Simple Complex Compound
Simple, Complex & Compound wK GZB
KwVb!!!!! †gv‡UB bv!!! kvIb m¨v‡ii wKQz kU© †UKwbK Rvbv _vK‡j Transformation
KivUv G‡Kev‡i cvwbi gZb| ZvB eÜy‡`i Rb¨ wKQz
kU© †UKwbK Avgv‡`i I‡qe mvB‡U cÖKvk Kiv nj| Avkv Kwi †Zvgiv mK‡j G‡Z DcK…Z n‡e
Bbkvjøvn| we¯ZvwiZ Av‡iv kU© †UKwbK Rvb‡Z mivmwi mgq GKv‡Wgx‡Z †hvMv‡hvM Ki|
Bs‡iwR‡Z †ZvgivB n‡e †miv... .
At a glance of Simple, Complex, Compound
Simple |
Complex |
Compound |
In spite of/
Despite |
Though/Although/ Even though |
But/Yet |
a. V+ing b. Being/Having c. Because of/Due to d. At/in/ at the time of/ on (Time) |
Since/As/ Because |
And / and so/
and thus/and therefore |
a.By+v+ing b. Without +V+ing |
a. If (affirmative) b. If (Neg)/ Unless (aff) |
And/and so/and
thus/ and therefore |
a. V+obj+v+ing b. S+V+E |
Pronoun (that/which/when/where/ who/where) |
And/and so/and
thus/ and therefore |
To+ Present
form of Verb |
So that +
can/could |
And/and so/and
thus/ and therefore |
Too…….to |
So…..that + cannot/could
not + v |
And/and so/and
thus/ and therefore |
In spite of/Despite + |
Though /Although/ Even though |
But/yet |
In spite of being naughty, he is brilliant.(`yó
nIqv m‡Ë¡I †m †gavex|)
Though he is naughty, he is brilliant. (hw`I †m
`yó, †m †gavex|)
He is naughty but he is brilliant. (‡m `yó wKš‘ †m
Complex: Although I hate gathering, I
enjoy activities of the flood of masses this day. (HSCBB-09)
(hw`I Avwg
Rbmgv‡ek N„Yv Kwi, GB w`b Avwg Dc‡Pciv gvby‡li Kg©KvÛ Dc‡fvM Kwi|)
Compound: I hate the gathering but I enjoy activities of the
flood of masses this day.
(Avwg Rbmgv‡ek
N„Yv Kwi wKš‘ GB w`b Avwg Dc‡Pciv gvby‡li Kg©KvÛ Dc‡fvM Kwi|)
hate the gathering yet I enjoy activities of the flood of masses this day.
Simple: Inspite of my hatred of gathering, I enjoy activities
of the flood of masses this
( Rbmgv‡e‡ki cÖwZ Avgvi N„Yv m‡Ë¡I, GB w`b Avwg Dc‡Pciv
gvby‡li Kg©KvÛ Dc‡fvM Kwi|)
or, Despite my
hatred of gathering, i enjoy activities of the flood of masses this day.
Notwithstanding my hatred of gathering, i enjoy activities of the flood
of masses this day.
3. Complex: Although cricket is a very costly
game, young men and children get a great
deal of delight by plying it. (HSCJB-09)
(hw`I wµ‡KU GKwU
AZ¨š— e¨qeûj †Ljv, Zi“b †Q‡jiv Ges ev”Pviv GUv †Ljv A‡bK Avb›` cvq| )
Compound: Cricket is a very costly game but young men and
children get a great deal of delight
playing it. (wµ‡KU
GKwU AZ¨š— e¨qeûj †Ljv wKš‘ Zi“b †Q‡jiv Ges ev”Pviv GUv
†Ljv A‡bK Avb›` cvq| )
Simple: Inspite of being costly game, young men and children
get a great deal
delight playing cricket.
(wµ‡KU GKwU AZ¨š— e¨qeûj †Ljv nIqv ¯^‡ËI
, Zi“b †Q‡jiv Ges ev”Pviv GUv †Ljv
A‡bK Avb›` cvq| )
Too... to |
so..... that + can not/could not |
and |
Simple: He is too sick to walk.
He is so sick that he can not walk.(
†m GZ Amy¯’ †h nvuU‡Z cv‡i bv|)
He is very sick and he can not walk.(
†m Lye Amy¯’ Ges †m nvuU‡Z cv‡i bv|)
Because of + |
Since/As/ Because/When |
and |
Simple:Becouse of working hard, he became successful. (K‡Vvi
cwikª‡gi Kvi‡Y, †m mdj n‡qwQj|)
As/Since he worked hard, he became successful. (‡h‡nZz †m K‡Vvi cwikªg
K‡iwQj, †m mdj n‡qwQj|)
He worked hard and he became successful. (‡m K‡Vvi
cwikªg K‡iwQj Ges †m mdj n‡qwQj|)
2. Complex: As Tohfa was sick, he could not attend the
Compound: Tohfa was sick and therefore she could not
attend the party.
