


Tense: wµqvi m¤cbœ nIqvi mgq‡K ev Kvj‡K Tense e‡j| †hgbt He sings a song. He song a

song. He will sing a song.

Tense wZb cÖKvit †hgbt  i. Present Tense  ii. Past Tense  iii. Future Tense.


  cÖwZwU Tense Gi Form  Pvi cÖKvi| †hgbt Indefinite/ Continuous/ Perfect/ Perfect Continuous

At a glance of Tense and Voice

(P.V = Principal Verb & P.P = Past Participle)










P.V. Gi present i“c (s/es)

P.V Gi past i“c

shall/will+p.v. Gi present i“c

was/were+ P.V Gi p.p.

am/is/are + P.V. Gi p.p.

shall be /will be + P.V Gi p.p.





am/is/are + P.V. - ing

was/were+ P.V. - ing

shall be /will be + P.V.-ing

am being/is being/are being + P.V. Gi p.p.

was being /were being + P.V. Gi p.p.

shall be being /will be being + P.V. Gi p.p.





has/have+ P.V. Gi p.p.

had+ P.V. Gi p.p.

shall have/will have + P.V. Gi p.p.

has been/have been+ P.V. Gi p.p.

had been + P.V. Gi p.p.

shall have been/will have been + P.V. Gi p.p.

Perfect Continuous



has been/have been+ P.V.- ing

had been + P.V.- ing

shall have been/will have been + P.V.-ing

Has been/have been being + PP

Had been being + PP

Shall have been being/will have been being + PP


Present          Past      Past Participle

     Do                did               done

     Use              used              used

                             See                saw             seen

     Try                tried            tried


Present Tense

†h Verb Gi KvR eZ©gvb mgq wb‡`©k K‡i , Zv‡K Present Tense e‡j|

     †hgbt  He eats rice.

Present Indifinite Tense:  eZ©gv‡b †Kvb GKwU KvR mvaviYfv‡e nq ev N‡U , Giyc eySv‡j Zv‡K Present Indefinite Tense e‡j|

evsjvq †Pbvi Dcvqt Kwi, K‡i,  Pwj, P‡j, hvq Lvq, Mvq BZ¨vw`|



Sub + v + Obj/Ext

I read a book.


Sub + am/is/are + PP + Ext

The terrorist is arrested


Note: 3rd Person Singular Number n‡j s/es hy³ n‡e| wPiš—b mZ¨, wbKU fwel¨Z, Af¨vm, HwZnvwmK eY©bv BZ¨vw` eySv‡j Present Indefinite Tense nq| †hgbt  

m~h© c~e© w`‡K D‡V- The sun rises in the east.

c„w_ex m~‡h©i Pvi w`‡K Ny‡i- The earth moves round the sun.

†m cÖZ¨n GLv‡b Av‡m- He comes here everyday.

Tohfa starts for Dhaka next day. (wbKU fwel¨Z)

Bangladesh becomes independent in 1971. (HwZnvwmK NUbv)

Akbar is a great ruler. (HwZnvwmK NUbv)


Rule 1: Always, often, how often, very often, never, occasionally, usually, generally, frequently, regularly, every+time, every + day/week/morning, sometimes, twice, in summer etc. _vK‡j  Present Indefinite Tense. nq.

Ex:      He goes to school everyday.    

I always walk in the morning.     

I get up at 8 O’clock every morning.



Rule 2:

Like, feel, love, hate, want, wish, desire, hope, refuse, prefer, see, hear, smell, notice, recognize, appear, look, seem, think, suppose, believe, agree, consider, mean, mind, understand, know, imagine, trust, forget, remember, possess, own, belong to, contain of etc _vK‡j  Present Indefinite Tense. nq| KL‡bv Present Continues Tense nq bv.

Ex:   The book belongs to me.    They understand the problem now.

Present Continuous Tense


Present Continuous Tense: eZ©gv‡b †Kvb GKwU KvR n‡”Q ev Pj‡Q Gi“c eySv‡j Zv‡K Present Continuous Tense e‡j| 

evsjvq †Pbvi Dcvqt wQ (‡ZwQ), Q (‡ZQ), †Qb (‡Z‡Qb) BZ¨vw` |



Sub + am/is/are +ing +Obj/Ext

I am writing a letter now

Tohfa is drinking water at this moment.


