SSC English 2nd Paper Model Test 31 to 35 Questions with Answers

 SSC English 2nd Paper Model Test 31 to 35 Questions with Answers

Model Test 31

Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                          0.5×10=5













         Men have (a) —— interested in the stars ever since they first (b) —— up into the sky. Some of these stars may (c) —— their own planets. If that is (d) ——, we can suppose that intelligent life may exist (e) —— one of them. The problem is (f) —— the nearest star is forty-eight light years away. In other words, light from it has been (g) —— for forty eight years when it finally reaches us, (h)——nobody from the earth will (i) —— visit the star because it (j) —— take a rocket a hundred thousand years to reach it;

2.      Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                                                                         0.5×10=5

         Scientist have (a) —— reported that the surface ice caps are (b) ——. This is due to a rise (c) —— atmospheric temperature known (d) —— the 'Greenhouse Effect'. According to the scientist, carbon dioxide is primarily responsible (e) —— temperature rise in (f) ——. The carbon dioxide is high (g) —— coal and oil (h) —— burnt. This gas is accumulating in the atmosphere and (i) —— temperature to rise. As a result, the polar ice in the North and South poles (j) —— melting.

3.      Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5



the young generation of our country



a man slowly but surely

Young boys


for intoxicating and stimulating effects

Drug addiction

are used

taking heroine, opium, etc.


has grasped

various crimes to arrange money

4.      Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. :               0.5×10=5











         We live in a five-storey block of flats. We (a) —— here for the last two years. Recently some new people (b) —— into the flat right above us. They don't (c) —— to have much civic sense. They (d) —— chairs around day and night. Their children also (e) —— a lot of noise. The constant thumping and screeching sound (f) —— from their house (g) —— us crazy. These sounds can easily (h) —— if people are a bit conscious. We have to let them (i) —— that this (j) —— but we are not acquainted with them.

5.      Change the narrative style of the following text.                                                                      5

         Himi said to Rimi, "Why don't you get up early from sleep?" Rimi said, "It is tough to me to leave bed early." "Alas! it's a bad habit," said Himi, "If you leave bed early you can enjoy sound health. Follow my advice." "I will try my level best to do this," said Rimi.

6.      Change the sentences according to directions.                                                            1×10=10

         (a)     BAF Shaheen College situated at Patenga in Chittagong is flourishing its name and fame day by day. (Compound)

         (b)     As it is far away from the city, students have to start early for school. (Simple)

         (c)     O God, grant my prayer, help my brothers. (Compound)

         (d)     He loves all equally. (Comparative)

         (e)     The woman chopped wood, brought in water and fed her baby. (Complex)

         (f)     Everyone admired her. (Interrogative)

         (g)     Do or die. (Simple)

         (h)     Alif studies regularly to make a brilliant result. (Complex)

         (i)      She looked very beautiful wearing the dress. (Exclamatory) 

         (j)      An examinee should try to answer all the questions. (Passive)

7.      Complete the sentences.                                                                                                   1×5=5

         (a)     A book fair is an affair which ——.

         (b)     It is a fair where ——.

         (c)     When it is the evening, ——.

         (d)     Book lovers gather in the fair so that ——

         (e)     Some come to the fair to buy books and ——.

8.      Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis.                                                                                                                                    0.5Í10=5

         In order to (a) — (material) — your dream, you need (b) — (determine) — and efforts. Nothing is (c) — (achieve) — in this world without hard work. Nothing is (d) — (achievable) — for those who are blessed with (e) — (common) — abilities. They are very fortunate. But those who are (f) — (inclined) — to do hard work are really (g) — (fortunate) —. By spending time in (h) — (idle) ——, they only (i) — (fool) — themselves and ultimately become (j) — (remorse) —.

9.      Make tag questions of these statements.                                                                          1×5=5

         (a)     Drug is ruining our young generation, ——?

         (b)    You can't deny that drug has its beneficial effect, ——?

         (c)    Strange! Everyone knows it gradually affects the internal function of the body, ——?

         (d)    But drug helps one to forget frustration,——?

         (e)    Strong will can defeat frustration, ——?

10.     Complete the passage using suitable connectors:                                                           1×5=5

         The paragraph and the essay are different from each other. (a) —— there are some similarities between them. (b) —— the paragraph has a topic sentence to introduce the main idea. Secondly, it has a number of sentences in the middle to develop the main idea. (c) —— there is a concluding sentence in it to bring the main idea to a close. (d) —— the essay also consists of a beginning, a middle and an end. It is (e) —— obvious that the paragraph and the essay share some common features.

