The Sentence
Sentence: KZ¸‡jv Word cvkvcvwk e‡m g‡bi fve m¤c~Y©iƒ‡c cÖKvk
K‡i, ZLb Zv‡K Sentence e‡j| †hgbt
I am a girl. He is a
student. Mina goes to school. Rina sings
a song.
g‡bi fve m¤c~Y©iƒ‡c cÖKvk bv Ki‡j Zv Sentence nq
bv| †hgbt
Sentence bq |
Sentence |
A_© |
This a table is. |
This is a table. |
GwU GKwU †Uwej| |
I boy a am. |
I am a boy. |
Avwg GKRb evjK| |
Open book your. |
Open your book. |
†Zvgvi eB †Lvj | |
This school is my. |
This is my school. |
GUv Avgvi we`¨vjq| |
Avevi †Kvb cÖ‡kœi DËi GK k‡ã n‡jI Zv Sentence n‡e| †hgbt
1. What is your name? [Multi-worded sentence]
2. Are you a
student? [Multi-worded
Ans. Mina [Single-worded sentence]
Ans. Yes. [Single-worded sentence]
###### How to make sentence?
Structure: Subject + Verb + Object. †hgbt
Subject |
Verd |
Object |
Monira |
writes |
A letter. |
Sainan |
eats |
A mango |
They |
play |
Football. |
Note: ev‡K¨
KL‡bv single-worded ,KL‡bv muilti-worded nq| spoken English G
KL‡bv Verb _v‡K
bv , KL‡bv Verb _v‡K
Single-worded: Yes, No, Come, Go, Stop, Halt, Thanks.
Muilti-worded (with verb) : Who is speaking? What is
the time now?
Multi-worded (Without verb) : All right, Not at all,
So What?
Model Questions
1. Write which is sentence and which is not:
a) He wishes. |
k) drink water we. |
b) I saw my prayers everyday. |
l) This is a pen. |
c) How are you? |
m) She can run. |
d) Don’t. |
n) Go back. |
e) No. |
o) The boy is in the class. |
f) Write |
p) Come. |
g) Wait. |
q) Do the work. |
h) I eat. |
r) Look at. |
i) Hello. |
s) Long live |
j) They play football. |
t) The earth is round. |
2. Rearrange the
following group of words to make sentences:
a) Door the open. |
k) White is milk. |
b) Pen me please give your. |
l) I swim can. |
c) Eating what are you? |
m) Never a lie tell. |
d) School go to I . |
n) Drink we clean everyday water. |
e) Birds sky the fly in. |
o) I busy am. |
f) She girl good is a . |
p) Has the rainbow seven colours. |
g) Rana football plays. |
q) Rises in the sun the east. |
h) Crying the baby is. |
r) Room the big is. |
i) No I have pen. |
s) A book I want. |
j) Allah may bless you. |
t) Vegetables he likes. |
Subject And Predicate
1. Subject: Sentence G hvi m¤c‡K©
wKQz ejv nq, Zv‡K Subject e‡j|
Mina sings a song. Rina
writes a letter.
P.V †K
Who ev
†K/Kvi Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡j Avgiv Subject cvB|
2. Predicate: Sentence G Subject m¤c‡K© hv wKQz
ejv nq Zv‡K Predecate
e‡j| †hgbt
Mina sings a song . Rina
writes a letter.
P.V †K What ev wK/
Kv‡K Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡j Avgiv
Predecate ev Object cvB|
And Predicate:
Sentence |
Subject |
Predicate |
I am a boy |
I |
am a boy |
She is a girl. |
She |
is a girl. |
He goes to school. |
He |
goes to school. |
You are a good boy. |
You |
are a good boy. |
They play football. |
They |
play football. |
Belal is in class six |
Belal |
is in class six |
Man is mortal. |
Man |
is mortal. |
The student learn and earn. |
The student |
learn and earn. |
Mr. Ali is a almighty. |
Mr. Ali |
is a almighty. |
The cow gives us milk. |
The cow |
gives us milk. |
is a big city. |
She has good memory. |
She |
has good memory. |
Note: GKwU Subject I GKwU
Predicate Qvov †Kvb sentence nq bv|
Position of Subject and predicate.