Sub + am/is/are  + being + PP + Ext

The work is being done at the moment.

The program is being telecast live.

Note: Feel, see, believe, bring, like, love, hate etc Continuous Tense G e¨eüZ nq bv| 

Present Perfect Tense

†Kvb KvR GB gvÎ †kl n‡q‡Q wKš‘ Zvi dj GL‡bv we`¨gvb Zv‡K  Present Perfect

Tense e‡j|

evsjvq †Pbvi Dcvqt BqvwQ/B‡qQ, BqvQ/B‡qQ, Bqv‡Q/B‡q‡Q BZ¨vw` |




Sub + has/have + PP +Obj/Ext

†m ¯‹z‡j wM‡q‡Q|  - He has gone to school.

Zzwnb fvZ †L‡q‡Q| - Tuhin has eaten rice.


Sub + has been/have been + PP + Ext

The work has been completed by him.



Rule-1: After, Just, Just now, already, Yet, ever, lately, recently etc _vK‡j Present Perfect Tense nq|

Ex: I have just received your letter.


Rule-2:               Since + a period of time/ Point of time.

                           For + a long time/ Period of time.

Ex: He has got a bad headache for an hour.

Rule-3: It’s the first/ Second time + Present Perfect Tense

Ex: It’s the first time he has driven a car.


Present Perfect Continuous Tense


Present Perfect Continuous Tense: †Kvb KvR c~‡e© Avi¤¢ n‡q GL‡bv Pj‡Q Giƒc eySv‡j Present Perfect Continuos Tense


evsjvq †Pbvi Dcvqt wQ (‡ZwQ), Q (‡ZQ), †Qb (‡Z‡Qb) BZ¨vw` [n‡Z, †_‡K, hveZ D‡j­L




Sub + has/have + been + ing +Obj/Ext

†m `yB N›Uv hveZ hv‡”Q- He has been going for two hours..

Zzwnb GKN›Uv hveZ Lv‡”Q- - Tuhin has been eating for an hour. 

mKvj n‡Z e„ó n‡”Q- It has been raining since morning.

Zviv we‡Kj 4 Uv †_‡K †Lj‡Q- They have been playing from 4 P.M.


Sub + has been/have been + being + PP + Ext

Football has been being played by him.


For + mgq/msL¨v

Since + mgq _v‡K/ msL¨v _v‡K bv

Mary has been on a diet for three weeks.     

He has studied English for five years.





Past Tense


Past Tense: †h Verb Gi KvR AZxZ mgq wb‡`©k K‡i, Zv‡K Past Tense e‡j| †hgbt He went to school.


Past Indefinite Tense: †Kv‡bv KvR AZxZ KvR m¤cbœ n‡qwQj Ges Zvi dj GLb Avi eZ©gv‡b †bB Giƒc eySv‡j Zv‡K Past Indefinite Tense e‡j|

evsjvq †Pbvi Dcvqt †ZwQjvg, †ZwQj, †ZwQ‡j BZ¨vw`|



Sub + Past form +Obj/Ext

†m ¯‹z‡j wM‡qwQj- He went to school yesterday.

wgbv GKwU wPwV wj‡LwQj- Mina wrote a letter.

Zviv dzUej †L‡jwQj- They played football.


Sub + was/were + PP + Obj/Ext.

I was advised to get the visa in advance.


Note: AZxZ msNwVZ KvR, AZx‡Z Af¨vm, HwZnvwmK NUbv, Abyixa BZ¨vw` _vK‡j Past

Indefinite Tense nq|

Belal went there yesterday. (AZxZ NUbv)

I used to swim in the pond regularly. (AZx‡Z Af¨vm)

Bangladesh became independent in 1971. (HwZnvwmK NUbv)

Would you please give me a cup of tea? (Aby‡iva)

Rule-1: yesterday, last = (night, year, week, month) , ago, for a while, it is time, it is high time, wish, long, since, once etc _vK‡j Past Indefinite Tense nq|

Ex: He tried his best to make a good result last year.

