Pronoun Referencing

 Pronoun Referencing

GUv n‡”Q Noun-Pronoun agreement msµvš— cÖkœ| Pronoun ¯^fveZB Noun Gi cwie‡Z© e¨eüZ nq Ges Aek¨B Zv Noun Gi Number I Person Abyhvqx n‡Z n‡e| GQvovI ΓwUc~Y© e¨envi †hgb- he Gi ¯’v‡b she  wKsev A¯có Pronoun †`qv _vK‡Z cv‡i| cix¶vq 5 wU fzj e¨envi †`qv _vK‡e| Dˇi cy‡iv Aby‡”Q`wU ï× K‡i wjL‡Z n‡e|

Noun Gi cwie‡Z© †h word e‡m Zv‡K Pronoun e‡j|

There are eight kinds of pronoun. Ex: 

1. Personal Pronoun- I , we, you, he, she, it, they.

2. Demonestrative Pronoun-This, that, these, those.

3. Relative Pronoun- who, whose, whom, which, what, that.

4. Interrogative Pronoun- Who, whose, whom, what.

5. Distributive Pronoun- Each, Either, Neither.

6. Receprocal Pronoun- Each other, One another.

7. Indefinite Pronoun- any, one, anyone, some, someone, no one, anybody, somebody, nobody, many, everyone, all.

8. Reflexive Pronoun – myself, ourselves, Yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, themselves.


1.Personal Pronoun: †h Pronoun †Kv‡bv e¨w³ ev e¯‘i cwie‡Z© e‡m, Zv‡K Personal Pronoun e‡j| †hgbt  I, we, you, he, she , it, they

Personal Pronoun wZb cÖKvi| †hgbt

a. Personal pronoun of the First person: †h K_v e‡j, Zv‡K First Person e‡j| I, we, me, us, my, mine, our etc.

b. Personal pronoun of the Secound person: hv‡K m‡¤^vab K‡i e‡j, Zv‡K Secound Person e‡j| You, your, yours, etc.

c. Personal pronoun of the third person: hvi m‡¤^v‡Ü †Kvb K_v ejv nq, Zv‡K Third Person e‡j| He , she, it, its, him, her,hers, his, they, them, their, theirs etc.

Note: Number, Gender Ges Case †f` K‡i Personal Pronoun Gi AvKvi cwieZ©b nq, Zv wb‡P †`Iqv njt

First Person











My, Mine

Our, Ours


Secound Person





Thou, you



Thee, you



They, their, your, yours

Your, yours

Third Person








All gender













Her, Hers


Their, Theirs

Personal Pronoun Gi e¨envi:


 (i)  Possessive Case G Personal Pronoun `yB ai‡bi i“c Av‡Q| †hgbt my-mine, our-ours, thy-thine, your-yours, her-hers, their-theirs. 


G‡`i g‡a¨ my, thy, your, her, their mvaviYZ †Kvb Noun  Gi c~‡e© Adjective Gi gZ  KvR K‡i| †hgbt This is my pen, That in your book. ZvB G‡`i‡K Possessive Adjective e‡j|


(ii) mine, ours, thine, yours, hers, theirs BZ¨vw` ¸‡jv G ai‡bi e¨envi nq bv| ZvB G‡`i‡K Possessive Pronoun e‡j| G‡`i g‡a¨ r Ges s `y‡UvB _vKvi Rb¨ G¸‡jv‡K Double Possessive ejv nq| G¸‡jv "Of" ev "Verb" Gi c‡i e‡m| †hgbt This pen is mine. That book is yours. This is a book of mine


(iii) To be verb  Gi Subject wn‡m‡e- Ours is tropical country. Yours is a cold country. Theirs is a big family.


(iv) His Dfq i“‡c e¨eüZ nq| †hgbt This is his book, This book is his.


 (v) You, Yours - Singular I Plural Dfq Number G e¨eüZ nq| Thou, thee, thy, thine BZ¨vw` ïay KweZvq Ges cÖv_©bvq e¨eüZ nq|  †hgbt  He gave you a book, Thou art our father O' God.


(vi) Person 231, 21 ev 31 _vK‡j Zv‡`i cwie‡Z© First person Plural Pronoun n‡e| †hgbt You, he and I have learnt our lessons.    You and I have done our duty.    He and I must improve our conduct.


(vi) Person 23  _vK‡j Zv‡`i cwie‡Z© Secound person Plural Pronoun n‡e | †hgbt You and Rafi have done your duty. You and he have not told me your names.


