SSC English 2nd Paper Model Test 21 to 25 Questions with Answers

  SSC English 2nd Paper Model Test 21 to 25 Questions with Answers

Model Test 21

Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                          0.5×10=5













         Man is the supreme being (a) —— all creatures. Man has courage by (b) —— he can do anything destructive or (c) ——. In (d) —mind, there is the fascination of conquering anything (e) ——. Hillary and Tenzing were not also an (f) —— from it. They were not daunted by difficulties (g) —— dangers. All the dangers were overcome by them to conquer the highest peak (h) —— the world. For (i) —— courage and hardship, their names have been (j) —— in history.

2.      Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                                                                          0.5×10=5

         Afforestation means planting or preserving trees. It is (a) —— opposite to deforestation. Trees and plants are part and parcel (b) —— the environment. Ecology (c) —— depends on them. The country will (d) —— into a desert unless there are trees. The trees help to protect the soil (e) —— erosion. Flood cannot affect those areas (f) —— with trees. Storm cannot (g) —— its power forcefully (h) —— the places where there are trees. So we should (i) —— our fallow land for (j)—— benefit of our life.

3.      Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5

Mount Everest


after Everest who was the first to survey the Himalayas in 1841



the top on May 10 after two months of difficult and dangerous climbing

Climbing mountains

was named

Everest is difficult and dangerous

Many expeditions


to conquer Mount Everest but some of them failed

Hillary and Tenzing first

had been led

the highest mountain in the world

4.      Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box.                 0.5×10=5











         Once I (a) —— a full moonlit night. I (b) —— lesson in my reading room. Suddenly I noticed that the heavenly light of the moon (c) —— into my room. I could not help (d) —— surprised. I (e) —— out of my reading room and sat on the lawn. To me nature (f) —— in her magic beauty. Her objects (g) —— to flash with heavenly radiance. I found a kind of harmony between the world and the heaven. People (h) —— in the yard and (i) —— themselves (j) —.

5.      Change the narrative style of the following text.                                                                      5

         The teacher said to Ahsan,  "Why are you talking in the class? You should behave yourself." Ahsan replied, "Sir, I am sorry. I am asking Rahim to lend me his pen. My pen has run out." The teacher said, "Be attentive and listen to my lecture."

6.      Change the sentences according to directions.                                                            1×10=10

         (a)     Abdur Rahman got married when he was twenty-two. (Simple)

         (b)     He was a very lazy man. (Negative)

         (c)     His wife had to work hard to maintain his family. (Complex)

         (d)     They had no food to satisfy their hunger. (Compound)

         (e)     Hunger is stronger than sorrow. (Positive)

         (f)     His wife insisted him on doing something. (Complex)

         (g)     She requested him to be more responsible. (Passive)

         (h)     Abdur Rahman realized the fact. (Interrogative)

         (i)      He promised her that he would manage a job within a week. (Simple)

         (j)      We cannot help being hard working in our life. (Affirmative)

7.      Complete the sentences.                                                                                                   1×5=5

         (a)     It is true that most of the parents of our country are not interested enough to ——.

         (b)     Parents think that spending money for the children's education is unwise specially when——.

         (c)     They think female children need no education because they——.

         (d)     To lessen discrimination in children's educational status the government gives subsidy for female children so that ——.

         (e)     It is a good sign that nowadays ——.

8.      Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis.                                                                                                                                    0.5Í10=5

         Adopting unfair means in the examination is an (a) — (moral) — and sinful act. But this vicious (b) — (practice) — is (c) — (prevail) — in our exam halls and it is increasing day by day. The (d) — (deteriorate) — of this situation has not still come to our (e) — (realize) —. More (f) — (sorrow) — than this is that sometimes teachers show (g) — (lenient) — towards copying. To get rid of this persisting evil, our learners should be taught moral, (h) — (ethic) — and (i) — (religion) — values both at home and in the (j) — (education) — institutions.

9.      Make tag questions of these statements.                                                                          1×5=5

         (a)     Zinia has little knowledge about sports, ——?

         (b)     But she can develop it if she reads sports journals, ——?

         (c)     I think she has no interest in it, ——?

         (d)     Let's talk to her, ——?

         (e)     Indeed, we need to encourage her in sports for our benefit, ——?

10.     Complete the passage using suitable connectors:                                                           1×5=5

         Soil is necessary for life (a) —— most of our food comes from soil. It is true (b) —— some of us eat meat. (c) —— meat comes from animals that live on plants (d) —— again grow on soil. (e) —— we do not give food to soil, plants will become weak.

11.     Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.                           5

         He said i can chop some wood today but i have a boy coming from the orphanage i retorted i'm the boy you but you are too small.





