1. A dialogue between you
and your friend about how to improve/learn English:
Myself: Hello Rony. How are you? (Avwg wb‡R: n¨v‡jv iwb, †Kgb
Rony: I’m fine. What
about you? (iwb:
Avwg fv‡jv| †Zvgvi Lei Kx?)
Myself: I have become serious about learning
better English. From today, I will not
Bangla with you. (Avwg
wb‡R: Avwg Bs‡iwR †kLvq LyeB ¸i“Z¡ w`w”Q| AvR †_‡K Avwg †Zvgvi mv‡_ evsjv
eje bv|)
Rony: Why? (iwb:
Myself: The reason is simple. I want to practice
spoken English. (Avwg
wb‡R: KviYUv LyeB
mvaviY| Avwg †¯cv‡Kb Bswjk PP©v
Ki‡Z PvB|)
Rony: It’s a good proposition. I agree. (iwb: GUv Lye fv‡jv GKUv aviYv|
Avwg †Zvgvi mv‡_
Myself: Yes, if we want to develop our spoken
English we have to speak in English
(Avwg wb‡R: n¨vu,
Avgiv hw` †¯cv‡Kb Bswjk DbœZ Ki‡Z PvB Z‡e memgq Bs‡iRx ej‡Z n‡e|)
Rony: It’s true. Moreover, we should not think of other’s
criticism. (iwb: Zv
mZ¨| ZvQvov,
Avgv‡`i A‡b¨i mgv‡jvPbvq Kvb
†`qv DwPr bq|)
Myself: We should also develop our reading and
writing habits. (Avwg
wb‡R: Avgv‡`i †jLv
Ges covi Af¨vmI DbœZ Kiv DwPr|)
Rony: But how can we do that? (iwb: wKš‘ Kxfv‡e Zv Ki‡ev?)
Myself: We can develop reading skill through
reading literature and newspapers. We
develop writing through writing familiar topics. (Avwg wb‡R: mvwnZ¨ Ges cwÎKv c‡o Avgiv Avgv‡`i
covi `¶Zv DbœZ Ki‡Z cvwi| cwiwPZ wel‡q
†jLv-‡jwL K‡i Avgiv †jLvi `¶ZvI e„w× Ki‡Z cvwi|)
Rony: I have difficulty in understanding English.
(iwb: Avwg Bs‡iwR eyS‡Z mgm¨v
Myself: It’s a problem for me too. But I have
developed a lot by listening to BBC. (Avwg
wb‡R: GUv AvgviI mgm¨v| wKš‘ we.we.wm ï‡b Avwg A‡bKUv
DbœwZ K‡iwQ|)
Rony: For this wee need to know grammar. (iwb: G Rb¨ Avgv‡`i‡K MÖvgvi
Rvb‡Z n‡e|)
Myself: Yes, we cannot avoid it. Grammar is
necessary for making the language
to all and for better communication. (Avwg wb‡R: n¨vu, Avgiv GUv Gwo‡q †h‡Z cvwibv| fvlv‡K
mevi Kv‡Q †evaMg¨ K‡i Zzj‡Z Ges fv‡jv
†hvMv‡hv‡Mi Rb¨ Avgv‡`i MÖvgvi cÖ‡qvRb|)
Rony: Yes, I agree. Now, let’s go to the class. (iwb: n¨vu, Avwg GKgZ| P‡jv GLb
K¬v‡m hvB|)
2. A dialogue between two
friends about your preparation for the upcoming exam
Debdas: Hay Piklu, you are here but I am coming
from your home.
Piklu: What’s the matter, Debdas?
Debdas: What’s about your preparation for the test
Piklu: Yes, fairly well. I have completed
almost every subject. What’s about you?
Debdas: Same to you. But I am afraid of accounting.
I could not do it well.
Piklu: You have much time to prepare. You may
have my help to get any point.What’s
about your English?
Debdas: That’s well. I have practiced a lot.And
before exam I will revise them, and you?
Piklu: My position in English is not good.
Because my tutor is not enough good to
teach me.
Debdas: Hardly teacher will prepare yor lesson,
Piklu. You have to prepare yourself.
Piklu: You are exactly right.
Debdas: Ok, can you lend me your exercise book of
Piklu: Of course. Let’s go home.
Debdas: Let’s go. I am in hurry.
3.A dialogue between two
friends about the importance of tree plantation. (2012 jsc)
Kamal: You know Karim uncle has cut down his
hundred years old trees?
Hasan: Yes I know. And the trees were planted by
his father.
Kamal: We have to plant a lot of trees. Because
only trees can help us survive.
Hasan: Trees also prevent erosion. And with out
trees our world will become desert.We
will face drought.
Kamal: And trees keep the balance of ecology.
They help to live the wild life.
