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Showing posts with label Degree. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Degree. Show all posts



  Degree of Comparison





No other



Than any other


The + Superlative

No other + any other ev all other Gi c‡ii evK¨vsk + A.V + so + Positive +as + 1g Sub

Ex: No other city in Bangladesh is so big as Dhaka.

†k‡li Noun/Sub + A.V + Comparative +than any other/than all other +other Gi c‡ii


Ex: Dhaka is bigger than any other city in Bangladesh.

Sub+V+the+ Sup + other Gi c‡ii evK¨vsk

Ex: Dhaka is the biggest city in Bangladesh.

Few/ Very few


Than most other/ than few other


One of the + Sup.

Very few+†k‡li Noun + A.V + as+ Positive + as + 1g Noun.

Ex: Very few metals are as precious as gold.

†k‡li Noun/Sub + A.V + Comparative +than most other/than few other +1g Noun.

Ex: Gold is more precious than most other metals.

†k‡li Noun/Sub + A.V + one of the + Superlative +1g Noun.

Ex: Gold is one of the most precious metals.

  •  hy³  positive †K  comparative :

 Affirmative n‡j Negative n‡e, Negative n‡j Affirmative n‡e|

          Ex: Pos: Karim is as good as Rahim.

                Com: Rahim is not better than Karim.

                Pos: Ripon is as tall as Shipon.

                Com: Shipon is not taller than Ripon.

                Pos: A bus can run as fast as a rickshaw.

                 Com: A Rickshaw can not run faster than a bus.

  • Than  hy³  Comparative †K Positive Ki‡Z n‡jt

†k‡li Noun/Sub + A.v + not+ So + Positive + as + 1g Noun.

          Ex: Com: Mina is wiser than Rina.

                 Pos: Rina is not so wise as Mina.

                Com: Mina is better than Rima.

                 Pos: Rima is not so good as Mina.

  • Subject Gi ¯’vb cwieZ©b bv K‡i I ïay Negative sentence †K Affirmative sentence G cwieZ©b K‡i  positive degree †Z iycvšZi Kiv hvq|

Ex: Com: Karim is not more intelligent than Rahim.

       Pos: Karim is as intelligent as Rahim

       Com: Mina is not more beautiful than Rina.

                          Pos: Mina is as beautiful as Rina.

  • No less….. than ev not less ......  than hy³ comparative  n‡jt

No less ev  not less  D‡V wM‡q Zvi ¯’v‡b as ev at least as e‡m Ges than Gi ¯’‡j as e‡m|

Ex: Com: Karim is not less strong than Rahim.

Pos: Karim is as strong as Rahim.

Com: Mr. Zaman is not less wise than Mr. Aman.

Pos: Mr. Zaman is as wise as Mr. Aman.

Avevi hw` less....than _v‡K †m †¶‡Î less Gi ¯’‡j not as ev not so e‡m Ges than Gi

¯’‡j  as  e‡m|

Ex: Com: Karim is less intelligent than his brother.

Pos: Karim is not so intelligent as his brother.

wet `ªt No other, any other  G‡`i c‡i noun, pronoun I verb singular from nq|

Ex: No other city in Bangladesh is so big as Dhaka.

Dhaka is bigger than any other city in Bangladesh.

Avevi , all other, most other , many other, some other , very few, few, one of the  Gi ci noun, pronoun, verb Gi plural from nq|

Ex: The iron is more useful than most other metals.

The rose is the lovelier than all other flowers.

Degree Example:

Positive-Comparative-Superlative degree for SSC Exam-




A few/few/very few+ noun (plural) +are/were +so/as+ positive form+ as+…

Noun/pronoun+ am/is/are +was /were+ comparative form+ than most other/than the majority of/than few other +….. noun(Plural)+

Subject+ is/are/was/were +one of the +superlative form+… noun(plural)+ other word.

Very few fruits in the world as sweet as mango.

Mango is sweeter than most other fruits in the world.

Mango is one of the sweetest fruits in the world.

Very few problems are as big as price hike for them.

Price hike is bigger than most other problems for them. 

