Voice: Verb Gi †h AvKvi Sub A_ev obj Gi Dci g~L¨fv‡e KvR K‡i Zv‡K
Voice e‡j| Voice `yB
Active Voice 2. Passive Voice
1. Active
Voice: KZ©v hLb wb‡RB wµqvi KvR m¤cbœ K‡i Zv‡K Active Voice e‡j.
Ex. He eats rice.
2. Passive Voice:
Subject wb‡R †Kvb KvR m¤cbœ bv K‡i wbw®Œq Ae¯’vq
†_‡K Ab¨‡K w`‡q KvR m¤cbœ K‡i Gi dj †fvM
K‡i Zv‡K Passive voice e‡j| EX.
Rice is eaten by us.
Subject: PV †K "‡K/Kvi" Øviv
cÖkœ Ki‡j Subject cvIqv hvq|
Object: PV †K "wK/Kv‡K" Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡j Object cvIqv hvq|
of Pronouns
Subjective Form |
Objective Form |
Subjective Form |
Objective Form |
I |
Me |
You |
You |
We |
Us |
He |
Him |
She |
Her |
They |
Them |
mvaviYZ wZwbwU
Sentence †K
Voice Change Kiv hvqt
1. Assertive Sentence 2. Imperative Sentence 3. Interrogative Sentence.
of Voice
Rule 1: Structure: S/O + AV + PP + O/S
Ex: Active:
We eat rice Passive:
Rice is eaten by us.
Note: ci ci `ywU
Object ev GKB evK¨ `ywU Object _vK‡j 1g Obj wU Øviv Voice Change Ki‡Z nq|
Ex: Active: He teaches us English.
Passive: We are taught English by him.
Or, English is taught us by him.
Note: †Kv‡bv †Kv‡bv †¶‡Î Object Gi c~‡e© by Gi cwie‡Z© With, at, to etc. e‡m| †hgbt
Act: The boy pleased us all. Pass: We all were pleased with the
Act: I know the boy. Pass: The boy is known to me.
Verbs |
By এর
পরিবর্তে ব্যবহৃত Preposition |
Annoy |
With |
Contain |
In |
Embody |
In |
Interest |
In |
Know |
To |
Marvel |
At |
Satisfy |
With |
Seize |
With |
Shock |
At |
Surprise |
At |
Rule 2:
†Kv‡bv Sentence Gi Object Reflexive Pronoun A_©vr myself, Himself, herself, themselves etc n‡j Passive Kivi mgq Subject , Object Gi †Kv‡bv cwieZ©b nq bv| †hgbt
He killed himself. Pass: He
was killed by himself.
Act: The ladies fan themselves.
Pass: The ladies are fanned by themselves.
Quasi-Passive: যে verb দেখতে Active কিন্তু অর্থের দিক দিয়ে Passive তাকে Quasi-passive বলে। এরুপ Sentence এর শেষের শব্দটি Adjective হয়। EX:
Honey tastes sweet. Rice
sells cheap. The
stone feels hard.
Rule-3: Sub + AV + Adj + when it is + P.P.
Ex: Act: Honey tastes
Pass: Honey is sweet when it is tasted.
Act: The pen write well. Pass:
The pen is well when it is written .
Rule-4: Model AV থাকলেঃ (Can, Could, Would, May, Might, Should, Must, Have to, Has to , Had to,
is going to, was going to, was going to, ought to, used to)
Have to
Has to
Had to
is going to + be + PP + by +
Was going to
Ought to
Used to
Ex: Act: He has to do the work. Pass: The work has to be done by him.
Act: We ought to
love our country. Pass:
Our country ought to be loved by us.
Act: He is going to build a
house. Pass: A house is going to be built by him.
Rule- 6: Present Participle যুক্ত থাকলে এর কোনো পরিবর্তন হয়
না। যেমনঃ
Sub/Obj + AV + PP + Present Participle + Ext + by + Obj/Sub
Ex: Act: I saw him
carrying a stick.
