SSC English 2nd Paper Model Test 1 to 5 Questions with Answers

 SSC English 2nd Paper Model Test 1 to 5 Questions with Answers

  Model Test 1

 English 2nd Paper

 Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)                                                                                                 0.5×10=5

1.      Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                                      










         A man of (a) —— is respected always (b) —— after his death for his (c) ——. He is an (d) —— man always (e) —— us as his (f) —— knowledge always (g) —— us how to (h) —— between the right and wrong. (i) —— fact, it is the (j) —— society that can help us in an authentic way.

2.      Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                                                                          0.5×10=5

         Man is the (a) —— of his own fortune. If he makes (b) —— proper (c) —— of his time and does his duties accordingly, he is sure (d) —— improve and progress (e) —— life, but if he does otherwise, he has (f) —— suffer when it is too late. To waste time is as bad as to commit suicide (g) ——, our life is nothing but the sum total (h) —— hours, days and years. If we waste (i) —— morning hours of life, we shall have to repent (j) —— the long run.

3.      Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5

But all foods


without food.

No living beings

have taken

to the foods we eat.

The foods we eat

are not

enormous steps in preparing food.

About 80% of our illness

can live

a great effect on our health.

The scientists

is related

safe for us.

4.      Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box.                 0.5×10=5









         We the people (a) —— in Bhola are always (b) —— though we have many natural assets. We (c) —— with several natural assets. Our total land is (d) —— day by day due to river erosion. As a result, people (e) —— in coastal area (f) —— their all the belongings along with their (g) —— places. Steps (h) —— by the government (i) —— properly because of corruption. So the concerned authority (j) —— to interfere the matter.

5.      Change the narrative style of the following text.                                                                      5

         "We want to go on an excursion, sir," the students said to the Headmaster. "When do you want to go? I think December is the perfect month" he said to them. The students said. "Will you give us permission?" "Sure, I will help heartily" "Thank you, sir. May Allah bless you".

6.      Change the sentences according to directions.                                                            1×10=10

         (a)     A newly married woman is called a bride. (Complex)

         (b)     So a bridal party is a party which consists of the bride and her friends and attendants. (Simple)

         (c)     Relatives from this party are to observe certain rites. (Passive)

         (d)     Arrangements for rejoicing and merry making are also made by them. (Active)

         (e)     They also welcome the bridegroom and his friends when they arrive at bride's house. (Simple)

         (f)     A new bride looks very smart. (Exclamatory)

         (g)    She looks more beautiful than any other girl. (Superlative)

         (h)     Relatives come to see her. (Interrogative)

         (i)      Relatives come to wish her. (Compound)

         (j)      The new bride is wished by everyone. (Active)

7.      Complete the sentences.                                                                                                   1×5=5

         (a)     There was an old farmer who——.

         (b)    Though the sons were grown-up ——.

         (c)    They were so disobedient that——.

         (d)    —— but they did not pay any heed to him.

         (e)    As he was getting old, ——.

8.      Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis.                                                                                                                                    0.5Í10=5

         Smoking produces (a) — (danger) — effects on man. By smoking a man incurs both physical and (b) — (economy) — loss. The butt end of a cigarette often causes a (c) — (devaste) — fire. Smoking is a kind of (d) — (addict) —. Those who become (e) — (addict) — to drug, first begin smoking which is the initial step for addiction. We should raise (f) — (smoking) — (g) — (aware) — among our people. It is (h) — (possible) — to stop smoking by giving (i) — (punish) —. (j) — (out) — effort from everybody is essential to minimize smoking.

9.      Make tag questions of these statements.                                                                          1×5=5

         (a)     Illiteracy is a curse. Nothing is so harmful as it for our national life,——?

         (b)     Yet most of us don't understand this truth,——?

         (c)     It is illiteracy which hampers all the development programmes,——?

         (d)     So, we need to work in a body so that this can be eradicated,——?

         (e)     There is nobody who can deny this truth,——?

10.     Complete the passage using suitable connectors:                                                           1×5=5

         Writing is one of the most useful things (a) —— invented by man. (b) —— our present civilization depends largely upon writing. (c) ——, we could know a little about our past (d) —— written documents. It was impossible for us to know anything about our history. Then, a question may arise that (e) —— has invented this art?