Model Test 22

Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                          0.5×10=5









         Man is the (a) —— of his own fortune. If he makes (b) —— proper (c) —— of his time and does his duties accordingly, he is sure (d) —— improve and progress (e) —— life, but if he does otherwise, he has (f) —— suffer when it is too late. To waste time is as bad as to commit suicide (g) ——, our life is nothing but the sum total (h) —— hours, days and years. If we waste (i) —— morning hours of life, we shall have to repent (j) —— the long run.

2.      Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                                                                          0.5×10=5

         Learning a language is (a) —— to riding a cycle. The most (b) —— thing (c) —— any language is communication. You can learn to (d) —— effectively by using a language, by doing things with it and by experiencing it. You (e) —— learn English in the same (f) —— as one learns to ride a cycle. Do not (g) —— if people laugh at you (h) —— you make (i) ——. You can certainly learn (j) —— mistakes.

3.      Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5



sold to the womanhood of the wife

In the name of dowry manhood of the husband

refers to

the name of a black trading

The selling of manhood


taking dowry because it hampers our dignity

This imprisonment of the husband

must give up

the normal conjugal life



the buying of the imprisonment

4.      Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box.                 0.5×10=5









         Price hiking of household products (a) —— now a problem for us. Everyday we (b) —— it. Most of our people (c) —— low income are in danger. They (d) —— of purchasing meat and fish as they (e) ——. The price of vegetables is also high. We are to bargain (f) —— a simple product. Many times the buyers (g) ——. There (h) —— a fixed price for every time. Then it (i) —— possible to make the buyers free from harassment. Government (j) —— to fulfill our expectation.

5.      Change the narrative style of the following text.                                                                      5

         "Excuse me, are you Jack?" said Salmon.

         "No, I am not. He is over there," said Hamid.

         "Oh, I am sorry," said Salmon.

         "Are you a new student here?" said Hamid.

         "Yes, I am."

6.      Change the sentences according to directions.                                                            1×10=10

         (a)     Patriotism is a great virtue. (Interrogative)

         (b)    The man, who is a patriot is loved by all. (Simple sentence)

         (c)    On the other hand, treachery is hated by all. (Negative)

         (d)    The treacherous do not deserve any praise. (Complex)

         (e)     They sink into oblivion after death because everybody forgets them. (Compound)

         (f)     They are the most hateful person in the society. (Positive Degree)

         (g)     Even if they are remembered, they are remembered with disgust. (Active voice)

         (h)     Nawab   Sirajudaullah is one of the most remarkable persons of patriotism. (Comparative Degree)

         (i)      Jafar Ali Khan is more treacherous than many other persons. (Superlative Degree)

         (j)      How adorable Nawab is! (Assertive)

7.      Complete the sentences.                                                                                                   1×5=5

         (a)      —— we can't prosper.

         (b)    It is computer ——.

         (c)    We got our independence ——.

         (d)    —— people go on smoking.

         (e)    It is a matter of irony that——.

8.      Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis.                                                                                                                                    0.5Í10=5

         The unit by which the (a) — (loud) — of sound is measured is called a decibel. According to the UN, the normal (b) — (tolerate) — limit of sound is 45 decibels. When the (c) — (vibrate) — of sound is at a tolerable, (d) — (please) — level, it is simply called sound. But when it is sharp and harsh to the ears, it becomes noise. Serious harm can be caused to people if they are (e) — (regular) — exposed to sounds exceeding 70 decibels. This noise and excess sound is known as sound (f) — (pollute) — which harms our ear and heart (g) — (serious) —. Specially (h) — (age) — or old persons suffer from (i) — (bearable) —, problem for sound (j) — (pollute) —.

9.      Make tag questions of these statements.                                                                          1×5=5

         (a)     Though the girl is intelligent, she is often deceived——?

         (b)     Where there is smoke, there is fire, ——?

         (c)     Strike the iron, while it is hot, ——?

         (d)     Undoubtedly, our culture has some drawbacks, ——?

         (e)     Let's discuss the story of Ruplal that Mrs. Amin told us, ——?

10.     Complete the passage using suitable connectors:                                                           1×5=5

         Rockets prove very expensive (a) —— they can be used only once. (b) —— scientists have recently developed a reusable spacecraft called a space shuttle (c) —— takes-off like a rocket (d) —— does not get destroyed (e) —— it comes back to earth. It can be used for many purposes.

11.     Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.                           5

         twenty years ago i lived in village now it has turned into a big one not only that it is going to be a crowded town this way we face changes don't we changes should be accepted but that should be positive.