Simple: Tohfa could not attend the party because of
her sickness.
Or, Becouse of her
sickness, Tohfa could not attend the party.
Or, Due to her
sickness, Tohfa could not attend the party.
Or, Being sick, Tohfa
could not attend the party.
3. Complex: Since he was weak, he could not work
Simple: Because of his weakness,
he couldn’t work hard.
Or, Due to his weakness, he couldn’t work hard.
Or, Being weak, he couldn’t work hard.
Or, For his weakness, he
couldn’t work hard.
Compound: He
was weak and therefore he couldn’t work hard.
Or, He was weak and so he
couldn’t work hard.
4. Complex:
As demand for flowers is increasing day by day, we should cultivate flowers on
commercial basis. (SSC DB-11)
Because of increasing demand of flowers, we should cultivate slowers on
commercial basis.
Or, Due to
increasing demand of flowers, we should cultivate slowers on commercial basis.
Demand for flowers is increasing day by day and therefore we should cultivate
flowers on commercial basis.
We fail to enjoy the real taste independence as corruption
devours every good fruit of our efforts.
Because of corruption’s devouring every good fruit of our efforts, we fail to
enjoy the real taste independence.
corruption devours every good fruit of our efforts and therefore we fail to
enjoy the real taste independence.
To/in order to + V |
So that… Can/could |
and |
Simple: He studies hard to cut a good result. (‡m
fvj djvdj Ki‡Z Lye †ewk covïbv K‡i|)
He studies hard so that he can cut a good result.(‡m
Lye †ewk covïbv K‡i hv‡Z †m fvj djvdj Ki‡Z cv‡i| )
He studies hard and thus he can cut a good result. (‡m
Lye †ewk covïbv K‡i Ges Gfv‡e †m fvj djvdj Ki‡Z cv‡i|)
2. Simple: We have laws and law-enforcing agencies to stop
the dishonest businessman.
Complex: We have laws and law-enforcing agencies to stop the
businessman who are dishonest.
We have laws and law-enforcing agencies so that we can stop the
dishonest businessman.
Compound: We have laws and law-enforcing agencies and we can stop the dishonest businessman.
By + |
If (Aff) |
and |
1. Complex: If we take proper steps, their condition may
Simple: By
taking proper steps, their condition may improve.
Take proper steps and thus their condition may improve.
2. Complex:
If you work hard, you will succeed in life.
Simple: By
working hard you will succeed in life.
Work hard and you will succeed in life.
3.Complex: If we read books, we can enrich our mind. (SSC CB-11,BB-12)
Simple: By
reading books, we can enrich our mind.
Or, Reading
books, we can enrich our mind.
Compound: we
read books and thus we can enrich our mind.
4. Complex: If you are honest, you will always be
trusted. (SSC RB-11)
Being honest, you will always be trusted.
Or, By/with
honesty, you will always be trusted.
Or, By dint
of honesty, you will always be trusted.
Or, By
virtue of honesty, you will always be trusted.
You are honest and therefore you will always be trusted.
5. Compound::
A language learner must shake off reticence and/and thus he is sure to succeed in his effort. (HSC BB-12)
Complex: If
a language learner can shake off reticence, he is sure to succeed in his
Without + |
If (Neg)/Unless |
(Imperative) Or/otherwise |
1. Complex:
Unless you work hard, you won’t pass the exam. (hw` bv Zzwg K‡Vvi cwikªg Ki, Zzwg
cix¶vq cvm Ki‡e bv|)
Simple: Without
working hard, you won’t pass the exam. (K‡Vvi cwikªg Qvov , Zzwg cix¶vq cvm
Ki‡e bv|)
Compound: Work
hard otherwise you won’t pass the exam. (K‡Vvi cwikªg Ki Ab¨_vq Zzwg cix¶vq cvm
Ki‡e bv|)
V+ obj + |
Relative Pronoun |
And/and thus/and
therefore |
1. Simple: He wrote a
book explaining cosmology for general public. (HSCDB-11)
(‡m mvaviY RbM‡bi
Rb¨ Cosmology
e¨L¨v K‡i GKwU eB wj‡LwQj|)
Compound: He wrote a book and it explains cosmology for
general public.