11.     Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.                           5

  Model Test 2

Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                          0.5×10=5













         Everybody knows that food (a) —— is a crime. Adulterated food is poisonous and it (b) —— fatal diseases. People (c) —— this kind of food fall a (d) ——  to liver diseases, cancer, kidney failure and so on. Some businessmen are (e) —— for this sort of (f) —— work. They deserve severe (g) ——. Sometimes the authority concerned make occasional (h) ——. The government has taken (i) —— steps against them. We hope that the passed laws will be properly (j) ——.

2.      Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                                                                          0.5×10=5

         Books are man's best companions  (a) ——  life. You may have very good friends (b) —— you do not get them (c) —— the time of need. They may not behave gently (d) —— you. One or two may prove (e) —— betrayers and do you much (f) ——. But books are always there (g) —— you. Some books may (h) —— you laugh, some books may give you much pleasure and some again may provide you (i) —— new knowledge and new ideas. They remain your friends (j) —— your life.

3.      Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5




can prosper


the training for proper growth.


the liberation of prejudice.


our minds and refines sensibility.

The purpose of education

in life without education.


the process by which our mind develops.

4.      Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. :               0.5×10=5










         We always (a) —— for various diseases only for food adulteration. Food adulteration (b) —— a subject of great concern nowadays. In spite of government's sincere efforts, this evil practice (c) —— on. We (d) —— more careful in the regard, (e) —— foods are (f) —— by people everyday. Consequently the poison (g) —— in our bodies day by day and it (h) —— very dangerous. The businessmen (i) —— after money (j) ——  committing this heinous deed.

5.      Change the narrative style of the following text.                                                                      5

         "I came here yesterday from my village," Raja said. "Why did you come here," I said. "My mother sent me to you with this letter." "How is your mother? I have not seen her for a long time."

6.      Change the sentences according to directions.                                                            1×10=10

         (a)     People in general are fond of glittering things. (Complex)

         (b)     They are concerned with the outer show of things and beings. (Active)

         (c)    Gold is metal which is very precious. (Simple)

         (d)    But there are some other metals looking like gold. (Compound)

         (e)    They fade soon and lose their beauty. (Simple)

         (f)     Gold is different from metals. (Positive)

         (g)    It is very shining. (Exclamatory)

         (h)    Every one likes it. (Interrogative)

         (i)     The price of gold is increasing day by day. (Interrogative)

         (j)     Specially the women are attracted by it. (Active)

7.      Complete the sentences.                                                                                                   1×5=5

         (a)     —— is not the wastage of time.

         (b)     If I had a lot of money ——.

         (c)    —— the boy went to school.

         (d)     The student works hard ——.

         (e)    He is fond of ——.

8.      Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis.                                                                                                                                    0.5Í10=5

         Citizens having good character lead a (a) — (virtue) —life. Their thoughts and (b) — (behave) show high moral values. They cannot even think of doing any (c) — (moral) deed. One of the most positive qualities of these people is tolerance towards others. Tolerance and respect to others can make life (d) — (harmony) and (e) — (peace) in society. If a person is (f) — (tolerant), life becomes difficult and almost (g) — (possible) for that person. As we want to live in (h) — (happy), we must learn social norms. By obeying social norms, we can enjoy (i) — (heaven) pleasure. On the other hand, we will suffer a lot if we (j) — (obey) these.

9.      Make tag questions of these statements.                                                                          1×5=5

         (a)     He hardly goes out, ——?

         (b)     Every mother loves her child,

         (c)     Our exam is over. None is in tension, —— ?

         (d)     Let her sing a folk song, —— ?

         (e)     The books cost me Tk. 500/-, —— ?

10.     Complete the passage using suitable connectors:                                                           1×5=5

         There lived a poor (a) —— honest farmer in a village. He lived a very simple life with his wife (b) —— children. (c) —— he was honest, he worked hard on his farm from dawn to dusk. One day (d) —— he was walking, to his field, he suddenly saw a purse of gold on the road. He carried it home (e) —— he could show it to his wife and children.

11.     Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.                           5

         last december the sundarban circus came at our school field on friday i went there with my elder brother when we arrived there the area was already crowded we purchased tickets and entered the tent




  Model Test 3

Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                          0.5×10=5










         Happiness is (a) —— relative term. A person (b) —— a crown, living in palace may not be happy (c) —— a day labourer may (d) —— happiness living (e) —— a shabby hut. Again happiness (f) —— from person to person. A beggar may be happy (g) —— a coin. A businessman may be happy getting millions (h) —— money. But (i) —— happiness or ;         peace of mind is (j) —— blessing of Allah.