Model Test 23

Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                          0.5×10=5










         The issue of food (a) —— has drawn the attention (b) —— general public. We hardly find (c) —— single food in our country (d) —— is not adulterated in one way (e) —— other  (f) —— present. Substandard foods are sold in most of (g) —— hotels. Very recently government has directed (h) —— mobile court to look (i) —— the horrible pictures of adulteration. They are catching dishonest hoteliers red-handed (j) —— using unhygienic food ingredients.

2.      Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                                                                          0.5×10=5

         The proper way of study involves (a) —— and proper understanding. In order to get (b) —— from study, we should read (c) ——.We should not study only for the (d) —— of passing examination. We should take genuine (e) —— of our studies so that we can (f) —— what we (g) ——. This will give us (h) —— and wisdom and (i) —— the horizon of our outlook. We should therefore study not only for immediate gains but also for (j) —— the wealth of our mind.

3.      Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5



its interest without struggle



not a real triumph if both are not the sides equally matched

A victory


extremely needed for the progress in life

Really life


one kind of continuous examination



dull if there is no competition

4.      Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. :               0.5×10=5











         A  gentleman had the misfortune of frequentiy forgetting important matters. Once he arranged to (a) —— a dinner on his birthday to numerous relatives and friends. The appointed day (b) ——. But the guests (c) —— come. Half an hour (d) —— but still they did not come. The host (e) ——really uneasy. As he (f) —— a very delicious dinner, he was still (g) —— the guests to come. After a long (h) —— a few guests began to come. However, he could know the fact that the time (i) —— in the invitation card (j) —— not right.

5.      Change the narrative style of the following text.                                                                      5

         "What ails you, pal?" Subir, sitting close to Kabir, inquired. "Nothing so serious," Kabir heaved a sigh, "I have got rather nostalgic about my homeland. I miss my dear country and the childhood memories haunt me. What a painful experience it is to leave one's country only for the sake of better living!" "Right you are," Subir nodded.

6.      Change the sentences according to directions.                                                            1×10=10

         (a)     Child labour is one of the biggest curses of the 21st century. (Positive)

         (b)    Poverty forces them to work. (Passive voice)

         (c)    We have to remove poverty to check child abuse. (Complex)

         (d)    Being defeated for six times, Robert Bruce lost all hope. (Compound)

         (e)    Only determination can bring us success. (Negative)

         (f)     Water can be polluted in many ways. (Active voice)

         (g)    We become sick by drinking polluted water. (Complex)

         (h)    Marco Polo was a traveller who was very famous. (Simple)

         (i)     It is always busy. (Negative)

         (j)     We eat to satisfy our temptation. (Compound) .                

7.      Complete the sentences.                                                                                                   1×5=5

         (a)     We belong to a community and ——.

         (b)    Once there was a time——.

         (c)    We got our independence after——.    

         (d)    Many freedom fighters received ——.

         (e)     —— we paid proper honour to the martyred freedom fighters.

8.      Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis.                                                                                                                                    0.5Í10=5

         Money is the means of leading (a) — (world) — life. (b) — (short) — of money makes our life (c) — (deplore) —. We cannot lead our life (d) — (proper) — in want of money. But there is (e) — (difficult) — in earning money. Our peace and prosperity are (f) — (depend) — on proper (g) — (utilize) — of money. Spending money in an (h) — (proper) — way can lead us to the path of (i) — (destroy) —. So we should be (j) — (care) — in spending money.

9.      Make tag questions of these statements.                                                                          1×5=5

         (a)     Manners make a man. But what about our young generation nowadays? The young hardly practise good manners, ——?

         (b)     But nobody likes an ill-mannered student, ——?

         (c)     Everybody praises a well-mannered student,——?

         (d)     We seldom teach our young learners manners,——?

         (e)     "Courtesy costs nothing, but pays more." It is all who should know the maxim, ——?

10.     Complete the passage using suitable connectors:                                                           1×5=5

         Eve-teasing is a panic in our country. A girl certainly feels insecure (a) —— she faces such an odd situation in life. Such adverse situation leads her (b) —— to commit suicide or at least to discontinue her study. (c) —— the existing law is not sufficient to prevent the social malady. We should create social awareness now. (d) —— at the same time, a female member of the society must be decent (e) —— in her movement and dress.

11.     Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.                           5

         i agree with ralph weve got to have rules and obey them after all were not savages were english and the english are best at everything so weve got to do the right things




Model Test 24

Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                          0.5×10=5











         One (a) —— the greatest (b) —— in the modern technology has been the (c) —— of computers. They are already being (d) —— in industries and universities and time may come when it will be possible (e) — ordinary people to afford them as well. As computers are capable of (f)—— extremely difficult (g)——, they can solve (h) —— most complicated mathematical problems. They can provide (i) —— on the best way of (j) —— traffic accidents.