Hasan: Trees help us to breathe in and live. It
is also a source of our food and daily
Kamal: Our fire stick also comes from tree. We
get timber as well.
Hasan: Tree is a must for rain. And with out
rain our farmer can not grow any thing. As
a result, for the
lack of tree we will have to starve.
Kamal: Tree gives us shade and fruit.
Kamal: Some trees are used as important
Hasan: You are right.
Kamal: We will plant more and more tree.
Hasan: And we will persuade the people to plant
4. A dialogue between two
friends about hobby
Obama: What’s your hobby, Bush?
Bush: My hobby is to read
novel and to listen song. And your hobby?
Obama: My hobby is to write poem. I like poem
very much.
Bush: What kind of poem do you like most?
Obama: Mostly I like Shakespeare. Whose book do
you like most?
Bush: I like Shakespeare’s tragedy. Some of his tragedy charmed me
much such as
Othello and King Lear.
Obama: Which song do you like most?
Bush: My favorite singer is Bob Dilan.
Obama: O! he is a great singer. I also like his
songs very much. You know my wife
also likes him. But you are a very busy man. How do you manage to listen to
Bush: Whenever I get time I do.
Obama: Ok, thank you very much for your company.
Bush: You are most welcome.
5. A dialogue between you
and your friend about the importance/ necessity of learning English
Myself: Hello Saiful! How are you?
Saiful: Thank you. I am fine. How are you?
Myself: Thank you. I am also fine. But you know I
cut a poor marks in English.
Saiful: Why? Don’t you read English?
Myself: I read but it doesn’t seem important to
Saiful: It’s your bad notion. English is very
important for us all. So we have to learn
Myself: Would you please explain it to me?
Saiful: You know majority people of the world
speak English. It’s the language of
world communication.
Myself: And.
Saiful: When you will enter in highter
education, you will find that all books are
written in English.
Myself: Brother also told me that.
Saiful: And the most important thing is if you
don’t learn English, you will not get a
good job.
Myself: Why not?
Saiful: Because job advertisements always want
them who know better English.
Myself: How can I learn English?
Saiful: First you be
attentive in your text. Further procedure I will tell you later.
Myself: Thank you very much for your nice advice.
Saiful: You are most welcome.
6. A dialogue between you
and your friend about the importance of reading newspaper
Myself: Hello Saiful! How are you?
Saiful: Thank you. I am fine. How are you?
Myself: I am also fine. Thank you. Where are you
Saiful: I am going to buy a news paper.
Myself: Do you read newspaper regularly?
Saiful: Of course. Don’t you?
Myself: Certainly. You know newspaper is called
the store house of knowledge.
Saiful: You are right. Without reading newspaper
we can’t know about the world.
Myself: They who don’t read newspaper remain frogs
of the well. Because they don’t
know the current affairs of the country and world.
Saiful: At the same time newspapers contains
articles related to our study. They are
very helpful.
Myself: Which section of newspaper do you like
Saiful: Certainly the study page. And you?
Myself: I like the general knowledge section and
literary articles. Sometimes I send my
writings to newspaper.
Saiful: That’s very good. Newspapers up hold
people’s view, too. I have to go now.
Myself: Ok. See you later. Bye.
Saiful: Bye.
Liza: Hi! How are you?
Rubi: Fine and you?
Liza: Not fine. I am fed up with my life.
Rubi: Why? Anything wrong?
Liza: Everything wrong. Load shedding often interrupts my
Rubi: Right. Load-shedding tell upon almost all sector
of our life.
Liza: You will be surprised. Last night there was 6 hours long
load shedding. I could
not study for a single moment.
Rubi: During night it has become impossible to study.
Liza: Final exam is knocking at the door. What shall I do?
Rubi: What is the cause of load shedding?
Liza: Power shortage. Government is delivering speeches only.
But no sign of
Every government says that they are increasing power production. But everything
all the same.
Rubi: Some one should do something.
Liza: Who will do if the government takes no step?
Rubi: It is our national problem. There is no
possibility of solving the problem soon.
Liza: But the government should keep eyes on students because
final exam will start
very soon.
Rubi: I am thinking of writing a letter in newspaper.
Liza: that’s a good idea. Oh, Rubi I have to go now.
Rubi: Ok. See you later. Bye.
Liza: Bye.
8. A dialogue between two
friends about the causes of road accident in Bangladesh
Rony: Hello Jony, how are you? (iwb: n¨v‡jv iwb, †Kgb Av‡Qv?)
