Tag Questions

 Tag Questions

Rules of Tag Questions

Rule -1 : Sentence G is, are, was, were, have, has, had, shall, will, should, would, can , could, may, might, must, need, dare, ought, do, does, did  _vK‡j  Tag Qus. G ¸‡jv  AcwiewZ©Z _v‡K| †hgbt

1) We may fail at first, mayn’t we?                                      

2) But we must not lose heart, must we?

3) He does not take sugar in tea, does he?                           

4) The baby is innocent, isn’t it?

5) He says that time is money, isn’t it?                                

6) We ought to love our country, oughtn’t we?

7) Economics is my favourite subject, isn’t it?                     

8) The girl can please us all, can’t she?

9) He had to go abroad for treatment, hadn’t he?               

10) You dare not drive at night, dare you?

11) You need not go to the field, need you?                       

12) We must eat vegetable, mustn’t we?

13) It is hot today, isn’t it?                                                   

14) Bangladesh is a small country, isn’t she?

15) He is a wise man, isn’t he?                 

16) You must have the name of Israt jahan Srabony, mustn’t you?       17) His name was Rana, wasn’t it?

18) Unless I get another job I can’t resign this job, can I?                     19) It has benefited us, hasn’t it?

Rule-2: A.V bv _vK‡j Do, Does, did †K Avb‡Z nq| †hgbt

1) They play football, don’t they?                                                               

2) Tohfaknows the matter, doesn’t she?

3) Joni signed the petition, didn’t he?                            

4) He lent you some money, didn’t he?

5) He put the book on the table, didn’t he?                   

6) Sinners suffer in the long run, don’t they?

7) Mr. Shaown teaches us English, doesn’t he?             

8) She told me the matter, didn’t she?

9) Fire burns, doesn’t it?                                                

10) All of us attended the meeting, didn’t we?

11) The brave deserve the fair, don’t they?             

12) The Headmaster and secretary went there, didn’t he?

13) Still today millions of people all over the world find pleasure in his poetic works, don’t they?

14) Everyone knows this, don’t they?                               

15) Nobody pays him due respect, do they?

16) They help us in many ways, don’t they?                      

17) Time and tide wait for none, do they?

Rule- 3:   Everybody                   Everyone

                Anybody                        anyone 

                Somebody                   someone 

                Nobody                        no one                     _vK‡j  They   e‡m |

                None                            each 

                Either                      None of them

                All of them                most of them

                Some of them        neither of them  

                No man                          every 


1) No one knows what will happen next, do they?    

2) Everybody likes flower, don’t they?

3) Neither of them was responsible, were they?       

4) In our class, everybody knows everybody, didn’t they?

5) No man is happy in this world, are they?              

6) Every mother loves her child, don’t they?

7) Everybody wishes to be happy, don’t they?          

8) Everybody played well, didn’t they?

9) Nobody dislike flower, do they?                           

10) Everybody dislike him, don’t they?

Rule- 4: People, trees, children, birds, cows, fishes etc. plural wb‡`©k K‡i|  ZvB  They e‡m|

1) People don’t honor him, do they?                                          

2) Trees are our best friends, aren’t they?

3) Children fond of sweets, don’t they?                                     

4) Birds can fly, can’t they?

5) Fishes can’t fly, can they?                                                       

6) Birds can’t swim, can they?

Rule-5: Nothing, everything, anything, something mn mKj e¯‘ ev BZi cÖvYxevPK _vK‡j It e‡m| †hgbt

1) Nothing can happen without cause, can it?                          

 2) Everything is ok, isn’t it?

3) Water is a vital element of the environment, isn’t it?          

  4) A barking dog seldom bites, does it?

5) Nothing comes out of nothing, does it?                                 

 6) The glass contains little water, does it?

Rule – 6: Adjective †Kvb we‡kl †kªwY‡K eySv‡j Zvi c~‡e© The  e‡m| Gi“c _K‡j They e‡m| †hgbt

1) The rich are not always happy, are they?                                   

2) The poor are not always dishonest, are they?

3) The virtuous are happy, aren’t they?                                          

4) The brave deserve the fair, don’t they?

