Transformation of Sentences
Sentence †K `yB fv‡e cwieZ©b Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i|
a) Transformation: A_©MZ
cwieZ©b bv K‡i iƒcMZ cwieZ©b|
Ex: I am rich à
I am not poor.
b) Conversion: iƒcMZ I
A_©MZ Dfq cwieZ©b |
Ex: I am rich à I am not rich.
Affirmative To Negative
Affirmative |
Negative |
Affirmative |
Negative |
Only/alone (e¨w³) |
None but |
All |
No |
Only/alone (e¯‘) |
Nothing but |
Always |
Never |
Only (msL¨v) |
Not more than/ not less
than |
Too-- to |
So—that |
Have to/has to/need
to/needed to/must |
Cannot but/can not help +
verb (ing) |
As--as |
Not less—than |
As soon as |
No sooner had--than |
Both--and |
Not only—But also |
Every |
There is no--- but-- |
A little |
Not much |
Sometimes |
Not always |
much |
little |
A few |
Not many |
many |
Not a few |
1. Only/alone hw` Allah/ e¨w³‡K wb‡`©k
K‡i Zv‡`i cwie‡Z© ïi“‡Z "None but" e‡m|
Ex: Aff: Only Allah can help us.
None but Allah can help us.
Aff: Only he can do the work.
Neg: None but he can do the work.
2. Only/alone hw` e¯‘‡K
wb‡`©k K‡i Zv‡`i cwie‡Z© "Nothing but" e‡m|
Ex: Aff: A child likes only sweets.
A child likes nothing but sweets.
Only wealth can save him now.
Nothing but wealth can save him now.
3. Only hw` msL¨v
wb‡`©k K‡i Zv‡`i cwie‡Z© "not more than/not less than" e‡m|
Ex: Aff: He is only ten.
Neg: He is not more than/not less
than ten.
He is only twelve years old.
He is not more than/ not less than twelve years old.
4. Affirmative Sentence G must / have to _vK‡j Gi
cwie‡Z© can not but/ can not help e‡m| hw` can not help Gi c‡i †h
Verb _‡K
Zvi mv‡_ ing †hvM Ki‡Z nq|
Ex: Aff: He must go there. Neg:
He can not help but go there.
Or, He can not
help going there.
Aff: You must obey your
parents. Neg: You can not but obey your
Or, You can not help obeying your parents.
5. Both--and Or and hy³ †Kvb Affermative sentence †K
Ki‡Z n‡j DËi ev‡K¨i KL‡bv ïi“‡Z Avevi
KL‡bv gv‡S not only--- but also nq |
Ex: Aff: Both Mahin and Munir
were good friends.
Neg: Not only Mahin but also
Munir were good friends.
Aff: He took coffee and
ice-cream. Neg: He took not
only coffee but also ice-cream.
6. Every _vK‡j Gi cwie‡Z© --- There
is no e‡m + Every Gi c‡ii kã + but + Sentence Gi
evwK Ask|
There is no + every Gi c‡ii kã + Who + does not + evKx
Ask |
Ex: Aff: Everyone
hates a liar. Neg: There
is no one but hates a liar.
Aff: Every
mother loves her child. Neg: There is no mother but loves her
7. As soon as _vK‡jt No
sooner had + Subject+ P.V Gi P.P + Ext. + than + 2nd evK¨.
Ex: Aff: As soon as the thief saw the polic, he ran away.
Neg: No
sooner had the thief seen the police than he ran away.
Aff: As soon as he heard the news,
he burst into tears.
No sooner had he heard the news than he burst into tears.
8. Always _vK‡j Negative Ki‡Z
always Gi
cwie‡Z© Never e‡m|I Affermative kãwUi wecixZ kã e‡m|
Ex: Aff: I always agreed with him. Neg:
I never disagreed with him.
Mahin was always punctual. Neg: Mahin was never late.