(‡m GKwU eB
wj‡LwQj Ges GwU mvaviY RbM‡bi Rb¨ comology wb‡q e¨L¨v K‡i|
Complex: He wrote a book which explains cosmology for
general public.
(‡m GKwU eB
wj‡LwQj †hwU mvavib RbM‡bi Rb¨ Cosmology
wb‡q e¨L¨v K‡i|)
2. Complex: The people who are greedy, they are responsible for
price spiral. (HSC DB-09)
(‡jvKRb hviv
†jvfx, Zviv g~j¨ e„w×i Rb¨ `vqx|)
Simple: The
greedy people are responsible for price spiral. (‡jvfx †jv‡Kiv g~j¨ e„w×i Rb¨ `vqx|)
Compound: The
people are greedy and they are responsible for the price spiral. (GB
†jv‡Kiv †jvfx Ges Zviv g~j¨ e„w×i Rb¨ `vqx|)
2. Complex: But I
know the place where he was born. (HSC DB-10)
(wKš‘ Avwg RvqMvwU wPwb †hLv‡b †m R‡b¥wQj|)
Simple: But I
know the place of his birth.
Or, But I know his birth place. (wKš‘ Avwg Zvi Rb¥¯’vb wPwb|)
3. Simple: People in general are fond
of glittering things. (SSC DB-12)
(gvbyl mvaviYZ PvKwPK¨ wRwbm wcÖq|)
Complex: People
in general are fond of things which are glittering. (mvavibZ gvbyl H wRwbm wcÖq
†h¸‡jv PvKwPK¨| )
Compound: It is
glittering and so people in general are fond of things.
4. Simple: E-mail is a
computer-based messaging system. (HSC
Complex: E-mail
is a messaging system which is computer-based.
Compound: E-mail
is a messaging system and it is computer based.
5. Complex: A man
who is frugal (wgZe¨qx) does
not like to spend money without reasons. (HSC
Simple: A frugal
man does not like to spend money without reasons.
Compound: A man
does not like to spend money without reasons and therefore he is called
6.Complex: People who live in the villagers are farmers.
(SSC SB-12)
Simple: People living in the villagers are farmers.
Compound: People live in the villages and they are
7. Compound: The
persons in the high rank(D”P c` gh©v`v) of the society are involved(RwoZ _vKv)
in corruption and become millionaires (‡KvwUcwZ) through corruption. (SSC DinjB-10)
(mgv‡Ri D”P c‡`i e¨w³iv `~b©xwZ‡Z RwoZ _v‡K Ges `~b©xwZ Øviv
†KvwUcwZ n‡”Q|)
Simple: The
persons in the high rank of society involving in corruption become
millionaires through corruption.
Complex: The
persons in the high rank(D”P c` gh©v`v) of
the society who are involved(RwoZ _vKv) in corruption and
become millionaires (‡KvwUcwZ) through corruption.
8. Complex: It is
strong public awareness which is essential for the fight against
adulteration. (Bnv
†Rvov‡jv MY m‡PZbZv †hwU †fRv‡ji wei“‡× †gvKv‡ejvi Rb¨ Acwinvh©| )
Simple: Strong publish awareness is essentiall for the
fight against.
Compound: It is strong public awareness and it is
essential for the fight against adulteration.
9. Simple: A cunning fox was passing through a forest.
(HSC JB-10)
Complex: A fox which was cunning was passing through a
Compound: A fox was passing through a forest and it was
10.Complex: Students who
wish to acquire proficiency in a language should practice the language.
Simple: Students wishing to acquire proficiency
in a language should practice the language.
Compound: Students wish to acquire proficiency in a language and
therefore they should practice it.
11. Simple: She saw a young man playing
on his flute (evuwk). (SSC BB-10)
Complex: She saw a young man who was playing on
his flute.
Compound: She saw a young man and he was playing
on his flute.
12.Simple: There was
a famous ruler named Queeen Bilkis. (HSC
Complex: There was a famous ruler whose name was
Queen Bilkis.
Compound: There was a famous ruler and her name
was Queen Bilkis.
13. Simple: The postman is
a familiar figure. (SSC CB-11)
Complex: The postman is a
figure who is familiar.
The postman is a figure and he
is familiar.
14.Simple: Water an
important element of environment is polluted by various ways.
(HSC DB, RB-11)
Complex: Water which is an important element of
environment is polluted by various way
Compound: Water is an important element of environment and
it is polluted by various way
15. Complex: Everybody believes that education in
the backbone of a nation.
Simple: Everybody believes education in the backbone
of a nation.