Use of IT

(i) Ro c`v_© eySv‡Z-  It is a pen.

(ii) BZi ev wbb¥ †kªwYi cÖvYx eySv‡Z-  It is a cat.

 (iii)    †QvU wkïi cwie‡Z©-  The baby is crying for its mother.

(iv)     †Rvi †`qvi Rb¨-  It is you who have stolen my watch.  It is you who have broken the glass. It is the book that I want.

(v)     mgq, `~iZ¡, IRb, AvenvIqv BZ¨vw` cÖKvk Ki‡Z to be verb Gi Subject wn‡m‡e- It is morning. It is ten miles from here. It is very cold today. It seems to be hard.

 (vi)    ciewZ© Infinitive I Clause Gi cwie‡Z© Subject i“‡c- It is easy to say.

 (vii)    c~e©ewZ© †Kv‡bv Clause ev Phrase Gi fve cÖKvk Ki‡Z- Health is wealth. Everybody knows it.

(viii)     ciewZ© †Kv‡bv Object Gi cwie‡Z©- I cannot support it.

(ix)   Impersonal verb Gi Subject wn‡m‡e- It has been raining since morning.  It rains, It is five miniutes past six. It is lovely in the village in autumn. It is quarter to seven now.

(x) Its ïay Possessive Adjective i“‡c e¨eüZ nq| †hgbt Its body is soft.


 2.   Demonstrative Pronoun: †h Pronoun GK ev GKvwaK e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K wbw`©ó K‡i eySvq, Zv‡K Demonstrative Pronoun e‡j| †hgbt  This is a book on the table. That is a book on the table. These are books on the table. Those are books on the table.


Demonstrative Pronoun Gi e¨envi:

 i. This, These, that, Those:











a. wbKUewZ© Singular A‡_© This, `~iewZ© ev Singular A‡_© That e‡m|


b. wbKUewZ© Plural A‡_© These, `~iewZ© ev Plural A‡_© Those e‡m|   G‡`i ci ev‡K¨i mvgÄm¨ †i‡L Singular I   Plural Noun e¨envi Ki‡Z nq|†hgbt  That is a book on the table. This is a carom board. These are very nice book. Those are detective books.


c. Noun Gi cybive„wË Gov‡bvi Rb¨ that and those e¨envi Kiv nq| †hgbt 

The climate of Comilla is better than that of Dhaka.

The roads of Dhaka are wider than those of Sylhet.


d. †Kv‡bv Clause ev Sentence G `ywU Noun _vK‡j  2q  wUi Rb¨ This, 1g wUi Rb¨ That e‡m| †hgbt

Rahim and Karim are two friends; this (Karim) is a footballer and that (Rahim) is a cricketer.


e. c~e©ewZ© e³e¨‡K wb‡`©k Ki‡Z Present Tense G This Ges Past Tense G  that e‡m| †hgbt You should go there and this is urgently. He did the work and that was timely.


ii. So:      {Say, tell, think, her} +  SO

Ex: I heard him say so.     We think so.      He does not tell so.


iii. Such: c~e©ewZ©  †Kv‡bv Noun †K wb‡`©k Ki‡Z Singular I Plural Dfq Number G Such e‡m| †hgbt  He is my teacher and as such I respect him.


 iv. One/Ones: Noun Gi cybive„wË Gov‡bvi Rb¨ one/Ones e‡m| †hgbt

 This is your bag, it is a good one. 

 The books are not good , I want some good ones. 


v. The same: I shall do the same as you do.


vi. None: None Dfq Number G e¨eüZ nq| †hgbt None were present. None is present. Z‡e,  no + one = none GB A‡_© eZ©gv‡b Singular wn‡m‡e †ewk e¨eüZ nq| 


3. Relative Pronoun:  Re k‡ãi A_© †cQb ev c~e© ev cybivq, Lative k‡ãi A_© m¤cK© | myZivs †h Pronoun c~e©eZ©x  Noun ev Pronoun Gi c‡i e‡m `ywU Sentence †K mshy³ K‡i m¤cK© ¯’vcb K‡i, Zv‡K Relative Pronoun e‡j| †hgbt I know the man who came here. This is the house where we live. This is the pen that I lost yesterday. This is the shirt which I bought yesterday.

Relative Pronoun Gi e¨envit

1.  Who: ïay e¨w³‡K wb‡`©k Ki‡Z Who e¨eüZ nq| †hgbt

I know the boy who is a good student.