9. Too---to hy³ Affirmative †K Neg:
Subject + Verb + too Gi ¯’‡j
so + adj/adverb + that + 1st Sub + can not/ could not + to Gi c‡ii
Ex: Aff: He is too weak to walk.
Neg: He is so weak that
he can not walk.
Mina was too poor to buy a chain.
Mina was so poor that she could not buy a chain.
10. As---as hy³ _vK‡jt Degree Sheet Abymib Ki
Ex: Aff: Mahin
was as wise as the Munir. Neg: Mahin was not less wise than the
11. wPiš—b mZ¨ Affermative sentence †K †YM
Ki‡Z n‡jt
A.V + n't +evwK Ask ?
A.V bv _vK‡jt
+ Subject + Verb + evwK Ask ?
Ex: Aff: Health is wealth. Neg: Isn’t health is wealth?
Aff: The sun sets in the
west. Neg:
Doesn’t the sun set in the west?
12. Affermative G Sometimes _vK‡j Neg G--- Subject
+ A.V + not + always + evwK Ask|
Ex: Aff: My friend sometimes visits
me. Neg:
My friend doesn’t always visit me.
Aff: A day labourer is
sometimes happy. Neg: A day labourer is
not always happy.
13. Many _vK‡j
Zvi ¯’‡j not a few e‡m|
Ex: Aff: There are many students in the class.
Neg: There are not a few students in the class.
14. A few _vK‡j
Zvi ¯’‡j not many e‡m|
Ex: Aff: I have a few friends. Neg:
I have not many friends.
15. A little _vK‡j
Zvi ¯’‡j not much e‡m|
Ex: Aff: I have a little
rice. Neg:
I have not much rice.
16. Much _vK‡j Zvi ¯’‡j not a little e‡m|
Ex: Aff: He has much money.
Neg: He has not a
little money.
Negative to
wbqg n‡e|
Some important Antonyms
Word |
evsjv A_© |
Antonym |
evsjv A_© |
Able |
m¶g |
Unable |
A¶g |
Active |
Kg©V |
Inactive |
AKg©V |
Absent |
Abycw¯’Z |
Present |
Dcw¯’Z |
Agree |
ivRx nIqv |
Disagree |
wØgZ nIqv/ ivRx bv nIqv |
Arrive |
†cŠQv‡bv |
Depart |
Bright |
D¾¡j |
Dark |
AÜKvi |
Correct |
mwVK |
Incorrect |
fzj |
Doubtful |
m‡›`n |
Sure |
wbwðZ |
Equal |
mgvb |
In equal/
Unequal |
Amgvb |
Love |
fvjevmv/ cQ›` Kiv |
Hate |
N„Yv Kiv/ AcQ›` Kiv |
Moral |
ˆbwZK |
immoral |
A‰bwZK |
Obey |
gvb¨ Kiv |
Disobey |
Agvb¨ Kiv |
Ordinary |
mvaviY |
Extraordinary |
AmvaviY |
Pleasant |
g‡bvig |
Unpleasant |
Present |
Dcw¯’Z |
Absent |
Abycw¯’Z |
Rise |
DVv |
Fall |
c‡o hvIqv |
Responsible |
`vwqZ¡ |
Irresponsible |
`vwqZ¡nxb |
Rich |
abx |
Poor |
Mixe |
Right |
mwVK |
Wrong |
fzj |
Sincere |
Avš—wiK |
insincere |
Abvš—wiK |
Top |
Dci/ P‚ov/ kxl© |
Bottom |
Zj‡`k/ wbPz/ Zjv |
Willing |
B”QvK…Z |