11.     Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.                           5

         the teacher said to boy where are you going now i am going to school said the boy did you go to school yesterday no the boy replied why did you not i was suffering from fever said the boy.




Model Test 32

Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                          0.5×10=5









         Pottery making is (a) —— ancient tradition (b) —— our rural Bangladesh. It has survived (c) ——onslaught of urbanization and modernization. The Pal caste of the Hindu faith has painstakingly preserved (d) —— craft of pottery making (e) —— generations. There has also been a revival (f) —— the demand for pottery, which is being seen, as both trendy and environmentally sound. But for this trade to (g) —— commercially innovations (h) —— design and production have to be made. (i) —— handful of such innovators have (j) —— pottery to appeal to contemporary tastes and others must soon follow this fashion to survive.

2.      Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                                                                         0.5×10=5

         Style (a) —— clothing changes more rapidly because (b) —— fashion, comfort and necessity. Why are (c) —— short one year and long (d) —— next? The weather does not vary that much (e) —— year to year. One might try to (f) —— changes in fashion (g) —— using practical seasons. But actually the need for variety and (h) —— desire to be (i) —— are more (j) ——.

3.      Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5


did not like

London Hospital instead of going out to parties

Florence Nightingale


the treatment of sick people



the easy occupation of the society



 to Germany and France to study nursing



shocked by the roughness in those hospitals

4.      Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. :               0.5×10=5











         Food is the first among all basic needs of human beings. People (a) —— food to satisfy their hunger. People should eat as much as they need. We eat to live, do (b) —— to eat. But some people foster the opposite view. The habit of more eating is (c) —— as overeating. Due to overeating, we will (d) —— from various indigestion problems. Overeating (e) —— our liver function. People know the consequences of (f) ——. Still some people (g) —— gluttonous and they are always after (h) ——. The habit of taking as much food as you (i) —— is a very good habit. Our religion (j) —— overeating.

5.      Change the narrative style of the following text.                                                                      5

         The Beduin said to the Prophet (Sm), "Oh, Muhammad, please forgive me. I could not recognise you." The holy Prophet (Sm) said, "Why did you cut off your right hand?" "I don't think it is right to keep the hand that assaulted you," he said in reply. "If you are the Prophet, join my hand," said the Beduin.

6.      Change the sentences according to directions.                                                            1×10=10

         (a)     A good teacher is an asset for the country. (Negative)

         (b)    Observe a good teacher and you will never find him motionless. (Complex)

         (c)     He never sits idle in the class. (Affirmative)

         (d)    He walks about the class when he feels its necessity. (Compound)

         (e)     He has to assess the answer sheets of the students. (Interrogative)

         (f)    He speaks as he thinks and believes. (Simple)

         (g)     Actually a good teacher works harder than a man in other profession. (Positive)

         (h)     Fixed rules do not chain him. (Passive)

         (i)      His classes become communicative and lively. (Negative)

         (j)      We should show due respect to him. (Imperative)

7.      Complete the sentences.                                                                                                   1×5=5

         (a)     These are the Pyramids which——. 

         (b)     All the Pyramids are——.  

         (c)     These Pyramids are located——.

         (d)    The great Pyramids were built by a king ——.

         (e)    He ruled Egypt and ——.

8.      Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis.                                                                                                                                    0.5Í10=5

         The UNESCO has proclaimed February 21 as the International Mother Language Day to be observed (a) — (world) — in recognition of the sacrifices of the martyrs for establishing the (b) — (right) — place of Bangla. The (c) — (declare) — came in the form of a resolution (d) — (unanimous) — adopted at the plenary of the UNESCO in 1999. One of the aims of the proclamation was to encourage (e) — (lingual) — education which will develop (f) — (full) — awareness about language and cultural tradition. The initiative will also inspire unity based on (g) — (understand) —, tolerance and dialogue. It is a great tribute and (h) — (glow) — homage paid by the international community to the language martyrs of Bangladesh. This was an (i) — (forget) — and (j) — (glory) — moment for the people of Bangladesh.

9.      Make tag questions of these statements.                                                                          1×5=5

         (a)    We live in Bangladesh, ——?

         (b)    She is one of the smallest countries in the world, ——?

         (c)    But she has a large population, ——?

         (d)    We must turn this population into power, ——?

         (e)     Let us work together in this regard, ——?

