Right From Verb
1. †Kvb Sentence Gi Sub. Singular n‡j Verb singular Ges Sub. Plural n‡j Verb plural nq|
†hgbt Mr. Robertson is a
My parents are
always busy with their work.
Vechicles create
traffic jam.
2. Preposition ( in, at on, of for, from, by, with, without, within,
below, along, beside, beyond, befor, up, after, into, across, about, above,
over, behind, down, inside, since, till, away, off, towards, than, ubtill,
around) G‡`i ci PV Gi mv‡_ ing hy³ nq| †hgbt
Without reading,
you can not pass in the examination.
Television is a source of entertainment/entertaining.
I don’t know about computering.
Children are fond of using
mobile phone.
3. e¨Zµg awg© Preposition
(Infinitive To) Gi ci Pv Gi Present i“c e‡m| A_©vr [ To + ] Ex:
goes to play in the field. (not plays/playing)
With a view to, look forward to, get used to, in addition to, with
an eye to, object to, confess to, be used to, need used to, adverse to, be
accustomed to, be opposed to , Prefer to, mind, worth, would you mind, It
is no good etc.
Ex: I went to
the library with a view to ( read) reading
We are looking forward to
meeting you.
I don’t mind having
a cup of tea.
It is no good waiting
for him.
Has, have, had, get, getting,
having, BZ¨vw` causative verb
+ Pv
Gi Present i“c
Ex: She got married
I had
my car cleaned.
The common form of entertainment is getting
westernized day by day.
6. While + ing.
Ex: While sleeping I dreamed
a good dream.
While walking to school, I saw a red
cow grazing on the field.
While walking in the garden, I saw a
MAV: Can, could, should,
may, might, would, will, shall, used to, have to, had to, need, dare, ought
+ Pv Gi
Present i“c
Ex: He can do the work. It should rain
Israt must study tonight.
MAV: Can, could, should, may, might, would, will,
shall, used to, have to, had to, need, dare, ought to
+ be + Pv Gi
Present i“c
Ex: The work ought to
be done.
A clean pad of smooth cloth must be placed
over the wound.
Your parents ought to be obeyed by you.
9. Article (a, an, the)/ Adjective + Noun e‡m|
Ex: The necessity of learning English
can not be described in words.
A constitution is essential for a
Once upon a time, it was used as an institution.
[Word Gi †k‡l ce, sion, tion, ty, ment, ness, hood, ess,
ture, ism,ship,th, age, ence, cy, er _vK‡j Noun nq| ]
Communication competence refers to the ability
to use language appropriately.
Environmental pollution has increased
10. GK ev GKvwaK
Singular Subject Gi c~‡e©
" each, every,one, any"
_vK‡j Verb Singular nq|
Ex: Each boy and each girl was
given a prize.
Every boy and girl has
been given 50 taka.
11. Sentence Gi ïi“‡Z There _vK‡j Verb Gi ciewZ© sub. wU singular / Plural †`‡L Verb wU em‡e| †hgbt
There is a
pond in our village.
There are two
ponds in our village.
12. Somebody, Someone + Singular verb
Some boys, some girls, some toys
+ Plural verb
Someone has stolen
the bag.
Some boys have
failed in the examination.
Any, none, each, every,
either, neither, one
+ of +
Singular verb
None of them was
present in the meeting.
Either of them has
done it.
One of the boys is
present today.
Population, public, crowd,
army, congress, committee, team, government, family, public, pair, dozen,
scenery, knowledge, hundred, thousand, furniture, machinery, information,
bread, money, advice, poetry, gallows, ethics, mathematics, physics, news,
electronics, dynamics, ¾…. Dollars,
¾ ……. miles , distance, time,
Arithmetical Operations (+,_, x ,
+ Singular Verb
Ex: Ill news
runs a pace.
Mathematics is my interesting subject.
2 miles is not a long distance.
100 years is a long time to spend.
Five plus five is ten.
Ten divided by two is
five. Ten minus five is five.
People, spectacles,
trousers, scissors, branches, cloths, goods, headquarters, vegetables,
laws, police, cattle, folk, circumstances, gentry.
+ Plural Verb
Ex: His circumstances are not good.
People do not eat same food.
Vegetables contain vitamin.
Police have been posted in different
16. (Who, Whose, Whom, Which, that) relative pronoun wn‡m‡e
_vK‡j Zvi Av‡Mi Noun/Pronoun Abyhvqx verb e‡m|
It is I who am your
It is you who are my friend.
17. Article
+ Adverb + Adjective
Feel, love, hear, like,
hate, see, forget, consist, seem, sound, smell, believe, know, wish, doubt,
prefer, imagine, fear, taste, astonish, please, understand
G‡`i ci Present Continuous nq
bv |
Ex: I hear news. I forget everything.
Universal truth, habitual
fact, scientific truth, always, regularly, generally, usually,
occasionally, normally, naturally, frequently, everyday, daily, often etc.
+ Present Indefinite.
Ex: He goes to school regularly.
The earth moves round the sun. (Universal Truth)
I go to bed at 10 pm. (habitual fact)
one day, ago, once, last, after a few days, last night, once, upon a time,
in 2007, in the past, previously, before
+ Past form
Once upon
a time there lived
a king called Midas.
We gained
independence from Pakisthan 1971.
just now, already, yet, ever, lately, recently, immediately
+ Present Perfect Tense.
Population of
Dhaka city has increased recently.
Many families
have shifted to safe place immediately.
22. Now a days থাকলে Present Indefinite/ Present Perfect Tense হয়। যেমনঃ
Now a
days life is
very difficult.
Now a
days life has
become very difficult.
23. Verb +
object + verb mv‡_ ing. Or, Verb + verb mv‡_ ing
Ex: I saw a bird flying
in the sky.
24. Present Perfect + Since + Past Indefinite.
Indefinite + Since + Past Perfect
Ex: Twenty years have passed since
his father died.
Five years passed since
I had met you.
It was many years since
they had come to Dhaka.
25. Since + Point of time (wbw`©ó
For + Period of time (Awbw`©ó mgq)
Ex: It has been raining since morning.
I have been a student of the
Comilla Modern school since 1998.
I have been a student of this
school for five years.
25. ‡Kv‡bv Assertive
Sentence G
Auxilary Verb bv _vK‡j Interrogative & Negative Ki‡Z Do/Does/Did Avb‡Z nq.
Ex: Assertive: He went to market yesterday.
Interrogative: Did
he go to market yesterday?
Negative: He
did not go to market yesterday.
26. Past Perfect + before + Past indefinite
indefinite + after + Past perfect
The doctor had come before
the patient died.
The doctor came after
the patient had died
As if/ As though + Past
N.B.: to be
verb wn‡m‡e were e‡m.
He talks as if he knew
He talks as if he were
28. Lest + N +Should
+ Present form of Verb
Ex: Walk fast lest
you should miss the train.
29. Let, must, need, dare + Present form of Verb
He let me go there. I need not go there.
Let us go out for walk.
30. The + Noun + of + Noun +
singular Verb
The kindness of Mohsin is known to all.
31. A number of + Plural Verb
The number of + Singular Verb
Ex: A number of boys are
present in the field.
The number of people
was very high.