Rule- 7:   neither (`yBwUi GKwU I bv )

                 Nothing (wKQzB bv

                none (‡KD bv)

                scarcely (bv ej‡jB P‡j)    _vK‡j Sentence wU Negative A_© cÖKvk K‡i|

                never (KL‡bv bq)                      ZvB Tag Qus. G not e‡m bv| †hgbt

                 rarely (K`vwPr)

                hardly (K`vwPr)

                seldom   (LyeB  mvgvb¨)

1) She hardly comes here, does she?                                       

2) He seldom comes here, does he?

3) None can do it, can they?                                                    

4) Neither of them did it, did they?

5) Rahim hardly comes here, does he?                                    

6) Nothing is certain, is it?

7) Neither of them went, did they?                                           

8) I shall never forget you, shall I?

9) Nothing comes or goes, does it?                                         

10) I have hardly seen Karim, have I?

11) He can never help people, can he?

Rule- 8:  There, It hw` Subject wn‡m‡e _v‡K Zv AcwiewZ©Z _v‡K| †hgbt

1) There is an exam tomorrow, isn’t there?                             

 2) It is sunny today, isn’t it?

3) Its only drizzling, isn’t it?                                                    

4) There is a mistake, isn’t there?

5) There is no king is China, is there?

Rule- 9: Imperative sentence  G Don't w`‡q ïi“ n‡j Will you n‡e| †hgbt

1) Don’t waste your time, will you?                                     

2) Don’t forget me, will you?

3) Don’t make a nose, will you?                                           

4) Don’t tell a lie, will you?

Rule -10:  P.V w`‡q ïi“ n‡j Will you/won’t you?  n‡e| †hgbt

1) Shut up, will you? / won’t you?                                     

2) Open the window, will you? / won’t you?

3) Shut the book, will you? / won’t you?                           

4) Respect the old , will you? / won’t you?

5) Save something for the future, will you? / won’t you?  

6) Do the sum at once, will you? / won’t you?

7) Always speak the truth, will you? / won’t you?             

8) Do your duty in time, will you? / won’t you?

Rule- 11: Aby‡iva ev wb‡la eySv‡j  Will you  e‡m| †hgbt

1) Please lend me some money, will you?                               

2) Sit down please, will you?

3) Don’t waste your time, will you?                                        

4) Don’t forget me, will you?

5) Don’t make a noise, will you?                                              

6) Kindly do me a favor, will you?

7) Don’t boil the rice, will you?

Rule- 12: Let us _vK‡j Shall we?  Let me _vK‡j Shall I? Let him _vK‡j won’t you? e‡m| †hgbt

1) Let us go out for a walk, shall we?                                       

2) Let me do the work, shall we?

3) Let’s (Let us) have a discussion, shall we?                           

 4) Let’s discuss this with him, shall we?

5) Let us do something , shall we?                                            

6) Let’s have a walk, shall we?

7) Let’s go out, shall we?                                                         

 8) Let’s have some fun, shall we?

9) Let him write a letter, won’t you?                                        

10) Let us enjoy the program, shall we?

11) Let’s do something for the country, shall we?                   

12) Let us help the flood victims, shall we?

Rule-13: I am/ I’m _vK‡j aren’t I? e‡m| †hgbt

1) I’m the monarch of all I survey, aren’t I?                           

 2) I am your well-wisher, aren’t I ?

3) I am happy, aren’t I ?                                                           

4) I am late, aren’t I ?

5) I am as tall as you, aren’t I ?                                                

6) I am a student, aren’t I ?

7) I am your new class teacher, aren’t I ?                                

 8) I am punctual, aren’t I ?

Rule-14: Will _vK‡j won’t  e‡m| †hgbt

    1) You will buy a shirt, won’t you?                                          

2) He will do it, won’t he?

Rule- 15: Subject wn‡m‡e One _vK‡j Tag Qus G One  e‡m| †hgbt

    1) One can eat a dozen apple, can’t one?  2) One should do one’s duty, shouldn’t one?

Rule – 16: Sentence G This , That _vK‡j it e‡m| These _vK‡j they e‡m|

1) This is a pen, isn’t it?                                2) This is a doll, isn’t it?

3) These are books, aren’t they?                   4) That was Rahim’s book, wasn’t it?