Unwilling |
Awb”QvK…Z |
Fact |
mZ¨ NUbv |
Fiction |
wg_¨v Mí/Dcb¨vm |
Fat |
†gvUv |
Thin |
mi“/ wPKb |
Friend |
eÜy |
Foe |
kΓ |
Good |
fvj |
Bad |
g›` |
Grateful |
K…ZÁ |
Ungrateful |
Honesty |
mr |
Dishonesty |
Amr |
Happy |
myLx |
Unhappy |
AmyLx |
Hard |
KwVb |
Easy |
mnR |
Import |
Avg`vbx |
Export |
ißvwb |
Kind |
`qvjy |
Unkind |
wb`©q |
Literate |
wkw¶Z |
illiterate |
Awkw¶Z |
Please |
AbyMÖn Kiv |
displease |
wei³ nIqv ev Kiv |
Possible |
m¤¢e |
impossible |
Am¤¢e |
Punctual |
mgqwbô |
Late |
wej‡¤^ |
Regular |
wbqwgZ |
Irregular |
AwbqwgZ |
Real |
ev¯Íe |
Unreal |
Aev¯Íe |
Remember |
¯§iY Kiv ev ivLv |
forget |
fz‡j hvIqv |
Sorrow |
`ytL |
Joy |
Avb›` |
Solvent |
`ªveK |
insolvent |
†`Iwjqv |
Wise |
weÁ |
Fool/foolish/unwise |
†evKv |
Young |
ZiyY |
old |
e„× |
Quiet |
kvš—/cÖkvš— / bgª |
Restless |
PZzi/ PÂj/ Aw¯’i |
Disquiet |
[wWQ-KzqvBU] e¨vKzjZv/ Akvwš— |
Poor |
Mixe |
Rich |
abx |
Right |
mwVK / AwaKvi / Wvb |
Wrong |
fzj |
Left |
evg |
Complex |
RwUj |
Simple |
mnR |
Sincere |
[wQb-wQqv-] LvuwU / cÖK…Z/ AKcU/ mij |
Insincere |
Amij/ AcÖK…Z |
Synonym |
mgv_©K kã |
Antonym |
wecixZ kã |
Theoretical |
[w_qv-‡iU-B-Kj] AvbygvwbK |
Practical |
ev¯—weK |
Top |
P‚ov |
Bottom |
bxP/ Zj‡`k |
Transparent |
¯^”Q |
Opaque |
[AD-‡cBK] A¯^”Q |
Trust |
wek¦vm Kiv/ Mw”QZ ivLv |
Distrust |
m‡›`n/ Avwek¦vm Kiv |
Quick |
`ª“Z/ kxNª |
Slow |
axi/ gš’i |
Burn |
R¡vjv‡bv |
Extinguish |
wbfv‡bv |
Religious |
[wi-wj-RvQ] avwg©K |
Irreligious |
Aavwg©K |
Regular |
wbqwgZ |
Irregular |
AwbqwgZ |
Rise |
DVv |
Fall |
cwZZ nIqv |
Sharp |
avivj |
Blunt |
†fvuZv |
Encourage |
DrmvwnZ Kiv |
Discourage |
wbi“rmvwnZ Kiv |
Oppose |
evav †`qv |
Support |
mg_©b Kiv |
Simple |
mnR |
Difficult |
RwUj/ KwVb |
Intricate |
RwUj/ KwVb |
Military |
mvgwiK |
Civil |
f`ª/ AmvgwiK |
Connect |
ms‡hvM †`qv |
Disconnect |
wew”Qbœ Kiv |
Import |
Avg`vbx Kiv |
Export |
ißvbx/ ißvwb Kiv |
Include |
Aš—f©‚³ Kiv |
Exclude |
ev` †`qv |
Omit |
Z¨vM Kiv/ eR©b Kiv |
Inhale |
k¦vm Uvbv |
Exhale |
k¦vm Z¨vM Kiv |
Exterior |
[GKQ-wUqv-wiqv-] evwn¨K/ ewnivMZ/ ewnt¯’ |
Interior |
Af¨š—ixY / Aš—eZ©x |
Join |
†hvM `vb Kiv |
Disjoin |
wew”Qbœ Kiv |
Separate |
c„_K Kiv/ wew”Qbœ Kiv/ Avjv`v Kiv |
Mortal |
bk¦i |
Immortal |
Awebk¦i |
Movable |
cwieZ©bkxj/ A¯’vei |