10.     Complete the passage using suitable connectors:                                                           1×5=5

         Pollution means making something dirty and impure. We come across different pollutions (a) —— arsenic pollution, water pollution, air pollution, sound pollution, etc. (b) —— in water the presence of arsenic is much higher (c) —— the acceptable quantity, it is called arsenic pollution. The farmers all over the world are using pesticide and chemicals (d) —— are mixing with water directly and (e) —— water is polluted.

11.     Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.                           5

         is there anybody here who has ever crossed a river by a boat i have teacher i clearly remember what happened in that journey said Jamal.




Model Test 33

Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                          0.5×10=5










         Charity is (a) —— inclination of heart to help others in distress and to (b) —— good of others. Charity is (c)—— noble human quality. It makes one's heart (d) ——. It is the feeling of sympathy (e) —— other's wants. There are various ways (f) —— practicing charity. The practice of giving alms is (g) —— act of charity. But it is riot (h) —— in all cases. Charity should be extended to (i) —— the really needy. Charity should aim (j) —— removing the sufferings of the poor.

2.      Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                                                                          0.5×10=5

         The Liberation War Museum was (a) —— on 22 March, 1996 (b) —— Segunbagicha. There is an eternal flame (c) —— the entrance. The museum was (d) —— at (e) —— initiative of some community leaders to meet (f) —— historical requirement for preserving (g) —— memory and relics of the War (h) —— Liberation. (i) —— museum has different programmes to foster answers among the young generation (j) —— the heroic struggle for independence.

3.      Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5



the name of aeroplane in this regard



educative value as well


can mention

always fascinating



fastest transportation system



to travel from prehistoric time

4.      Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. :               0.5×10=5











         Sports (a) —— a popular form of entertainment. Many international sports events (b) —— from time to time. Most of these events (c) —— by multinational manufacturing companies and the business firms. They (d) —— for the sports events in exchange for the right to (e) —— their products during those events. These events (f) —— worldwide by satellite and people all over the world (g) —— them live. As a result, the sponsor's products (h) —— maximum media coverage thus (i) ——  companies international recognition. Sports also (j) —— international brotherhood.

5.      Change the narrative style of the following text.                                                                      5

         "How old are you?" once Buddha asked an old man. “Two years," was the humble reply. "But, you look eighty!" "Buddha exclaimed. "Great saint, just two years ago I came to know what true love is.

6.      Change the sentences according to directions.                                                            1×10=10

         (a)     Anger is nothing but a vice. (Make it interrogative)

         (b)     It begets only the worst. (Make it negative)

         (c)     So, we should control it for our sake. (Make it passive voice)

         (d)     He who is taken by anger causes a lot of troubles. (Make it simple)

         (e)     Realizing it, we should be emotionally balanced. (Make it compound)

         (f)    An angry man is not liked by all. (Make it active voice)

         (g)     Everybody cannot but hate an angry man. (Make it affirmative)

         (h)     An angry man is not so favourite as others (Make it comparative)

         (i)      He is the most despised person in a society. (Make it comparative)

         (j)      Nothing is more furious than anger. (Make it positive)

7.      Complete the sentences.                                                                                                   1×5=5

         (a)     It is flower which——.

         (b)     We have not the proper mechanism by which——.

         (c)     Love others lest ——.

         (d)     He became so greedy that ——.

         (e)     United we stand——.

8.      Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis.                                                                                                                                    0.5Í10=5

         The city of Chittagong is (a) — (crowded) — because there is a continuous (b) — (migrate) — of people from the villages. To control this trend, different (c) — (install) — should be (d) — (centralized) —. Then people will not move towards the city for (e) — (employ) —. We should remember that the problems of Chittagong will not be changed (f) — (night) — or (g) — (automatic) —. Both government and people should work (h) — (earnest) — to solve these dangerous problems. Government may introduce (i) — (attract) — working opportunities in rural area which will check village people's (j) — (tend) — to come to the city for their living.

9.      Make tag questions of these statements.                                                                          1×5=5

         (a)     Everybody respects freedom fighters, ——?

         (b)     They fought for the independence of our country, ——?

         (c)    Their sacrifice has given us freedom in every sphere of life, ——?

         (d)    Their names are written in golden letters,——?

         (e)    We should never forget them, ——?

10.     Complete the passage using suitable connectors:                                                           1×5=5

         Everybody wants success in life (a) —— everybody can't achieve it. In our society, there are people (b) —— get frustrated. (c) —— success does not come very easily at first attempt. (d) ——, if you want to achieve true success in life, you must have some qualities such as  sincerity and honesty.  (e) ——, you need to have perseverance and patience.