Compound: Education in the backbone of a nation and it
is believed by everybody.
16. Simple: Honesty is
a great virtue.
Complex: Honesty is a virtue which is great.
Compound: Honesty is a virtue and it is great.
17. Simple: Corruption lies in every phase of our society.
Complex: It is corruption which lies in every phase of our
Compound: It is corruption and it lies in every phase of our
18. Simple: Pahela Baisakh is undoubtedly the most
celebrated festival in Bangladesh.
Complex: It
is Pahela Baisakh which is undoubtedly the most celebrated festival in
Pahela Baisakh is the most celebrated festival in Bangladesh and it is
19. Simple: He wants to be a famous
doctor in life.
Complex: He
wants that he will be a famous doctor in life.
Compound: He
will be a famous doctor in life and he wants it.
20.Simple: But today many of them lead a very miserable life.
Complex: But today many of them lead a life which is
very miserable.
Compound: But
today many of them lead a life and it is very miserable.
21. Simple: Cricket
is a very exciting game. (HSC JB-09)
Complex: Cricket
is a game which is very exciting.
Or, It is cricket which is
very exciting game.
Cricket is a game and it is very exciting.
Sentence Gi ïi“‡Z |
Since/As/ Because/When |
and |
1. Complex: When I reached there, my friend
received me cordially. (HSCCB-12)
(hLb Avwg †mLv‡b †cŠQjvg, Avgvi eÜy Avgv‡K Avš—wiKfv‡e MÖnb
Kij| )
Compound: I
reached there and my friend received me cordially.
(Avwg †mLv‡b †cŠQjvg Ges Avgvi eÜy Avgv‡K Avš—wiKfv‡e MÖnb
Simple: Reaching there, my friend received me
Being/ Having |
Since/As/ Because/When |
And/and thus/and therefore |
Simple: The water being very hot, I could not drink it.
Since the water was very hot. I could not drink it.
I could not drink it as the water was very hot.
The water was very hot and I could not drink it.
being poor , the man could not buy his food.
As the man was poor , he could not buy his food.
Compound: The man was poor
and he could not buy his food.
2. Simple: Being
intelligent, the boy was able to answer all the questions.
Complex: Since the boy was
intelligent, he was able to answer all the questions.
Compound: The boy was
intelligent and he was able to answer all the questions.
3. Simple: Having done the
work, he want away.
Complex: When he had done
the work, he want away.
Compound: He had done the work and therefore he want
4. Complex: As Tohfa was sick, he could not attend the
Compound: Tohfa was sick and therefore she could not
attend the party.
Simple: Being
sick, Tohfa could not attend the party.
Tohfa could not attend the party because of her sickness.
Becouse of her sickness, Tohfa could not attend the party.
Due to her sickness, Tohfa could not attend the party.
5. Complex: Since he was weak, he could not work hard.
Simple: Being weak, he couldn’t work hard.
Because of his weakness, he couldn’t work hard.
Due to his weakness, he couldn’t work hard.
For his weakness, he couldn’t work hard.
Compound: He was weak and therefore he couldn’t work hard.
He was weak and so he couldn’t work hard.
6. Complex: When rain and flood wash away some of these
chemicals, they get mixed with water. (HSC
Simple: Some of these chemicals being washed away by
rain and flood, get mixed with water.
Being washed away by rain and flood, some of these chemicals get with
Compound: Rain and flood wash away some of these chemicals and
so they get mixed with water.
the time of/On/During (mgq eySv‡j) |
Since/As/ When |
thus/and therefore |
1. Simple: During his life time, he
spent money lavishly to help the poor . (SSC
(Zvi RxeÏkvq †m Mixe‡`i mvnvh¨ Kivi Rb¨ cÖPzi cwigv‡b UvKv
LiP K‡iwQj| )
During his life time Gi A_© nj
"Zvi RxeÏkvq" GB K_vwU‡Z †Kv‡bv Sub Ges verb
†bB| GB K_vwU‡K Nywi‡q ej‡j nq
"hLb †m RxweZ wQj" (when he was alive.)
Complex: When he was alive, he spent money lavishly to help
the poor. (hLb †m RxweZ wQj, †m Mixe‡`i mvnvh¨ Kivi Rb¨ cÖPzi UvKv
LiP K‡iwQj|)
Compound: He was alive and then he spent money lavishly to help
the poor. (‡m RxweZ wQj Ges ZLb †m Mixe‡`i mvnvh¨ Kivi Rb¨ cÖPzi UvKv LiP
2. Simple: During his life time he spent money lavishly to help
the poor .
During his life time he spent money lavishly so that he could help the poor.