2.      Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                                                                          0.5×10=5

         The (a) —— pursuit of students is to study and the (b) —— of qualities that will make them (c) —— for the life (d) —— ahead. But when the country is (e) —— with a natural calamity like flood, famine, etc, they should (f) —— forward and stand (g) —— the suffering humanity. Even in normal times they should (h) —— in many acts of social service with  (i) —— view to (j) —— their fellowmen.

3.      Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5




A person who


the root of all happiness



ill health cannot enjoy his life



good health to survive in the world



the blessing of God       

4.      Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. :               0.5×10=5






break out





         The League of Nations, the first association of nations (a) —— to work for peace, was (b) —— in 1919; four years from 1914 when the World War I (c) —— throughout Europe. The war had (d) —— more destructive than anything that mankind had ever (e) ——. The League of Nations (f) —— at outlawing war and settling international disputes by peaceful means. For 25 years the League of Nations (g) —— for peace. Atom bomb was first (h) —— on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the World War II. When the first bomb (i) ——, the world knew for the first time that man has at long last been in possession of force destructive in all respects. The atom bomb (j) ——. But alas!

5.      Change the narrative style of the following text.                                                                      5

         "What's puppet show?" Sabu said to his father. Father said, "Let's go inside and you can see for yourself". Inside the tent, Sabu said, "How strange! a doll is dancing and talking!" Father said, "A man behind the screen is moving the doll. Do you understand who is talking?"

6.      Change the sentences according to directions.                                                            1×10=10

         (a)    Water can be polluted in many ways. (Active voice)

         (b)    It is polluted when wastes are thrown into it. (Compound)

         (c)    Water is polluted by chemical fertilizers and insecticides too. (Active voice)

         (d)    We become sick by drinking polluted water. (Complex)

         (e)    It cannot be kept clean without making people aware of pollution. (Complex)

         (f)    We should not pollute water. (Passive voice)

         (g)     If we drink polluted water, we will suffer from different diseases. (Simple sentence)

         (h)     Only polluted water causes the diseases of our stomach. (Negative)

         (i)      Water is the most important thing for us. (Comparative degree)

         (j)      We should not drink unclean water. (Affirmative)

7.      Complete the sentences.                                                                                                   1×5=5

         (a)     A friend in need ——, is a proverb.

         (b)     Walk fast lest ——.

         (c)    If he studied hard,——.    

         (d)     A patriot is he who ——.

         (e)    Had the students done their duties properly, ——.

8.      Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis.                                                                                                                                    0.5Í10=5

         Working opportunities for women are very few in rural areas of Bangladesh. They (a) — (usual) — spend time doing their household chores. The ILO (b) — (recent) — started a project titled "Technologies for Rural (c) — (employ) — with special (d) — (refer) — to women and (e) — sustain—— development." The aim of this project is to impart training to rural women in various activities and make them self-reliant. Male dominated (f) — (patriarch) — society is a great obstacle for women (g) — (powerment) — in Bangladesh. (h) — (conventional) —, a woman is always treated as weak and feeble person in the eye of her husband or father. But it is an  (i) — (deniable) fact that women have the same (j) — (potential) — as men have.

9.      Make tag questions of these statements.                                                                          1×5=5

         (a)     A child is a blessing of God. There is no mother but loves her child, ——?

         (b)     Nature is mysterious. But who knows the ways of nature, ——?

         (c)     The old man said to his people, "Let him say whatever he likes, ——?"

         (d)     Flood has affected the country recently. So the MP said, "Do save my country and my countrymen, ——?"

         (e)     Samira wants to swim in the pond. But her friend said to her, "There is little water in the pond, ——?"

10.     Complete the passage using suitable connectors:                                                           1×5=5

         Diseases with fatality break out sometimes (a) —— engulf some areas (b) —— threat the remaining areas of the world. (c) —— Swine Flu has become a matter of concern for poor countries like Bangladesh. (d) ——we should not be panic stricken. (e) —— we have to follow some rules of health to prevent this disease.

11.     Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.                           5

         have you heard the name of george bernard shaw this great man was born in dublin 1856 his fathers family had been small land owners he was awarded nobel prize on literature in november 1925 arms and the man is a creation of bernard shaw here he says romantic lovers are like colourful butterflies what a great man he was




Model Test 25

Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                          0.5×10=5










         The 20th FIFA World Cup (a) ——just a couple of days away and it is going to be (b) ——from June 12 to July 13, 2014. This time it is going to be held (c) —— different mega metropolises of Brazil. (d) —— five time Champion is hopeful of winning the glamorous trophy (e) ——. But Spain and Germany are in very good (f) ——. They have also made a good team and their (g) —— of carrying the cup (h) —— not beyond expectation. Other surprises (i) —— sure to happen. Above all, none should miss the grandeur and (j) —— of this football bonanza.