Rule – 17: Moon, earth, river, motherland, country, ship, ferry, train etc. _vK‡j She e‡m| †hgbt

1) Bangladesh is our motherland, isn’t she?                           

2) The moon shines at night, doesn’t she?

3) Japan is a prosperous country, isn’t she?

Rule – 18: Common Gender i“‡c singular noun Gi ci Tag Qus G he e‡m|

    1) A teacher teaches his students, doesn’t he?                          

     2) A doctor serves the sick, doesn’t he?

     3) Man is mortal, isn’t he?

Some critical Tag Questions for SSC Examination


1.     Each of us has our problem, don’t we?

2.     Let her solve the sum, will you?

3.     Our love for our country is forever, isn’t it?

4.     These sounds can be easily avoided, can’t they?

5.     You and I are best friends, aren’t we?

6.     Both are responsible, aren’t they?

7.     A boy like you should not do this, should he?

8.     Mina knows you better, isn’t it?

9.     Someone has come, haven’t they?

10.   The father rose in him, didn’t it?

11.  The fans made in Japan move fast, don’t they?

12.  The USA is a rich country, isn’t it?

13.   Mina cut a good figure in the examination, didn’t she?

14.  The empress was beautiful and kind, wasn’t she?

15.  A widow has lost her child, hasn’t she?

16.  Drone gathers honey, doesn’t she?

17.  The bitch gave birth to a dog, didn’t she?

18.  The girl in her pleased us all, didn’t it?

19.  I have few friends, do I?/have I?

20.  Everybody was present there, weren’t they?

21.  My father’s birthday is on April,20 isn’t it?

22.  We see him scarcely, do we?

23. The headmaster a long with other teachers went to Dhaka, don’t they?

24.  The water of the well wasn’t dirty, was it?


1.      A barking dog seldom bites, doesn’t it?

2.      A good student is always attentive to his study, isn’t he?

3.      A lie never lies hidden for long, does it?

4.      Arif read a story book yesterday, didn’t he?

5.      Arif’s performance is praiseworthy, isn’t it?

6.      Bangladesh is a small country isn’t she?

7.      Birds cannot swim, can they?

8.      Birds fly, don’t they?

9.      Bring me a book, can’t you?/will you?

10.  Call in a doctor, will you?

11.  Do not do it again, can you?/will you?

12.  Do your study in time, will you?/could you?

13.  Don’t be late, will you?

14.  Don’t boil rice, will you?

15.  Don’t do it again, will you?

16.  Don’t do there alone, will you?

17.  Don’t drop the vase, will you?

18.  Don’t forget me, will you?

19.  Don’t waste time, should you?/will you?

20.  Each of the boys got a prize, don’t they?

21.  Education broadens the mind, doesn’t it?                               

22.  Either you or your brother came here, didn’t you?

23.  Every mother loves her child, don’t they?

24.  Everybody is liable to error, aren’t they?

25.  Everything looked beautiful, didn’t they?

26.  Everything looked nice, didn’t they?

27.  Give me a glass of water, will you?/can you?

28.  Give me a hand, will you//won’t you?

29.  Grammeen bank provides loan to the poor, doesn’t it?

30.  He dare not do it, does he?

31.  He hit us, didn’t he?

32.  He need not go there, need he?

33.  He used to like you, didn’t he?

34.  He will play football, won’t he?

35.  He’d done the work, hadn’t he?

36.  Her mother couldn’t walk, could she?

37.  I along with my friends enjoyed a picnic last month, didn’t we?    