Complex: When he was 32 years old, he
received the prestigious Einstein Award. (HSC DB-11)
(hLb †m ewÎm eQi
eq¯‹ wQj, ZLb †m gh©v`vevb AvBb÷vBb cyi“®‹vi MÖnb K‡i|)
At the age of thirty two, he received
the prestigious Einstein Award. (32 eQi eq‡m , †m
AvBb÷vBb cyi“®‹vi MÖnb K‡i|)
At thirty two, he received the
prestigious Einstein Award.
At the age of thirty two years old,
he received the prestigious Einstein Award.
He was thirty two years old and then
he received the prestigious Einstein Award.
(Zvi eqm wQj 32
eQi Ges ZLb †m AvBb÷vBb cyi“®‹vi MÖnb K‡i| )
Complex: One night when he was saying
his prayer, a thief broke into the room.
(SSC DinB-10)
(GK iv‡Z hLb †m
bvgvR cowQj, GKwU †Pvi i“gwU‡Z XzKj|)
At the time of his prayer in one
night, a thief broke into the room.
(GK iv‡Z Zvi
bvgvR covi mgq, GKwU †Pvi i“gwU‡Z XzKj|)
Or ,
(Phrase evbv‡bvi
mnR †UKwbK nj "Verb" DwV‡q †`qv)
his prayer in one night, a thief broke into the room. (
GK iv‡Z Zvi bvgvR covi g~n~‡Z© , GKwU †Pvi i“gwU‡Z XzKj|)
It was the time of his prayer
and then a thief broke into the room.
5. Simple: In 1979
Stephen Hawking joined Cambridge University. (HSC DinB-11)
Complex: When it was 1979, Stephen Hawking joined Cambridhe
Or, It was 1979 when Stephen
Hawking joined Cambridge University.
Or, Stephen Hawking joined Cambridge University when it was 1979.
Compound: It was 1979 and Stephen Hawking joined
Or, Stephen
Hawkings joined
of sentence for SSC/HSC Examination
Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed
in brackets.
(a)Anika wrote a letter to her mother yesterday .
(passive) (b) She told her mother to send TK.1000 to buy some books .(complex)
(c) In the letter, she told her that she should not worry about her studies .
(simple) (d)Her mother offer writes to her . (interrogative)(e) She feels that
her mother is better than all other mother in the world .(superlative)
Ans:(a)Yesterday a letter was written
to her mother by Anika .(b)She told her mother to send TK. 1,000 so that she
could buy some books.(c)In the letter she told her not to worry about her
studies.(d)Doesn’t her mother often write to her ?(e) She feels that her mother
is the best mother in the world.
2. Read the following passage and transform the
underlined sentences as directed in brackets.
(a)As her husband had no land, he used to work on
other people’s land.(Compound) (b)With great effort they married their two
daughters off when they reached teenage. (Simple) (c) Her only son went to town
for earning his livelihood. (complex).(d)Years of malnutrition and deprivation
made them look older. (passive) (e) Very few women were as need as Ayeshea
Begum .(Superlative)
Ans:(a)Her husband had no land
and he used to work on other people’s land. (b)With great effort, they married
their two daughter off at their teenage.(c)Her only son went to town so that he
could earn his livelihood.(d)They were made look older for years of
malnutrition and deprivation. (e)Ayesha was the most needy women.
3. Read the following passage and transform the
underlined sentences as directed in brackets.
(a)It begets only the worst. (Negative).(b) Anger is
one of the most inhuman vices. (positive). (c) So, we should control it for our
own sake. (Passive). (d) He who is taken by anger causes a lot of troubles .
(Simple). (e)Realizing it, we should to be emotionally balanced .(Complex)
Ans:(a)It begets nothing but the
worst.(b)Very few vices are as inhuman as anger.(c) So, it should be controlled
for our own sake. (d) He, being taken by anger, causes a lot of troubles.(e) We
should try to be emotionally balanced which we should realize.
4. Read the following passage and transform the
underlined sentences as directed in brackets.
(a)My friend invited me to pay a visit to cox’s
Bazar . (Interrogative) (b) I gladly accepted the invitation. (passive) (c)When
I reached there, my friend received me cordially .(compound)(d)I was very glad
to see the sea-beach .(Exclamatory) (e)It was one of the most memorable
journeys in my life.(positive)
Ans:(a)Didn’t my friend invite
me to pay a visit to Cox’s Bazar?(b)The invitation was gladly accepted by me.
(c)I reached there and my friend received me cordially. (d)How glad I was to
see the sea beach! (e)Very few journeys in my life were as memorable as it.