2.      Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                                                                          0.5×10=5

         The Olympic Games were named (a) —— the town of Olympia in Greece. It was in Olympia that the games were first held (b) —— the Christian era began. In those days Greece was divided (c) —— many cities and men of different cities (d) —— to fight with one another most of the time. (e) ——man named Iphitps became concerned about such wasteful strife. He hit (f) —— a plan. He invited (g) —— best athletes from the nearby cities to the valley of Olympia to (h)—— athletic contests. Iphito's plan worked (i) ——. For a time the Greek warriors, instead of (j) ——  their neighbours, tried to outdo their rivals in friendly games and sports.

3.      Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5

Drug addiction


strong attraction for any harmful thing.



not only a national but also a global problem

The drugs


used for intoxicating and stimulating effects.



grasped the young generation of the country.



taken dy smoking or through injection.

4.      Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. :               0.5×10=5




to be







         It is quite long time since I have (a) —— from you. During this period, I did (b) —— to you. Anyway, I will now (c) —— my visit to our National Zoo. On last Friday, I went to our National Zoo by a taxicab at 10 am. At first, I went into the shed in which the monkeys. Before I could get hear them, I could (e) —— their chattering. Then I (f) ——  to the shed of the snakes-I was (g) —— to see a big python and a cobra that was (h) ——. Going to the shed of the birds, I saw some birds (i) —— and two parrots  (j) —— human voice.

5.      Change the narrative style of the following text.                                                                      5

         "Where are you from?" "Dhaka." "Why?" "I am looking for a man named Akmal." "Who is he?" "I don't know his real identity but he would work with me in a farm." "Sorry, no man of that name lives here," the woman said to the stranger.

6.      Change the sentences according to directions.                                                            1×10=10

         (a)     A farmer had a wonderful goose. (Complex)

         (b)     It laid a golden egg everyday. (Interrogative)

         (c)     The farmer sold the eggs in the market and became rich. (Simple)

         (d)     The farmer became so greedy to have all the eggs in a day. (Compound)

         (e)     He killed it and lost his fortune. (Simple) .

         (f)     He lost his fortune because he was greedy. (Simple)

         (g)     Day by day his poverty increased. (Interrogative)

         (h)     At last he realized his mistake and became repentant. (Complex)

         (i)      A greedy man like him is always unhappy. (Negative)

         (j)      We should learn the lesson from the story. (Imperative)

7.      Complete the sentences.                                                                                                   1×5=5

         (a)     Smoking is a habit which ——.

         (b)     Many people go on smoking though ——.

         (c)     —— we will suffer a lot.

         (d)     People can't give up smoking easily because ——.

         (e)     So attempts must be taken by us to ——.

8.      Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis.                                                                                                                                    0.5Í10=5

         We enjoy the benefits of scientific (a) — (invent) —. But, we seldom remember the (b) — (invent) —. Many of them die (c) — (sung) — and (d) — (lamented) —. It is our (e) — (gratitude) —. We (f) — (beauty) — our life with many of their (g) — (achieve) —. But, we (h) — (hard) — think of their (i) — (tire) — efforts to make these inventions. We should be (j) — (thank) — to them.

9.      Make tag questions of these statements.                                                                          1×5=5

         (a)     There are six seasons in Bangladesh, ——?

         (b)     Each season has its own features , ——?

         (c)     We hear new sound in each season, ——?

         (d)    Everything changes, ——?

         (e)     People also feel different weather in each season,

10.     Complete the passage using suitable connectors:                                                           1×5=5

         Higher education is needed in our national life, (a) —— now a question has risen (b) —— it is a luxury. (c) —— higher education is not a luxury, but the poorer section of people now think it to be so (d) —— they cannot afford the educational expenses of their children. For the greater interest of the nation the government should (e) —— help the meritorious students so that they can be highly educated.

11.     Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.                           5

         janie helped her father roast hot dogs on the campfire first she put a hot dog on a long stick next she held the stick so that the hot dog was just above the fire after a few minutes she turned the hot dog over finally she removed the hot dog from the fire and placed it in a bun




  Model Test 4

Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                          0.5×10=5










         Good manners form (a) —— important part of our education. Our education (b) —— incomplete if we don't learn good manners. In our behaviour (c) —— other we must (d) —— proper respect for them. We should have (e) —— sense of fitness in our (f) —— with others. We should show respect to our (g) ——. It is necessary for (h) __ disciplined society. Good manners cost us (i) ——. So, good manners should be a part (j) —— our culture.