Rule-2: Present Indefinite/ Present Perfect + Since + Past Indefinite

Ex: it is ten years since we first met.

Many years have passed since he left the village.


         Past Indefinite + Since + Past Perfect

It was ten years since we had first met.

Rule -4:     Present Indefinite + as if/ as though  + Past Indefinite

Ex: The man talks as if he knew me.



Past Continuous Tense


Past Continuous Tense: AZxZ Kv‡j †Kvb KvR wKwQ¶b a‡i PjwQj Giƒc eySv‡j Past Continuous Tense e‡j|

ev½vq †Pbvi Dcvqt †ZwQjvg, †ZwQ‡j, †ZwQj BZ¨vw`



Sub + was/were + ing + Obj/Ext

 †m ¯‹z‡j hvw”Qj- He was going to school.

gvwnb fvZ Lvw”Qj- Mahin was eating rice.

†Zvndv GKwU wPwV wj‡LwQj- Tohfa was writing a letter.


Sub + was/were + being + PP + Obj/Ext.

The class was being taken then.

Past Perfect Tense

Past Perfect Tense: AZx‡Z `ywU Kv‡Ri g‡a¨ c~‡e© msNwVZ KvRwU Past Perfect Tense Ges c‡ii KvRwU Past Indefinite Tense nq|


--> Past Perfect Tense Gi evK¨wU 'before' Gi c~‡e© Ges 'after' Gi c‡i e‡m|



Sub + had + PP + Obj/Ext

 †m Avmvi c~‡e© Avwg GKwU eB c‡o wQjvg- I had read a book before he came.

Avwg hvIqvi cy‡e© †m ¯‹z‡j wM‡qwQjvg- He had gone to school before I went.

Wv³vi Avmvi c~‡e© †ivMx gviv wM‡qwQj- The patient had died before the doctor came.

Mvwo Qvovi c~‡e© Avgiv †÷k‡b †cŠQjvg- We reached the station before the train left.


Sub + had + been + PP + Obj/Ext.

Football had been played before lunch by him.







Rule 1: Before:  Past Perfect + before + Past Indefinite


†m Avmvi c~‡e© Avwg GKwU eB c‡o wQjvg- I had read a book before he came.

Avwg hvIqvi cy‡e© †m ¯‹z‡j wM‡qwQjvg- He had gone to school before I went.

Wv³vi Avmvi c~‡e© †ivMx gviv wM‡qwQj- The patient had died before the doctor came.

Mvwo Qvovi c~‡e© Avgiv †÷k‡b †cŠQjvg- We reached the station before the train left.


Rule-2: After: Past Indefinite + after + Past Perfect

Ex: †ivMx gviv hvIqvi ci Wv³vi G‡mwQj- The doctor came after the patient had died.

m~h© A¯— hvIqvi ci Avgiv evwo †cŠ‡QwQjvg- We reached home after the sum had set.


Rule-3:  No sooner /Scarcely  + had + Sub + PP + Ext + than/when + 2nd clause.

No sooner had he seen the police than he ran away.


 Rule-4:   Past Indefinite + Since + Past Perfect

It was ten years since we had first met.


Past Perfect Continuous Tense


Past Perfect Continuous Tense: AZx‡Z `ywU Kv‡Ri g‡a¨ A‡c¶vK…Z c~‡e©i KvRwU wKQz¶bhveZ PjwQj eySv‡j Past Perfect Continuous Tense e‡j|



Sub + had + been + ing +Obj/Ext

Avwg mKvj n‡Z AsK KiwQjvg-  I had been doing sum since morning.

†m cvuP wgwbU hveZ fvZ Lvw”Qj- He had been eating rice for five minutes.

Zviv GKN›Uv hveZ dzUej †LjwQj- They had been playing football for an hour.

wgbv wZb w`b hveZ R¡‡i fz‡MwQj- Mina had been suffering from fever for three days.

Zzwg Avgvi c~‡e© †m GK N›Uv hveZ dzUej †LjwQj- He had been playing football for an

hour before you came.