5. Read the following passage and transform the
underlined sentences as directed in brackets.
(a)E-mail is a computer based messaging system .
(Complex)(b)It eliminates the time spent in establishing phone calls
.(Interrogative) (c) It is cheaper than telephone calls . (passive) (d)It takes
only a few seconds to transmit a massage from one
country to another.(Negative)(e)But even here people use commercially operated
e-mail facilities for important purposes .(Passive)
Ans:(a)E-mail is a messaging
system which is based on computer. (b)Doesn’t eliminate the time spent in
establishing phone calls? (c)Telephone calls are not as costly as it.(d)It
doesn’t take more than few seconds to transmit a message from one country to another (e) But even here commercially
operated e-mail facilities for important purposes are used.
6. Read the following passage and transform the
underlined sentences as directed in brackets.
There are two ways of developing competence in a
language-acquiring the language or learning it. (a)acquiring a language is more
successful then learning .(Positive)(b) Teachers encourage the learners of a
second language to practice the language. (Passive) (c)Students who wish to
acquire proficiency in a language should practice the language .(Simple)
(d)Communicative competence can be achieved in a short-time .(Interrogative
without changing meaning). (e) A language learner must shake off reticence and
he is sure to succeed in his effort. (Complex).
Ans:(a)Learning a language is not
as unsuccessful as acquiring .(b)The learners of a second language are
encouraged by teachers to practice the language. (c) Students wising to acquire
proficiency in a language should practice the language.(d)Can communicative
competence not be achieved in a short time? (e)A language learner must shake
off reticence so that he will be sure to succeed in life.
7. Read the following passage and transform the
underlined sentences as directed in brackets.
(a)Cox’s Bazar sea-beach is the longest sea-beach in
the world . (Complex) (b) It is one of the most beautiful sea-beaches in the
world. (Positive) (c) It is called pleasure seekers paradise. (Active) (d)The
visitors go there for enjoying natural beauties. (Compound) (e) Those who
become tired may go to relax there . (Simple)
Ans:(a)It is Cox’s bazar sea
beach which is the longest sea beach in the world. (b)Very few sea
beaches in the world are as beautiful as it.
(c)People call it pleasure seeker’s paradise.(d)The visitors go there and
enjoys natural beauties.(e)Tired people may go to relax there.
8. Read the following passage and transform the
underlined sentences as directed in brackets.
Frugality is a good habit. (a) A man who is frugal
does not like to spend money without seasons .(simple) (b)The target of a
frugal man is to save money for future.(complex). (c) Everyone can practice
frugality to make a well-planned family. (Passive). (d)As a frugal man can save
money, he can spend it in time of crisis easily .(Compound).(e) A frugal man is
happier than a a prodigal man (positive).
Ans:(a)Yesterday a letter was
written to her mother by Anika .(b)She told her mother to send TK. 1,000 so
that she could buy some books.(c)In the letter she told her not to worry about
her studies.(d)Doesn’t her mother often write to her ? (e)She feels that her
mother is the best mother in the world.
9. Read the following passage and transform the
underlined sentences as directed in brackets.
(a)Water, an important element of environment, is
polluted by various ways .(Complex) (b)The water which is pure is necessary for
us .(simple) (c) Man pollute water by throwing waste in it .(compound) (d)The
farmers use water in time of cultivation largely . (Passive) (e)It is one of
the most important elements of all living beings.( Positive)
Ans:(a)Water which is an
important element of environment is polluted in many ways.(b)Pure water is
necessary for us.(c)Men throw waste in water pollute it.(d)Water is used in
time of cultivation largely by the farmers. (e)Very few elements of all human
beings are as important as it.
10. Read the following passage and transform the
underlined sentences as directed in brackets.
(a)Water, an vital element of environment, is
polluted by various ways .(complex) (b)When rain and flood wash away some of
these chemicals, they get mixed with water. (Simple). (c) Mills and factories
also pollute water. (Passive).(d)Water vehicles pollute rivers by dumping oil,
food waste and human waste into them. (compound).(e)Thus water is contaminated
by various kinds of waste and filth .(active).
Answer :(a) Water which is an
important element of environment is polluted in many ways . (b)Pure water is
necessary for us . (c)Men throw waste in water pollute it . (d)Water is used in
time of cultivation largely by farmers. (e)Very few elements of all human
beings are as important as it .
11. Read the following passage and transform the
underlined sentences as directed in brackets.