mvavibZ Sentence Gi subject cÖ_‡g Avi
Predicate c‡i
e‡m| wKš‘ wbb¥wjwLZ †¶‡Î Subject Gi Ae¯’v wfbœiƒc nq| †hgbt
a) Commands/Imperative Sentence G
subject me©`vB
Dn¨ _v‡K|
†hgbt Come in. (Subject
"You" Dn¨ Av‡Q|)
b) Wishes/ Optative sentence G
Subject Gi
Av‡M Predicate A_ev
Subject Gi
Av‡M May A.V e‡m|
†hgbt May you be happy.
c) Questions/ Interrogative sentence G
Predicate Gi
GKwU Ask A_©vr Verb ev Verb Gi GKwU
Ask Subject Gi Av‡M e‡m| †hgbt
she here?
you done this?
d) KLbI KLbI Statements Gi †¶‡Î I Subject Dn¨ _v‡K |
you. .... (I thank you.)
, you are well. ( I hope , you are well.)
Model Questions
Divided Subject and Predicate in the following sentences:
a) The cow gives us milk. |
h) He may come here yesterday. |
b) The padma is a big river. |
i) I wish your good luck. |
c) The moon shines at night. |
j) The horse can run fast. |
d) Allah has created us. |
k) We cannot pump the ocean dry. |
e) Mary has a little lamb. |
l) A barking dog seldom bites. |
f) They are playing football. |
m) We have won the match. |
g) She has a good memory. |
n) Nature is the best physician. |
2. Add Subject to these
a) ____ live in |
h) ___ fly in the sky. |
b) ___ is writing a letter. |
i) ___ is a beauty. |
c) ___ teaches us English. |
j) ___ floats on water. |
d) ____ is a big river. |
k) ___ is round. |
e) ___ is very charming. |
l) ____ is truth. |
f) ____ is the key to success. |
m) ____ wants to be happy. |
g) ___ is a poet. |
n) ____ hates a liar. |
3. Add Predicate to these
a) The sky ______. |
g) Every mother__________. |
b) My father____. |
h) The 21st February _______. |
c) The cow ___________ |
i) Today______________. |
d) The sun________. |
j) The Bangladeshies _________. |
e) The rose___________. |
k) This car _________________. |
f) The picture______. |
l) A good student______________. |
Kinds of Sentences
fve I A_© cÖKv‡ki wfbœZv Abymv‡i Bs‡iwR sentence cuvP cÖKvi| †hgbt
Statement or
Assertive sentence.
Question or
Interrogative sentence.
Commands or
Imperative Sentences.
Wishes or
Optative sentences.
Exclamation or
Exclamatory Sentence.
1 . Statement/
Assertive Sentence: †h Sentence †Kvb wee„wZ cÖ`vb
K‡i Zv‡K Statement e‡j|
I go to school. He reads a book.
You have a pen. I do not eat rice.
Statement Avevi `yB cÖKvi| h_vt
Affirmative b) Negative.
a) Affirmative
Statement: †h
Øviv †Kvb n¨v †evaK Dw³ Kiv nq Zv‡K Affirmative statement e‡j|
Structure: Subject + Verb + Extension. †hgbt
Subject |
Verb |
Extension |
I |
go |
To school. |
He |
reads |
A book. |
You |
have |
A pen. |
They |
play |
Football. |
b) Negative statement:
†h sentence
Øviv †Kvb bv †evaK Dw³ Kiv nq Zv‡K Negative statement e‡j|
a) To be verb w`‡q:
Subject + To be Verb + Not + Extension. †hgbt
Subject |
To be verb |
Not |
Extension |
I |
am |
not |
Absent |
He/She |
is |
not |
Absent. |
You |
are |
not |
Absent. |
They |
are |
not |
Absent. |
b) To have Verb w`‡q :
Subject + To have Verb + No + Extension. †hgbt
Subject |
To have verb |
No |
Extension |
I |
have |
no |
book. |
He/She |
has |
no |
book |
You |
have |
no |
book. |
They |
have |
no |
book. |
c) Do verb w`‡q:
Subject + To do Verb + Not + P.V + Extension. †hgbt
Subject |
To do verb |
Not |
P.V |
Extension |
I |
do |
not |
quarrel |
with others. |
He/She |
does |
not |
quarrel |
with other |
You |
do |
not |
quarrel |
with others. |
They |
do |
not |
quarrel |
with others. |
2. Question/Interrogative Sentence: †h
sentence Øviv
†Kvb e¨w³ ev e¯‘ m¤c‡K© †Kvb wKQz cÖkœ Kiv nq Zv‡K Question ev
Interrogative Sentence e‡j| †hgbt Who
are you? What is your name?