Sub + had been + being + PP + Ext

Football had been being played by him.

Rule-1:  Past Perfect Continuous + before + Past Indefinite

Future Tense

Future Tense: †h verb Gi KvR fwel¨Z mgq wb‡`©k K‡i Zv‡K Future Tense e‡j| †hgbt  He will play football.

Future Indefinite: †Kvb KvR fwel¨r G m¤cbœ n‡e Giƒc eySv‡j Zv‡K Future Indefinite Tense e‡j| †hgbt He will eat rice.



Sub + shall/will + Present form + Obj/Ext

†m ¯‹z‡j hv‡e- He wil go to school.

gvwnb fvZ Lv‡e- Mahin will eat rice.

wgbv GKwU wPwV wjL‡e- Mina will write a letter.


Sub + shall/will + be +  PP + Ext

The Padma bridge will be completed within ten years. 


Note: GKwU Sentence G `ywU Future Tense nq bv| ZvB GKwU Future Tense n‡j AciwU Present Indefinite Tense nq| Ex: I will call you when I return.



Rule-1: Tomorrow, The next day etc Future Tense wb‡`©k K‡i| †hgbt


Future Continuous Tense

Future Continuous Tense: fwel¨‡Z †Kv‡bv KvR Pj‡Z _vK‡e Giƒc eySv‡j Zv‡K Future Continuous Tense e‡j|



Sub + shall/will + be + ing + Obj/Ext

†m ¯‹z‡j †h‡Z _vK‡e- He will be going to school.

gvwnb fvZ †L‡Z _vK‡e- Mahin will be eating rice.

Zviv dzUej †Lj‡Z _vK‡e- They will be playing football.


Sub + shall/will + be +  being + PP + Ext

The work will be being done at the moment.


Future Perfect Tense

Future Perfect Tense: fwel¨‡Z `ywU Kv‡Ri g‡a¨ A‡c¶vK…Z c~‡e©i KvRwU Future Perfect Tense nq| c‡ii KvRwU Present Indefinite Tense nq|



Sub + shall/will + have + PP + Obj/Ext

m~h© DVvi c~‡e©B Avgiv iIbv ne- We shall have done the sum before I go to school.

Zzwg hvIqvi c~‡e© †m KvRwU †kl K‡i _vK‡e- He will have finished the work before you


Mvwo Qvovi c~‡e© Zviv †÷k‡b †cŠ‡Q _vK‡e- They will have reached the station before

the train leaves.


Sub + shall/will + have +  been + PP + Obj/Ext

Football will have been played by him.

Rule-1:              Before/By + Future time + Future Perfect

Ex:  Before 2020, I will have graduated.

By the year 2020, researchers will have discovered a cure for cancer.     Or,

Researchers will have discovered a cure for cancer by the year 2020.


Rule -2: By the time/Before + Present time + Future Perfect

Ex: We will have gotten an answer to our letter by the time we have to make a decision.

à Before we can tell them about the discount, they will have bought the ticket. .

Future Perfect Continuous


Future Perfect Continuous:  fwel¨‡Z `ywU Kv‡Ri g‡a¨ GKwU KvR Aci KvRwU ïi“ nIqvi c~‡e© wKQz mgq a‡i Pj‡Z _vK‡j Giƒc †¶‡Î Future Perfect Continuous Tense e‡j| c‡ii KvRwU Present Indefinite Tense nq|



Sub + shall/will + have been + ing + Obj/Ext

Avwg `yB N›Uv hveZ co‡Z _vKe- I shall have been reading for two hours.

Zviv GK N›Uv hveZ †LIj‡Z _vK‡e- They will have been playing for an hour.

†m Avmvi c~‡e© Avwg AsK Ki‡Z _vKe- I shall have been doing sum before he comes.

†m Avmvi c~‡e© Avwg A‡c¶v Ki‡Z _vKe- We shall have been waiting before he goes

to bed.


Sub + shall/will + have  been + being + PP + Obj/Ext

Football will have been being played by him.