(a)But at last God took pity on him.(Make it
negative without changing the meaning) (b)One day the old sailor was watching
the water snakes swimming round the ship .(Passive) (c)He was filled with a
strange wonder .(Active) (d)At once the dead albatross fell from his neck into
the sea and the old man fell into a deep sleep .(Complex) (e) When he woke up,
it was raining .(simple).
Answer:(a)But at last God could not
but take pity on him . (b)One day a water snake were being watched swimming
round the ship by the old sailor.(c)A strange wonder filled him . (d)As soon as
the dead albatross fell from his neck into the sea, the old man fell into a
deep sleep .(e)It was raining at the time of his waking up.
12. Read the following passage and transform the
underlined sentences as directed in brackets.
a)The birds that come to our country in winter are
called migratory birds .(simple) (b) In winter the weather is too cold for them
to live in the north. (complex) (c)They find a better shelter in
Answer:(a)The birds coming to our
country in winter are called migratory birds . (b)In winter the weather is so
cold for them that they can not live in the North. (c)A better shelter is found
13. Read the following passage and transform the
underlined sentences as directed in brackets.
(a)Cricket is very exciting game. (Exclamatory)(b)
People of all ages enjoy this game . (Passive) (c) At present cricket is the
most popular game in our country. (Positive) (d)
Answer:(a)Cricket is a game which is
very exciting . (b)This game is enjoyed by people all over the world very much.
(c)At present cricket is more popular than any other game in our country. (d)It
is a very costly game and young men and children get a great deal of delight
playing it . (e)Alas! the performance of Bangladesh Cricket team is not up to
the mark .
14. Read the following passage and transform the
underlined sentences as directed in brackets.
(a)Very few insects are as busy as a bee .
(Comparative) It is known as an industrious creature. (b)It lives together
.(Negative) (c)It flies from flower and collects honey .(Simple) (d)It stores
in the hive . (Passive) (e)In winter, it remains idle but it works hard in
spring .(complex)It leads a disciplined life.
Answer:(a)The bee is busier than
most other insects . (b)It does not live separately. (c)Flying from flower to
flower it collects honey.(d)Honey is stored by in the hive by it. (e)Though it
remains idle in winter, it works hard in spring.
15. Read the following passage and transform the
underlined sentences as directed in brackets.
(a)The national memorial which is situated at Savar
is a symbol of nation’s respect.(Simple)(b) Standing in front of the graves we
bow down our heads. (Compound)(c) The towers symbolize the loftiness of the
spirit of the martyred freedom fighters . (Interrogative) (d) We always
remember their memories.(Negative) (e) Everyday many people go to visit
Answer:(a)The National Memorial at
Savar is a symbol of nation’s respect. (b)We stand in front of the graves and
bow down our heads. (c)Don’t the towers symbolize the loftiness of the spirit
of the martyred freedom fighters? (d)We never forget their memories. (e)Don’t
many people go to visit it everyday.
16. Read the following passage and transform the
underlined sentences as directed in brackets.
(a)He is considered the greatest physicist after
Einstein .(Active)(b)In 1979 he joined Cambridge University.(Complex) (c)When
he was thirty two years old, he received the prestigious Albert Einstein award.
(Simple) (d)He wrote a book explaining the cosmology for general
public.(Compound)(e)He is one of the greatest scientists in the present world .
Answer:(a)people consider him the
greatest physicist after Einstein. (b) It was 1979 when he joined
17. Read the following passage and transform the
underlined sentences as directed in brackets.
Raju is a good boy. (a)I do not know his fathers
name . (Complex) (b)But I know the place where he was born . (Simple) He is an
active man.(c)Though he is poor, he is honest .(Compound)(d)He is the best
player. (Negative)(e)What a simple life he leads1!( Assertive)
Ans:(a) I do not know what his
father’s name is. (b)But I know his birth place. (c)He his poor but honest.
(d)No other player is as good as he.(e)He leads a very simple life.
18. Read the following passage and transform the
underlined sentences as directed in brackets.
It was a hot summer day.(a)A cunning fox was passing
through a forest. (Complex) . (b) The fox was thirsty and was looking for
water. (Simple)(c)It could not find any source of water .(e)It seemed to the
fox that it was the happiest animal in the world .(Comparative)
Ans (a)A fox which was cunning
was passing through a forest. (b)The thirsty fox was looking for water.(c)Any
source of water could not be found by it.(d)Didn’t hr feel very helpless?(e)It
seemed to the fox that it was happier than any other animal in the world.
19. Read the following passage and transform the
underlined sentences as directed in brackets.
(a)Once a cook roasted a duck for his master .