Immovable |
¯’vei/ Abo/ AcwieZ©bxq |
Joy |
Avb›` |
Sorrow |
`ytL |
Moral |
ˆbwZK |
Immoral |
A‰bwZK |
Narrow |
msKxY©/ AcÖk¯— |
Broad |
cÖk¯—/ we¯—xY© |
Wide |
cÖk¯—/ we¯—xY© |
Negative |
bv-‡evaK |
Positive |
n¨vu m~PK/ abvÍK |
Neither |
`yB‡qi g‡a¨ GKwUI bv |
Either |
`yB‡qi g‡a¨ GKwU |
Noble |
gnr |
Ignoble |
Am¤§vbRbK |
Mean |
bxPz (gb) |
Obedient |
eva¨ |
Disobedient |
Aeva¨ |
Philanthropist |
[wdj-A¨vb-_ªv-wcó] wek¦ †cÖwgK |
Misanthropist |
[wgm-A¨vb-_ªv-wcó] biwe‡Ølx/ gbyl¨
we‡Ølx |
Plaintiff |
[‡cBb-wUd] ev`x |
Defendant |
weev`x |
Complainant |
ev`x |
Proficient |
`¶/ weP¶b |
Deficient |
Afve wewkó/ Am¤c~Y© |
Majority |
msL¨v Mwiô |
Minority |
mbsL¨vjwNô |
Material |
Dcv`vb/ mvRmiÄvg |
Immaterial |
Aev¯—e/ ev‡R mvRmiÄvg |
Decline |
bZ †nvqv/cwinvi Kiv/ A¯^xKvi Kiv |
Promote |
DIbœwZ Kiv |
Promotion |
c‡`vbœwZ/ DbœwZ |
Demotion |
c`vebwZ |
Degradation |
c`P¨ywZ/ Acgvb |
Prosperity |
mg„w×/ DbœwZ |
Adversity |
`y`©kv/ cÖwZK‚jZv |
Pure |
cweÎ/ weï× |
Impure |
AcweÎ/ weï× |
Legitimate |
[wj-wRU-BwgU] ˆea/ AvBb ¯§gZ |
Illegitinate |
[B-wjwRU-BwgU] A‰ea |
Lend |
avi †`qv |
Borrow |
avi Kiv |
Liberty |
¯^vaxbZv |
Bondage |
[eÛ-BR] `vmZ¡ |
Immaterial |
Abvek¨K/ Aev¯—e/ ¸i“Z¡nxb |
Spiritual |
[w¯ci-B-Pzqvj] Ava¨vwZœK/ |
Maximum |
m‡e©v”P |
Minimum |
me©wbæ |
Mean |
[wg-b] RNb¨/ bxPz/ Aag |
Generous |
D`vi/ `qvjy |
Merit |
[‡gi-BU] †hvM¨Zv |
Demerit |
†`vl/ Avciva/ AcKvi |
Minor |
P‡QvU/ mvgvb¨/ bvevjK |
Major |
¸i“Zi/ e„nËi |
Success |
mvdj¨ |
Failure |
e¨_©Zv |
Sufficient |
ch©vß |
Insufficient |
Ach©vß |
Superior |
D”PZi/ DrK…ó |
Inferior |
wbK…óZi/ †MŠY |
Sympathy |
mnvbyf‚wZ |
Antipathy |
weZ…òv |
Assertive to Interrogative
Can à Can’t |
Areà Aren’t |
Had à Hadn’t |
Would à Wouldn’t |
Nobody/ no one/none à Who |
Could à Couldn’t |
Wasà Wasn’t |
Shallà Shan’t |
Mustà Mustn’t |
Everybody/ everyone/Allà Who |
Mayà Mayn’t |
WereàWeren’t |
Willà Won’t |
DareàDaren’t |
Who |
Amà Aren’t |
HaveàHaven’t |
Mightà Mightn’t |
Neveràever |
Nothing à anything |
Isà Isn’t |
HasàHasn’t |
Should àShouldn’t |
Noàany |
Nothingà What (ev‡K¨i ïiy‡Z) |
1. A‡_©i
cwieZ©b bv K‡i mvnvh¨Kvix Verb hyL Assertive †K Interrogative G
iƒcvšÍi Kivi mgq hw` Sentence wU Affirmative nq Zvn‡j wb‡Pi
wbqg n‡et
Structure: To
be verb + n’t + subject + Ext ?