Note: Future Perfect Continuous Tense Gi e¨envi Lye Kg nq|

Lye mn‡R Tense †Pbvi wKQz †UKwbK


evsjv wµqv‡Z - "j, e, †Z , qv'  †`‡L Tense mbv³ Kiv hvq|


j = Past

e = Future

†Z = Continuous

qv =  Perfect


Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.

1)      They ____________ your lessons. (not like)

2)      While we _______ to the station it _____to snow,   (drive)     (begin)

3)      Watch this runner. He ______________ (win).

4)      After the centre forward __ the first goal the fans _ mad (score)  (go)

5)      I _____________ a shooting star ( never see)

6)      We ___________________ the results tomorrow. (know)

7)      Diana ________Beethoven's moonlight sonata last night. (play)

8)      She ___________ you are an old fool. (think)

9)      Bob __________ three letters since breakfast. (write)

10)  Kate _______________ in London (not live)

11)  She ____________ me an answer when I asked her. (not give)

12)  After Jane ___a fashion magazine she ___ the piano, (read)(practise)

13)  Our landlady __________ us a cup of tea last night. (give)

14)  Mr Brightwell __________(phone) his secretary all day long .

15)  I ____________ any dressmaking since I left school, (not do)

16)  Mr Bellows _____________ from the USA. (just arrive)

17)  Mr Brown ______ a letter every day. (write)

18)  Mrs Mauldling ___ the letter immediately after she ___it (post)  (finish)

19)  The Smiths ____________________ yet. (not come)

20)  I _______two exercises, would you like to do the third? (correct)

21)  Richard usually________  a pullover but when I ______ him last night he _____ a coat. ( wear) ( see) (wear)

22)  ______________to Mexico? (you, ever, be) 

23)  I _______________ to Jane since last Monday. (not write)

24)  ________to phone you last night? (Bob try)

25)  I _______ this play before. (not see)

26)  Jeffrey thanked his father for what he ____________ for him. (do)

27)  Mary and Lizzy _________________ the poem all afternoon. (learn)

28)  Bob ________________________ football all the afternoon. (play)

29)  They’d better come in. It ___________________ to rain (begin)

30)  Bettie ______________________ his coat last night. (tear)

31)  The Second World War ____________________ in 1939. (begin)

32)  Your coat ________________ there the whole afternoon. (lie)

33)  The postman _____________ the post every day. (bring)

34)  She ________________________ you (soon forget)

35)  I ___________ a coat because it's too hot today. (not wear)

36)  Lizzie and Dolly __________ at six this morning, (wake up)

37)  We _______________________ an answer last night. (not get)

38)  My parents _____________ in Berlin since 1980. (live)

39)  "How____ at school? -I _____ very well (Bob get on) ( believe)

40)  Jaqueline __________ why I ______ earlier. (wonder)     (write)

41)  _____________ the film last night? (you see)

42)  We need not run. _____________ the bus ( you see). It _____________ the bus station (just leave)

43)  I  _________ a letter (write) when Fred _________ the room (enter)

44)  Peter ________________ his best now. (try)

45)  I  ___________ the work tomorrow. (do)

46)  I  couldn't answer the phone because I __________ a shave. (have)

47)  I  can't understand what you ________. The traffic is too noisy. (say)

48)  Mathews ________ an interesting play most of the evening. (watch)

49)  Peter suddenly ___________________ that he ___________________ his cap in the train, (realize) (leave)

50)  He _______________ next week. (not come)

51)  Before he __________ away he _____________ a letter. (go) (write)

52)  Bob ___________________ tennis very well. (not play)

53)  When I ______________him  he______ to Helen,     (see)       (talk)

54)  You need an umbrella. It ________________________ (rain)

55)  She ___________ stay up later than nine yesterday, (mustn't)

56)  I _______________ finish my work last night. (must)

57)  We ______ this letter before he ______ home (can translate)    ( go)

58)  John ________________ do it now. I ____ it later, (not need)    (do)


A4: Read the passage below and choose which verb form is better. Underline the word you choose.