11.     Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.                           5

         The king said what harm did I do then the you should seek to take my life with you own hand you killed my father and my two brothers the young man replied.




Model Test 34

Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                          0.5×10=5












         The world is like (a) —— glass. If you smile, it (b) ——, if you frown, it frowns back. If you look at through a (c) —— glass all seem red, if through (d) —— smoked one, all dull and dirty. (e) —— try then to look at (f) —— bright side of things. (g) —— every thing in the world has a bright side. Greet everyone (h) —— a bright smile, kind words and a (i) —— welcome. It is not enough (j) —— love those who are near and dear to us.

2.      Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                                                                          0.5×10=5

         Electricity is (a) —— a part of our everyday life. (b) —— we rarely think twice about its importance and necessity. When we switch (c) ——the light and the fan or turn our television or computer on, we enjoy (d) —— blessings of electricity. Even when we turn off the beside lamp and are fast asleep, electricity remains working (e) —— us driving our fans, heating or cooling our rooms and running our refrigerators. Unfortunately, we (f) —— enjoy the uninterrupted blessing of electricity. There is some shortage in (g) —— generation (h) —— electricity in Bangladesh. (i) ——, load-shedding or suspension of the supply of electricity has (j) —— a regular program of the Power Development Board.

3.      Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5



much probability of development



us disreputable in the society



too complicated to solve in a day

Our country


this problem through hard diligence



been actually created by us

4.      Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. :               0.5×10=5











         Costly foods (a) —— so rich as they seem to be in their food value, whereas many cheap foods are richer in their food value. But young people in general (b) —— think so and they form their food habits with a wrong notion. Unfortunately enough, even many educated young groups (c) —— for nutrients or food value. They (d) —— predominance to the matter whether a food is tasty or not. Many young ones only (e) —— delicious; fatty and oily food. This is why junk food is (f) ——by many especially young people or children. Some think that rich food (g) —— a lot of nutrients (h) —— for one to (i) —— fit and (j) —— proper growth of the body.

5.      Change the narrative style of the following text.                                                                      5

         Suddenly a voice called out, "Good morning gentlemen. Where are you going and what are you doing here?" "Oh, nowhere and nothing," "But you look so pensive, why?" "Yes, you are right. We are looking for something," replied the six blind men.

6.      Change the sentences according to directions.                                                            1×10=10

         (a)     Student politics is one of the most discussed issues of the country. (Comparative)

         (b)     Being misguided our students do a lot of harm. (Compound)

         (c)     We should develop public consciousness to solve this problem. (Complex)

         (d)     It is very harmful. (Exclamatory)

         (e)     Political involvement is not bad for the students. (Affirmative)

         (f)     But they should do politics for the benefit of the nation. (Passive)

         (g)     Evil minded leaders should be avoided. (Active)

         (h)     If we can avoid campus violence, we can remove session jam. (Simple)

         (i)     By being determined, we can solve many problems. (Complex)

         (j)      Nothing is as harmful as violence. (Superlative)

7.      Complete the sentences.                                                                                                   1×5=5

         (a)     Avoid mistakes lest ——.

         (b)     If you invited me——.

         (c)     —— as it did not rain in time.

         (d)     He is sure that ——.

         (e)     Many years have passed——.

8.      Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis.                                                                                                                                    0.5Í10=5

         The (a) — (manage) — of the hotel was talking to the (b) — (reception) —. A (c) — (visit) — came to book a seat. He was a (d) — (foreign) — and did not have a complete (e) — (know) — of English. A (f) — (board) — of the hotel offered him (g) — (assist) —. He did not (h) — (agree) — and (i) — (final) — the matter was (j) — (successful) — settled.

9.      Make tag questions of these statements.                                                                          1×5=5

         (a)    It is an enjoyable evening,——?

         (b)    Yes it is. Let's go out for a walk, ——?

         (c)    That's a nice idea. We can enjoy a walk outside, ——?

         (d)    The air is also cool and soothing, ——?

         (e)    Right. And the queen moon is also shining brightly in the sky, ——?

10.     Complete the passage using suitable connectors:                                                           1×5=5

         Expect problems. Face them bravely. (a) ——, they are an inseparable part of our life. (b) ——never think you are alone. (c) —— a situation gets worse. Choose a counsellor from your parents or teachers (d) —— will objectively listen to your upsetting problems and show you a way out. (e) —— psychologists are the best to deal with such problems.