2.      Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                                                                          0.5×10=5

         Patriotism is an (a) —— quality of human being. It creates in a man a feeling of love for his motherland. It is older than (b) ——. The man who loves his own country, does his first and (c) —— duties and works for the (d) —— and (e) —— of his country, is a patriot. Even the ancient tribes had a great love for the land where they were born and sacrificed their lives to (f) —— it. If he does and (g) —— his duties honestly and sincerely in his own fields, he can be a patriot. If he does not do so, he will be a (h) ——. We must not have bitterness towards anyone. But (i) —— patriotism is very bad. All should (j) —- off it from their hearts.

3.      Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5

Rabindranath Tagore


born in the famous Tagore family in March 1861



revealed through his first published book 'Banaphool'



educated informally at home

So, he


not accustom himself to formal education

At the age of fifteen, his poetic genius


one of the most famous poets of world literature

4.      Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. :               0.5×10=5











         Acid throwing is a heinous crime. Recently it (a) —— to an alarming proportion. Women (b) —— the victims of acid throwing. A section of vagabond and morally degraded youth (c) —— proposal of marriage or love to the beautiful girls. When the proposal is (d) —— they become furious. They decide to (e) —— revenge by (f) ——acid on the girls. As a result of it, the faces of the girls are (g) ——. The survivors of acid victims have to (h) —— a cursed life. With a view to (i) —— acid throwing we should (j) —— strong public awareness.

5.      Change the narrative style of the following text.                                                                      5

         Sakib said to Karim, "You had a blue pen." "No, No, that was green." "You say, it was green but where is it now?" By God, I don't know." "What a nice pen it was!" Sakib said to Karim.

6.      Change the sentences according to directions.                                                            1×10=10

         (a)     Internet is the most miraculous invention of science. (Positive)    

         (b)     It has brought about an unthinkable revolution in the field of communication. (Complex)

         (c)     It is a computer network which connects other network and computers across the globe. (Simple)

         (d)    This network is interlinked with telephone line. (Active)

         (e)    Internet connection must require a telephone set. (Negative)

         (f)      It also requires a modem which is a special kind of software. (Simple)

         (g)    There are not more than two types of Internet. (Affirmative)

         (h)    Internet gets connection from the networking system. (Compound)

         (i)      Internet users can   get any sort of information very easily and quickly. (Passive)

         (j)      Thus internet has done a great wonderful job. (Exclamatory)

7.      Complete the sentences.                                                                                                   1×5=5

         (a)    Bangladesh is a small country but it ——.

         (b)    Our big population is a problem because ——.        

         (c)     Though it is a great problem, ——.

         (d)     Unless we control our problem, ——.

         (e)     It is high time ——.

8.      Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis.                                                                                                                                    0.5Í10=5

         Computer is a (a) — (fair) — a recent (b) — (invent) — of modern science. Now it has (c) — (come) — an integral part of our life. Computer can help us in many ways and it has relieved us of the monotony of our regular jobs. It can perform (d) — (calculate) — very quickly. It can also (e) — (sure) — accuracy in its work. Computer has (f) — (moved) — the burden of our work. In fact, computer has (g) — (most) — become a substitute for human brain. As a result, many people call computer an (h) — (electron) — brain though it is (i) — (able) — to think (j) — (dependent) —.

9.      Make tag questions of these statements.                                                                          1×5=5

         (a)     The little boy came fast, ——?

         (b)    I am always obsessed with cricket, ——?

         (c)    Let's go out for a walk in the open field, ——?

         (d)    The teacher said in the class, "He is a 3rd person," ——?

         (e)    Hello, Sumon, I believe you are coming to the airport, ——?

10.     Complete the passage using suitable connectors:                                                           1×5=5

         A healthy man can do any work. (a) —— he can eat anything everyway. (b) ——, he can enjoy life in everyway. (c) —— hand, an unhealthy man is unhappy, for he cannot eat and do what he likes to eat and do. (d) —— he lives and dies poor. He may have intelligence, merit, learning and power, but he cannot put them to the use and reap their benefits. (e) —— health is the source of all happiness in life.

11.     Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.                           5

         my lord he said to the caliph in a humble voice i know I have done wrong and must suffer for it but if I have the donkey I shall cause it a great deal of unnecessary suffering

Answer Sheet


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      (a) of; (b) which; (c) constructive; (d) his; (e) difficult; (f) exception; (g) and; (h) of; (i) their; (j) written.

2.      (a) quite; (b) of; (c) greatly/largely; (d) turn; (e) from; (f) covered; (g) use/exercise/exert; (h) over; (i) plant; (j) the.

3.      (i)      Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

         (ii)     It was named after Everest who was the first to survey the Himalayas in 1841.

