match.

Since Bangladesh is an agricultural country, our country is agro-based.

As he was tired, he could not attend the meeting.


15. Because (KviY/‡h‡nZz):

Rahim could not walk fast because he was weak.

He could not do well in the examination because he was ill.

As she was ill, she could not attend the meeting.

As he was tired, he could not go to school.

As it was raining, I could not go out.

Crops did not grow well as it did not rain in time.

He always fails in the examination because he is not attentive to study.

Rahim could not walk fast because he was ill.

Since the boy broke discipline, he was punished.

Since they played well, they won the match.

Since the weather was very cold, I could not go out.


16. Condition

Conditional  Sentence †K wZb fv‡M fvM Kiv hvq| †hgbt

  1. 1st condition/ Probable Conditional Sentence.
  2. 2nd Condition / Improbable Conditional Sentence.
  3. 3rd Condition/ Impossible Conditional Sentence.

Structure and use:

a) If + Present + Future ( Certainty ev wbðqZv eySv‡Z e¨enZ nq)

b) If + Present + may/might/can(may/might m¤¢vebv/ AbygwZ Ges Can mvg_© eySv‡Z e‡m)

c) If + Present + Present (Af¨vmMZ Kg©, ¯^qswµq djvdj ev weÁvm¤§Z mZ¨ cÖKvk Ki‡Z e‡m)

d) If + Present + must(Obligation ev eva¨evaMZv cÖKvk Ki‡Z e‡m)











1st Condition




Rule 1: If + Sub + Present Tense +                     +   P.V Gi Present iƒc




Ex:                   If I have money, I will buy a new car.

You must get A+ , if you study hard.

             If you invite me, I shall try to attend the function.

If you write me , I shall reply.

If you do not study hard, you will fail in the exam.

If you walk slowly, you will miss the bus.

If you go, I will come.

If you study more, you will learn more.

If you take a balanced diet, you can keep good health.

à Note: "If" sentence Gi ïi“‡Z bv n‡q gv‡SI n‡Z cv‡i| †hgbt

You will not be punished if you tell the truth.

You will not pass in the examination if you waste time.


b)  If + Present + may/might/can


If you like, you may come in. (Permission)

(hw` Zzwg PvI Zvn‡j †fZ‡i Avm‡Z cvi)

If you run fast, you may win. (Possibility)

(hw` Zzwg `ª“Z †`vovI Zvn‡j wRZ‡Z cvi)

If the driver is not expert, there may/might be an accident. (Possibility) (PvjK hw` `¶ bv nq Z‡e `yN©Ubv NU‡Z cv‡i)

If I get the opportunity, I can prove myself fit. (ability)

(my‡hvM †c‡j Avwg wb‡R‡K †hvM¨ cÖgvY Ki‡Z cvwi)

c) If + Sub + Present + Present

Ex:       If  man takes poison, he dies.

If prices get higher, demand falls.




d) If + Present + must

Ex:  If you want to succeed, you must work hard.

If you want to live better, you must eat a balanced diet.

Rule 2:  If + Sub + Present + Command form.

Ex:                   If you hear from Jane, call me.


2nd Condition


a)    If + past + should/ would ( Certainty ev wbðqZv eySv‡Z e¨enZ nq)

b)   If + past + might. (Possibility)

c)    If + past + Could. (Ability)








Rule 3: If + Sub + past +                      +  P.V Gi Present iƒc




Ex:                   If I had money, I would buy a new car.

If I found him, I would tell the matter.

If I knew his phone number, I would call him.

If would help him if he wanted.

If he studied hard, he could do well in the examination.

If I went there, I could do the job.

If they wanted, we would visit them.

If I had a bicycle, I would ride it every day.

If I were you, I would help the poor student.

If I were a king, I would help the poor.

If I were rich, I would serve the society.

If I were a millionaire, I would fund a charity.

If I were you, I would handle the situation more carefully.


If + past + should/ would


Ex:       If I were you, I would kill him.

If I worked in this factory, I would draw a good salary.

If you knew how to play with cards, it would be a pleasure.



If + past + might


Ex:       If I worked hard in my field, I might get a good harvest.

If you worked hard, you might succeed.


 If + past + Could


Ex: If you worked hard, you could succeed.

If I were rich, I could live in a grand house.

If we all did the work together, it could be completed within a week.


3rd Condition








Rule 4: If + Sub + Past Perfect +                      + have + P.V Gi P.P iƒc




Ex:       If I had worked hard in my youth, I would not have suffered.

If I had known you were coming, I would have gone to the station.

If I had got a student visa, I would have taken the opportunity.

If they had started earlier, they would have reached the station in time.

If I had met him before, I would have told him the news.

If I had seen him, I would have talked to him.

If you had told me the news, I would have informed him.

What would have happened if the bridge had broken.

He would have been arrested if he had tried to leave the country.

If I had had money, I would have given you.

Note: Perfect Conditional Gi †¶‡Î If clause †K ev` w`‡q had  †K sentence Gi cÖ_‡g emv‡bv nq


Rule 5:  Had + Sub + P.V Gi P.P iƒc + ................