32. No, none, a half of, a lot of, a great deal of,
Plenty of + Singular Noun + Singular Verb
No, none, a half of, a lot of, a great deal of, Plenty of
+ Plural Noun + Plural Verb
Ex: Half of building has
been built.
Half of buildings have
been built.
Example for JSC, SSC, HSC
Right forms of verbs
for HSC Examination
1. Fill in the
gaps in the passage below with the right from of verbs.
occur |
increase |
punish |
keep |
Clean |
bring |
obey |
NUv/m„wó |
e„w× cvIqv |
kvw¯Z |
ivLv |
cwi¯‹vi ivLv |
wb‡q Avmv |
gvb¨ Kiv |
often traffic problem (a)-----in the congested areas where the roads are
very narrow. In proportion to our population roads (b)----.There are many
unlicensed vehicles which should (c)-----under control. The drivers are not
willing to (d)----the traffic rules. Irresponsible drivers (e)-----strictly.(cÖvqB hvbRU &mgm¨vi m„wó nq RbvKxb© GjvKvq
†hLv‡b iv¯Zv¸‡jv LyeB msKxb© | RbmsL¨v e„w×i mv‡_ Zvj wgwj‡q iv¯—v¸‡jv ev‡owb
|A‡bK jvB‡mÝ wenxb hvbevnb Av‡Q †h¸‡jv †K wbqb&‡bi g‡a¨ ivLv DwPZ Mvwo
Pjv‡div UªvwdK AvBb gvb‡Z B”QzK bq |`vwqZ¡nxb Mvwo PvjK‡`i K‡Vvifv‡e kvw¯Z
†`Iqv DwPZ |)
Answer:(a)occurs ; (b)are not increased ;
(c)be kept ; (d)obey ; (e)should be punished.
Fill in the gaps in the passage below with the right from of verbs.
can |
do |
change |
Eat |
diversify |
catch |
sell |
cviv |
Kiv |
cwieZ©b Kiv |
LvIqv |
eûgyLx Kiv |
aiv |
w&eµq Kiv |
To alleviate poverty the first step
(a)-----be diversification of the country. This may (b)-----on two fronts.
First because ours is an agro-based economy. It is imperative to (c)----our
agricultural output. At the same time we have to (d)----our food habits. Rice
is our staple food but side with rice we have to develop the habit of
(e)---potatoes and wheat to take the excessive pressure of rice.(`vwi`ª Dckg Ki‡Z cª_g c`‡¶c
n‡Z cv‡i A_©bxwZi wewPÎZv | GwU Kiv †h‡Z
cv‡i `ywU wefv‡M |cÖ_gZ †h‡nZz Avgv‡`i‡K Lv`¨vfvm cwieZ©b Ki‡Z n‡e | Pvj
Avgv‡`i A_bxwZi K„wl wbf©i wKš‘ cvkvcvkx Pv‡ji mv‡_ Avgv‡`i‡K Pv‡ji Dci AwZwi³
Pvc Zy‡j †bqvi Rb¨ Avjy Ges Mg
LvIqvi Af¨vm M‡o Zzj‡Z n‡e |
Answer : (a)can ; (b)be done ; (c)diversify ; (d)change ; (e)eating .
MS Shaown Sir, Assistant Teacher, Comilla Modern
High School, Cumilla
Fill in the gaps in the passage below with
right from of verbs.
Think |
Command |
help |
memorize |
claim |
prepare |
have |
Kiv |
ev KZ…©Z¡ _vKv |
Kiv |
Kiv |
Kiv |
Kiv |
_vKv |
Most of the students of our country are experts in (a)-----answers.
They don’t prepare note by themselves .They get them (b)------by their tutors.
Their tutors exercise their brain for the students. So, the (c)-----power of
the students does not develop. They do not have any (d)----over the language.
They, of course, do well in the examination. But for this they can claim no
credit of their own. This result(e)-----them in their later life.(Avgv‡`i †`‡ki AwaKvsk QvÎ DËi gyL¯Z
Ki‡Z `¶|Zviv wb‡Riv †bvU cÖ¯‘Z K‡i bv|Zviv Zv‡`i M„n wk¶K‡`i w`‡q G¸‡jv cÖ¯‘Z
Kivq| Zv‡`i M„n wk¶Kiv Qv·`i Rb¨ Zv‡`i †gavi Abykxjb K‡ib|myZivs Qv·`i wPšZv
Kivi kw³ weKwkZ nq bv|Zv‡`i fvlvi Dci †Kvb `Lj _v‡K bv| Zviv Aek¨
cix¶vq fvj K‡i| wKš‘ G Rb¨ Zviv wb‡R‡`i †Kvb K…wZZ¡ `vwe Ki‡Z cv‡i bv| GB dj
cie©Zx Rxe‡b Zv‡`i mvnvh¨ Ki‡e bv| )
Answer : (a)memorizing ; (b)prepared ; (c)thinking ; (d)command ;
(e)does not help .
Fill in the gaps in the passage below with the right from of verbs.
run |
be |
reach |
suffer |
Live |
hamper |
go |
†`Šov‡bv |
nIqv |
†cŠQv‡bv |
‡fvMv |
Kiv |
m„wó nIqv |
hvIqv |
The people (a)----in the big cities and towns greatly (b)----from
traffic jam. Their office activities (c)---.They (d)----their working places in
time. Several factors (e)----responsible for this severe and chronic problem.(eo bMi Ges kni¸‡jv‡Z emevmKvix gvby‡liv
†ek †fv‡M hvbR†U fyM‡Z nq|Zv‡`i Awd‡mi KvRK©g e¨vnZ nq|Zviv mgqgZ Zv‡`i K©g‡¶‡Î
†cŠQ‡Z cv‡i bv|hvbR‡Ui G K‡Vvi Ges `xN©¯’vqx mgm¨vi Rb¨ A‡bK KviY `vqx|)
Answer:(a) Living (b)
Suffer (c) are hampered
(d) Can not reach (e) are
5. Fill in the gaps in the passage below
with the right from of verbs.
ensure |
refer |
Buy |
mean |
call |
satisfy |
feel |
Kiv |
Kiv |
Kiv |
eySvq |
ejv |
mš‘ywó |
Kiv |
Money (a)-----happiness. Happiness is absolutely a psychological thing.
It (b)----the contentment of the mind. He who (c)-----with what he gets and is
content with his life (d)-----a happy man. It is only moral and spiritual
development which (e)-----happiness in our life.(A_©
myL wKb‡Z cv‡i bv|myL cÖK…Zc‡¶ GKUv gvbwmK e¨vcvi|Gi gv‡b nj g‡bi Z…wß|wb‡Ri hv
Av‡Q Zv wb‡q †h mš‘yó _v‡K †m mwZ¨B myLx|GUv GKgvÎ ˆbwZK Ges Ava¨vwZ¥K DbœwZ hv
Avgv‡`i Rxe‡b myL wbwðZ K‡i|)
Answer:(a)Can not buy (b) Means
(c) is satisfied (d) is called (e)
6. Fill in the
gaps in the passage below with the right from of verbs.