Jony: Not so good. (Rwb: Lye fv‡jv †bB|)
Rony: What’s wrong? (iwb: Kx mgm¨v)
Jony: You know a terrible accident occurred yesterday in
front of our school. (Rwb:
†Zv Rv‡bv MZKvj Avgv‡`i ¯‹z‡ji
mvg‡b GKUv `~N©bv N‡UwQj|)
Rony: Yes I know it but I didn’t witness it. (iwb: n¨vu Avwg Rvwb wKš‘ Avwg
Zv mivmwi †`wLwb|)
Jony: I was there during the accident. I saw it with my
own eyes. I am very upset
then. (Rwb:
`~N©Ubvi mgq Avwg †mLv‡b wQjvg| Avwg wb‡Ri †Pv‡L †`‡LwQ| ZLb †_‡K Avwg
LyeB wPwš—Z|)
Rony: Road accident has become a daily affair in our country. You
know last year my
brother met a terrible road accident. (iwb: moK `~N©Ubv GKwU ˆ`bw›`b NUbvq cwiYZ n‡q‡Q| Zzwg
†Zv Rvb †h MZ eQi Avgvi eo fvB GKUv eo
`~N©Ubvq c‡owQj|)
Jony: What is the
cause of road accident? (Rwb:
moK `~N©Ubvi KviY Kx?)
Rony: The main cause is defective laws of our county and
government’s failure.(iwb:
cÖ_g KviY nj ΓwUc~Y© AvBb Ges
miKv‡ii e¨_©Zv|)
Jony: The roads of our country are also responsible. Because
they are damaged
severely. (Rwb: Avgv‡`i †`‡ki iv¯—vNvUI `vqx| KviY †m¸‡jv
gvivZ¡Kfv‡e bó n‡q †M‡Q|)
Rony: We
have a lot of inexperienced drivers who don’t know the rules of driving. (iwb: Avgv‡`i cÖPzi msL¨K AbwfÁ
PvjK Av‡Q hviv Mvwo Pvjv‡bvi wbqg Kvbyb Rv‡b bv|)
Rony: Traffic system is also responsible for road accident. (iwb: moK `~N©Ubvi Rb¨ UªvwdK
e¨e¯’vI `vqx|)
Jony: I think common people are also responsible. They
don’t use footpath and over
bridge. (Rwb: Avwg g‡b Kwi mvaviY RbMbI `vqx| Zviv dzUc_ Ges
IfvieªxR e¨envi K‡ibv|)
Rony: That’s
also correct. Drivers change lanes recklessly. (iwb: †mUvI wVK| Pvj‡Kiv hLb-ZLb †jb cwieZ©b
Rony: Government
should take necessary steps immediately. (iwb: miKv‡ii DwPr GLbB cÖ‡qvRbxq c`‡¶c †bqv|)
Jony: That’s right. But people have to be conscious
first. (Rwb: Zv wVK
e‡j‡Qv| wKš‘
RbMb‡K Av‡m ¯^‡PZb n‡Z n‡e|)
Rony: Jony
I have to go now. My private tutor will come very soon. (iwb: Rwb Avgv‡K GLb †h‡Z n‡e|
Lye wkNªB Avgvi wk¶K Avm‡eb|)
Rony: Ok bye. (iwb: wVK Av‡Q| evB|)
Jony: Bye. (Rwb: evB|)
9. A dialogue between two friends about the
importance of good health /how to keep in good health /importance of physical
exercise /how to take physical exercise.
Auditi: Hello, Shahnur, how are you?
Shahnur: Not so good. How are you?
Auditi: I am fine. What’s your problem?
Shahnur: I have been suffering from many physical
problems; fever, cough, headache etc.
Shahnur: I don’t like it. It seems tiresome to me.
Auditi: But without physical exercise you can not
remain fit.
Shahnur: I understand that but don’t know how to do
Auditi: Listen, the most important thing is to
get up early in the morning. The fresh air
of morning keeps us fit. You should do some easy
Shahnur: Such as………
Auditi: You can walk in the morning, you can take
part in games and sports etc.
important point is to eat fresh and nutritious food. You have to drink pure
water also. You can drink some milk, too.
Shahnur: I suffer from another problem. I can not
sleep well.
Auditi: Proper sleep is very important. You must
go to bed early and rise early.
Shahnur: I think you follow all this that’s why you
are fit.
Auditi: You are absolutely correct. I have to go
now. Because my private class will start
very soon. Bye.
Shahnur: Bye
A dialogue between two friends on frequent road accidents in our country.
Jamil :
Hello, Anil! Why do you look so sad?
Anil : The news of the death of all the
members of a family in a road
accident has made me
Jamil : Really it’s very sad that there’s
not a single day you’ll find without
news of road accident.
Anil : Can you tell me the reasons of so
many road accidents?
Jamil :
Reckless driving, lack of traffic police, violation of traffic rules and
signals and
overloaded vehicles are the main causes of road
Anil :
The conditions of road are not also good at many points. There are
narrow, broken and unmetalled roads. These
also cause many road
Jamil : What can be done to reduce road
Anil : Drivers should be given training.