Pass: He was seen carrying a stick by me.
Complex Sentence এর Voice
পরিবর্তন করার সময়
প্রয়োজনে Principal ও Sub-ordinate উভয় Clause
এর Voice
Change করতে হয়। যদি Sub-ordinate
Clause টি that,
why ইত্যাদি Conjunction
দ্বারা যুক্ত বাকাংশটি
প্রথমে বসবে। তবে Principal Clause টি আগে রেখেও Passive
Voice করা যায়। Principal
clause এর obj
থাকে না বলে “it” কে এ অংশে object
ধরা হয়।
Sub-ordinate Clause + AV +PP + to + obj/Sub.
Sub/It + AV + PP + to + Obj/Sub + Conjunction + Sub-ordinate
Ex: Act: We know
that the earth moves round the sun.
Pass: That the earth moves round the sun is known
to us.
Or, It is known to us that the earth moves round the sun.
Sub-ordinate Clause টি চিরন্তন সত্য হলে তা অপরিবর্তিত থাকে।
Imperative Sentence
Rule 8: Obj থাকলেঃ Let/Let not + obj + be
+ P.P.
Ex:Act: Do the sum. Pass: Let the sum be done. (by you) Act: Don’t open the door. Pass: Let not the door be opened (by
Act: Take care of
your health. Pass: Let your health
be taken care of.
Act: Do not laugh at the poor.
Pass: Let not the poor be
laughed at.
Imperative Sentence এ Never
থাকলে Let Never বসে।
Ex: Act: Never tell a lie. Pass:
Let never a lie be told.
Note: Imperative Sentence এর শেষে যদি Adverb থাকে তাহলে তা বাক্যের শেষে বসে। যেমনঃ
Act: Always speak
the truth. Pass: Let the truth be
spoken always.
Act: Help him
now. Pass: Let him be helped now.
Rule-9: Obj না থাকলেঃ Commanded
You are + ordered
+ to + PV এর Present form + Ext.
Ex: Act: Come here. Pass: You are ordered to come here.
Act: Please, Come
here. Pass: You are requested
to come here.
Note: Neg হলে, Commanded
You are + ordered + Not
to + PV এর Present form + Ext.
Ex: Act: Please, Don’t go there. Pass:
You are requested not to go there.
Rule-10: Let থাকলেঃ Let + Sub/Obj + be + PP + by + Obj/Sub.
Ex: Act: Let me write a
letter. Pass: Let a letter be
written by me.
Act: Let me have a
cup of tea. Pass: Let a cup of tea
be had by me.
Interrogative Sentence
Rule-11: AV দ্বারা প্রশ্ন হলেঃ AV + Sub/Obj + P.P. + by + Obj/Sub?
Ex:Act: Is he writing a
letter? Pass: Is a letter being
written by him?
Act: Did the boy
catch a bird? Pass: Was a bird caught by the boy?
Rule-12: WH (What, Why, How, When, Where) দ্বারা প্রশ্ন হলে,
WH + AV +
Sub/Obj + P.P. + by + Obj/Sub?
Ex: Act: What do you
want? Pass: What is wanted by you?
Act: Which book do
you want? Pass: Which book is wanted by you?
Rule-13: Who, Whom থাকলে, Who থাকলে By whom বসে।
By whom থাকলে Who বসে।
Ex: Act: Who opened the door? Pass: By whom was the door opened?
Act: Whom do you want? Pass:
Who is wanted by you?
Rule-14: কিছু কিছু বাক্য Passive আকারে থাকে, এদের Obj থাকে না। এই সকল বাক্যে সুবিধা মত Subject (Somebody, Someone, It, People, You, Govt. , etc) ধরে নিতে হয়।
যেমনঃ Pass: Rome was not
built is a day.
Act: The Romans did
not build Rome in a day.
Pass: My book has been lost. Act: I have lost my book.
Pass: The thief was
caught. Act:
The police caught the thief.