Ass. : He is absent from the meeting. Int. : Isn’t he absent from the
Ass.: She was an intelligent girl. Int. : Wasn’t she an
intelligent girl ?
Negative – Assertive _vK‡j Affirmative
-Interrogative n‡e|
Ex: Ass.
: He is not a good student. Int.
: Is he a good student?
2. A.V bv _vK‡jt
Structure: Do/ Does/ Did + not + Subject + Verb +
Ext ?
Ex. Ass: He
writes a letter. Int. : Doesn’t he
write a letter?
Ass. They play football.
Don’t they play football?
Ass: He bought a pen. Int.
Don’t he buy a pen?
3. Assertive G Do not/ Does not/ Did not _vK‡j
Not D‡V
Interrogative n‡e|
Ex: Ass:
He does not work hard. Int.
Does he work hard?
Ass. They do not take tea.
Do they take tea?
4. Assertive G Never _vK‡j
Ever n‡e Ges Nothing _vK‡j
Ex. Ass. I never drink tea. Int. Do I ever drink tea?
Ass. We have nothing to do . Int.
Have we anything to do?
5. Everybody/Everyone/All †K Interrogative Kivi mgq
wbqg n‡et
Structure: Who + don’t / doesn’t/ didn’t + Verb + Ext
Ex: Ass. Everybody wishes to
be happy. Int. Who doesn’t wish to be happy?
Ass. Everybody hates a liar. Int: Who doesn’t hate a liar?
Ass. All lives flowers?
Int. Who doesn’t
love flowers?
6. Every + Noun hy³ Assertive †K wb‡Pi
wbq‡g Interrogative Ki‡Z nqt
Structure: Is there any + Noun + Who doesn’t + Verb +
Ext ?
Ex. Ass: Every man hates war.
Is there any man who doesn’t hate war?
7. Nobody/ None/ No one †K Interrogative Kivi mgq
wbqg n‡et
Structure: Nobody/
None/ No one ¯’‡j Who + Ext ?
8. There hy³ Assertive †K
Interrogative Kivi
mgq wbqg n‡et
Structure: There is no Gi ¯’‡j What/Who
+ Ext ?
Ex. Ass. There is no use of this law. Int:
What is the use of this law?
There is no man happier than Mahin. Int.
Who is happier than Mahin?
Assertive to
1. n¨vu †evaK Assertive †K Imperative Kivi wbqgt
Structure: Verb
+ Ext. A_ev,
Please/Kindly, + Verb + Ext .
Ex: Ass: You should do the work. Impera.
Do the work.
Ass. You write a letter.
Please, write a letter.
2. bv †evaK
Assertive †K
Imperative Kivi
Don’t + Verb + Ext .
Ex: Ass: You do not run in the sun. Imp:
Don’t run in the sun.
Ass: You should not go out. Imp:
Don’t go out.
3. Never hy³ Assertive †K
Imperative Kivi
Structure: Never
+ Verb + Ext .
Ex: Ass. You should never tell a lie. Imp:
Never tell a lie.
4. 1st person, 3rd person hy³ Assertive †K
Imperative Kivi
Structure: Let
+ Object + Verb + Ext.
Ass: We should go out. Imp: Let us go out.
Ass: He plays cricket.
Imp: Let him play cricket.