Unfit and unlicensed vehicles
should be removed from the roads. People should be made aware
traffic rules and signals.
Jamil : Thank you for your discussion.
Anil : You’re welcome.
11. A dialogue between two friends about
a picnic they have enjoyed.
Kamal : Hello, Hasan! How are you? How did you enjoy the picnic?
Hasan :
I am fine. It was really exciting. It was more enjoyable to me
because I had never been to Garo Pahar before.
Kamal : I had also never been to Garo Pahar
before. Our journey was also
very enjoyable. The
scenic beauty of the place is wonderful.
Hasan :
I had curiosity to know the life style of the Garo people. My long
cherished dream
has been fulfilled. Their life style simply amazed
Kamal : The lunch was also a great attraction
to all of us. We were very
hungry. So, we took our lunch at our heart’s content. The
dance, comic and games
also added to our pleasure.
Hasan :
You have taken a lot of snaps, haven’t you?
Kamal : Yes, Here are the photographs.
Hasan :
The picnic was so enjoyable that I’ll recall it for a long time.
Kamal : Same to me. Thank you very much. Bye.
12. Write a dialogue
between you and the doctor.
Myself: Good evening, Doctor.
Doctor: Good evening. How are you feeling?
Myself: I’m not very well. My J.S.C Examination
is knocking at the door. But I am
suffering from Various physical problems.
Doctor: What’s the wrong with you?
Doctor: How
long have you been suffering?
Myself: For a week.
Doctor: How did you catch cold?
Myself: I
got wet when I was coming home from school in rain. I also kept late hours.
Doctor: I see. Let me see
you. Come here. Sit on this chair. Now take a deep breath. Ok. Go back to your
Myself: Is anything serious, doctor?
Doctor: Not really. You have a cold and fever. Do
you eat well? How is your appetite?
Myself: I probably do not eat well.
Doctor: Do you keep late hours?
Myself: Yes, I do.
Doctor: That’s very bad. You must not do this.
Myself: I’ll remember it.
Doctor : You don’t take exercise. Do you?
Myself: No, I don’t.
Doctor : That’s one of the reasons why you don’t
feel well.
Myself: It
means that I am not going to feel better?
Doctor: Don’t worry. You must take exercise
regularly. Here is a prescription. You
must take these medicines regularly. I hope you’ll be
all right soon.
Myself: I
will follow you. Thank you doctor.
Doctor: You are welcome.
13. Write a dialogue
between Rakib and Kabir about the benefit of early rising.
Kabir: Hello, Rakib. Nice to meet you.
Rakib: Me too. How are you?
Kabir: Fine, And you?
Rakib: I’m not well.
Kabir: Why?
Rakib: I can’t complete my lesson in time and I
always cut a sorry figure in the
Kabir: I’m sorry for this.
Rakib: Do you have any advice for me?
Kabir: By the by, when do you get up from bed?
Rakib: At 8.00 a.m. What about you?
Kabir: I get up early in the morning and finish
my lesson in time.
Rakib: Is this the secrtet of your brilliant results
in the examination?
Kabir: Of Course, You don’t take excreise , do
Rakib: No, I don’t.
Kabir: Are you aware of
the benefits of early rising?
Rakib: No, I’m not.
Kabir: Then listen to me. Early rising is good
for health. Morning air refreshes both the
and mind. Early rising will also give you an opportunity to walk in the
Rakib: But I cannot get up early.
Kabir: Try to get up early. If you get up
early. You will find enough time to complete
your lesson.
Rakib: Thanks a lot for your wise suggestion.
I’m going to get up early from the next
Kabir: I’m sure you will feel better and do well in
the next examination. Ok, See you
again. Bye.
Rakib: Bye.
14. Write a dialogue
between you and a book seller about buying a book.
Book seller: Good
evening, How can I help you?
Shaown: Good
evening, I would like to buy some books.
Book seller: That’s very good. What kind of books?
Kashem: I
want to buy a dictionary.
Book seller: We
have a lot of dictionaries. What kind of dictionary?
Shaown: I want an English to English
Bookseller: All
right. Here you are. Any other books?
Shaown: Yes,
I would like to buy an Englisg Grammar.
Book seller: Could you tell me the name of the book,
Practical English Grammar by Thomson.
Book seller: I’m
sorry. We don’t have it.
Shaown: Well do you have Potential J.S.C English Grammar
by Md. Khalil Ullah?
Book seller: Yes,
we have it. It is a good book. Here you are.
Book seller: Three hundred taka only.
Shaown: Do you offer any discount?
Bookseller: We
offer 20% discount.
Shaown: Ok.
Pack the books up.
Bookseller: Certainly.
I’ll do it. Here you are.
Shaown: Thanks.
Bookseller: You’re welcome.