11.     Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.                           5

         robert bruce the king of scotland was defeated at war and failed to regain his country’s freedom several times naturally he was in a very dejected mood sitting in his hide out he lost himself in deep thought.




Model Test 35

Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                          0.5×10=5







         Many diseases are rising (a) —— an alarming rate, which experts believe due (b) —— increased pollution (c) —— the environment. Pollution appears (d) —— be greater (e) —— urban areas  although rural societies too are afflicted (f) —— increased use (g) —— chemical fertilizers and insecticides.  Nevertheless, today city people appear (h) —— suffer (i) —— many more diseases and suffer more seriously than country people. Now let us see how life (j) —— cities is different from that in the country.

2.      Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                                                                          0.5×10=5

         A teacher is (a) —— compared with an architect. He is the (b) ——— of learning and makes the illiterate people (c) —— citizens of a country. But it is a matter of regret that the teachers are not (d) —— in due respect in society. They lead a humble life in the (e) —— of want. Still they keep the light of education (f) —— in order to remove the (g) —— of illiteracy and (h) —— from the society. So the government should take necessary (i) —— for the (j) —— development of the teachers.

3.      Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5

The authoress


to be quiet and away from people to do some serious writings



the boy for chopping wood            

The orphanage


a cabin which belonged to the orphanage



about 42 years old but looked smaller



for a boy or a man to come and chop wood for her

4.      Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. :               0.5×10=5











         I (a) —— your letter yesterday. My joys knew no bounds when I (b) —— to know your brilliant result. You wrote that you (c) —— GPA-5 in the SSC examination. Please (d) —— my heartiest congratulation on your great success. You (e) —— really worthy of this result. You have achieved   what we (f) ——. Now your duty is to make endeavor to (g) —— your performance in the examination to be (h) —— in future. I (i) —— that you will be able to maintain your (j) —— success.

5.      Change the narrative style of the following text.                                                                      5

         "Can I have a look at your paper for a moment?" said the man next to me. "I just want to see the cricket results." " I haven't quite finished with it," I said. "Could you wait a moment?" "I can't wait long," he said, "I am getting off at the next stop."

6.      Change the sentences according to directions.                                                            1×10=10

         (a)     Eid is one of the biggest religious festivals of the Muslims. (Positive)

         (b)     It is a very auspicious day. (Exclamatory)

         (c)     The Muslims keep fasting during the month of Ramadan. (Interrogative)

         (d)     Nobody should look down upon the poor. (Passive)

         (e)    The rich people try to enjoy Eid in a different way. (Complex)

         (f)    Those who are helpless deserve our charity. (Simple)

         (g)     No festival is as colourful as Eid. (Superlative)

         (h)     The day is enjoyed. (Active)

         (i)      How amazing the celebration is! (Assertive)

         (j)      Different TV channels telecast various programmes on this day. (Passive)

7.      Complete the sentences.                                                                                                   1×5=5

         (a)     I don't know what——.

         (b)     The truth is that——.

         (c)     He pretends as though ——.

         (d)     Though he is healthy, ——.

         (e)     The police is looking for him as ——.

8.      Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis.                                                                                                                                    0.5Í10=5

         A (a) — (west) — survey was conducted on this (b) — (quest) —. Are social (c) —(net) — making us (d) — (social) —? The participants were mainly the (e) — (net) — users of the west 81% opined affirmative. One commented that (f) — (smart) — detach you from your family and (g) — (company) — in exchange of an addiction to an idle fun. Another comment was that there many (h) — (virtue) — relations are maintained at a time and so they (i) — (hard) — become deep and reliable. Another remarkable comment was that direct (j) — (action) — has no alternative for a safe relation.

9.      Make tag questions of these statements.                                                                          1×5=5

         (a)     Man is fond of turning back to the past, ——?

         (b)     The present may be good, ——?

         (c)     But everybody hardly forgets golden past, ——?

         (d)     Nothing is more pleasant to him than the memories of childhood, ——?

         (e)     The memories of childhood really haunts us, ——?

10.     Complete the passage using suitable connectors:                                                           1×5=5

         English is the most widely used international language. (a) —— communicating with the foreigners, we cannot but use this language. There are certain jobs in the country (b) —— the jobs of a pilot, a postman, a telephone operator, etc. where English is very essential. (c) —— a student wishing to go abroad must learn English. (d) —— the importance of learning English in our country cannot be ignored. (e) —— we should put high importance on learning English.