2. Which: e¯‘, BZi cÖvYx I †QvU wkïi †¶‡Î Singular/Plural Dfq †¶‡Î Which e‡m| †hgbt Send me the book which is new. The baby which is newly born is crying.

3. What: ïay e¯‘‡K wb‡`©k Ki‡Z What e‡m| That + Which = what nq d‡j what †K Compound Relative Pronoun e‡j|  †hgbt

You say something. It is true. à What (That + which) you say is truth.

I know it. You will say. à I know what (that + which) you will say.

Take back. the thing you gave me. à Take back what you gave me.

4. That: e¨w³, e¯‘ ev cÖvYxi †ejvq e¨eüZ nq| That, who Gi KvRI K‡i|  †hgbt 

This is the boy. He lost his book. à This is the boy that lost his book.

These are the books that have just arrived.

That Gi e¨envit

i)  Superlative degree + Adjective / N + that

EX: He is the best boy that I ever saw.


ii)   All, the same, any, only + that.

Ex: All that glitters is not gold. This is the same person that I met yesterday.  Anybody that does not work cannot shine.

The only pen that I bought is lost.


iii) Who, what BZ¨vw` Interrogative Pronoun Gi ci That e‡m| †hgbt

What is that to you?  Who is the girl that sang well yesterday?


iv) Negative Sentence G That e‡m| †hgbt  

No person that is not industrious can succeed.


v) Ordinal Numeral Adjective Gi c‡i that e‡m| †hgbt

Hazrat Abu Barkr (R.) was the first man that had a firm (`„X) faith in Allah.


5. As: Such, the same, as many, as much, as so BZ¨vw`i ci Noun em‡j Relative Pronoun i“‡c As e‡m| (Such, the same, as many, as much, as so + N + as) †hgbt

We want such boys as are honest.

Such boys as are idle will lag behind.

Take as much food as you can eat.

He is not so clever as his brother.


6. But: GwU GKwU Negative kã| Relative Pronoun wn‡m‡e Who + not ev which + not ev that + not A‡_© e¨eüZ nq| †hgbt

There is no man but (who + not) wishes to be happy.

There is no mother but (who + not) loves her child.


4. Interrogative Pronoun: †h Pronoun Øviv †Kv‡bv wKQz m¤c‡K© cÖkœ wRÁvm Kiv nq, Zv‡K Interrogative Pronoun e‡j| †hgbt Who, which, what, whome etc.

Who are you?                            Whom do you want?

 Which pen have you lost?         What is your name?

Interrogative Pronoun Gi e¨envit

i) Who: ïay e¨w³i †ejvq Awbw`©ófv‡e who e‡m| †hgbt

    Who is he?                Who are coming now?

wewfbœ Case †f‡` who Gi cÖKvi‡f`t

Nominative case

Objective Case

Possessive case




Nominative: Who came here?

Objective: Whom do you want?

Possessive: Whose book is this?


ii) What: e¯‘, e¨w³ ev †ckv eySv‡Z What e‡m| †hgbt

               What is this? (e¯‘)           What are you doing? (‡ckv)

              What is your brother? ( †Zvgvi fvB Kx K‡ib?)

iii) Exclamatory Sentence G Av‡eM cÖKvk Ki‡Z What e‡m| †hgbt What a nice bird it is!

iv) BZ¨vw` BZ¨vw` ev Av‡iv KZ wK †evSv‡Z What not e‡m| †hgbt

He bought pens, khatas, books and what not.

v) †Kb ev wK A‡_© What for e‡m| †hgbt What is Comilla famous for?


3. Which: e¨w³, e¯‘, †`k ev BZi cÖvYxi †¶‡Î Which e‡m| †hgbt Which are your books? Which is your country? Which is your sister?


5. Distributive pronoun: †h Pronoun `yB ev `yB‡qi AwaK e¨w³ ev e¯‘i cÖ‡Z¨KwU‡K c„_Kfv‡e eySvq, Zv‡K Distributive Pronoun e‡j| †hgbt  each, either, neither

Distributive pronoun Gi e¨envit

(a) Each: `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK e¨w³ ev e¯‘i cÖ‡Z¨KwU‡K GK GK K‡i eySv‡Z Each e¨eüZ nq| GUv wZb Ae¯’vq e¨eüZ nq| †hgbt

Each of the boys has got a prize.  The boys have got each a prize. The boys have got two mangoes each.