value |
indulge |
Try |
Think |
encourage |
be |
evaluate |
do |
g~j¨evb |
gMœ |
Kiv |
Kiv |
Kiv |
nIqv |
Kiv |
Kiv |
Many of us often (a)-----in an undesirable act which his finding faults
with others.But we (b)----to find out our own faults. It is difficult for
one(c)-----one’s short comings because most often man (d)----himself to be in
no way meaner, less intelligent, less experienced. Only those are great of heart(e)----themselves
on their own. (Avgv‡`i
g‡a¨ A‡b‡KB cÖvqB AbvKvw•¶Z Kv‡R Rwo‡q c‡o hv n‡”Q A‡b¨i †`vl Lyu‡R
†eov‡bv|wKš‘ Avgiv Avgv‡`i wb‡R‡`i fzj †LuvRvi †Póv Kwi bv|KviI wb‡Ri fzj ÎwU
m¤ú‡K© wPšZv Kiv KwVb| KviY gvbyl †Kv‡bvfv‡eB wb‡R‡`i nxb ,Kg eyw×gvb,Kg
AwfÁm¤úbœ e‡j g~j¨vqb K‡i bv|hviv eo g‡bi AwaKvix Zviv wb‡R‡`i wb‡RivB DrmvwnZ
K‡ib| )
Answer:(a) indulge (b) do not try (c) to think about (d) evaluates
7. Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses.
work |
invent |
Discover |
come |
take |
give |
bring |
Kiv |
Kiv |
Kiv |
Avmv |
‡bIqv |
†`qv |
Avbv |
Computer has (a)----about
revolutionary change in the world. But it (b)----overnight. It (c)-----a long
time to invent computer. Many votaries of science (d)----hard for years and
finally (e)----out successful.(Kw¤úDUvi we‡k¦ GKwU ‰ecweK cwieZ©b wb‡q
G‡m‡Q| wKšZz GwU ivZvivwZ D™¢vweZ nqwb|Kw¤úDUvi D™¢veb Ki‡Z A‡bK mgq
†j‡MwQj| A‡bK weÁvb AbyivMx eQ‡ii ci K‡Vvi cwikªg K‡iwQ‡jb Ges
Ae‡k‡l mdj n‡qwQ‡jb|)
Ans:(a)brought (b) was not invented /had not been invented (c) returned
(d) have heard(e) came
8. Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses.
offend |
take |
belong |
addict |
find |
irritate |
drink |
†`Iqv |
†bIqv |
_vKv |
Avm³ |
Kiv |
Kiv |
Kiv |
People (a)-----to smoking find it difficult to give up this harmful
habit. Many of them suffer from various diseases including cancer which
(b)-----a heavy toll of lives every year. A cure for this deadly disease has
not been (c)-----.Smoking (d)-----eyes and (e)-----the nose.( a~gcv‡b Avm³ †jvKR‡bi G Lvivc Af¨vm
†Q‡o †`Iqv LyeB KwVb KvR||A‡bK mgq Zviv K¨vÝv‡ii gZ gvivZ¡K †iv‡M †fv‡M _v‡K hv
cÖwZ eQi Zv‡`i Rxe‡bi A‡bK ¶wZ K‡i _v‡K|G ai‡bi g„Zy¨gyLx Amy‡Li †Kvb Jla
Avwe¯‹vi Kiv m¤¢e nqwb|a~gcvb †Pv‡Li ¶wZ K‡i Ges
I cxov †`q|)
Answer: (a)
addicted (b) takes (c) found (d) irritates (e) offends
9. Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses.
require |
achieve |
take |
become |
consider |
learn |
rise |
cÖ‡qvRb |
AR©b |
†bIqv |
nIqv |
Kiv |
†kLv |
cvIqv |
Education is often compared to light and (b)----as the pillar of human
civilization. So, it is only education which can make a nation(b)----to the
level of standard development. From this point of view, it (c)-----quite clear
to us that if a country can provide its people with education(d)---for the
modern aspects of life, it will be able to (e)----an all our prosperity to the
betterment and welfare of the nation.(wk¶v‡K
cÖvqk Av‡jvi mv‡_ Zzjbv Kiv nq Ges gvbe mf¨Zvi wfwË wn‡m‡e we‡ePbv Kiv nq|ZvB
GKgvÎ wk¶v cv‡i †Kvb RvwZ‡K gvbm¤§Z Dbœq‡bi ¯Z‡i DbœxZ Ki‡Z| G `„wó‡Kvb
†_‡K,GUv Avgv‡`i Kv‡Q cwi¯‹vi n‡q †M‡Q †h †Kvb †`k hw` Gi RbmvaviY‡K Rxe‡bi
AvaywbK w`K¸‡jv m¤ú‡K© cÖ‡qvRbxq wk¶v w`‡Z cv‡i Zvn‡j †m RvwZ Dbœqb I g½‡ji c‡_
mev©Z¥K mg„w× AR©‡b mg©_ n‡e|)
Answer: (a)considered (b) rise (c) becomes (d) required (e) achieve
10. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put
them in the correct tenses.
waste |
suffer |
envelop |
educate |
do |
study |
be |
Kiv |
†fvMv |
hvIqv |
Kiv |
Kiv |
Kiv |
nIqv |
It is high time you (a)-----for the Test Exam. You (b)---much time
wandering aimlessly and doing meaningless jobs. Don’t you know that your
parents and relatives highly expect you to (c)---.But if you are not serious
right now, you (d)----in the long run. Besides, your future (e)---in darkness.(‡U÷ cix¶vi cÖ¯ZzwZi R‡b¨ GUvB †Zvgvi
Dchy³ mgq|Zzwg D‡Ïk¨nxbfv‡e †Nviv‡div K‡i Ges wbi_©K KvR K‡i mgq bó K‡iQ|Zzwg
wK Rvb bv †h †Zvgvi evevgv Ges AvZ¡xq¯^Rb PvB‡Qb Zzwg wkw¶Z n‡q D‡Vv|wKšZz Zzwg
hw` GLb †_‡K wbqwgZ bv nI Zvn‡j Zzwg fwel¨‡Z Kó †fvM Ki‡e|Ges †Zvgvi fwel¨rI
AÜKv‡i Zwj‡q hv‡e|)
Answer: (a)prepared (b)have wasted
(c) be educated (d) will suffer (e) will be enveloped
11. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put
them in the correct tenses.
be |
fight |
regain |
brood |
try |
inspire |
Help |
nIqv |
hy× Kiv |
cyii“×vi |
wPš—v |
Kiv |
AbycÖvwYZ |
Kiv |
Robert Bruce was the king of Scotland. Once he (a)----with the British
forces and lost his kingdom to England. He fought several times with the
British forces to (b)---his country but failed. One day, he sat in a lonely
cave(c)----over his sad lot. Suddenly he caught sight of a spider. It was
(d)----to reach the ceiling. But each time it tired, it dropped. After six
attempts it became successful. This perseverance of the spider(e)---Bruce to
fight again with British and this time he was able to free his country from the
enemy.(iev©U eª“m wQ‡jb ¯‹Uj¨v‡Ûi
ivRv|GKRb wZwb weªwUk evwnbxi mv‡_ hy× K‡ib Ges Bsj¨v‡Ûi Kv‡Q Zvui ivR¨
nvivb|wZwb weªwUk evwnbxi mv‡_ K‡qKevi hy× K‡iwQ‡jb Zvi †`k cyii“×vi
Ki‡Z wKš— wZwb e¨_© nb| GKw`b wZwb GKwU wbR©b ¸nvq e‡m Zvui `yfv©M¨ wb‡q Mfxi
wPš—v KiwQ‡jb| nVvr GKwU gvKomv Zvui bR‡i Gj| †mwU wmwjs G †cŠQvui †Póv
K‡iwQj| gvKomvwUi GB Aa¨vemvq weªwUk‡`i mv‡_ Avevi hy× Ki‡Z eª“m‡K AbycÖvwYZ
Kij Ges Gevi kΓi nvZ †_‡K Zvui †`k‡K gy³ Ki‡Z wZwb mg_© n‡jb|)
Answer: (a) fought (b) regain (c) brooding
(d) trying (e) inspired
12. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put
them in the correct tenses.