         (iii)    Climbing mountains like Everest is difficult and dangerous.

         (iv)    Many expeditions had been led to conquer Mount Everest but some of them failed.

         (v)     Hillary and Tenzing first reached the top on May 10 after two months of difficult and dangerous climbing.

4.      (a) experienced; (b) was preparing; (c) had entered; (d) becoming; (e) came; (f) appeared;   (g) seemed; (h) sat; (i) enjoyed; (j) gossiping.  

5.      The teacher asked Ahsan why he (A) was talking in the class and told him that he (A) should behave himself. Apologizing respectfully, Ahsan informed the teacher that he was asking Rahim to lend him (A) his (Rahim's) pen as his (A) pen had run out. The teacher told him to be attentive and to listen to his lecture.

6.      (a)     Abdur Rahman got married at the age of twenty-two.

         (b)     He was not an active man at all.

         Or,    Wasn't he a very lazy man?

         (c)     His wife had to work hard so that she could maintain his family.

         (d)     They had no food and so they could not satisfy their hunger.

         (e)     Sorrow is not as strong as hunger.

         (f)     His wife insisted by her that he should do something.

         (g)     He was requested by her to be more responsible.

         (h)     Didn't Abdur Rahman realize the fact?

         (i)      He promised to her to manage a job within a week.

         (j)      We must be hard-working in our life.

7.      (a)     It is true that most of the parents of our country are not interested enough to send their children to school.

         (b)     Parents think that spending money for the children's education is unwise specially when they are girls.

         (c)     They think female children need no education because they will be married off one day.

         (d)     To lessen discrimination in children's educational  status the government gives subsidy for female children so that they can get education free of cost.

         (e)     It is a good sign that nowadays many parents are sending their female children to school.

8.      (a) immoral; (b) malpractice; (c) prevailing; (d) deterioration; (e) realization; (f) sorrowful; (g) leniency; (h) ethical; (i) religious; (j) educational.

9.      (a)     Zinia has little knowledge about sports, has she?

         (b)     But, she can develop it if she reads sports journals, can't she?

         (c)     I think she has no interest in it, has she?

         (d)     Let's talk to her, shall we?

         (e)     Indeed we need to encourage her in sports for our benefit, don't we?

10.    (a) because; (b) that; (c) But; (d) which; (e) If.

11.    He said, "I can chop some wood today." "But I have a boy coming from the orphanage," I retorted. "I'm the boy." "You? But you are too small!"



Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      (a) maker; (b) a; (c) division; (d) to; (e) in; (f) to; (g) for; (h) of; (i) the; (j) in.

2.      (a)  similar;   (b)  important;   (c)   about;   (d)   communicate;   (e)   can;   (f)  way;   (g)  worry; (h) when; (i) mistake; (j) through.

3.      (a)     Dowry hampers the normal conjugal life.

         (b)     In the name of dowry manhood of the husband is sold to the womanhood of the wife.

         (c)     The selling of manhood is the name of a black trading.

         (d)     This imprisonment of the husband refers to taking dowry because it hampers our dignity.

         (e)     We must give up the buying of the imprisonment.

4.      (a) is; (b) face; (c) having; (d) cannot think; (e) require; (f) to buy; (g) are cheated; (h) is; (i) is; (j) is trying.

5.      Drawing Hamid's attention Salmon politely asked him if he was Jack. Hamid replied that he was not. Then pointing to a place Hamid told Salmon that he (J) was over there. At this, Salmon apologised and then Hamid asked Salmon if he was a new student there. Salmon replied in the affirmative and said that he was.

6.      (a)     Isn't patriotism a great virtue?

         (b)     A patriot is loved by all.

         (c)     On the other hand, treachery is not loved by anyone.     

         (d)     Those who are treacherous do not deserve any praise.

         (e)     Everybody forgets them after their death and so they sink into oblivion.

         (f)     No other persons in the society are as hateful as they.

         (g)     Even if we remember them, we remember them with disgust.

         (h)     Nawab Sirajuddoulah is more remarkable than most other persons of patriotism.

         (i)      Jafar Ali Khan is one of the most treacherous persons.

         (j)      Nawab is very adorable.

7.      (a)     If we don't work hard, we can't prosper.

         (b)     It is computer which computes swiftly           

         (c)     We got our independence after we had lost huge blood.

         (d)     Though it is harmful, people go on smoking.

         Or,    Though smoking is harmful, people go on smoking.

         (e)     It is a matter of irony that such a little child lost its mother.

8.      (a)   loudness;   (b)   tolerance;   (c)  vibration;   (d)   pleasant;   (e)   regularly;   (f)   pollution; (g) seriously; (h) aged; (i) unbearable; (j) pollution.