(b) Either: `ywU e¨w³ ev e¯‘i †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU eySv‡Z  Either e‡m| †hgbt Either of the two books will do.


(c) Neither: Either Gi Negative i“c nj Neither . `ywUi †KvbwUB bq Gi“c eySv‡Z Neither e‡m| †hgbt Neither of the two pens is good.


Note: ïay `ywU e¨w³ ev e¯‘i †¶‡Î either I neither e‡m| w`B‡qi AwaK e¨w³ ev e¯‘i †¶‡Î Zv e¨envi Kiv hvq bv| †hgbt

Either (any n‡e) of these three men can be appomted. 

Neither (none n‡e) of his five brothers is a Rawver.


6. Reflexive and emphatic pronoun: Reflex- †cQ‡b †div | Personal Pronoun Gi mv‡_ Self ev Selves hy³ n‡q hLb Zv GKB mv‡_ Subject Ges Object †K wb‡`©k K‡i, ZLb Zv‡K Reflexive Pronoun e‡j| †hgbt  myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, themselves

Empatic Pronouns: Reflexive Pronoun hLb †Kv‡bv Noun ev Pronoun Gi c‡i e‡m D³ Noun ev Pronoun †K wb‡`©k K‡i Ges GKB mv‡_ Zv‡`i Dci †Rvi cÖ`vb K‡i, ZLb Zv‡K Emphatic Pronoun e‡j| †hgbt

 I myself did the sum.        They themselves admitted their Fault.

Karim himself went there.     My mother herself cooks rice.

Reflexive and emphatic pronoun  Gi e¨envit

Reflexive I  Emphatic Pronoun †`L‡Z GKB iKg n‡jI Zv‡`i gv‡S wKQzUv cv_©K¨ Av‡Q|


a. Reflexive Pronoun sentence G Object iƒ‡c e‡m| Ab¨w`‡K, Emphatic Pronoun Subject Gi Dci †Rvi ev ¸i“Z¡ cÖ`v‡bi †¶‡Î e¨eüZ nq|

Reflexive Pronoun: He killed himself.

Emphatic Pronoun: She herself cooked food.

b. Reflexive Pronoun sentence †_‡K Avjv`v Kiv n‡j Sentence Gi Aw¯—Z¡ nvwi‡q hvq| Ab¨w`‡K, Emphatic Pronoun sentence †_‡K Avjv`v Kiv n‡j Sentence Gi Aw¯—Z¡ nvivq bv|

Reflexive Pronoun: He killed himself. à  He killed. 

Emphatic Pronoun: She herself cooked food. à She cooked food.



Formation of Reflaxive Pronoun








Thyself, Yourslf



Himself, Herself, Itself


Note: Reflexive Pronoun KL‡bv sentence G Subject n‡Z cv‡i bv| †hgbt

Incorrect: Myself did this    Correct: I did this.


*** afford, relax, keep, rest, stand, complain, feel, concentrate, wonder, take, bring etc.  G‡`i c‡i Reflexive Pronoun e‡m bv| †hgbt

Incorrect: He keeps himself away from bad companies.

Correct: He keeps away from bad companies.

Incorrect: I feel myself unwell.  Correct: I feel unwell.


7. Indefinite Pronoun: †h Pronoun †Kv‡bv e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K Awbw`©ófv‡e eySvq, Zv‡K Indefinite Pronoun e‡j| †hgbt

Some students will make the tools and others will help.

Many of the students were present in the meeting.

In our class everybody knows everybody.

Any of the pens will do.

One should do one's duty.

None of the poems are famous.

Somebody is coming here.

Indefinite Pronoun Gi e¨envit

a. Any: Countable I  Uncountable Dfq Noun Gi cwie‡Z© Negative , Interrogative sentence G e‡m| †hgbt

I did not fine any of them again.

I gave you a lot of food yesterday; did you take any?


b. Some: Countable I  Uncountable Dfq Noun Gi cwie‡Z© Affirmative Sentence G e‡m Ges Av‡`k ev Aby‡iva eySv‡Z I Interrogative Sentence G Some e‡m| †hgbt

Some say that he is a rogue.

There are many birds in Bangladesh; some are big some are small.

You have a lot of matbles; Will you give me some?

c. None: None, Subject wn‡m‡e countable noun Gi †¶Î Singular/Plural Dfq †¶‡Î e‡m| †hgbt

None  is/are happy in this world.

There was none to look after him.