walk |
get |
run |
reach |
sit |
buy |
open |
nvuUv |
cvIqv |
‡`Šov‡bv |
‡cŠuQv‡bv |
emv |
Kiv |
‡Lvjv |
We (a)----there before the gate (b)----.Then we (c)-----some tickets
and entered the Zoo. While we (d)----,I saw my friend Mukul (e)----towards us.(Avgiv †mLv‡b †cŠ‡QwQjvg dUK
†Lvjvi c~‡e©|Zvici Avgiv K‡qKwU wU‡KU µq Kijvg Ges wPwoqvLvbvq cÖ‡ek
Kijvg Ges wPwoqvLvbvq cÖ‡ek Kijvg|Avgiv hLb nvUwQjvg,Avwg †`Ljvg Avgvi
eÜz gyKzj Avgvi w`‡K †`Š‡o Avm‡Q|)
Answer: (a) had reached (b)
was opened (c) bought (d) were walking (e) running
13. Fill in the gaps in the passage below with the right from
of verbs.
Dare not |
visit |
desire |
be |
attain |
face |
Kiv |
ågb |
Kiv |
nq |
Kiv |
‡gvKvwejv |
Everybody (a)----success in life, but few (b)-----it. One of the main
reasons for this failure is that many people (c)---take risks. Life (d)----not
a bed a roses. It is full of troubles and difficulties. We (e)-----them with
courage. (cÖ‡Z¨‡KB Rxe‡b DbœwZi Avkv K‡i
wKš‘ Aí †jv‡KB GUv cvq|GB e¨_©Zvi cÖavb KviY n‡jv †ekxi fvM †jvKRb †Kvb SzuwK
wb‡Z Pvq bv|Rxeb †Kvb cy®ú kh¨v bq| Rxeb n‡”Q eÜzi I KwVb |Avgv‡`i mvn‡mi mv‡_
G me †gvKv‡ejv Kiv DwPZ|)
Answer: (a) desires (b)
attain (c) dare not (d) is (e) should face
14. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put
them in the correct tenses.
try |
make |
Be |
think |
ponder |
mend |
abide |
indulge |
Kiv |
‰Zwi Kiv |
nIqv |
wPšZv Kiv |
Nvgv‡bv |
nIqv |
Pjv |
Rwo‡q cov |
We often see young people (a)-----in pompous ways of life. They
(b)----by the advices of the seniors, not even of their guardians. Even they
(c)-----to realize the negative aspects of it.Pompus life (d)---them gradually
derailed. When they realize the consequence on their lives, they often find it
quite impossible to (e)---the damages.(Zi“b‡`i
Avgiv cÖvqkB DÏvg RxebvPi‡Y Mv fvmv‡Z †`wL|Zviv gyiweŸ‡`i GgbwK Zv‡`i
AwffveK‡`i Dc‡`k I †g‡b P‡j bv|GgbwK Zviv Gi ‡bwZevPK cÖfve¸‡jv Abyave‡bi †PóvI
K‡i bv|DÏvg Rxeb Zv‡`i‡K ax‡i ax‡i wec_Mvgx K‡i|Zviv hLb Rxe‡bi cwiYwZ eyS‡Z
cv‡i ZLb Zv‡`i ¶wZUv cywl‡q †bqv Zv‡`i Kv‡Q cÖvqB Am¤¢e n‡q c‡o|)
Answer: (a) are indulged (b)
do not abide (c) do not try (d) makes (e) mend
15. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put
them in the correct tenses.
drop |
fall |
Find |
fly |
carry |
advise |
show |
†d‡j hvIqv) |
cwZZ) |
†cj |
Dov |
hvIqv) |
Dc‡`k |
†`Lvj |
The poor farmer (a)----a purse of gold, which (b)----by a passer by. He
(c)----it home and (d)---it to his wife who (e)----him to use it.(`wi`ª K…lK GKUv †mvbvi cyUwj †cj
†hUv GKRb cw_K †d‡j w`‡qwQj| ‡m GUv evwo‡Z wb‡q †Mj Ges Zvi ¯¿x‡K GUv †`Lvj
†h Zv‡K GUv e¨envi Kivi civgk© w`j bv|)
Answer:(a) found (b) was dropped (c) carried (d) showed (e) advised
16. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put
them in the correct tenses.
work |
came |
be |
reach |
confine |
dominate |
succeed |
Kiv |
G‡mwQj |
nIqv |
‡cŠQv‡bv |
Kiv |
†Rvi LvUv‡bv/f~wgKv cvjb Kiv |
jvf Kiv |
Today women play an important role in all spheres of life. Once they
were (a)------by men. They (b)-----no longer (c)-------role within the four
walls. They have (d)--------out of kitchens and are (e)-------hand with man (AvRKvj bvixiv Rxe‡bi me©‡¶‡Î ¸iZ¡c~Y©
f~wgKv cvjb K‡i|GKmgq Zviv cyi“l‡`i Øviv kvwmZ n‡Zv| Zviv Avi Pvi †`qv‡ji g‡a¨
Ave× bq| Zviv iÜb kvjv †_‡K †ewi‡q Avm‡Q Ges cyi“l‡`i mv‡_ mgvšZiv‡j KvR Ki‡Q|)
Answer: (a) dominated (b)are
(c) confined (d) come (e) working
17. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put
them in the correct tenses.
needed |
learning |
going |
do |
modify |
revise |
Design |
n‡qwQj |
†kLv |
Pjv |
Kiv |
†`Iqv |
Kiv |
Kiv |
Communicative competence in English is urgently (a)-----in our country.
The present world (b)----fast and developing by leaps and bounds. In order to
keep pace with the present world, we cannot help (c)-----English. But the
present system of teaching and learning English is not up to the mark. The
textbooks (d)-----for the class IX-X have to (e)-----and made updated.(Avgv‡`i †`‡k Bs‡iwR‡Z fve wewbgq `¶Zv
Ri“ixfv‡e cÖ‡qvRb| eZ©gvb wek¦ `ª“Z AMÖmi n‡”Q Ges jvwd‡q jvwd‡q
DbœZ n‡”Q|eZ©gvb we‡k¦i mv‡_ Zvj wgjv‡bvi D‡Ï‡k¨ Avgiv Bs‡iwR bv wk‡L cvwi
bv|wKš— Bs‡iwR wk¶v †`Iqv Ges †kLvi eZ©gvb c×wZ gvb m¤úbœ bq|beg-`kg †kªYxi ˆZwi/cwiKwíZ
cvV¨cy¯—K ms‡kvab Ges hy‡Mvc‡hvMx Ki‡Z n‡e|)
Answer:(a)needed (b) is going (c) learning (d) designed (e) be revised
18. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put
them in the correct tenses.