Ex:                    Had you asked him, he might have helped you.

Had you studied well, you would have passed.

Had I the wings of a dove, I would have flown in the sky.

Had I seen him once more, I would have given him the news.

Had he been a little careful, he would have gone there.

Had he wanted, I would have helped him.

Had I possessed a vast property, I would have established a mosque.


If you walk slowly you will miss the train.

If you help me I will give money.

If you do not waste your time you will pass in the examination.

You will  not be  punished if you study attentively.

If you write me I will answer to you.

If you invite me I will go there.

If you study more you will learn more.

If her uncle arrives, she will be happy.

Be truthful if you want to shine in life.

If I went there, I would met him.

If they wanted, I would go.

If I found him, I would have told him.

If I knew his phone number, I would call him.

If I were rich I would help the poor.

If I were you, I would help the poor.

If I were a king, I would help the poor.

If you told me the news I would come.

If I had seen you before, I would have helped you.

If I had got student visa, I would gone to Australia.

 If I had met him before I would have gone.

If I had seen him I would punished him.

If I had found you I would  have told my problems. 

Had I been a rich, I would have helped the poor.

Had I seen him I would have not gone away.


Three simple rules in life

1.      If you do not GO after what you want, you will never have it.

2.      If you do not ASK, the answer will always be No.

3. If you do not step forward, you will always be in





#### 17. In case (hw`)   : 

a) Present/ future +  in case + present

b) Past + in case + past

Ex:                   Sumon carries an umbrella in case it rains.

Sumon will carry an umbrella in case it rains.

I waited here in case he came.

I’ll write down the phone number in case I forget.   

#### 18. Otherwise (bB‡j )   :

Imperative sentence + otherwise + future Indefinite.

Ex:                   Work hard otherwise you will not shine in life.

Study hard otherwise you will fail in the examination.


#### 20. As soon as ( †hBgvÎ/ hLwb):   

 As soon as + Past tense + Past tense

As soon as + Present tense + future tense

Ex: As soon as we saw him, he left the place quickly.

As soon as the police came, the thief ran.

As soon as here, I shall go there.

We went to his residence as soon as we heard the news of his father’s death.

#### 21. Who (‡h / hviv):   GwU Relative Pronoun | GK ev GKvwaK e¨w³‡K wb‡`©k Ki‡Z GwU e¨enZ nq|

Ex:                   It is he who helped me yesterday.

It is I who have done the work.

I want such boys who will be able to do this.

#### 22. While (hLb):     GwU mgq †evSv‡Z e‡m| `ywU NUbvi g‡a¨ GKwU NUbv NUvi mgq Av‡iKwU NUbv NU‡Z _v‡K  ZLb NUgvb welqwUi mv‡_ While e‡m|

Present tense + while + Present Continuous.

Past tense + while + past continuous.

Ex:       I saw a blind man while I was walking along the road.

Don’t make a noise while your father is sleeping.



23. TOO….TO

Rule: Sub+ verb + too + Adj/Adv + to + v + ext.

Ex: The man is too old to work.

He is too dishonest to speak the truth.

You are too short to touch the roof.

The girl was too silly to understand any simple matter.


24.  To be:

Feel, Suppose, imagine, report, discover, know, judge, assume etc verb এর পর to be বসিয়ে incomplete sentence কে complete sentence করতে হয়।


Ex: I know him to be honest.

We felt the decision to be wise.

We discovered the guard to be faithful.

The lady is reported to be a spy.

We supposed him to be a gentle man.

He was judged to be guilty.

We assumed him to be innocent.

তবে Consider, find, think, believe, declare, prove  এদের পর  to be বসতেও পারে নাও বসতে পারে।

Ex: We consider him (to be) honest.

I believe the student (to be) sincere.

The principal declared the sports (to be) open.

Example for SSC, HSC

It is long time since I saw you last.

It was many years since we  meet last.

It is many years since I saw him.

 Five years have passed since he left the country.

It is long since I saw you last.

It is you who are to blame.

It is I who am  to blame .

It is I am to blame.

Sadnan is one of the students who got prize.

Danger comes where night falls.(‡hLv‡b ev‡Ni fq †mLv‡b ivZ nq \|)

I know where he lives .

 Saturday is the day when I go for a week tour.

1971 is the year when we got our independence.

10 am is the time when we go to school.

10 pm is the time when we  eat .

 Do you know when the last train will arrive?

He speaks as if he knew everything

Shima tells the matter as if she knew everything.

He pretends as if he were a mad .

No sooner had I reached the station, than the train left.

No sooner had he reached the school, than the bell rang.

No sooner had the police came, than the thief ran away.

No sooner had the doctor gone, than the patient died.

Hardly had I reached the station, when the train started.

Scarcely had he reached the station, when the train left.

Scarcely had the assembly begun, when the speaker entered.

Scarcely had I reached the station, when the train left.

He came home before he had completed the work.

He was given the job after he had applied for it.

You can not shine in life unless you work hard.

We can not keep our body fit unless we take a balanced diet.