38.  I am glad to see you, aren’t I ?

39.  I am happy, aren’t I?

40.  I am late for home, aren’t I ?/ amn’t I ?

41.  I am pleased at his conduct, aren’t I?

42.  I am ten years old, aren’t I?/amn’t I ?

43.  I had a bad headache yesterday, hadn’t I ?

44.  I prefer milk to tea, don’t I ?

45.  I shall help you, shan’t I?

46.  I shall never tell a lie, shall I ?

47.  I’m your friend, amn’t I ?/aren’t I ?

48.  It hardly rained at all this summer, did it?

49.  It hardly rains here, does it?

50.  It’s hardly rained during the rainy season, has it?

51.  Lend me your car please, will you?

52.  Let me come in to the room, will you?

53.  Let us discuss the topic, shall we?

54.  Let us go home, shall I ?

55.  Let’s go out, shall we?

56.  Let’s have a party, shall we?

57.  Let’s have some fun, shall we?

58.  Let’s speak the truth, shall we?

59.  Man cannot live alone, can he?

60.  Man cannot live without food, can they?

61.  Man is not immortal, is he ?

62.  Neither of them went, did they?

63.  No one would object, would they?

64.  No salt is allowed, is any?

65.  Nobody believed him, didn’t they?

66.  Nobody called me, did they?

67.  Nobody dislikes flower, do they?

68.  Nobody phoned him, did they?

69.  None can do it, can they?

70.  Nothing can happen, can it?

71.  Nothing can revive this worse situation, can it?

72.  Nothing comes or goes, does it?

73.  Nothing is certain, is it?

74.  Nothing remains certain, do they?

75.  Nothing terrible has happened, has it?

76.  Nothing was done, was it?

77.  Open the door, will you//would you?/Could you?

78.  Open the window, will you?

79.  Please help me, would you?

80.  Reza got a job, didn’t he?

81.  She kept silent, didn’t she?

82.  She told me the matter, didn’t she?

83.  Shut up, will you?

84.  Some one has stolen his pen, haven’t they?

85.  Somebody has called, haven’t they?

86.  Somebody wanted a pen, didn’t they?

87.  Somebody wanted to drink, didn’t they?

88.  Study attentively, will you?

89.  Susmita will sing a song, won’t she?

90.  Tell me your address, will you?

91.  The brave should be encouraged, shouldn’t they?

92.  The idle cannot prosper, can they?

93.  The moon shines at night, doesn’t it?

94.  The mother rose in her, didn’t it?

95.  The nun leads a simple life, doesn’t she?

96.  The sun having set, we reached home, didn’t we?

97.  The sun shines by day, doesn’t it?

98.  There are not any cloud in the sky, is there?

100. There is a mistake, isn’t there?

101.          There is no pond in this village, is there?

102.          There wasn’t enough time, will there?

103.          There’s been an accident, hasn’t there?

104.Time and tide wait for none, don’t they?

105.To err is human, isn’t he?/aren’t we?

106.Wait a moment, will you?

107.We have to study English, shouldn’t we/haven’t we?

108.We must eat vegetables, mustn’t we?

109.We need good friends, don’t we?/needn’t we?

110.We ought to respect our teachers, oughtn’t we?

111.We should learn English for our experience, shouldn’t we?

112.Write a short composition, won’t you?

113.You don’t know who I am, do you?

114.You need not go there, do you?

115.You’ve done a lot of mistakes, haven’t you?

116.Your mother prepared the cup of coffee, didn’t she?

117.Your niece looks beautiful, doesn’t she?