9.      (a)     Though the girl is intelligent, she is often deceived, isn't she?

         (b)     Where there is smoke, there is fire, isn't there?

         (c)     Strike the iron while it is hot, will you?

         (d)     Undoubtedly, our culture has some drawbacks, hasn't it?

         (e)     Let's discuss the story of Ruplal that Mrs. Amin told us, shall we?

10.    (a) because/ for; (b) Therefore; (c) which/that; (d) but; (e) when.

11.    Twenty years ago, I lived in a village. Now it has turned into a big one. Not only that, it is going to be a crowded town. This way we face changes, don't we? Changes should be accepted but that should be positive.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      (a) adulteration; (b) of; (c) a; (d) that; (e) or; (f) at; (g) the; (h) the; (i) into; (j) for.   

2.      (a) concentration; (b) benefit; (c) extensively/widely; (d) purpose; (e) care; (f) enjoy; (g) read/study; (h) knowledge; (i) broaden; (j) enriching/increasing

3.      (i)      Efforts are extremely needed for the progress in life.

         (ii)    Life loses its interest without struggle.

         (iii)    Games become dull if there is no competition.

         (iv)    A victory is not a real triumph if both the sides are not equally matched.

         (v)     Really life is one kind of continuous examination.

4.      (a) give; (b) arrived; (c) did not; (d) passed; (e) felt; (f) arranged; (g) expecting; (h) wait; (i) mentioned; (j) was.

5.      Sitting close to Kabir, Subir addressed him as his pal and asked him what ailed him (K). Heaving a sigh, Kabir told him (S) that there was nothing so serious and added that he (K) had got rather nostalgic about his (K) homeland. He (K) further added that he (K) missed his (K) dear country and the childhood memories haunted him (K). Then he (K) exclaimed with sorrow that it was a very painful experience to leave one's country only for the sake of a better living. Afterwards, Subir nodded (K) that he (K) was right.

6.      (a)     Very few curses of the 21st century are so big as child labour.

         (b)     They are forced to work for poverty.

         (c)     We have to remove poverty so that we can check child abuse.

         (d)     Robert Bruce was defeated for six times and lost all hopes.

         (e)     Nothing but determination can bring us success.                              

         (f)     People can pollute water in many ways.   

         (g)     We will become sick if we drink polluted water.

         (h)     Marco Polo was a very famous traveller.

         (i)      It is never free.

         (j)      We eat and satisfy our temptation.

7.      (a)     We belong to a community and we have our language and culture.

         (b)     Once there was a time when we were oppressed by foreign rulers.

         (c)     We got our independence after we had fought bravely for it.

         (d)     Many freedom fighters received martyrdom while fighting against the enemies.

         (e)     It is high time we paid proper honour to the martyred freedom fighters.

8.      (a) worldly; (b) Shortage; (c) deplorable; (d) properly; (e) difficulty; (f) dependent; (g) utilization; (h) improper; (i) destruction; (j) careful.

9.      (a)     Manners make man. But what about our young generation nowadays? The young hardly practise good manners, do they?

         (b)     But nobody likes an ill-mannered student, do they?

         (c)     Everybody praises a well-mannered student, don't they?

         (d)     We seldom teach our young learners manners, do we?

         (e)     "Courtesy costs nothing, but pays more." It is all who should know the maxim, shouldn't they?

10.    (a) when; (b) ultimately/eventually/pathetically/bitterly; (c) But; (d) And; (e) both.

11.    I agree with Ralph. We've got to have rules and obey them. After all, we're not savages. We're English and the English are best at everything. So we've got to do the right things.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      (a) of; (b) inventions/achievements;  (c) invention; (d) used; (e) for; (f) doing; (g) work; (h) the; (i) information; (j) preventing.

2.      (a)  main;   (b)   achieving;   (c)  prepared;   (d)  lying/coming;   (e)  faced;   (f)  come;   (g)  by; (h) participate/take part; (i) a; (j) helping.

3.      (i)      Health is the root of all happiness.

         (ii)     A person who has ill health cannot enjoy his life.

         (iii)    We need good health to survive in the world.

         (iv)    Health is wealth.

         (v)     It is the blessing of God.

4.      (a) founded; (b) established; (c) broke out; (d) been proved; (e) experienced; (f) aimed; (g) struggled; (h) exploded; (i) fell; (j) exploded.

5.      Sabu asked his father what a puppet show was. Father proposed that they should go inside and he could see for himself. Inside the tent, Sabu exclaimed with wonder that it was very strange that a doll was dancing and talking. Father said that a man behind the screen was moving the doll and asked if he understood who was talking.

6.      (a)     We can pollute water in many ways.