suffer |
render |
Kill |
come |
bring |
have |
Try |
Kó †fvM Kiv |
Ae¯’vq wb‡q hvIqv |
Kiv/wbnZ Kiv |
Avmv |
Avmv |
_vKv |
Kiv |
In the spring of 1945, the second world war(a)------to and end .The war
had (b)----great misery to the whole
world .Million of people (c)-----and wounded . they include man ,woman children
.Million of people (d)-----homeless and
(e)----from poverty ,hunger and disease.(1945
mv‡ji emšZKv‡j wØZxq wek¦hy× †kl n‡q Av‡m| hy×wU mvivwe‡k¦ A‡bK `y©`kv
wb‡q G‡mwQj Ges wbnZ n‡qwQj|j¶ j¶ gvbyl wbnZI AvnZ n‡qwQj|Zv‡`i g‡a¨ AšZ©fy³ wQj cyi“l,bvix
Ges wkï|j¶ j¶ gvbyl‡K M„nnxb Kiv n‡qwQj Ges `vwi`ª,¶zav Ges `ytL Kó †fvM
Ki‡Z n‡qwQj|)
Answer: (a) came (b) brought (c)were killed (d) were rendered (e)
19. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put
them in the correct tenses.
do |
have |
Imagine |
learn |
get |
go |
Be |
Kiv |
_vKv |
Kiv |
†kLv |
cvIqv |
hvIqv |
nIqv |
Dear Farah ,It seems hard to believe that I(a)----------in Savar for in
whole month now!I promised to write and tell you how I was going on so here
(b)-----------!when I first got here ,I just (c)---------used to the slow pace
of life! Now, though, I (d)---------to take thing easy and I’m beginning in
really fell at home .You can’t (e)-----------how beautiful the university
campus is! It’s very large, very green, and probably the best campus in the
country. It is simply wonderful. It’s all up today. (GUv
wek¦vm Kiv KwVb g‡b nq †h,Avwg GLb c~Y© GKgvm hver mvfv‡i AvwQ| Avwg
cÖwZÁv K‡iwQjvg †Zvgv‡K wjLe Ges eje Kxfv‡e Avwg PjwQ/KvUvw”Q wkLwQ| hLb Avwg cÖ_‡g GLv‡b G‡mwQjvg,Avwg wVK axi
MwZi Rxe‡bi mv‡_ Af¨¯Z n‡Z cvwiwb| GLb hw`I Avwg mewKQy mnRfv‡e wb‡Z wk‡LwQ
Ges Avwg mwZ¨ mwZ¨ ¯^v”Q›`¨‡eva Kiv ïi“ K‡iwQ| Zzwg Kíbv Ki‡Z cvi‡e bv
wek¦we`¨vjq K¨v¤úvmwU KZB bv my›`i! GwU Lye wekvj,Nb meyR Ges m¤¢eZ †`‡ki
m‡ev©rK…ó K¨v¤úvm| GwU GK K_vq PgrKvi| AvR G ch©šZB|)
Answer: (a) am (b) learning (c) get (d) have (e) imagine
20. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put
them in the correct tenses.
see |
lean |
blow |
want |
cast |
screen |
lower |
‡`Lv |
†njvb †`Iqv |
Kiv |
PvIqv |
aiv |
hvIqv |
bvgv‡bv |
Robert Frost (a)----any severance of his ties with nature. Even when
the window sash (b)---at night and the tree (c)----from his view he (d)----a
shadow outline of the tree which (e)----a more profound influence over him than
the resulting of leaves. (ievU© d«÷
cÖK…wZi mv‡_ Zvi e܇b †Kvb we‡”Q` Pvb bv| GgbwK iv‡Z hLb Rvbvjvi kvwk©
bvwg‡q ivLv nq Ges MvQUv Zvi `„wói Avov‡j P‡j hvq ZLb I wZwb MvQwUi GKwU AveQv
iƒcKí †`‡Lb hv Zvi Ici cvZvi gigi k‡ãi †P‡q Mfxi cÖfve †d‡j|)
Answer: (a) does not want (b) is lowered (c) is screened (d) sees (e) casts
21. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put
them in the correct tenses.
find |
look |
feel |
hear |
be |
return |
send |
cvIqv |
†`Lv |
Kiv |
†kvbv |
nIqv |
Avmv |
cvVv‡bv |
Gafur was sitting thought full on the veranda. Mahesh
(a)---------anywhere since yesterday. Gafur was very weak again. So Amina
(b)-----------in search of him since morning. She (c)---------home at about
sun-set and said. You (d)-------father? Manik Ghosh’s men (e)---------Mahesh to
the police station.(Mdzi wPšZv
gMœ n‡q eviv›`vq e‡mwQj|MZKvj †_‡K g‡nl‡K †Kv_vI Ly‡Ru cvIqv hv‡”Q bv| Mdzi
Avevi Lye `ye©j n‡q coj|myZivs Avwgbv mKvj †_‡K Zvi mÜv‡b wQj|cÖvq m~h©v‡¯Zi
mgq †m evwo wdij Ges ejj, ÒZzwg
ky‡bQ,evev? gvwbK †Nv‡li †jv‡Kiv g‡nk‡K _vbvq cvwV‡q w`‡q‡Q|Ó)
Answer:(a) was not being (b) was (c) returned (d) heard (e) sent
22. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put
them in the correct tenses.
continue |
cause |
increase |
find |
burn |
go |
predict |
hvIqv |
NUv‡bv |
Kiv |
cvIqv |
†cvov‡bv |
hvIqv |
Kiv |
Within the last century, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
(a)---------dramatically because people(b)----------vast amount of fossil, coal
and petroleum. Average global temperature has also increased by about 0.6
Celsius within the past century. Scientists (c)----------that human activities
are responsible for at least half of that temperature increase. They
(d)---------that unless drastic action is taken, global temperature(e)---------to
rise by 1.4 to 5.8 Celsius over the next century. (MZ kZvwãi
g‡a¨,evqygÛ‡ji Kve©bWvB AK&ªvB‡Wi cwigvY bvUKxq fv‡e e„w× †c‡q‡Q| KviY
gvbyl wecyj cwigvY Rxevk¥,Kqjv I †c‡Uªvwjqvg cyo‡Q| MZ kZvwã‡Z ˆewk¦K Mo
ZvcgvÎv I 0.6 wWMªx †mjwmqvm e„w× †c‡q‡Q| weÁvbxiv Ly‡Ru †c‡q‡Qb †h G ZvcgvÎv
e„w×i Kgc‡¶ A‡a©KUvi Rb¨ `vqx gvbe Kg©KvÛ| Zvuiv fwel¨rØvbx K‡i‡Qb †h hw` K‡Vvi
e¨e¯’v bv †bIqv nq,Z‡e ‰ewk¦K ZvcgvÎv cieZ©x‡Z 1.4 wWMÖx †_‡K 5.8 wWMÖx
†mjwmqvm ch©šZ e„w× †c‡Z _vK‡e|)
Answer:(a) has increased
(b) burnt (c) find (d) predict (e) will continue
23. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put
them in the correct tenses.