You will not pass in the examination, unless you study hard.

He could not obtain a good result,  unless he studies hard.

Unless you hurry up, you will miss the train.

Unless you study attentively, you will fail in the examination.

Unless you work hard, you will not  shine in life,

Unless you study hard, you will not pass in the examination

Unless you work hard, you cannot prosper in life.

Unless you read attentively, you  will fail in the examination.

You will be writing it till the bell rings

We waited there till the rain stopped.

I shall nurse my mother till she comes round.

We waited there till the rain did not stop

Wait here till I come back

They will not go out until the rain stops.

He will be waiting for me until I come back

Work hard until success comes

We walked until we became tired

We shall stay in this room until the rain stops.

Wait here until he comes.

Though he is poor, he is honest.

Though he is rich, he is dishonest.

Though Bangladesh has limited natural resources she has a vast population

Though the boy is intelligent he is lazy.

He went out although it was raining heavily.

When he arrived here he was accorded a warm reception.

When I entered the classroom, I found him absent.

As soon as we saw him, he ran away in fear.

Had I had the time, I would have gone to market yesterday

Had he been here yesterday, I would have told you.

A patriot is he who loves his country.

A man who is drowning catches at a straw.

It is he who has broken the glass.

It is I who am your teacher.

Sadnan is one of the students who got GPA-5 in the SSC examination.

The man who loves his country is a patriot.

What he has told is not true.

Do you believe what he said yesterday?

This is the boy whose father is a teacher.

The man whose son is a doctor has come to see you.

I do not know how he did the work.

This is the method how I solved the problem

We do not know the reason why he comes here 

Do you know why he often comes here?

I’ll go wherever I like.

He can go wherever he wants to

She will prosper wherever she moves.

I know where he goes                                  

You may go where you wish

Where there is a will there is a way           

This is the village where I was born

The load is so heavy that I can not carry it.

As soon as we saw him, he ran away.

All that glitters is not gold.

If I were you, I would not do that.

Walk fast lest you should miss the train.

Since the boy broke discipline he was punished.

1971 is the year when we achieved our independence.

Danger comes where danger is feared.

Scarcely had I reached the station when the train left.

If I had seen him I would have told him the fact.

A man is known by the company he keeps.

As she was ill, she could not go to school.

Unless you study attentively, you will fail.

If you walk slowly you will miss the train.

The old woman is so weak that she can not walk.

Shaown was so determined that he overcame all obstacles.

He went out although it was raining heavily.

It is long time since we last met.

Avoid mistakes lest you should fail.

Saturday is the day when he visits his village home.

Though he is poor, he is honest.

It is you who are responsible for this.

Danger often comes where danger is feared.

He opened a bank account so that he could deposit money.

1971 is the year when we got our independence.

Walk fast lest you should miss the train.

If you help me, I will do that.

Though he is poor, he is honest.

We eat so that we may live.

We left the hotel after we had paid the bill.

He speaks as if he were mad.

Unless you work hard you will fail.

If they wanted, I would go there.

We take exercise so that we can keep fit.

Read attentively lest you should fail.

If I were rich I would help the poor.

He worked hard so that he could succeed.

10:30 P.M. is the time when we go to bed.

Man is born free but everywhere he is in chain

The old man walks slowly lest he should fall down.

Five years have passed since we meet.

Scarcely had he reached the station when the train left.

If I had met him before I could have told him about the matter.

It was many years since I met him.

That he is honest is known to all.

It is a long time since I saw you.

If I were rich, I would help the poor.

10.30 p.m. is the time when we go to bed.

He can lend you the money provided that you return it in time.

Go to bank hurriedly lest you should fail to cash your cheque.

If I were you I would help the poor.

He is sure that he will come out successful.

Ratri tells the matter as if she knew everything.

No sooner had I reached the station than the train left.

Walk fast lest you should miss the train.

It is who am your teacher.

Without working hard you can not prosper in life.

They ran hurriedly lest they should miss the train.

The load is so heavy that the old man can not carry it.

No sooner had I reached the station than the train left.

If I were rich I would help the poor.

It is high time we changed our eating habit.

It is I who am your teacher.

A patriot is he who loves his country dearly.

Wait here until I return.

It is long since he passed away.

As soon as we saw him we called him to come with us.

If  you do not waste your time you will have enough time to prepare yourself.

When we arrived here we saw him sleeping.

All that glitters is not gold.

Though he is rich, he does not help the poor.

As she was ill, she could not attend the meeting.

If  you told me the news, I could warn him.

Strike the iron while it is hot.

Board Question

1. Complete the sentences. SSC DK-16

a. Smoking is a habit which____________.

b. Many people go on smoking though __________.

c. _______________, we will suffer a lot.

d. People can’t give up smoking easily because ________.

e. So attempts must be taken by us to ___________.

2. Complete the sentences. SSC  RJ-16

a. Acid rain is harmful because_______.

b. The wind was so strong that ________.

c. Had he been a little careful_____.

d. They were frightened when _________.

e. Take your umbrella lest ___________.

3. Complete the sentences. SSC JB 16