5. 1st
person, 3rd person hy³
Assertive G
Not _vK‡j
Imperative Kivi
Structure: Let + object + not + verb + Ext.
Ass: We do not like coffee. Imp: Let us not like coffee.
Ass: He does not tell a lie. Imp: Let him not tell a lie.
Imperative to
1. Affirmative n‡j,
You should +
verb Gi Present iƒc. A_ev
You are requested/told/advised/ordered +to + verb Gi
present iƒc + obj.
Ex: Imp.:
Please, lend him your pen. Ass. : You are requested to lend him your
Imp. : Do it. Ass.: You are told to do it, or,
You should do it.
2. Negative n‡j,
You should + not + verb
Gi Present iƒc. A_ev
You are requested/told/advised/ordered + not + +to +
verb Gi present iƒc + obj.
Imp.: Never tell a lie. Ass.: You should not tell a
Or, You are advised not to tell a lie.
Assertive to
1. What/How Øviv Assertive †_‡K Exclamatory Ki‡Z nq|
St: What (
a/an) /How + Adj/Adv/ + Sub + Verb + Ext
+ !
Adjective Gi c~‡e© a/an _K‡j What +a/an Ges
Adjective Gi
c~‡e© a/an
bv _vK‡j How e‡m|
Ex: Ass.:
He is a great fool. Excl.:
What a fool he is!
Ass.: The garden is very beautiful. Exc. : How beautiful the garden is!
Note: A‡bK mgq What (a/an) Gi cÖeZ©x
Noun wU‡K
qualify Kivi
Rb¨ Adjective e‡m|
Ex: Ass.: It is a very beautiful bird. Exc.:
What a beautiful bird it is !
It is a very fine bird. Exc.: What a fine bird it
2. Wish _vK‡j if/had/were/could/would
that e‡m|
Ex: Ass.: I wish I were
a king. Exc.: If I were a king !
Ass.: I wish I had the wings of a bird.
Exc.: If I had the wings of a bird!/ Had I the wings of a bird!
Ass.: We wish we could do it in time.
Exc.: If we could do it in time!/ Could we do it in time!
3. Assertive sentence G rejoice, regret BZ¨vw`
_vK‡j Exclamatory Kivi mgq ïi“‡Z Hurrah! Alas! BZ¨vw`
Ex: Ass.: I rejoice that my friend is coming.
Exc.: Hurrah! My friend is coming.
Exclamatory to
1. What hy³ Exclamatory sentence †K
Assertive Ki‡Z
St: Sub + Verb + (a/an) very/great + adjective
+ Ext.
Ex: Exc.: What a fool you are!
Ass.: You
are a great fool.
2. How hy³ Exclamatory sentence †K Assertive Ki‡Z n‡j,
St: Sub + verb + very/great + adj/ adverb +
Ex: Exc.: How fine the picture is ! Ass.: The picture is very fine.
3. Hurrah hy³ Exclamatory sentence †K
Assertive Ki‡Z
St: Hurrah Gi cwie‡Z©
It is a matter of joy that + Ext.
Ex: Exc.: Hurrah! We have won the game.
Ass.: It is matter of joy that we have won the game.
4. Alas Øviv ïi“ n‡j,
St: Alas
¯’‡j It is matter of sorrow that
+ Ext.
Ex: Exc.: Alas! I am undone. Ass.: It is matter of sorrow that I
am undone.
5. If Øviv ïi“ n‡j,
St: Sub
+ wish + if Gi c‡ii Ask |
Ex: Exc.: If I knew this before! Ass.:
I wish I knew this before.
6. Had Øviv ïi“ n‡j,
St: Sub + wish + sub + had + sub Gi c‡ii
Exc.: Had I the wings of a
bird. Ass.: I wish I had the
wings of a bird.
7. Would that Øviv
ïi“ n‡j,
St: Sub
+ wish + would that + had + sub Gi c‡ii Ask.
Exc.: Would that
I were a millionaire! Ass.: I wish I were a millionaire!