Shikha Banu works/is working’ as a waitress in a restaurant in Chittagong. She takes orders and serves food to customers. But today, the chief cook has suddenly fallen ill. So, she ‘helps/is helping’ the other cooks in the kitchen. She ‘makes/ is making’ ‘pudding’. She ‘thinks/ is thinking’ of her son, Priyam. How he ‘loves/ is loving’ pudding! She ‘wants/ is wanting’ to make a pudding for Priyam when she goes back home today. Suddenly she ‘hears/ is hearing’ someone say, “The pudding is done, apa. Shall I take it off the oven?”. With a start Shikha Banu ‘says/ is saying’ “Oh, yes. Please do.”


Rewrite the following passage in the present / past/ future tense.  (For Class 6, 7)

1. Neela was going to the basement café in her hotel to have breakfast. She didn’t have a proper dinner the night before. She couldn’t sleep well and got up early. She got into the lift and pressed the button that read B1. On the 14th floor a stranger got in. He was about 300lbs and more than six feet tall. He looked like a giant. Neela felt that there was not enough room for her. She was scared. She hoped that he would get out soon.

2. Rony’s mother gave him 50 taka to buy salt and chillies. On his way to the market, Rony found a poor passer-by trying to hold a boy up, who was lying on the road, groaning. Coming near, Rony saw that it was his classmate Tanim, who was hit by a speeding motorbike. Immediately he called a baby taxi and took Tanim to a clinic.From there he phoned Tanim’s parents. When they came to the clinic, Rony returned home without salt and chillies. He paid the money to the taxi driver.

3. A responsibility is a duty or an obligation TO DO something. For example, you have the responsibility to take care of your parents in their old age, to attend school and pursue your studies properly and so on. You have also the responsibility to societyand the government, e.g. to help a neighbor in trouble or to cast your vote if you are18 or over.

4. The Olympics have many memorable moments and athletes we'll remember by name alone. The list is quite big. Michael Phelps and Usain Bolt are the latest addition to this list of the bests. They make London Olympics stand apart. If there is anyquestion like this: “What is the standout performance of London 2012?”, perhaps the answer is “ The London Games gave us Michael Phelps vs. Usain Bolt.” The first one is an already decorated Olympian, who puts the finishing touches on his greatathletic careers. And another comes up with a new definition of fast.

5.  My first day at the new school was difficult. I was going to school with my father in a rickshaw. We got stuck in the traffic jam and reached school fifteen minutes late. My father said good bye and left me at the school gate. I went in and found that everyone had gone to class. There was no one I could ask for direction. Twice I walked into a classroom that was not mine. I felt very embarrassed. Finally I decided to go into any classroom and ask the teacher for help. When I ultimately got to my class, I was almost in tears.

6. My friend and I stood near a newspaper stall talking and watching the crowd around. I was soon time for my friend’s train to leave. As the train whistled, he picked up his suitcase and we said goodbye to each other.

7. Bulbul collects rubbish from the Sankar area in Dhaka every morning, he wakes up at 5 o’clock and walks along the streets of Snakar to collect rubbish. People of Sankar put their rubbish in plastic bins and leave them in front of their houses. Bulbul walks from door to door to collect them. Sometimes the bins are very dirty and they smell bad. But Bulbul does not mind. He Takes out every thing from the bins and puts them in a large plastic bag. He belives that all jobs are important. He works hard every day to keep this area clean.

8. Last month Bulbul was sick for two days.So , he could not come to collect the rubbish. The people of Sankar were in great trouble. They got piles of rubbish waiting on front of their houses. The whole area  became dirty and unhygienic. When Bulbul get well, he came back to Sankar . He collect everything from all the bins.  Bulbul does not work to fall sick again.  He realises , if he stops working even for a few days only, the whole area will turn into a big dustbin.

9. A proverb has it that ‘Health is Wealth’. To keep healthy is to keep free from disease and anxiety. Good health is proper functioning of all body organs. It is also feeling well both in body and in mind. People in good health are active, cheerful and happy. If you are healthy, you can be happy and can help others in society as well.

10. To keep in good health we should be careful about hygiene. The rules and practices of keeping good health are called hygiene. We must practise the rules of hygiene. Proper food and nutrition, physical exercise, rest and sleep, cleanliness and proper medicare are essential for good health. Some important rules of good personal health are as follows.