Probable Tag Questions for SSC Examination

1.      Nobody believed him, did they?

2.      Nobody believes him, do they?

3.      Nobody belives a lair,do they?

4.      Nobody called me,did they?

5.      Nobody came, did they?

6.      Nobody cheated him,did they?

7.      Nobody dislikes flowers,do they?

8.      Nobody is called,are they ?

9.      Nobody knew it,did they?

10.  Nobody phoned on Eid day,did they?

11.  Nobody sang,did they?

12.  Nocotine causes the heart to beat faster,doesn’t it?

13.  None can avoid death,can they?

14.  None can do it,can they?

15.  None can solve the problem,can they?

16.  None is none under the sun,are they?

17.  None of them knew the answer,did they?

18.  Nothing can happen, can it?

19.  Nothing can satisfy him, can it?

20.  Nothing comes of goes, does it?

21.  Nothing is certain in this world, is it?

22.  Nothing is certain, is it?

23.  Nothing is working, is it?

24.  Nothing remains certain, does it?

25.  Nothing was done, was it?

26.  Our college won the match, didn’t it?

27.  Our Plan should be leaving soon shouldn’t it?

28.  Please do me favour, would you?

29.  Please lend me some money,could you?

30.  Put it in writing, won’t you?

31.  Rafiq and Reza are brothers,aren’t they?

32.  Rivers run fast,don’t they?

33.  Robi never upset me, did he?

34.  Rofi won’t be late,will he?

35.  Rumi hardly goes to market,does she?

36.  Salam hardly comes here,does he?

37.  Say something,would you?

38.  Say your prayer,couldn’t you?/will you?

39.  She came yesterday,didn’t she?

40.  She has been fasting,hasn’t  she?

41.  She has nothing but has pride,does she?

42.  She heard a noise,didn’t she?

43.  She sang a song,didn’t she?

44.  She scarcely goes to market,does she?

45.  She talks much,doesn’t she?

46.  Shut the door,won’t you?

47.  Sinners suffer in the long run,don’t they?

48.   Sit down please,will you?

49.  Some one has stolen his pen,haven’t they?

50.  Somebody has called,haven’t they?

51.  Somebody wanted a pen,didn’t they?

52.  Students must work hard,mustn’t they?

53.  Students should not sleep in the class,should they?

54.  Tareq works in a canteen,doesn’t he?

55.  The baby begins to cry,doesn’t it?

56.  The book belongs to me,doesn’t it?

57.  The brave deserve the fear,don’t they?

58.  The brave fight with courage,don’t they?

59.  The dogs barkes when it sees a stranger,doesn’t it?

60.  The earth moves round the sun,doesn’t she?

61.  The educated should be free from supersitition,shouldn’t they?

62.  The helpless should be helped,shouldn’t they?

63.  The Idle can not prosper in life,can they?

64.  The kindness of Mohsin is known to all,isn’t it?

65.  The moon shines at night,does it?

66.  The moon shines at night,doesn’t she?

67.  The mother rose in her,didn’t it?

68.  The oldest man little likes to die,doesn’t he?

69.  The sun does not move round the Sun,does it?

70.  The teacher beat the boy,didn’t he?

71.  The tree has born fruits,hasn’t it?

72.  The unfed should be fed,shouldn’t they?

73.  The visitor that he guided was not a man,was he?

74.  The weather was fine yesterday,wasn’t it?

75.  There has been an accident,hasn’t there?

76.  There is no pond in the village, is there?

77.  There is no water in the glass, is there?

78.  There is something wrong,isn’t there?

79.  There was none there,was there?

80.  They decided to discuss the matter, didn’t they?

81.  They shall not follow you,shan’t you?

82.  They will go to the Zoo,won’t they?

83.  They won’t tell the false,will they?

84.  To err is human,isn’t it?

85.  Two and two make four,don’t they?

86.  Wait here for a moment,will you?

87.  We all eat the right food,don’t we?

88.  We had better tell someone about this,shall we?

89.  We have not finished the work,have we?

90.  We need English to get higher education,don’t we?

91.  We need not go there,need we?

92.  We ought to love our country,oughtn’t we?

93.  We should be kind to the poor,shouldn’t we?

94.  Who cares,do they?

95.  You don’t know who I am,do you?

96.  You need not depend on others ,need you?

97.  You need to think about it,needn’t you?

98.  You never say what you are thinking,do you?

99.  You ought to do it,oughtn’t you?

 100.You ought to obey your parents,oughtn’t you?