Rule-15: Infinitive এর ক্ষেত্রে Active কে Passive করার নিয়মঃ
To + PV এর Present
Pass: To be + PP
Ex:Act: The result is to announce. Pass: The result is to be announced.
Perfect infinitive:
Act: To have + PP Pass: To have
been + PP
Act: Our story is to have completed.
Our story is to have been completed.
1. People all over the
world enjoy this game very much. (Passive) (HSC-DB
14, JB 09)
Ans: This game is enjoyed very much by people all over the world.
2. People of all ages
enjoy this game. (Passive) (Hsc- RB13,
Ctg 11)
Ans: This game is enjoyed by people of all ages.
3. But the children are
affected much by mobile phones. (Active) (HSC-CB14)
Ans: But Mobile phones affect the children much.
4. A famous American
architect Louis I Khan designed this magnificent building. (Passive) (HSC-SB14)
Ans: This magnificent building was designed by a famous American architect
Louis I Khan.
5. The problem can not
be solved overnight. (Active) (HSC BB
Ans: We cannot solve the problem overnight.
6.Once a cook roasted
duck for his master. (Passive) (HSC DJN
14, RB 10)
Ans: Once a duck was roasted by a cook for his master.
7. Do you know it.
(Passive) (HSC DB13)
Ans: Is it known to
8. A True friend is
hardly found. (Active) (HSC CB13)
Ans: We hardly find a true friend.
9. The old Sailor shot
the Albatross. (Passive) (HSC JB13)
Ans: The Albatross was shot by the old sailor.
10. It is so much
required. 9Active) (SB13)
Ans: We required it so much.
11. It brings peace in
one’s mind. (Passive) (HSC BB13)
Ans: Peace in one’s mind is brought by it.
12. Della saved a
scanty amount of money for this. (Passive) (HSC
Ans: A scanty amount of money was saved by Della for this.
13. Tohfa wrote a letter
to her mother yesterday. (Passive) (HSC
DB 12)
Ans: A letter was written yesterday by Tohfa to her mother.
14. I gladly accepted
the invitation. (Passive) (CB 12)
Ans: The invitation was gladly accepted by me.
Q. Change the following
sentences into active or passive form. (For Class six/seven/Eight)
1. He looks after the orphans. 1. The orphans are looked
after by him.
2. She killed herself. 2. She was killed by herself.
3. I gave him a nice book. 3. He was
given a nice book by me.
4. The headmaster teaches us English. 4. We are taught English by the
5. She read the magazine. 5. The
magazine was read by her.
6. He was reading a book. 6. A book
was being read by him.
7. She had written the letter. 7. The
letter had been written by her.
8. We had dug the canal. 8. The
canal had been dug by us.
9. They were flying kites. 9. Kites
were being flown by them.
10. We are digging a canal. 10. A canal
is being dug by us.
11. He has done the works. 11. The
works have been done by him.
12. Father read the
book yesterday. 12. The book was read by father yesterday.
13. I shall do the
work for you. 13. The work will be done
by me for you.
14. We shall be taking tea. 14. Tea
will be taken by us.
15. You must do the work. 15. The work must be done by you.
16. She may help you. 16. You may be helped by her.
17. We ought to obey
our parents. 17. Our parents ought to be obeyed by us.
18. They are going to
discuss the matter. 18. The matter is going to be discussed by them.
19. I shall help you any way. 19. You
will be helped any way by.
20. The boy does not
waste his time. 20. His time is not wasted by the boy.
21. The students were going to make a garden.
21. A garden was going to be made by the students.
22. I saw him to go. 22. He was seen to go by me.
23. I know the boy. 23. The boy is known to me.
24. The students have made their garden.
24. Their garden has been made by the students.
25. We made him our captain. 25. He was
made our captain by us.
26. Cats kill mice. 26. Mice are killed
by cats.
27. He did a lot of
things for me. 27. A lot of things were
done by him for me.