2.      Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                                                                          0.5×10=5

         The word "Pahela" means the first and Boishakh is the (a) —— month of Bangla calender. The day is observed not (b) —— in Bangladesh but (c) —— in some other parts of the world. It is celebrated in West Bengal, Assam and Tripura. It is also (d) —— in Australia and the UK. In Australia, the largest (e) —— for Bangla new year is the Sydney Boishakhi Mela held (f) —— Sydney Olympic park. In England, the Bangaless (g) —— celebrate the day with a street (h) —— in London. It is the (i) —— Asian festival in Europe, (j) —— Bangladesh and west Bengal.

3.      Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5



a man to reach the goal of life



one to lose his self-confidence

The lack of determination


not enjoyable.

Success without self-confidence


one of the invaluable human qualities.



it in order to overcome the problem of life.

4.      Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. :               0.5×10=5











         Money (a) —— one happy unless it (b) —— through fair means. There are people who (c) —— a lot of money but it (d) —— peace of mind to them. Their hours and days (e) —— only for earning money. Thus they get used to (f) —— after it till death. They (g) —— their bags of money but their money is a liability to them. Costly dress is (h) ——by them but their costly dress cannot give them peace. On the other hand, the poor (i) ——happy though they do not have wealth or money. They (j) —— the peace of mind.

5.      Change the narrative style of the following text.                                                                      5

         "Have you seen your mother, Jerry?" "I see her every summer. She sends for me." I wanted to cry out. "Why are you not with her? How can she let you go away again?" He said, "She comes up here from Manville whenever she can. She does not have a job now."

6.      Change the sentences according to directions.                                                            1×10=10

         (a)     Success will not come to one's life automatically. (Interrogative)

         (b)     Do you know it? (Passive voice)

         (c)     Industry is the most important thing for success. (Comparative)

         (d)     So it is called the mother of good luck. (Active voice)

         (e)     An industrious boy will shine in life. (Complex)

         (f)     A life with an assignment is an actual life. (Negative)

         (g)     A man who is lazy always curses his lot for his misfortune. (Simple)

         (h)     What a fool he is! (Affirmative)

         (i)      None can receive any reward unless he works hard. (Simple)

         (j)      It is evident that industry is one of the greatest virtues. (Positive)

7.      Complete the sentences.                                                                                                   1×5=5

         (a)     I can't understand why——.

         (b)    Can you suggest where——?

         (c)     Do you mind if——?

         (d)    I cannot justify why —— ?      

         (e)     I do not like the people who ——?

8.      Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis.                                                                                                                                    0.5Í10=5

         Patriotism means love for one's own country and people. It is a powerful sentiment and is a (a) — (selfish) — and noble virtue. A true patriot is a great asset for a nation. His (b) — (ideal) — gives him courage and strength. It (c) — (courage) him to sacrifice his life for the sake of (d) — (free) — and honor of his country. By (e) — (be) — a patriot, one can bring (f) — (prosper) — for one's country and remove her sufferings. But false (g) — (patriot) — expression is dangerous and (h) —  (disaster) —. Patriotism is (i) — (price) — but it must not supersede the feeling of (j) — (universe) love for humanity.

9.      Make tag questions of these statements.                                                                          1×5=5

         (a)     I think you live in an extended family, ——?

         (b)     Yes, I do. But I think a small family is not favourable for our mental growth, ——?

         (c)     You are right, we have to spend most of the time alone in a house, —— ?

         (d)     This is because our parents cannot spare time for us, —— ?

         (e)     Let us live in an extended family as our grandparents did, —— ?

10.     Complete the passage using suitable connectors:                                                           1×5=5

         Illiteracy is curse of our country. (a) —— we are responsible for our being illiterate. (b) —— our government has taken steps to remove illiteracy from the country. Illiteracy causes great harm to us. (c) —— we do not understand, we cannot take steps to improve our poor condition. (d) —— we are lagging behind. We are dependent on foreign grants. (e) ——  we are not aware of the importance of literacy, we will not be able to change our lot.

11.     Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.                           5

         we would like to go on an excursion can we have your permission sir said the students yes you can arrange it after the examination is over and you should choose a historical place for that replied the headmaster thank you sir




  Model Test 5

Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                          0.5×10=5









         It is (a) —— instinct of everyone to climb (b) —— the top in position and power. Man always hankers (c) —— power. There is no other passion (d) —— the world which is so universal as (e) —— love of power. Power is the source of all (f) ——. Man tries his best to achieve it. However, excess of (g) —— for power leads (h) —— disaster. But people always rush after this power. Sometimes, (i) —— whole nation or society is maddened by this passion. It tries to swallow  (j) —— smaller and weaker neighbours.