101.          You should not laugh at the poor,shouldn’t you?

102.          You will be late today,won’t you?

103.          You’d get a job,wouldn’t you?

104.          You’d rather go,wouldn’t you?

105.          You’ll never been paris,have you?

106.          Your parents  will happy,won’t they?



Probable Tag Questions for SSC Examination


01.  No living being is above death, are they?

02.  A boy like you should not do this,should he?

03.  Allah may excuse a sinner,mayn’t He?

04.  Barking dogs seldom bite,do they?

05.  Be dignified,will you?

06.  Every action has an equal and opposite reaction,hasn’t it?

07.  Good bye,don’t I?

08.  He’s reading yesterday,wasn’t he?

09.  Men who live long grow old,don’t they?

10.  Morning shows the day,doesn’t it?

11.  My friends and I hardly go there,do we?

12.  My name and address he took with him,didn’t he?

13.  My parents and I are happy,aren’t we?

14.  Neither of them is guilty,are they?

15.  Study hard to succeed in life,will you?

16.  The sooner,the better,isn’t it?

17.  Who dares to disobey the law,don’t they?

18.  You and he went there,didn’t you?

19.  You and I came to terms,didn’t we?

20.  Many a man will come,won’t they?

21.  The little girl knew a little of the matter,did she?

22.  A barking dog seldom bites,does it?

23.  The Headmaster and the secretary said many things,didn’t they?

24.  The oldest of the men little thinks about death,does he?

25.  Some one is crying,aren’t they?

26.  What a same,isn’t it?

27.  Slow and steady win the race,don’t they?

28.  All that glitters is not gold,is it?

29.  Look here he comes,doesn’t he?

30.  The brother in him rose,didn’t it?

31.  He set up a school in his village,didn’t he?

32.  You never say what you are thinking,do you?

33.  Who cares,doesn’t he?

34.  Who dares to disobey the law,does he?

35.  What a pity,isn’t it?

36.  The will of people prevails,doesn’t it?

37.  One should do one’s duty,shouldn’t they?

38.  The girl in her will surprise you,won’t it?

39.  That he is honest is known to all,isn’t it?

40.  The tree has borne fruits,hasn’t it?

41.  The girl in her pleased us all,didn’t she?

42.  He spent few hours with us,didn’t he?

43.  I think that he is right,don’t I?

44.  The brother in him arose,didn’t it?

45.  Everybody desires success,don’t they?

46.  The pupil cut a sorry figure in the exam,didn’t they?

47.  Many a rose is born to blush unseen,aren’t they?

48.  The prime minister with all the members of the cabinet went to the U.S.A,didn’t they?

49.  It ‘s hardly rained at all this summer,has it?

50.  Your honesty charmed us,didn’t it?

51.  A lie never lies hidden for long,does it?

52.  The strong always oppress the weak,don’t they?

53.  This book is rare now,is it?

54.  When he came,I was sleeping,wasn’t I?

55.  Pray to Almighty for me,won’t you?

56.  The teacher as well as the workers may come,mayn’t they?

57.  How time does fly,doesn’t it?

58.  Something is better than nothing,isn’t it?

59.  That sounds good,doesn’t it?

60.  An ideal student hardly studies,does he?

61.  To err is human,isn’t it?

62.  The girl who came to me is my sister,isn’t she?

63.  Death knows no time,does it?

64.  That sounds great,doesn’t it?

65.  How awful,isn’t it?

66.  Good morning,isn’t it?

67.  No,there’s too much work to do,is there?

68.  He’d finished the work,hadn’t he?

69.  His economical policy played a vital role in our economy,didn’t it?

70.  Beacutiful secenary,isn’t it?

71.  It is man who pollutes the environment,isn’t it?

72.  A healthy man can reside only in a healthy body,can’t it?

73.  Every action has got an equal and opposite reaction,hasn’t it?

74.  No one knows what’ll happen next,do they?

75.  How odd! Isn’t it?

76.  The helpless will be helped,won’t they?

77.  Two and two make four,don’t they?






1. Good Morning, isn ´t it?

2. Thank you, don ´t I?

3. Happy birthday to you, isn ´t it ? / don ´t I?

What I found out is this :

1. (It is a) Good morning, isn ´t it?

2. ( I ) Thank you, don ´t I?

3. ( It is a ) happy birthday to you, isn ´t it?

   or, ( I wish a ) happy birthday to you, don ´t I?