11.     Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.                           5

         bangladesh is a small country with a population of about sixteen crores she can hardly make headway so we should work hard to keep pace with the rest of the world

Answer Sheet


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      (a) become; (b) looked; (c) have; (d) so; (e) on; (f) that; (g) travelling; (h) probably; (i) ever; (j) will.

2.      (a) recently; (b) melting; (c) in; (d) as; (e) for; (f) atmosphere; (g) when; (h) are; (i) leads/causes; (j) is.

3.      (i)      Drug addiction means taking heroin, opium, etc.

         (ii)     It has grasped the young generation of our country.

         (iii)    Drugs are used for intoxicating and stimulating effects.

         (iv)    Young boys commit various crimes to arrange money.

         (v)     It kills a man slowly but surely.

4.      (a) have   been   living;   (b)   have   moved;   (c)   seem;   (d)   drag;   (e)   make;   (f)   coming;  (g) drives/makes; (h) be avoided; (i) know; (j) should be stopped.

5.      Himi asked Rimi why she (R) did not get up early from sleep. Rimi replied that it was tough to her (R) to leave bed early. Himi exclaimed with sorrow that it was a bad habit. Himi told her (R) that if she (R) left bed early she (R) could enjoy sound health. She (H) also advised her (R) to follow her (H) advice. Rimi told her (H) that she (R) would try her (R) level best to do that.

6.      (a)     BAF Shaheen college is situated at Patenga in Chittagong and it is flourishing its name and fame day by day.

         (b)     It being far away from the city, students have to start early for school.

         (c)     O God, grant my prayer and help my brothers.

         (d)     He does not love anybody less than others.

         (e)      The woman had chopped wood, brought in water before she fed her baby.

         (f)     Who didn't admire her?

         (g)     Without doing it, you will die.

         (h)     Alif studies regularly so that he can make a brilliant result.       

         (i)      How beautiful she looked wearing this dress!

         (j)      All the questions should be tried to answer by an examinee.   

7.      (a)     A book fair is an affair which meets the demand of the book lovers.

         (b)     It is a fair where books on different subjects are displayed.

         (c)     When it is the evening, book lovers gather there.

         (d)     Book lovers gather in the fair so that they can purchase their respective favourite books.

         (e)     Some come to the fair to buy books and some come to meet their favourite writers.

8.      (a) materialise; (b) determination; (c) achievable; (d) unachievable; (e) uncommon; (f) disinclined; (g) unfortunate; (h) idleness; (i) befool; (j) remorseful.

9.      (a)     Drug is ruining our young generation, isn't it?

         (b)     You can't deny that drug has its beneficial effect, can you?

         (c)     Strange! Everyone knows it gradually affects the internal function of the body, don't they?

         (d)     But drug helps one to forget frustration, doesn't it?

         (e)     Strong will can defeat frustration, can't it?

10.    (a) But; (b) Firstly; (c) Moreover; (d) Besides; (e) also.

11.    The teacher said to the boy, “where are you going now?” “I’m going to school,” said the boy. “Did you go to school yesterday?” “No,” the boy replied. “Why did you not go?” “ I was suffering from fever," said the boy.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      (a) an; (b) in; (c) the; (d) the; (e) for; (f) in; (g) flourish; (h) in; (i) A; (j)  introduced.

2.      (a) in; (b) of; (c) they; (d) the; (e) from; (f) bring; (g) by; (h) the; (i) different; (j) practical.

3.      (i)      Florence Nightingale did not like the easy occupation of the society.

         (ii)    She visited London Hospital instead of going out to parties.

         (iii)    She studied the treatment of sick people.

         (iv)    She was shocked by the roughness in those hospitals.

         (v)     She went to Germany and France to study nursing.

4.      (a) take; (b) not live; (c) known; (d) suffer; (e) damages; (f) overeating; (g) are; (h) eating; (i) need; (j) forbids.

5.      Addressing the Prophet as Muhammad (Sm) the Beduin earnestly requested him (Sm) to forgive him (B) and said that he could not recognize him (Sm). The holy Prophet (Sm) asked him why he (B) had cut off his right hand. He (B) replied that he (B) didn't think it was right to keep the hand that had assaulted him (Sm) and requested him (Sm) to join his hand if he (Sm) was the Prophet.

6.      (a)     A good teacher is nothing but an asset for a country.

         Or,    A good teacher is not a liability for the country.

         (b)     If you observe a good teacher, you will never find him motionless.

         (c)     He always moves in the class.

         (d)     He feels the necessity of movement and he walks about the class.