2.      Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                                                                          0.5×10=5

         Family provide psychological support to adult as well (a) -—— to the children. It is an important task of family to (b) —— boredom and loneliness. Large family can give us this psychological (c) ——. But today kinship is (d) ——. Large extended families are giving (e) ——- to small, nuclear families. Here is less responsibilities towards relatives and here is less (f) —— and cooperation. Children of such families are deprived of love and sympathy of (g) ——. As a (h) ——, they often suffer (i) ——psychological (j) ——.

3.      Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5


Population problem


The government





should take

a great problem in Bangladesh.

some causes behind overpopulation in Bangladesh.

proper steps to control the growth of population as soon as possible.

other problems like poverty, disease, illiteracy etc.

an overpopulated land.

4.      Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. :               0.5×10=5













         With extreme competition everywhere parents are constantly (a) —— about the results. This (b) —— a common sight during the S.S.C. Examinations in thousands of families. Special prayers (c)—— in families having such an examinee. Parents (d) —— special care of their children. They (e) —— sure that their wards get along with studies without the slightest of problems even without mosquito bites. Parents (f) —— to mazars and temples and (g) —— for the examinees. Sometimes they (h) —— cash money and kinds of their wards. Parents of an examinee usually (i) —— worried until the result (j) ——.

5.      Change the narrative style of the following text.                                                                      5

         The man said to his son, "Where have you been so long and why are you wasting your time?" After a moment he said, "Will you not appear in the final exam?" "I went to my friend's house to borrow an essential book but he was not at home. So I had to wait for him," the son said.

6.      Change the sentences according to directions.                                                            1×10=10

         (a)     Shumaya who reads in class IX is a brilliant student. (Simple)

         (b)     She lives in a small family. (Negative)

         (c)     No other member in her family is as busy as she. (Superlative)

         (d)     Conditions in her house are very unfavourable. (Negative)

         (e)     She cannot concentrate on her study because of chaos and confusion in her family. (Compound)

         (f)     In spite of having a separate room of her own, she feels disturbed. (Complex)

         (g)     She has to share her room with others. (Interrogative)

         (h)     She wishes she were born in a small family. (Exclamatory)  

         (i)      The new-born baby of her aunt keeps her very busy. (Passive)

         (j)      Her mother is helped in household chores by her. (Active)             

7.      Complete the sentences.                                                                                                   1×5=5

         (a)     Everybody wants friends ——.

         (b)    The heart formed for love cannot be happy without ——.

         (c)    You cannot receive affection if ——.

         (d)    You cannot find others to love you unless ——.

         (e)    ——, everybody wants it.

8.      Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis.                                                                                                                                    0.5Í10=5

         English is spoken all over the world, (a) — (office) — it is regarded as an (b) — (national) — language in the (c) — (global) — world. As an (d) — (dependent) — nation, we have to maintain our political, commercial and (e) — (culture) — relations with the rest of the world through English. So, English (f) — (wide) — the opportunity to deal with the globalised world. It promotes (g) — (nation) — co-relation and (h) — (brother) — with the other nations. For this reason, there is no (i) — (alternate) — of English language. In a word, we can't deny the (j) — (import) — of this language.

9.      Make tag questions of these statements.                                                                          1×5=5

         (a)     You, he and I did the work,——?

         (b)     Rahim as well as Karim will do the work, ——?

         (c)     None is none on the world, ——?

         (d)     When he came I left the class,——?          

         (e)     Happy Birthday to you,——?

10.     Complete the passage using suitable connectors:                                                           1×5=5

         Women are nowadays as important as men in society. They constitute nearly half of our total population. (a) ——, there can be no denying the fact (b) —— they too possess equal rights and duties (c) —— men do. They have noble missions to fulfil as men. (d) —— they get opportunity, their genius, powers (e) —— capacities will bloom fully.

11.     Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.                           5

            do you know the prisoner at the bar asked the judge yes answer the postmaster I saw him in london i knew him ever since he was a child                                                                   



Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      (a) letter; (b) even; (c) deed; (d) important; (e) to; (f) different; (g) inspires; (h) differentiate; (i), In;  (j) educated.