1.      An Idle student hardly studies,does he?

2.      Anwar will teach you a good lesson won’t he?

3.      Any one could just walk there, couldn’t they?

4.      Any one is allowed to come,aren’t they?

5.      Bangladesh is a small country,isn’t she?/isn’t it?

6.      Birds fly at large in the sky,don’t they?

7.      Birds of the same feather flock together,isn’t it?

8.      Do your duty in time,will you?

9.      Don’t do it,will you?

10.  Don’t forget me,will you?

11.  Don’t make any noise,will you?

12.  Each of them got ten taka,didn’t they?

13.  Every  teacher loves his student,don’t they?

14.  Every body has self of respect,haven’t they?/don’t they?

15.  Every mother loves her child,do they?

16.  Everybody is liable to error,are they?

17.  Everybody knows it,do they?

18.  Everybody likes flower,don’t they?

19.  Everybody played well,didn’t they?

20.  Everybody warned you,didn’t they?

21.  Everyone could understand it,couldn’t they?

22.  Everyone knows it,don’t they?

23.  Everyone likes an honest man, don’t they?

24.  Everything was alright,wasn’t it?

25.  Fire burns, doesn’t it?

26.  Fishes cannot fly,can they?

27.  Games and sports are the integral part of education, aren’t they?

28.  Hasan earned very little money,did he?

29.  Hasan made a mistake,didn’t he?

30.  Have a cup of tea,would you?/won’t you?

31.  He brought a new shirt,didn’t he?

32.  He does not take sugar in tea,does he?

33.  He hardly believes me,does he?

34.  He hardly realise it,does it?

35.  He hardly studies,does he?

36.  He has a cow,doesn’t he?/hasn’t he?

37.  He has few friends,hasn’t he?

38.  He may pass the examination,can’t he?

39.  He need not request me,need he?

40.  He needs a book,doesn’t he?

41.  He sat by me.didn’t he?

42.  He seldom comes here,does he?

43.  He sometimes comes here,doesn’t he?

44.  He will finish the work,won’t he?

45.  He’d gone there,hadn’t he?

46.  Hena sings early in the morning,won’t she?

47.  How fine the flower is! isn’t it?

48.  How lovely the bird is,isn’t it?

49.  How nice the flower is,isn’t it?

50.  How sweet the birds sing,don’t  they?

51.  I am hungry,aren’t I ?

52.  I am late, aren’t I ?

53.  I am not really starving,am I?

54.  I am not well am I ?

55.  I am pleased at his conduct,aren’t I ?

56.  I am your well wisher,aren’t I ?

57.  I dare not drive at night,dare I?

58.  I go there hardly,do I ?

59.  I have few story books,have I ?

60.  I have hardly seen him,have I?

61.  I prefer milk to tea,don’t I?

62.  I saw a bird flying,didn’t I?

63.  I shall never tell a lie,shan’t I?

64.  I used to walk by the river side,didn’t I?

65.  I’m not telling a lie,am I ?

66.  I’m really happy,aren’t I?

67.  Ice floats on water,doesn’t it?

68.  If you pinch me,I will feel pain,won’t it?

69.  If you work hard, you must do well,mustn’t you?

70.  It does not snow in Dhaka,does it?

71.  It is hoped that he will come in time,won’t he?

72.  It is the man who pollutes his environment, doesn’t it?

73.  It may rain now,mayn’t it?

74.  It rains a lot in the rainy season,doesn’t it?

75.  It scarcely rains in winter,doesn’t it?

76.  Karim needs a pen,doesn’t he?

77.  Kindly do me a favour,will you?

78.  Let her read the book,would you?

79.  Let him open the door,would you?

80.  let me do it attentively,could you?

81.  Let me do it,could you?

82.  Let them have the best,will you?

83.  Let them play football,could you?

84.   Let us discuss the matter,shall we?

85.  Let us go home, shall we?

86.  Let us have a cup of tea,shall we?

87.  Let us have a walk, shall we?

88.  Let us start the work,shall we?

89.  Let’s have some fun,shall we?

90.  Let’s meet the chairman,shall we?

91.  Let’s visit the zoo,shall we?

92.  Listen to me,won’t you?

93.  Look, here he comes,won’t you?

94.  Lucky won’t be late, will she?

95.  Man eats to kive,doesn’t he?

96.  Man should not tell a lie,should he?

97.  Men who live long grow old,don’t they?

98.  Mizan hurt the boy yesterday,didn’t he?

99.  My father and I were happy,aren’t we?

      100. My mother will cook rice in this time,won’t she?

101.          My uncle has not thought about it,has he?

102.          Neither of the boys is honest,are they?

103.          Neither of them complained,did they?

104.          Neither of them did it, did they?

105.          Neither of them is guilty ,are they?

106.          Neither of them was responsible, were they?

107.          Neither of them went there, did they?

108.          Neither of them will go there, will they?

109.          Neither Rafiq nor his friend helped us, did they?

110.          Neshi needs to go with her mum, doesn’t she?

111.          Never tell a lie,will you?

112.          No one knows what will happen next,does anyone?

113.          No one would object,would they?

114.          Nobody accepted his proposal, did they?