28. You must wear a cap. 28. A cap must be worn by you.
29. The boy beat the dog. 29. The dog was beaten by the boy.
30. He fought a great fight. 30. A
great fight was fought by him.
31.I shall do everything 31. Everything
will be done by me.
Flood has uprooted a lot of trees. 32.
A lot of trees have been uprooted.
33.Salma sang a song. 33.A
song was sung by Salma.
34. Cats kill mice. 34. Mice are killed by cats.
35. People speak English all over the world.
35. English is spoken all over the world.
36. Fortune favoures the brave. 36. The brave are favored by fortune.
37. He advised me to take rest. 37.I was advised to take rest by him.
He decided to sell the house. 38. It was
decided by him to sell the house.
He did a lot of things for me. 39. A
lot of things were done for me by him.
He did many things for me Many things
were done for me by him.
- He has to do the work. A:The work has to be done by him.
- He is going to do marketing. A:Marketing
is going to be done by him.
- He looks after the orphan A:The
orphan is looked after by him.
- He made me do the work. A:I
was made to do the work by him.
- He walked ten miles. A:Ten
miles were walked by him.
- The authorities gave him a
handsome salary.
- A: He was give a handsome salary.
- He was writing a letter. A:A
letter was being written by him.
- They will blame him. A:
He will be blamed.
- His behaviour surprised me. A:I
was surprised at his behaviour.
- He has lost his book. A:
His book has been lost.
- His performance satisfied
the teacher. A:The teacher was satisfied at his performance.
- His work did not satisfy
me. A: I was not satisfied at his behaviour.
- I am going to open a bank account. A:A
bank account is going to be opened by me.
- I have lost my pen. A:My
pen has been lost.
- I have to do the work. A:The
work has to be done by me.
- I heard my sister sing a song. A: My sister was heard to sing a
song by me.
- I know him well. A:He
is well known to me.
- I know him. A:He
is known to me.
- I like to take fresh milk. A:
It is liked by me to take fresh milk.
- I saw a beggar begging
from door to door.
A:A beggar was seen begging from door to door.
- I saw him go. A:He
was seen to go by me.
- I saw him going across the
A:He was seen going across the road by me.
- I saw him going towards
your house.
- A: He was seen going towards your house by me.
- Mimi was plucking flowers. A:Flowers
were being plucked by Mimi
- I saw the boy crying. A:The
boy was seen crying by me.
- Circumstances compelled me to do it.
A:I was compelled to do
- Moni has to do the work. A:The
work has to be done by Moni.
- Panic seized the writer. A:
The writer was seized with panic.
- People think him to be an honest
man. A:He is thought to be an honest man.
- One should keep one’s
promises. A:Promises should be kept.
- People in Asia mainly eat
rice. A:Rice is mainly eaten in Asia.
- Rina reads well A:
It is read well by Rina.
- She fans herself A:She
is fanned by herself.
- Mr Rahman teaches us English. A:We are taught English by Mr
- The Roman did not built Rome in a day. A:Rome was not built in a day.
- The boy beat the dog A:The
dog was beaten by the boy.
- I know the boy A:The
boy is known to me.
- The boy pleased us all. A:We
all were pleased with him.
- He decided to sell the house. A:The
house was decided to be sold by him.
- The teacher made me do the sum. A: I was made to do the sum by the
- They are going to dig a canal. A: A canal is going to be dug by
- They were going to open a shop. A:A
shop was going to be opened by them.
- They awarded him a gold medal. A:He
was awarded a gold medal.
- They pleased us all. A:We
all were pleased with them.
- Walking in the morning
gives us fresh vigour and strength.
A: We are given fresh vigour
and strength by walking in the morning.
- We elected him chairman. A:He
was elected chairman by us.
- We fish some fishes. A:
Some fishes are fished by us.
- They will blame us. A:We
shall be blamed.
- You must wear a cup. A:A
cup must be worn by you.
- One must endure what one
cannot cure.
A:What cannot be cured must be endured.