2.      (a) maker; (b) a; (c) division; (d) to; (e) in; (f) to; (g) for; (h) of; (i) the; (j) in.

3.      (a)     But all foods are not safe for us.

         (b)     No living beings can live without food.

         (c)     The foods we eat have a great effect on our health.

         (d)     About 80 % of our illness is related to the food we eat.

         (e)     The scientists have taken enormous steps in preparing food.

4.      (a)  living; (b) deprived; (c) are blessed; (d) decreasing; (e) living; (f) lose; (g) living; (h) taken; (i) are not materialized; (j) has.

5.      The students told the Headmaster respectfully that they wanted to go on an excursion. The Headmaster asked them when they wanted to go and added that he (h) thought December was the perfect month. The students asked him if he would give them permission. The Headmaster ensured them that he would help heartily. The students thanked respectfully and prayed that Allah might bless him.

6.      (a)     A woman who is newly married is called a bride.

         (b)     So a bridal party is a party consisting of the bride including her friends with attendants.

         (c)     Certain rites are to be observed by relatives from this party.

         (d)     They also make arrangements for rejoicing and merry making.

         (e)     They also welcome the bridegroom and his friends at the time of their arrival at bride's house.

         (f)     How smart a new bride looks!

         (g)     She looks the most beautiful of all the girls.

         (h)     Don't relatives come to see her?

         (i)      Relatives come and wish her.

         (j)      Everyone wishes the new bride.

7.      (a)     There was an old farmer who had four sons.

         (b)     Though the sons were grown up, they did not work hard.

         (c)     They were so disobedient that their parents could not manage them.

         (d)     Their father always advised them to work but they did not pay any heed to him.

         (e)     As he was getting old, he became worried/anxious about their future.

8.      (a) dangerous; (b) economic; (c) devastating; (d) addiction; (e) addicted; (f) anti-smoking; (g) awareness; (h) impossible; (i) punishment; (j) All-out.

9.      (a)     Illiteracy is a curse. Nothing is so harmful as it for our national life, is it?  

         (b)     Yet most of us don't understand this truth, do we?

         (c)     It is illiteracy which hampers all the development programmes, isn't it?

         (d)     So, we need to work in a body so that this can be eradicated, needn't we?

         (e)     There is nobody who can deny this truth, is there?

10.    (a) as/ever; (b) Infact; (c) Besides; (d) without; (e) who

11.    "What do you want?" asked she. Alfred answered, "I only want to come in. I am very tired. Please, let me come inside. Afterwards I will go away." 


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      (a) adulteration;  (b) causes; (c) eating; (d) victim; (e) liable; (f) heinous; (g) punishment; (h) inspection; (i) certain; (j) enacted.

2.      (a)  in;   (b)  but;   (c)  at;   (d)  with;   (e)  sheer;   (f)   harm;   (g)  with;   (h)  make;   (i)  with; (j) throughout/through.

3.      (a)     Education is the process by which our mind develop.

         (b)     It ennobles our mind and refines our sensibility.

         (c)     It is the training for proper growth.

         (d)     Nobody can prosper in life without education.

         (e)     The purpose of the education is the liberation of prejudice.

4.      (a) suffer; (b) is; (c) is going; (d) should be; (e) adulterated; (f) taken; (g) accumulates; (h) becomes; (i) hankering; (j) are.

5.      Raja told me that he had gone there the previous day from his village. I asked him why he had gone there. He said that his mother had sent him to me with that letter. I asked him how his mother was. I also said that I had not seen her for a long time.

6.      (a)     People in general are fond of things which are glittering.

         (b)     The outer show of things and beings concerns them.

         (c)     Gold is a very precious metal.

         (d)     But there are some other metals and they look like gold.

         (e)     They fade soon losing their beauty.

         (f)     Metals are not similar to gold.

         (g)     How shinning it is!

         (h)     Who doesn't like it?

         (i)      Isn't the price of gold increasing day by day?

         (j)      Specially it attracts the women.

7.      (a)     Reading newspaper is not the wastage of time.

         (b)     If I had a lot of money, I would help the poor.

         (c)     Finishing the homework the boy went to school.

         (d)     The student works hard to make a good result.

         (e)     He is fond of playing cricket.

8.      (a) virtuous; (b) behaviour; (c) immoral; (d) harmonious; (e) peaceful; (f) intolerant; (g) impossible; (h) happiness; (i) heavenly; (j) disobey.

9.      (a)     He hardly goes out, does he?

