Non Finite Verbs

 Non-finite Verbs

 Non-finite Verb: Subject Gi Number I Person Abyhvqx †h verb cwiewZ©Z nq bv , Zv‡K Non-Finite Verb e‡j| †hgbt 

         Tohfa came to meet me.            We saw a singing bird.

To tell a lie a great sin.              A sleeping cat never catches a rat. He dreams of going to America.      A word spoken never returns.

Non Finite verb wZb cÖKvi| h_vt

A. Infinitive               B. Participle                           C. Gerund

A. Infinitive (to+ PV based form)  : Verb Gi Present iƒ‡ci mv‡_ to  hy³ Ki‡j †h iƒc MwVZ nq, Zv‡K Infinitive e‡j| †hgbt

    Tohfa came to meet me.                

    All students of Somoy Academy want to make a good result.

Infinitive Gi e¨envit

i) Verb Gi Subject/object/complement wn‡m‡e|

To err is human.              

To forgive is divine. 

They expect to succeed.    

An honest man does not fear to die. 

He appears to be a wise man.  

They ordered him to be punished.

ii) Preposition Gi object wn‡m‡e|

He is about to die.                      

They came to see the sports.

iii) be + infinitive. 

He is to do the walk.

iv) Too/enough Gi mv‡_ Infinitive.

He is too weak to walk

He is enough to carry the load.



B. Participle: Verb Gi †h iƒc GKB mv‡_ Verb I Adjective Gi KvR K‡i, Zv‡K Participle e‡j| †hgbt We saw a singing bird.

Lost health can hardly be recovered.

Participle wZb cÖKvi| h_vt

1. Present Participle   2. Past Participle  3. Perfect Participle

1. Present Participle  : Verb +ing n‡q hLb Zv GKB mv‡_ Verb I Adjective Gi KvR K‡i, Zv‡K Present Participle e‡j| †hgbt

I like exciting games.  

2. Past Participle : Verb Gi Past Participle form hLb Adjective Gi KvR K‡i , ZLb Zv‡K Past Participle e‡j| †hgbt

I need a washed car.

3. Perfect Participle: Having + Past Participle n‡j Zv‡K Perfect Participle e‡j| †hgbt         Having finished the work,               I went there.

Participle Gi e¨envit

i) Relative Pronoun/clause †K AcmviY  Ki‡Z|

a. A map that marks political boundaries is clear.

A map making political boundaries is clear.  (Relative Pronoun)

b. He opened the door and took out a bag.

                                    Opening the door, he took out a bag.

ii) Have + object + Participle.

He had me swimming in a week.

we have people standing there.


C. Gerund: Verb +ing n‡q hLb Zv GKB mv‡_ Verb I Noun Gi KvR K‡i, Zv‡K Gerund e‡j| †hgbt Walking is a good exercise. 

     Eating vitamins ids good for health.

     Writing makes a man perfect.

      Running in the sun is bad for health.

     Sleeping is necessary to life.

Gerund Gi e¨envit

i) Verb Gi Subject wn‡m‡e| 

Swimming is a good exercise.

ii) Transitive Verb Gi object wn‡m‡e|

He enjoys playing football.

iii) Preposition Gi object wn‡m‡e|

She is bent on doing this.

iv) Incomplete Verb Gi  Complement wn‡m‡e|

Her hobby is reading novels.

v) Compound Noun Gi Ask wn‡m‡e|

That is his dining room.


*Difference between Gerund and infinitive



To walk is good for health

Walking is good for health

They like to play cricket

They like playing cricket.

I like the reading of history.(the….v+ing…of=Verbal noun)

I like reading history.(gerund)

Difference between Gerund and Participle



I am tired of walking

I saw him walking in the park

Stop writing

He stopped writing

At a glance




To smoke is a bad habit

Smoking is a bad habit

I found him smoking a cigarette

He wants to eat fruits

He likes eating fruits

Eating fruits, he went outside