(Passive) (b)The roast looked so delicious that the
cook could not resist the temptation. (Simple) He
ate one of the drumsticks. (c)When his master sat down to eat, he quickly
noticed the missing drumstick. (Compound) (d)The master enquired of the missing
leg . (Interrogative) (e) But the cook told him that this duck had only one leg
Ans(a) Once a duck was roasted
by a cook for his master.(b)The roast looked too delicious for the cook to
resist the temptation.(c)His master sat down to eat and at that time he quickly
noticed the missing leg. (d)The cook told him that the duck did not have more
than one leg.(e)The cook insisted on the duck’s
having only one leg.
20. Read the following passage and transform the
underlined sentences as directed in brackets.
(a)Health is wealth .(complex) (b)A healthy poor man
is happier then a sick moneyed man. (Positive) (c)When a healthy man is an
asset to his family, an unhealthy man is a liability. (Compound) (d) He can
succeed in life . (Interrogative) (e)Everybody must be conscious of health
Ans(a) It is health which is
wealth.(b)A sick moneyed man is not as happy as healthy poor man.(c)A healthy
man is an asset to his family and an unhealthy man is a liability.(d)Can’t he
succeed in life?(e)Everybody cannot but be conscious of healthy .
21. Read the following passage and transform the
underlined sentences as directed in brackets.
(a)Long long ago there was a king who was very wise
.(Make it simple) (b)People called him wise Solamon. (passive) (c)Actually, at
that time he was the wisest of all. (Comparative) (d)There was another ruler
also named queen of
Ans (a)Long long ago there was a
wise king.(b)He was called wise Solomon by people. (c) Actually, at that time
he was wiser than all.(d)There was another ruler and her name was queen of
Sheba.(e) One day she thought that Solomon’s wisdom should not remain untested.
22. Read the following passage and transform the
underlined sentences as directed in brackets.
Adulteration is the act of making any commodity
impure by admixture of other or baser ingredients. (a)This admixture may
corrupt the original commodity. (Passive)(b)The value or the effectiveness of
the finished product is destroyed by adulteration.(Active) Adulterated foods
and beverages cause a serious health hazards.(c)We have laws and law-enforcing
agencies to stop the dishonest businessmen. (Complex) (d) Their effort has been
proved ineffective since adulteration of foods and other commodities is on the
increase .(Compound) (e)It is strong public awareness which is essential for
the fight against adulteration.( Simple)
Answer:(a)The nature of the original
commodity may be corrupted by this admixture. (b)Adulteration destroys the
value or the effectiveness of the finished product.(c)We have laws and low
enforcing agencies which can stop the dishonest businessmen. (d)Adulteration of
foods and other commodities is on the increase and their effort has been proved
ineffective.(e) Strong public awareness is essential for the fight against
23. Read the following passage and transform the
underlined sentences as directed in brackets.
(a)Day to day life in
Ans: (a) Day to day life in Dhaka
is not cheap. (b)People who live below the poverty line lead a miserable life.
(c)Very few problems are as great as price hike for them.(d)Necessary measure
have been taken by the government to keep the price hike under
control.(e)Greedy people are responsible for price spiral .
24. Read the following passage and transform the
underlined sentences as directed in brackets.
(a) Cricket is very exciting game (complex). (b)
People all over the world enjoy this game very much (passive). (c) At present
cricket is one of the most popular games in our country (comparative). (d)
Though it is a very costly game, young men and children get a great deal of
delight plying it (compound). (e) It is a matter of sorrow that the performance
of Bangladesh Cricket Team is not up to the mark (exclamatory).
Answer: (a) Cricket is a game, which
is very exciting. (b) The game is enjoyed very much by people all over the
world. (c) At present, cricket is more popular than most other games in our
country. (d) It is a very costly game but young men and children get a great
deal of delight playing it. (e) Alas! The performance of
25. Read the following passage and transform the
underlined sentences as directed in brackets.
(a)Robert Frost lives in a small apartment in the
capital city
Answer: a) In the capital city
Toronto Robert Frost lives in an apartment which is small.(b)His wife Catherine
is not without the love of gardening.(c)Very few cities of the world are as
expensive as
26. Read the following passage and transform the
underlined sentences as directed in brackets. The name of our motherland is
Ans (a)The Jamuna is bigger than
most other rivers in Bangladesh. (b)It becomes emaciated in summer. (c)When it
is rainy season , it assumes a terrible shape.(d)Who does not know it?(e)Its
shore is visited by tourists from home and abroad.
27. Transform the following sentences as directed
(a) Pahela Baisakh is undoubtedly the most
celebrated festival in
Answer: (a) It is Pahela Baisakh
which is undoubtedly the most celebrated festival in