         (e)     Does not he have to assess the answer sheets of the students?

         (f)     He speaks according to his thought and belief.

         (g)     A man in other profession actually does not work as hard as a good teacher does.

         (h)     He is not chained by fixed rules.

         (i)      His classes do not become non-communicative and lifeless.

         (j)      Let's show due respect to him.

7.      (a)     These are the Pyramids which are the wonders of the world.

         (b)     All the Pyramids are not of equal size as they are different.

         (c)     These Pyramids are located in Egypt which is an ancient country.

         (d)     The great Pyramids were built by a king whose name was Khunam-Khufu.

         (e)     He ruled Egypt and was the second Pharaoh of the 4th dynasty.

8.      (a) worldwide; (b) rightful; (c) declaration; (d) unanimously; (e) multilingual; (f) fuller; (g) understanding; (h) glowing; (i) unforgettable; (j) glorious.

9.      (a)     We live in Bangladesh, don't we?

         (b)     She is one of the smallest countries in the world, isn't she?

         (c)     But she has a large population, hasn't she?

         (d)     We must turn this population into power, mustn't we?      

         (e)     Let us work together in this regard, shall we?

10.    (a) such as; (b) When; (c) than; (d) which; (e) thus.

11.    "Is there anybody here who has ever crossed a river by a boat." I have a teacher, I clearly remember what happened in that journey," said Jamal.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      (a) an; (b) think; (c) a; (d) generous; (e) in; (f) of; (g) an; (h) charity; (i) help; (j) at.

2.      (a) inaugurated/opened; (b) at; (c) at; (d) founded; (e) the; (f) the; (g) the; (h) of; (i) The: (j) about.

3.      (i)      Travelling is always fascinating.

         (ii)    People used to travel from prehistoric time.

         (iii)    We use fastest transportation system.

         (iv)    We can mention the name of aeroplane in this regard.

         (v)     It has educative value as well.

4.      (a) are; (b) are organized; (c) are sponsored; (d) pay; (e) advertise; (f) are telecast; (g) watch; (h) receive; (i) giving; (j) promotes.

5.      Once Buddha asked an old man how old he (O) was. He (O) humbly replied that he (O) was two years old. Being surprised Buddha told that he (O) looked eighty. Addressing him (B) as great saint the old man told that he (O) had come to know what true love was just two years before.

6.      (a)     Is anger anything but a vice?

         (b)     It begets nothing but the worst.

         (c)     So it should be controlled by us for our own sake.   

         (d)     A person taken by anger causes a lot of troubles.

         (e)     We should realize it and should be emotionally balanced.

         (f)     All do not like an angry man.

         Or     Nobody likes an angry man.

         (g)     Everybody must hate an angry man.     

         (h)     An angry man is less favourite than others.

         (i)      He is more despised than any other person in a society.

         (j)      Nothing is as furious as anger.

7.      (a)     It is flower which is the symbol of beauty and purity.

         (b)     We have not the proper mechanism by which we can lift them.

         (c)     Love others lest they should love you.

         (d)     He became so greedy that he cut the belly of the goose.

         (e)     United we stand, divided we fall.

8.      (a) overcrowded; (b) migration; (c) installations; (d) decentralized; (e) employment; (f) overnight; (g) automatically; (h) earnestly; (i) attractive; (j) tendency.

9.      (a)     Everybody respects freedom fighters, don't they?

         (b)     They fought for the independence of our country, didn't they?

         (c)     Their sacrifice has given us freedom in every sphere of life, hasn't it?

         (d)     Their names are written in golden letters, aren't they?

         (e)     We should never forget them, should we?

10.    (a) but; (b) who; (c) Because; (d) Actually; (e) In addition.

11.    The king said, "What harm did I do then that you should seek to take my life?" "With your own hand you killed my father and my two brothers," the young man replied.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      (a) a; (b) smiles; (c) red; (d) a; (e) Always; (f) the; (g) Almost; (h) with; (i) pleasing; (j) to.

2.      (a) regarded; (b) So; (c) on; (d) the; (e) for; (f) fail to; (g) power; (h) for; (i) Therefore/So; (j) become.                                      

3.      (a)     Our country has much probability of development.

         (b)     Poverty makes us disreputable in the society.                          

         (c)     It has been actually created by us.

         (d)     It is too complicated to solve in a day.

         (e)     We solve this problem through hard diligence.

4.      (a) are not; (b) do not; (c) do not care; (d) give; (e) prefer; (f) liked; (g) contains; (h) needed; (i) keep; (j) ensure.