         (b)     Every mother loves her child, don't they?

         (c)     Our exam is over. None is in tension, are they?

         (d)     Let her sing a folk song, will you?  

         (e)     The books cost me Tk. 500/= , didn't they?

10.    (a) but; (b) and; (c) As; (d) while; (e) so that.

11.    Last December the Sundarban Circus came at our school field. On Friday I went there with my elder brother. When we arrived there, the area was already crowded. We purchased tickets and entered the tent.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      (a) a; (b) with; (c) whereas; (d) get; (e) in; (f) varies; (g) getting; (h) of; (i) complete; (j) a.

2.      (a) after; (b) before; (c) into; (d) used; (e) A; (f) upon; (g) the; (h) attend; (i) well; (j) attacking.

3.      (i)      Addiction means strong attraction for any harmful thing.

         (ii)     Drug addiction is not only a national but also a global problem.

         (iii)    Drugs are taken by smoking or through injection.

         (iv)    These drugs are used for intoxicating and stimulating effects.

         (v)     Drug addiction has grasped the young generation of the country.

4.      (a) not heard;  (b) not write;  (c) describe; (d) were; (e) hear; (f) went; (g) surprised; (h) hissing; (i) twittering; (j) imitating.

5.      The woman asked the stranger where he was from. The stranger replied that he (s) was from Dhaka. The woman asked him (s) again why he (s) was there. The stranger replied again that he (s) was looking for a man named Akmal. The woman asked him who he was. The stranger replied that he (s) didn't know his real identity but he would work with him in a farm. The woman begged pardon and replied in the negative that no man of that name lived there.

6.      (a)     A farmer had a goose which was wonderful.

         (b)     Didn't it lay a golden egg everyday?

         (c)     Selling the eggs in the market, the farmer became rich.

         (d)     The farmer became very greedy and wanted to have all the eggs in a day.

         (e)     Killing it, he lost his fortune.

         (f)     He lost his fortune because of his being greedy.

         (g)     Didn't his poverty increase day by day?

         (h)     At last when he realized his mistake, he became repentant.

         (i)      A greedy man like him is never happy.

         (j)      Let's learn the lesson from the story.

7.      (a)     Smoking is a habit which is harmful to health.

         (b)     Many people go on smoking though they know its harmful consequence.

         (c)     If we smoke we will suffer a lot.

         (d)     People can't give up smoking easily because it becomes an addiction for them.

         (e)     So attempts must be taken by us to quit smoking.

8.      (a) invention; (b) inventor; (c) unsung; (d) unlamented; (e) ingratitude; (f) beautify; (g) achievement; (h) hardly; (i) untiring/tireless; (j) thankful.

9.      (a)     There are six seasons in Bangladesh, aren't there?

         (b)     Each season has its own features, hasn't it?

         (c)     We hear new sound in each season, don't we?

         (d)     Everything changes, don't they?

         (e)     People also feel different weather in each season, don't they?

10.    (a) but; (b) whether; (c) Certainly; (d) as; (e) therefore.

11.    Janie helped her father roast hot dogs on the campfire. First, she put a hot dog on a long stick. Next, she held the stick so that the hot dog was just above the fire. After a few minutes, she turned the hot dog over. Finally, she removed the hot dog from the fire and placed it in a bun.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      (a) an; (b) remains; (c) with; (d) show; (e) a; (f) conduct; (g) superiors; (h) a; (i) nothing; (j) of.

2.      (a) first; (b) only; (c) also; (d) celebrated/observed; (e) festival/fair; (f)'at/in; (g) also; (h) procession; (i) greatest; (j) in.

3.      (i)      Self confidence is one of the invaluable human qualities.

         (ii)     It helps a man to reach the goal of life.

         (iii)    The lack of determination leads one to loss one’s self confidence.

         (iv)    Success without self confidence is not enjoyable.

         (v)     One should exercise it in order to overcome the problem of life.

4.      (a) cannot make; (b) is earned; (c) have; (d) cannot bring; (e) are spent; (f) running; (g) enrich; (h) worn; (i) are; (j) enjoy.

5.      I asked Jerry if he had seen his mother. He replied that he saw her every summer and added that she sent for him. I wanted to cry out and asked him why he was not with her and asked again how she could let him go away again. He said that she came up there from Manville whenever she could and added that she did not have a job then.

6.      (a)     Will success come to one's life automatically?

         (b)     Is it known to you?

         (c)     Industry is more important for success than any other thing.