         (b)     Wastes are thrown into it and it is polluted.

         (c)     People pollute water by chemical fertilizers and insecticides too.

         (d)     When we drink polluted water, we become sick.

         (e)     If people are not made aware of pollution it cannot be kept clean.

         (f)     Water should not be polluted by us.

         (g)     We will suffer from different diseases by drinking polluted water.

         (h)     Nothing but polluted water causes the diseases of our stomach.

         (i)      Water is more important than all other things for us.

         (j)      We should drink clean water.

7.      (a)     A friend in need is a friend indeed, is a proverb.

         (b)     Walk fast lest you should miss the train.

         (c)     If he studied hard, he would pass.        

         (d)     A patriot is he who loves his country.

         (e)     Had the students done their duties properly, they would have succeeded.

8.      (a) usually;  (b) recently;  (c) Employment;  (d) Reference;  (e) Sustainable;  (f) patriarchal; (g) empowerment; (h) Conventionally; (i) undeniable; (j) potentialities.

9.      (a)     A child is a blessing of God. There is no mother but loves her child, is there?

         (b)     Nature is mysterious. But who knows the ways of nature, do they?

         (c)     The old man said to his people, "Let him say whatever he likes, will you?"

         (d)     Flood has affected the country recently. So the MP said, "Do save my country and my countrymen, won't you?"

         (e)     Samira wants to swim in the pond. But her friend said to her. "There is little water in the pond, is there?"

10.    (a) which; (b) and; (c) For example; (d) But; (e) Rather.

11.    Have you heard the name of George Bernard Shaw? This great man was born in Dublin in 1856. His father's family had been small land owners. He was awarded Nobel Prize on literature in November 1925. 'Arms and the Man' is a creation of Bernard Shaw. Here he says, "romantic lovers are like colourful butterflies." What a great man he was!


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      (a) is scheduled; (b) held; (c) in; (d) The; (e) again; (f) chance; (g) chances; (h) are; (i) are;      (j) splendour.

2.      (a)  uncommon;   (b)  civilization;   (c)  foremost;   (d)  people;   (e)  development;   (f) defend; (g) performs; (h) traitor; (i) over; (j) shake.

3.      (i)      Rabindranath Tagore was one of the most famous poets of world literature.

         (ii)     He was born in the famous Tagore family in March, 1861.

         (iii)    He could not accustom himself to formal education.

         (iv)    So, he was educated informally at home.

         (v)     At the age of fifteen, his poetic genius got revealed through his published book 'Banaphool'.

4.      (a) has risen; (b) are; (c) offer; (d) rejected; (e) take; (f) throwing; (g) burnt; (h) lead; (i) preventing; (j) raise.

5.      Sakib told  Karim that he had had a blue pen. Karim strongly denied in the negative and said that it had been green. Then Sakib told Karim that he (K) said it had been green and asked him where it was then. Swearing by God Karim replied that he did not know. Sakib exclaimed with wonder to Karim that it had been a very nice pen.

6.      (a)     No other invention of science is as miraculous as Internet.

         (b)     It is Internet which has brought about an unthinkable revolution in the field of communication.

         (c)     It is a computer network connecting other network including computers across the globe.

         (d)     Telephone line interlinks this network.

         (e)     Internet connection cannot but require a telephone set./There cannot be any Internet connection without a telephone set.

         (f)     It also requires a modem, a special kind of software.

         (g)     There are only two types of internet.

         (h)     Internet gets a connection from a system and the name of this system is networking system.

         Or,    There is a networking system and internet gets connection from it.

         (i)      Any sort of information can be got very easily and quickly by the internet users.

         (j)      Thus what a wonderful job-internet has done!

7.      (a)     Bangladesh is a small country but it has a huge population.

         (b)     Our big population is a problem because most of them are poor and illiterate.

         (c)     Though it is a great problem, we are not aware of it.

         (d)     Unless we control our problem, it will be more serious.

         (e)     It is high time we took measures to control it.

8.      (a) fairly; (b) invention; (c) become; (d) calculation; (e) ensure; (f) removed; (g) almost; (h) electronic; (i) unable; (j) independently.

9.      (a)     The little boy came fast, didn't he?

         (b)     I am always obsessed with cricket, aren't I?

         (c)     Let's go out for a walk in the open field, shall we?

         (d)     The teacher said in the class, "He is a 3rd person, isn't it?"

         (e)     Hello, Sumon, I believe you are coming to the airport, aren't you?

10.    (a) In addition; (b) Moreover; (c) On the other; (d) So; (e) That is why/Therefore.

11.    "My lord," he said to the caliph in a humble voice, "I know I have done wrong and must suffer for it. But if I save the donkey, I shall cause it a great deal of unnecessary suffering."