sail |
carry |
contain |
move |
be |
build |
regard |
hvÎv Kiv |
Kiv |
Kiv |
Kiv |
nIqv |
Kiv |
Kiv |
The great ship, Titanic (a)--------for New York for Southampton on
April 10,1912.She (b)-------1316 passengers. At that time She (c)--------the
largest ship that ever (d)--------and (e)------as unsinkable. (wekvj RvnvR, UvBUvwbK 1912 mv‡ji 10B
GwcÖj mvD`vÞb †_‡K wbDBq‡K©i D‡Ï‡k¨ hvÎv K‡iwQj| GwU 1316 Rb hvÎx enb K‡iwQj|
‡m mgq GwU wQj ZLb ch©šZ wbwg©Z me©e„nr
RvnvR Ges GUv‡K AWyešZ wn‡m‡e MY¨ Kiv n‡qwQj|)
sailed (b) was carrying (c) was (d) been build (e) was regarded
24. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put
them in the correct tenses.
do |
get |
beg |
want |
write |
receive |
choose |
Kiv |
cvIqv |
Kiv |
PvIqv |
†jLv |
cvIqv |
Kiv |
I (a)------your letter just now. You (b)-------to know where I
(c)------myself admitted and which subjects
I (d)-------. I am now (e)------everything in detail. (Avwg GBgvÎ †Zvgvi wPwV †c‡qwQ|Zzwg
Rvb‡Z †P‡qQ Avwg †Kv_vq fwZ© n‡qwQ Ges †Kvb welq¸‡jv cQ›`
K‡iwQ|Avwg GLb we¯ZvwiZfv‡e †Zvgv‡K wjLwQ|)
Answer: (a) have received (b) wanted (c) have got (d) have chosen (e)
25. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put
them in the correct tenses.
take |
pray |
offer |
remain |
keep |
do |
publish |
‡bIqv |
Kiv |
Kiv |
_vKv |
ivLv |
Kiv |
Kiv |
With extreme competition everywhere parents are constantly worried
about the results. This is a common sight during the S.S.C examinations in
thousands of families. Special prayers (a)-------in families having such an
examinee. Parents (b)------special care of their children. They make sure that
their wards get along with studies without the slightest of problems even
without mosquito bites. Parents shuttle to Mazars and temples and
(c)--------for the examinees. Sometimes they give cash money and kinds for
their worlds. Parents of an examinee usually (d)-------worried until the result
(e)------. (me©Î Zxeª cÖwZ‡hvMxZv _vKvq
evev gv djvd‡ji e¨vcv‡i memgq `ywPšZvMÖ¯Z _v‡Kb| Gm.Gm.wm cix¶vi mgq nvRvi
nvRvi cwiev‡i GwU mvaviY `„k¨|we‡kl †gvbvRvZ wb‡e`b Kiv nq H mKj cwiev‡i hv‡`i GiKg GKRb cix¶v_©x Av‡Q|
evev gv Zv‡`i mšZvb‡`i we‡kl hZœ †bb|Zviv wbwðZ nb †h Zv‡`i mšZv‡biv
mvgvb¨Zg mgm¨v Qvov covïbv Pvwj‡q †h‡Z cvi‡Q GgbwK gkvi Kvgo LvIqv QvovI| evev
gv gRvi Ges gw›`‡i †QvUvQywU K‡ib Ges cix¶v_©x‡`i R‡b¨ cÖv_©bv K‡ib|
gv‡S gv‡S Zviv Zv‡`i mšZvb‡`i c‡¶ bM` A_© Ges wewfbœ wRwbm cÖ`vb K‡ib|GKRb
cix¶v_©xi evev gv mvaviYZ `ywðšZvMÖ¯Z _v‡Kb hZ¶Y bv djvdj cÖKvwkZ
Anawer: (a) are offered (b) take (c) pray (d) remain (e) is published
26. Complete the passage
with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses.
say |
Be |
provide |
face |
participate |
enrich |
ejv |
nIqv |
Kiv |
nIqv |
Kiv |
Kiv |
Human life (a)---not static but dynamic. A man cannot reach the highest
peak of success if he does not (b)---in extra co-curricular activities.
Travelling is also an important part of co-curricular activities. It is
traveling which (c)----our knowledge ,experience and promotes our attitudes.
Therefore, traveling (d)---us with knowledge and practical experience. It can
be clearly (e)---that our knowledge can be mobilized by traveling the different
corners of the vast globe. (gvbe Rxeb
w¯’wZkxj bq eis MwZkxj| GKRb gvbyl mdjZvi m‡ev©”P wkL‡i †cŠQvu‡Z cv‡i bv
hw` cvV¨ ewn©fyZ Kvh©µ‡g AskMÖnY bv K‡i| ågb Kiv I cvV¨ ew©nf~Z Kvh©µ‡gi
GKUv ¸iZ¡c~Y© Ask|ågb Avgv‡`i Ávb,AwfÁZv mg„× K‡i Ges Avgv‡`i `„wófw½‡K
DbœZ K‡i| AZGe,ågb Avgv‡`i Ávb Ges ev¯Ze AwfÁZv `vb K‡i| |GUv cwi¯‹vi
fv‡e ejv hvq we‡k¦i wewfbœ cÖv‡šZ åg‡bi Øviv Avgv‡`i Ávb‡K mK‡ji mv‡_ GK
Ki‡Z cvwi|)
Answer: (a) is (b) participate (c) enrich (d) provides (e) said.
27. Complete the passage
with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses.
feel |
lead |
make |
inspire |
create |
imply |
devote |
Kiv |
‡`qv |
Kiv |
Kiv |
Kiv |
eySv‡bv |
Kiv/DrmM© Kiv |
Patriotism is a noble virtue. It (a)---a man to do everything just and
fair for his country and people. Actually it (b)----those qualities which makes
a person (c)---his/her life for the well being of his country. Patriotic zeal
(d)----a person dutiful, energetic and enthusiastic. On the other hand, those
devoid of patriotic zeal (e)----any scruple to plot against the country. (‡`k‡cÖg GKwU gnr¸b| GwU GKRb gvbyl‡K
Zvi †`k GesRbM‡bi Rb¨ mewKQy b¨vqfv‡e Ges mwVKfv‡e Ki‡Z AbycÖvwYZ K‡i|mwZ¨Kvi
A‡_©,GwU H mKj¸bvejx m„wó K‡i hv
GKRb e¨w³‡K Zvi †`‡ki g½‡ji Rb¨ Zvi Rxeb‡K wb‡qvwRZ/DrmM© Kivq|
‡`k‡cÖ‡gi DÏxcbv GKRb e¨w³‡K KZ©e¨wbó,mwµq Ges Drmvnx K‡i| Ab¨w`‡K hv‡`i
g‡a¨ †`k‡cÖgg~jK DÏxcbv †bB Zviv ‡`‡ki wei“‡× Pµv‡šZ Ki‡Z †Kvb wØav Abyfe
K‡i bv|)
Answer: (a) inspires (b)
implies (c) devote (d) make (e) do not feel.
28. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put
them in the correct tenses.