- One can not blot what one lots. A:What
is lots cannot be blotted.
- Honey tastes sweet. A:Honey
is sweet when it is tasted.
- Iron feels hard. A:
Iron is hard when it is felt.
- My pen writes well A:My
pen is well when it is written.
- The book is printing. A:
The book is being printed.
- The book reads well. A:The
book is well when it is read.
Change the form of voice of the following:
1. The cow gives us milk. 2. Tohfa was
singing a song. 3. Suman will help me.
4. We should do our duties. 5. We had finished to work. 6. Allah loves us all.
7. They are flying kites. 8. The fisherman was catching fish. 9. I saw him
playing football. 10. They will be writing the poem. 11. I saw the boy
crying. 12. I have to do it. 13. They
were building a house. 14. I know that
the work is hard. 15. He pleased us. 16.
Tohfa writes a letter. 17. He draws a picture. 18. He gave her the pen. 19. Mr.
Shaown teaches us English. 20. He likes you. 21. They are going to open a
bank. 22. She hurt her brother. 23. He killed himself. 24. They are going to
be dug by them. 25. I know Mr. Rahim. 26. He has bought these books. 27. The
chairman will invite the members to attend the meeting. 28. Rana is writing a
letter. 29. The mother was feeding the baby. 30. The rose smells sweet. 31.
English is spoken all over the world.
1. Tell him to go. 2. Post the letter. 3.
Ring the bell. 4. Take care of your health. 5. Look after your parents. 6. Puck
me a flower. 7. Choose the best answer. 8. Don’t play football at noon. 9. Let
him do to work. 10. Never tell a lie. 11. Always speak the truth. 12. Pen
through the word. 13. Do not laugh at the poor. 14. Give the order. 15. Shut
the door. 16. Don’t make a noise. 17. Bring the book. 18. Don’t ask me the question.
1. Did the boy catch a bird? 2. Does she
write a letter? 3. Shall I catch fish? 4. Were you calling me? 5. Can I help
you? 6. Who is helping her? 7. Who called me?
8. Who will drive the car? 9. Whom did you lend the pen? 10. What are
you reading? 11. What will you read? 12. Which book do you want? 13. Who can do
it? 14. Does he speak English? 15. Will you write the letter? 16. Who has
broken the plates? 17. Are they making a noise?
18. Had he taken the book? 19. Do you play cricket? 20. Do you like to
take tea? 21. Is he doing the work? 22. Isn’t he painting a picture? 23. Whom
did you meet? 24. Whom do you want?
Important Voice Change Example for JSC, SSC, HSC
[JSC] 1. Tohfa sent me a message. 2. They handed
him a leaflet. 3. I gave him a pen. 4. Who taught you grammar? 5. Do you know
it? 6. A true friend is hardly found. 7. Trees help us in many ways.
1. People of all ages enjoy the game.
2. Tourists from home and abroad visit its shore. 3. He was digging
holes is several places. 4. I hardly accepted the invitation. 5. Who does not
love a truthful person? 6. Who taught you English? 7. The school was
established in 1850. 8. He was taken to hospital.
[HSC] 1. It stores honey in the hive. 2. People
over the country visit this place. 3. Imran is reading newspaper. 4. The government
should take care of them. 5. The old
sailor shot the Albatross. 6. It is so much required. 7. It brings peace in one’s mind. 8. Della saved a scanty amount of money. 9.
Anika wrote a letter to her mother yesterday. 10. I gladly accepted the invitation.
11. Years of malnutrition and deprivation
made them look older. 12. So, we should control it for our own sake. 13.
But even here people use commercially operated e-mail facilities for important
purposes. 14. It is called pleasure seekers paradise. 15. Teachers encourage
the learners of a second language to practice the language. 16. Every one
should practice frugality to make a well-planed family. 17. The farmers use
water in time of cultivation largely. 18. Mills and factories also pollute
water. 19. Thus water is contaminated by various kinds of waste and filth. 20.
They find a better shelter in