5.      Suddenly addressing the six blind men as gentlemen and wishing them good morning, a voice asked them where they were going and what they were doing there. They exclaimed that they were going nowhere and were doing nothing. Then the voice told them that they looked so pensive and asked them why they looked so. The six blind men-agreed with the voice and told that it was right. They added that they were looking for something,

6.      (a)     Student politics is more discussed than most other issues of the country.

         (b)     Our students are misguided and do a lot of harm.

         (c)     We should developed public consciousness so that we can solve this problem.

         (d)     How harmful it is!

         (e)     Political involvement is good for the students.

         (f)     But politics should be done by them for the benefit of the nation.

         (g)     They should avoid evil minded leaders.

         (h)     By avoiding campus violence, we can remove session jam.

         (i)      If we are determined, we can solve many problems.

         (j)      Violence is the most harmful thing.

7.      (a)     Avoid mistakes lest you should get poor marks.

         (b)     If you invited me, I would go.

         (c)     The farmers could not reap a good harvest this year as it did not rain in time.

         (d)     He is sure that he will get A+ in the exam.

         (e)     Many years have passed since I met you last.

8.      (a)   manager;   (b)   receptionist;   (c)  visitor;   (d)   foreigner;   (e)   knowledge;   (f)   boarder; (g) assistance; (h) disagree; (i) finally; (j) successfully.

9.      (a)     It is an enjoyable evening, isn't it?

         (b)     Yes it is. Let's go out for a walk, shall we?

         (c)     That's a nice idea. We can enjoy a walk outside, can't we?

         (d)     The air is also cool and soothing, isn't it?

         (e)     Right. And the queen moon is also shining brightly in the sky, isn't she?

10.    (a) Because; (b) So; (c) When; (d) who; (e) In this case.

11.    Robert Bruce, the king of Scotland, was defeated at a war and failed to regain his countrys freedom several times. Naturally he was in a very dejected mood. Sitting in his hide out, he lost himself in deep thought.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      (a) at; (b) to; (c) of; (d) to; (e) in; (f) by; (g) of; (h) to; (i) from; (j) in.

2.      (a) usually/often; (b) father; (c) educated; (d) held; (e) midst; (f) burning; (g) darkness; (h) ignorance; (i) steps; (j) proper.

3.      (a)     The authoress wanted to be quiet and away from people to do some serious writings.

         (b)     She rented a cabin which belonged to the orphanage.

         (c)     She asked for a boy or a man to come and chop wood for her.

         (d)     The orphanage sent the boy for chopping wood.

         (e)     He was about 12 years old but looked smaller.

4.      (a) received; (b) came; (c) had secured; (d) accept; (e) are ; (f) expected; (g) retain; (h) held; (i) expect; (j) continuous

5.      The man next to me asked me if he could have a look at my paper for a moment and said that he just wanted to see the cricket results. I replied that I hadn't quite finished with it and asked him if he could wait a moment. He replied that he could not wait long since he was getting off at the next stop.

6.      (a)     Very few religious festivals of the Muslims are as big as Eid.

         (b)     What an auspicious day it is!

         (c)     Don't the Muslims keep fasting during the month of Ramadan?

         (d)     The poor should not be looked down upon.

         (e)     The people who are rich try to enjoy Eid in a different way.

         (f)     The helpless deserve our charity.

         (g)     Eid is the most colourful festival.

         (h)     We enjoy the day.

         (i)      The celebration is very amazing.

         (j)      Various programmes are telecast by different channels on this day.

7.      (a)     I don't know what happened to him

         (b)     The truth is that he is a drug addicted

         (c)     He pretends as though he knew nothing about it.

         (d)     Though he is healthy, he does not do any work.

         (e)     The police is looking for him as he is a criminal.

8.      (a) western; (b) question; (c) networks; (d) unsocial; (e) network; (f) smartness; (g) companion; (h) virtual; (i) hardly; (j) reaction.

9.      (a)     Man is fond of turning back to the past, isn't he?  

         (b)     The present may be good, mayn't it?

         (c)     But everybody hardly forgets golden past, do they?

         (d)     Nothing is more pleasant to him than the memories of childhood, is it?

         (e)     The memories of childhood really haunt us, don't they?

10.    (a) While; (b) such as; (c) Besides; (d) So; (e) Therefore.

11.    Bangladesh is a small country with a population of about sixteen crores. She can hardly make headway. So, we should work hard to keep pace with the rest pf the world.