None but the brave deserve the fair.


d. Other/Others: e¯‘i cwie‡Z© other Ges e¨w³i cwie‡Z© others e‡m| †hgbt

One eye is complementary to the other.

Don't take chance on others.

I saw Kamal, Jamal and some others at the fair.

Man can not live without others help.


e. One/Ones: Subject wn‡m‡e One n‡j H sentence G Nominative I Objective case G One Ges Possessive case G One's e‡m| †hgbt

One Should do one's duty.

One does not know when one will die.

One must not boast of one's wealth.


f. One of: One of + Plural Noun + singular verb

†hgbt One of the boys has done the work.

 "One of" Subject wn‡m‡e _vK‡j Possessive case G his, her e‡m| †hgbt

One of the students has done his homework.


g. All: e¨w³ ev e¯‘i cwie‡Z© Singular/Plural G e‡m| †hgbt

All of us are not ready to go.   All that glitters is not gold.


8 .Reciprocal pronoun: †h Pronoun `yB ev `yB‡qi AwaK e¨w³i g‡a¨ cvi¯cwiK m¤c‡K© eySvq Zv‡K Reciprocal  Pronoun e‡j| †hgbt   each other, one another

a. Each other: `yB R‡bi g‡a¨ KvR eySv‡j Each other e‡m| †hgbt The two boys are beathing each other.  The two boys are fighting each other.

b. One another: `yB‡qi AwaK e¨w³i g‡a¨ cvi¯cwiK KvR eySv‡j One another e‡m| †hgbt The boys in the class love one another.






1. A king had three daughters. He loved the daughters very dearly. Once the king put to them some questions. “Oh my datling” said the man “tell myself which is the better of the two, God’s gift or the king’s gift.” The eldest daughter was very cunning. It knew how to please their father. “Papa”, said the eldest. “God’s goft is good but hing’s gift is better. The king was pleased with the eldest . He gave her marriage with the ministers son. The second daughter was as cunning as her sister. Second one knew what would please her father. So she gave the same answer as her sister. The king was pleased with second one too.

Answer: A king had three daughters. He loved them very dearly. Once he put to them some questions. “Oh my datling” said he “tell me which is the better of the two, God’s gift or the king’s gift.” The eldest daughter was very cunning. She knew how to please her father. “Papa”, said she. “God’s goft is good but hing’s gift is better. The king was pleased with her . He gave her marriage with the ministers son. The second daughter was as cunning as her sister. She knew what would please her father. So she gave the same answer as her sister. The king was pleased with her too.

2. Abraham Adham was a powerful king. The king lived in a fine palace. Its bedroom was well furnished. His bed was soft as well as neat and clean. Oneday he ordered his maid servant to sweep his bedroom. While sweeping she saw it. Just at the time the king came into there. He found that she was lying on it. He grew very angry and began to whip her cruelly. The girl did not cry. She began to laugh. The more it was whipped the more she laughed.


Answer: 2. Abraham Adham was a powerful king. His lived in a fine palace. His bedroom was well furnished. His bed was soft as well as neat and clean. Oneday the king ordered his maid servant to sweep his bedroom. While sweeping she saw the bed. Just at the time the king came into the room. He found that the maid was lying on his bed. He grew very angry and began to whip the girl cruelly. The maid servant did not cry. She began to laugh. The more she was whipped the more she laughed.

3. Books are man’s best companies in life. One many have many good friends but you may not get them when you need your friends. Yours friends may not always speak to ones with sympathy. One on two may prove false and do much harm. But these are always ready to be by theirs side. Some of them will make you laugh and some books will give you much pleasure. They are your real friend throughout ones life.


Answer:  Books are man’s best companies in life. You many have many good friends but you may not get them when you need them. They may not always speak to you with sympathy. One on two may prove false and do much harm. But books are always ready to be by your side. Some books will make you laugh and some other will give you much pleasure. Books are your real friend throughout your life.

4. Selp help is the best weapon to fight with every difficulties. This is the key to all success in life. You should not depend on ones help. Because the habit of depending on ones is bed. It makes a person weak, while self reliance strengthen the man . Heaven helps the person who help himself. One can learn swimming better by his own exertion than by the use of bladder or cords.


Answer: Self help is the best weapon to fight with all difficulties. It is the key to all success in life. One should not depend on others help. Because the habit of depending on others is bed. This habit makes a person weak, while self reliance strengthen him . Heaven helps those who help themselves. A man can learn swimming better by his own exertion than by the use of bladder or cords.