How old are you? Are you a student?
Structure of Question/Interrogative Sentence Gi MVb
a) To be/ To have verb w`‡q:
Structure: To be / To have + Subject + Extension?
To be/ To have |
Subject |
Extension |
Am |
I |
intelligent? |
Is |
He |
intelligent? |
Are |
You/they/we |
intelligent? |
Have |
I/we/you/they |
a car? |
Has |
he |
a car? |
b) To Do verb w`‡q: Structure: To Do + Subject + Verb + Extension?
To do |
Subject |
verb |
Extension |
Do |
I |
attend |
the meeting? |
Does |
He |
attend |
the meeting? |
Do |
You/they/we |
attend |
the meeting? |
c) WH Question Word (Why, When, How, Where, What) w`‡q:
Structure: WH+
A.V + Subject + Verb + Extension?
Wh Question |
A.V |
Subject |
verb |
Extension |
Why |
does |
he |
go |
to market? |
When |
do |
you |
start |
for Comilla? |
How |
do |
you |
do? |
Where |
do |
you |
go |
now? |
Command/ Imperative sentences:
3. Command/ Imperative
sentences: †h sentence Øviv Av‡`k, Dc‡`k, Aby‡iva BZ¨vw` eySvq
Zv‡K Command ev Imperative sentence e‡j| †hgbt
Open the door. (Av‡`k) Be attentive. (Dc‡`k)
Always speak the truth.
(Dc‡`k) Please help me. (
Do not tell a lie. (wb‡la)
Structure of Command/ Imperative sentence Gi MVb
a) Av‡`k,
Dc‡`k eySv‡Z:
Subject (Dn¨) + Verb + Extension.
Subject |
Verb |
Extension |
(You) |
Do |
your duty. |
(You) |
Open |
the door. |
(You) |
Be |
attentive. |
b) wb‡la
Structure: Do not(Don’t) + verb + Extension.
Do not (Don’t) |
Verb |
Extension |
Don’t |
tell |
a lie. |
Don’t |
run |
in the sun. |
Don’t |
make |
a noise in the
class. |
c) Aby‡iva
Structure: Kindly/Please + Verb + Extension.
Kindly/Please |
Verb |
Extension |
Kindly |
help |
the poor. |
Please |
give |
me a book. |
Please |
shut |
the door. |
Please |
write |
to me every now and
then. |
d) B”Qv
ev cÖ¯—ve eySv‡Z
"Let" w`‡qt
Structure: Let + 1st person/ 3rd
person + Verb + Extension.
Let |
1st/ 3rd person |
verb |
Extension. |
Let |
me |
go |
out. |
Let |
us |
discuss |
the matter. |
Let |
him |
come |
here. |
Let |
them |
go |
to dogs. |
Wishes/Prayer/Optative Sentence:
4. Wishes/Prayer/Optative Sentence: †h
sentence Øviv
cÖv_©bv, g‡bi B”Qv ev ïf-Aïf Kvgbv eySvq Zv‡K Wishes or optative Sentence e‡j| †hgbt
May Allah bless you. May
you live long.
May you be happy. Long
live our president.
May you prosper in life.