Dare not |
visit |
desire |
be |
attain |
face |
shall |
bv Kiv |
Kiv |
B”Qv Kiv |
nIqv |
Kiv |
nIqv |
fwelrKvj cÖKvk K‡i| |
Everybody (a)----success in life, but few (b)-----it. One of the main
reasons for this failure is that many people (c)---take risks. Life (d)----not
a bed a roses. It is full of troubles and difficulties. We (e)-----them with
courage. (cÖ‡Z¨‡KB Rxe‡b DbœwZi Avkv
K‡i wKš‘ Aí gvbylB GUv jvf K‡i|
GB e¨_©Zvi cÖavb KviY n‡jv †ekxi fvM †jvKRb †Kvb SzuwK ‡bIqvi mvnm K‡i bv|
Rxeb †Kvb cy®ú kh¨v bq| GwU mgm¨v Ges K‡ó ficyi| Avgv‡`i mvn‡mi mv‡_ G me †gvKv‡ejv
Kiv DwPZ|)
Answer: (a) desires (b) attain (c) dare not (d) is (e) should face
29. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put
them in the correct tenses.
write |
reach |
happen |
come |
do |
twinkle |
return |
†jLv |
†cŠQv‡bv |
NUv |
Avmv |
Kiv |
Kiv |
Avmv |
At last your long awaited letter (a)---us yesterday .you can hardly
imaging how I jumped for joy and how mummy eyes (b)---with delight. When papa
(c)---home in the evening and we and we told him that you (d)-----well in your
mid-term examination he, too, was very pleased. So you may be sure of a very
warm welcome when you (c)----here for Christmas. (Ae‡k‡l
†Zvgvi `xN© cÖZxw¶Z wPwV MZKvj Avgvi nv‡Z G‡m †cŠ‡Q‡Q| Zzwg KíbvB Ki‡Z
cvi‡e bv Kxfv‡e Avwg Avb‡›` jvwd‡q D‡VwQjvg Ges Kxfv‡e gvi †PvL Avb‡›` wgUwgU
KiwQj|hLb evev mܨvq evwo wdi‡jb Ges Avgiv Zv‡K ejjvg †h Zzwg ce©
ga¨ cix¶vq fvj K‡iQ wZwbI Lye Lywk n‡jb| myZivs Zzwg GKwU Lye Dò
Af¨_©bvi e¨vcv‡i wbwðZ n‡Z cvi hLb Zzwg GLv‡b eo w`‡bi QywU‡Z Avm‡e|)
Answer: (a) reached (b) twinkled (c) returned (d) did (e) will come
30. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put
them in the correct tenses.
begin |
say |
hold |
call |
invite |
recite |
bid |
Kiv |
ejv |
nIqv |
WvKv |
Rvbv‡bv/`vIqvZ †`qv |
Ave„wË |
Rvbv‡bv |
A few days ago the marriage ceremony of my elder sister was (a)-----in
a very befitting manner. We (b)----our friends and relatives. The invited
guests (c)-----to come in the in the evening. After the arrival of the
bridegroom the Qazi solemnized the marriage (d)---the related verses from the
Holy Quran. While (e)-----farewell to my sister my parents bursts into tears. (K‡qKw`b Av‡M Avgvi eo †ev‡bi weevn
Abyôvb h_vh_fv‡e AbywôZ n‡qwQj| Avgiv Avgv‡`i eÜz evÜe Ges AvZ¡xq
¯^Rb‡`i `vIqvZ w`‡qwQjvg| Avgwš¿Z AwZw_e„›` mܨvq Avmv ïi“ Ki‡jb|
e‡ii AvMg‡bi ci KvRx weevn m¤úbœ K‡ib cweÎ †K¡vivb †_‡K cÖvmw½K AvqvZ mg~n Ave„wË
K‡i| Avgvi †evb‡K we`vq Rvbv‡bvi mgq Avgvi evev gv Kvbœvq †f‡O
Anawer: (a) held (b) invited (c) began (d) reciting (e) bidding
Right form of verbs for SSC/HSC Exam
Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct
tenses. Use negatives where necessary.
Work |
know |
sacrifice |
Follow |
Have |
like |
give |
Love’s for one country is
(a)-----as patriotism. Everyman (b)-----great love for his country. Many of our
freedom fighters (c)-----their lives in 1971 for the sake of our country due to
this noble virtue. At present still there are some people who
(d)-----relentlessly for the sake of our country because they love our country
We should (e)-----their footprint.(wb‡Ri †`k‡K fvjevmvB n‡jv †`k‡cÖg|cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki DwPr Zvi
wb‡Ri †`k‡K fvjevmv|1971 mv‡j G‡`‡ki Rb¨ Avgv‡`i A‡bK gyw³‡hv×viv Zv‡`i Rxeb‡K
DrmM© K‡iwQj| wKQy ‡jvK G‡`‡ki DbœwZi Rb¨ Aweivgfv‡e KvR K‡i‡Q| cÖ‡Z¨K bvMwi‡Ki
DwPr Zv‡`i c_ AbymiY Kiv|)
Answer (a) known (b) has (c)
sacrificed (d) work (e) follow
2. Complete
the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses.
Use negatives where necessary.
Prepare |
be |
achieve |
satisfy |
require |
result |
Man has an unquenchable thirst
for knowledge. He is not (a)----with what he has known and seen. He wants to
know and see more and more. The curiosity to know more (b)---him to undertake
and carry out hand and dangerous tasks which eventually (c)---in epoch making
discoveries and inventions. In the fields of science and technology, man in the
meantime has (d)----what was once
inconceivable. Man has already landed on the moon and (e)---for a journeys to
the Mars.(Áv‡bi cÖwZ gvby‡li `y`©gbxq Z…òv i‡q‡Q|hv †R‡b‡Q Ges hv †`‡L‡Q Zv‡Z
gvbyl mš‘ó bq|‡m Av‡iv AwaK Rvb‡Z Ges †`L‡Z Pvq|AwaK Rvbvi AvMªn Zv‡K KwVb Ges
wec`RbK Kv‡R Rov‡bv Ges m¤úv`b Ki‡Z AbycÖvwYZ K‡i Ges Gi d‡j wewfbœ Avwe®‹vi Ges
AbymÜvb cwiPvjbv K‡i|weÁvb Ges cÖhyw³i †¶‡Î gvbyl B‡Zvg‡a¨ Ggb wKQy A©Rb K‡i‡Q
hv GKmgq AKíbxq wQj|gvbyl BwZg‡a¨B Pvu‡` c`vc©Y K‡i‡Q Ges g½jMÖ‡n hvIqvi cÖ¯‘wZ
Answer (a) Satisfied (b) inspires
(c) results (d) achieved (e) preapared
3. Fill in
the gaps in the passage below with the right from of verbs.
troubled |
understand |
continue |
Preaching |
reigns |
help |
respect |
Truth always (a)----- in the
world. Falsehood may be triumph for the time being. Those who are engaged in
(b)---- the truth are respected by the people. Those who feel interested in
telling lies cannot prosper in life. They may prosper seemingly. But they
cannot (c)…..all the time. Socrates throughout his life would preach the truth.