Price hike is one of the biggest problems for them.

Very few sea beaches are as beautiful as it.

It is more beautiful than most other sea beaches.

It is one of the most beautiful sea beaches in the world.

Very few schools in our district are as famous as it.

It is more famous than most other schools in our district.

It is one of the famous schools in our district.

Very few cities of the world are as expensive as Toronto.

Toronto is more expensive than most other cities of the world.

Torento is one of the most expensive  cities of the world.

At present, very few games are as popular as cricket.

At present cricket is more popular than most others games in our country.

At present cricket is the most popular game in our country.

Very few insects are as busy as the bee.

A bee is busier than most other insects.


Very few journeys in my life are so memorable as it was.

It was more memorable than most other journeys in my life.

It was one of the most memorable journeys in my life.

Very few countries in the world are as populous as it.

It is more populous than most other countries in the world.


Very few rivers in Bangladesh are as big as the Padma.

The Padma is bigger than most other rivers in Bangladesh.

The Padma is one of the biggest rivers in Bangladesh.

Very few men in his locality are as happy as he.

He was happier than most other men in his locality.

He is one of the happiest men in his locality.

Very few mangrove forests in the world as big as it.

It is bigger than most other mangrove frosts in the world.

It is one of the biggest mangrove forests in the world.

Very few rivers  in Bangladesh are as big as the Jamuna.

The Jumuna is bigger than most other rivers in Bangladesh.

The Jamuna is one of the biggest rivers in Bangladesh.

Very few elements of all living beings are as important as it.

It is more important than most other elements of all living being.

It is one of the most important elements of all living beings.

Very few causes of diminishing agricultural land are as important as river erosion.

River erosion is more important than most other causes of diminishing agricultural land.

River erosion is one of the important causes of diminishing agricultural land.





No other+ subject-------am/is/are/was/were +so/as +adverb/adjective (positive form)+as +Subject.

Subject +verb +Comparative form+ than+ any other/all other+………………………


Subject +am/is/are/was/were+the +Superlative form+of (if present) +…………


No other problem in Bangladesh is as great as illiteracy.

Illiteracy is greater than any other problem in Bangladesh.

Illiteracy is the greatest problem in Bangladesh.

No other thing is as/so great as their sacrifice.

Their sacrifice is greater than any other thing.

Their sacrifice is the greatest thing.

Actually at that time, no other man is as wise as he.

Actually, at that time he was the wiser than all.

Actually at that time he was the wisest of all.

No other flowers are as good as the rose.

The rose is better than any other flowers.

The Rose is the best of all flowers.

It seemed to the fox that no other animal is as wise as it.


It seemed to the fox that it was the happiest animal in the world.

At present, no other game is as popular as Cricket.

At present cricket is more popular than any other games in our country.

At present cricket is one of the most popular games in our country.

A sick moneyed man is not as happy as a healthy poor man.

A healthy poor man is happier than a sick moneyed man.


No other virtue in a man life is as great as Truthfulness.

Truthfulness is greater than all other virtues in a man.

Truthfulness is the greatest of all virtues in a man.

No other weapon to destroy a society is so dangerous as corruption.

Corruption is more dangerous than any other weapon to destroy a society.

Corruption is the most dangerous weapons to destroy a society.

No other sea beach in the world is as long as Cox’s Bazer.

Cox’s Bazer is longer than any other  sea beach in the world.

Cox’s Bazer is the longest sea beach in the world.

No other poet was as great as Kazi Nazrul Islam.

Kazi Nazrul was greater than any other poet.

Kazi Nazrul Islam was the greatest poet.

No other girl is as dutiful as Nadi in her office.

Nadi is more dutiful than any other girl in her office.

Nadia is the most dutiful girl in her office.

No other event in the history of Bangladesh is as significant as it.

It is more significant than any other event in the history of Bangladesh.

It is the most significant event in the history of Bangladesh.

No other problem in our country is so great as poverty.

Poverty is greater than any other problem.

Poverty is the greatest problem in our country.

No other thing is so great as book.

Book is greater than any other thing.

Books are the greatest friends.