Wish/Optative Sentence Gi
MVb cÖYvjxt
Structure: May + Subject + Verb + Extension.
May |
Subject |
Verb |
Extension |
May |
Allah |
bless |
you. |
May |
you |
live |
long. |
(May) |
God |
save |
you. |
Exclamation/Exclamatory Sentence
Exclamation/Exclamatory Sentence: †h
Sentence Øviv
g‡bi Av‡eM cÖKvk cvq Zv‡K Exclamation or Exclamatory Sentence e‡j|†hgbt
Alas! I am undone. Hurrah!
We have won the game.
Oh! How beautiful the bird is. What a nice man he is!
How intelligent the girl is!
Exclamatory Sentence Gi
MVb cÖYvjxt
we¯§qm~PK kã
e¨envi K‡it
kã + ! Assertive Sentence.
kã |
! |
Assertive Sentence. |
Alas |
! |
His father is dead. |
Hurrah |
! |
We have won the
match. |
b) What
/ How e¨envi K‡it
What/How+Extension + Subject + Verb !
Extension |
Subject |
Verb |
! |
What a nice man |
he |
is |
! |
How nice |
the flower |
is |
! |
How brave |
the boy |
is |
! |
Model Questions
- Write the name of the following sentences:
a) Give me a book. |
g) He should go there. |
b) He does not go to
school. |
h) Do not run in the sun. |
c) When will you return? |
i) The pious are happy. |
d) How beautiful the flower
is! |
j) Please give me a glass
of water. |
e) Long live our Prime
Minister. |
k) Are you reading a book? |
f) Alas! I am undone. |
l) Get out o f my room. |
- Change the following sentences into Negative
a) I go to school. |
g) He was reading a book. |
b) I want a book. |
h) He is an honest man. |
c) Open the door. |
i) I have a toy. |
d) They play football. |
j) I learn my lessons. |
e) I like my English
teacher. |
k) It may rain today. |
f) My father is a farmer. |
l) I am alright. |
- Change the following sentences into Affirmative:
a) I have no pen. |
g) Mina is not sleeping. |
b) He does not go to
school. |
h) He was not a student. |
c) You are not well. |
i) They were not present. |
d) They are not playing
football. |
j) I shall not go to
Comilla. |
e. The man is not catching
fish. |
k) Do not put out the lamp. |
f. Mahin has no new shart. |
l) She will not sing a
song. |
- Change the following sentences into
a) I am eating rice. |
g) The cat killed a rat. |
b) They are playing
football. |
h) They will play cricket. |
c) He sings a song. |
i) Mahin wrote a letter. |
d) I read English. |
j) The man is in the field. |
e) I shall help you. |
k) We bought some rice. |
f) He will go by train. |
l) He will give me a book. |
- Complete the following Imperative Sentences with
suitable words:
a) ______________home at
once. |
g) ____________give me a
glass of water. |
b) ______________the door |
h) Let me go______________ |
c) ______________open the
door. |
i) ______________us go out
for a walk. |
d) _____________run in the
sun. |
j)Don’t ______a noise in the class. |
e) ______________tell a
lie. |
k) Let the bird
______________away. |
f)_________________ speak
the truth. |
l) ____________ your seat. |
- Complete the following
Optative Sentences with suitable words:
a) ______________ you be
happy. |
f) ______________ the boy
stand first. |
b) May Allah ______________
you. |
g)______________ |
c) May our president ___
long. |
h) ______________ live the
king. |
d) May you ______________
happy in life. |
i) ______________ I the
wings of bird. |
e) ________ you prosper in life. |
j) ______________ you be
healthy. |
the following Exclamatory Sentences with suitable words:
a) ______________ ! His
mother is dead. |
f) What a nice
______________ the rose is ! |
b) _____ ! We have won the
game. |
g) ____________ a fool you
are! |
c) ______________beautiful
the flower is! |
h) Alas! I ______________
undone. |
d) ____________ a nice man
he is ! |
i) ______! His father is no
more. |
e) How stupied the boy
_________! |
j) Bravo! Our team has
______________ the game. |