         (d)     So people call it the mother of good luck.

         (e)     A boy who is industrious will shine in life. .

         (f)     A life without an assignment is not an actual life.

         (g)     A lazy man always curses his lot for his misfortune.

         (h)     He is a great fool.

         (i)      None can receive any reward without working hard.

         (j)      It is evident that very few virtues are as great as industry.

7.      (a)     I can't understand why he dislikes me.

         (b)     Can you suggest where it is found?

         (c)     Do you mind if I don't accompany you?

         (d)     I cannot justify why he dislikes me.

         (e)     I do not like the people who are idle.

8.      (a) unselfish; (b) idealism; (c) encourages; (d) freedom; (e) being; (f) prosperity; (g) patriotic; (h) disastrous; (i) priceless; (j) universal.

9.      (a)     I think you live in an extended family, don't you?

         (b)     Yes, I do. But I think a small family is not favourable for our mental growth, is it?   

         (c)     You are right, we have to spend most of the time alone in a house, don't we?

         (d)     This is because our parents cannot spare time for us, isn't it?

         (e)     Let us live in an extended family as our grandparents did, shall we?

10.    (a) Actually; (b) However; (c) As; (d) As a result; (e) If.

11.    "We would like to go on an excursion. Can we have your permission, sir?" said the students. "Yes, you can arrange it after the examination is over and you should choose a historical place for that," replied the Headmaster. "Thank you, sir."


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      (a) the; (b) up; (c) after; (d) in; (e) the; (f) strength; (g) desire; (h) to; (i) the; (j) up.

2.      (a) as; (b) remove; (c) support; (d) declining; (e) place; (f) sympathy; (g) relatives; (h) result; (i) from; (j) problems.

3.      (i)      Bangladesh is an overpopulated land.

         (ii)     Population problem is a great problem in Bangladesh.

         (iii)    There are some cause behind overpopulation in Bangladesh.

         (iv)    Population problem creates other problems like poverty, disease, illiteracy, etc.

         (v)     The government should take proper steps to control the growth of population as soon as possible.

4.      (a) worried; (b) is; (c) are offered; (d) take; (e) make; (f) shuttle; (g) pray; (h) give; (i) remain; (j) is published.

5.      The man asked his son where he had been so long and why he was wasting his time. After a moment he again asked him if he (son) would not appear at the final exam. The son replied that he had gone to his friend's house to borrow an essential book but he (friend) had not been at home and added that so he (son) had to wait for him (friend).

6.      (a)     Shumaya reading in class IX is a brilliant student.

         (b)     She does not live in a large family.

         (c)     She is the busiest member in her family.

         (d)     Conditions in her house are not favourable at all.

         (e)     There is chaos and confusion in her family and so she cannot concentrate on her study.

         (f)     Though she has a separate room of her own, she feels disturbed.

         (g)     Doesn't she have to share her room with others?

         (h)     If she were born in a small family!

         (i)      She is kept very busy with the new-born baby of her aunt.

         (j)      She helps her mother in household chores.

7.      (a)     Everybody wants friends because nobody can be happy without friends.

         (b)     The heart formed for love cannot be happy without receiving love from others.

         (c)     You cannot receive affection if you do not give it to others.

         (d)     You cannot find others to love you unless you love them.

         (e)     As love is divine, everybody wants it.

8.      (a) Officially; (b) international; (c) globalized; (d) independent; (e) cultural; (f) widens; (g) international; (h) brotherhood; (i) alternative; (j) importance.

9.      (a)     You, he, and I did the work, didn't we?

         (b)     Rahim as well as Karim will do the work, won't he?

         (c)     None is none on the world, are they?

         (d)     When he came, I left the class, didn't I?

         (e      Happy Birthday to you, don't I?

10.    (a) So; (b) that; (c) as; (d) If; (e) and.

11.    "Do you know the prisoner at the bar?" asked the Judge. "Yes," answer the postmaster, "I saw him in London. I knew him ever since he was a child." 

         what do you want asked she alfred answered i only want to come in i am very tired please let me come inside afterwards i will go away

SSC,Model Test, SSC English 2nd Paper, SSC Board Questions, SSC 2025, SSC 25, Grammar, SSC Right form verb, SSC Tag questions, SSC Changing Sentences, SSC Transformation, SSC Completing Sentence, SSC Connectors, SSC Suffix Prefix, SSC Board questions 2025, SSC Board Questions 2024