He tried to make people (d)--- what was good for them. He was (e)…..by the
powerful people. In spite of it, he never stopped teaching good things. (mZ¨ memgq GB
`ywbqvq ivRZ¡ K‡i| wg_¨v nq‡Zv ¶Y¯’vqxi Rb¨ weRqx nq|hviv mZ¨ cÖPv‡i me`©v
wb‡qvwRZ _v‡K,Zviv Rbmvavi‡Yi Kv‡Q m¤§vb/kª×v cvq|hviv wg_¨v ej‡Z AvMÖnx Zviv
Rxe‡b DbœwZ Ki‡Z cv‡i bv|AvcvZ`„wó‡Z g‡b nq †h Zviv DbœwZ Ki‡Z cvi‡e|wKš‘ Zviv
Zv me©`v a‡i ivL‡Z cv‡i bv|m‡µwUm mviv Rxeb a‡i mZ¨ cÖPvi Ki‡Zb|gvby‡li Rb¨
†KvbwU g½jRbK Zv wZwb eyS‡Zb| wZwb A‡bK ¶gZvkvjx e¨w³ Øviv mgm¨vq co‡Zb| Zvic‡i
wZwb fvj wKQy cÖPvi KivUv eÜ K‡ibwb|)
Answer: (a) reigns (b) preaching
(c) continue (d) understand (e) troubled
4. Fill in
the gaps in the passage below with the right from of verbs.
build |
sit |
lead |
depend |
work |
remember |
be |
Bangladesh is a full of natural
resources. The prosperity of the country does not (a)---on the proper utilization of the
resources.We should not (b)---a lazy life.We should all (c)----up our
country.For this reason we have to (d)---hard.No nation can prosper without
industry. It should be (e)-----that “Industry is the key to success.”
evsjv‡`k cÖvKzwZK m¤ú‡` ficyi|GB m¤ú‡`i mwVK e¨env‡ii
Dci GB †`‡ki DbœwZ wbf©i K‡i|Avgv‡`i Ajmc~Y© Rxeb cwiPvwjZ Kiv DwPZ bq| GB
Kvi‡b,Avgv‡`i K‡Vvi cwikªg Kiv DwPZ|cwikªgwenxb †Kvb RvwZ DbœwZ Ki‡Z cv‡i
bv|GUv ¯^iY ivLv DwPZ †h, ÓcwikªgB mvd‡j¨i PvweKvVx|Ó
(a) depend (b) be (c) build (d) work (e) remembered
5. Complete
the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tenses:
Follow |
Make |
neglect |
Wait |
come |
Get |
succeed |
Time is very valuable. This
valuable time does not (a)…. .for anybody. No power can stop it. It knows no
pause in its course. It is not wise to (b)…..time. The man who makes the best
use of time is sure to (e)------.All the famous persons of the world have
(d)-------the best use of time. We should (e)----them. (mgq Lye
g~j¨evb, mgq Kv‡iv Rb¨ A‡c¶v K‡i bv |‡Kvb kw³B G‡K _vgv‡Z cv‡i bv|GUv mvg‡bi
w`‡K Pj‡Z mvnvq¨ K‡i|mg‡qi AcPq Kiv eyw×gv‡bi KvR bq|hviv mg‡qi m`¨e¨envi
K‡i,Zviv wbwðZfv‡e mdjZv jvf K‡i|c„w_exi mKj weL¨vZ †jvK mg‡qi m`¨e¨envi K‡i‡Q|Avgv‡`I Zv‡`i AbymiY
Kiv DwPZ|)
(a) wait (b) neglect
(c) succeed (d) made (e) follow
6. Fill in
the gaps in the passage below with the right from of verbs.
Leave |
Finish |
Promise |
Start |
Offer |
One day the great poet was
(a)------by Sultan Mahmood to write Shahanama in honour of the Sultan.
The Sultan(b)—to pay Ferdousi a piece of
gold for each verse. Ferdousin finished his writing and it was found
(c)--- sixty thousand verses and the
Sultan now did not (d)— to pay sixty thousand gold coins.He wanted to to pay
silver coins instead of gold coins. The poet did not (e)---silver coins and returned to his
village.(GKw`b gnvKwe †di‡`Šwm myjZvb gvngy` KZ…©K myjZvb‡K
¸YKxZ©bg~jK KweZv kvnbvgv †jLvi Rb¨ ejv nj|myjZvb†di‡`Šwm‡K cÖwZwU Pi‡bi Rb¨
GKwU ¯^Y©gy`ªv cwi‡kv‡ai cÖwZkÖ“wZ w`‡qwQj|†di‡`Šwm Zvi †jLv †kl Ki‡jb Ges †`Lv
†Mj KweZvwU QqnvRvi PviYwewkó|GLb myjZvb QqnvRvi ¯^Y©gy`ª&v cwi‡kva Ki‡Z
B”Qv †cvlY Ki‡jb bv|wZwb ¯^Y©gy`ªvi cwie‡Z© †iŠcgy`ªv cwi‡kva Ki‡Z PvB‡jb|Kwe †iŠcgy`ªv MÖnY Ki‡jb bv|)
Answer: (a) asked (b) promised (c) containing (d) agree (e) accept
7. Complete
the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tenses:
shall |
To be |
to have |
let |
lead |
put |
get |
We (a)….now the citizens of
independent country. The development of the country(b)……now be the motto of our
rural life. Bangladesh (c)…..an agricultural country. We do not (d)….sufficient
land for cultivation. We should(e)….great emphasis on using the most modern
method of cultivation to utilize our land as well as human resources.(Avgiv GLb GKwU
¯^vaxb †`‡ki bvMwiK|‡`‡ki Dbœqb GLb Avgv‡`i Rxe‡bi Av`©k n‡e|evsjv‡`k GKwU K…wl
cÖavb †`k|Pvlvev‡`i Rb¨ Avgv‡`i h‡_ó Rwg Av‡Q|Avgv‡`i f~wg Ges gvbe m¤ú`mg~n‡K
e¨envi Ki‡Z Avgv‡`i‡K AwaKZi AvaywbK Pvlvev‡`i Dci eo ¸i“Z¡ w`‡Z n‡e|)
Answer:(a) are (b) should (c) is
(d) have (e) put
8. Complete the passage
with suitable verbs. Give their correct tenses: 5
Hold |
Bring |
dispel |
Build |
Suit |
sit |
educate |
A teacher is an architect of a
nation. He plays an important role in (a)…..up an educated nation. He (b)…….the
darkness of ignorance from the lot of a nation. He is an actor while speaking.
He has to (c)…..his act according to the need of his listeners. He is able to
(d)….the attention of his students. He does not
(e)-------motionless before his class.(GKRb wk¶K GKwU RvwZi wb©gvZv|GKwU wkw¶Z RvwZ MV‡b wZwb
¸i“Z¡c~b© f~wgKv cvjb K‡i _v‡Kb|wZwb RvwZi wbqwZ †_‡K AÁZvi AÜKvi `~i K‡ib|K_v
ejvi mgq wZwb GKRb Awf‡bZv| †kªvZv‡`i cÖ‡qvRb Abymv‡i Zv‡K Zvi Awfbq Ki‡Z
nq|wZwb wk¶v_x©‡`i g‡bv‡hvM AvK©lY Ki‡Z m¶g|wZwb Zvi †kªYxK‡¶ w¯ni _vK‡Z cv‡ib
Answer :(a) building (b) dispels
(c) hold (d) bring (e) sit
Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tenses:
Do |
Expose |
make |
gain |
Trust |
tell |
speak |
is one of the greatest virtues which (a)….a man healthy great. A man is not
(b)….by others if he does not cultivate the habit of speaking the truth. A man
who is not trusted by anybody can (c)….any position. A man can achieve his ends
once or twice by (d)…lies, but no permanent gain comes out of success. It must
come to light sooner or late. Then the real character of the liar gets (e)….and
nobody trusts him any more.(mZ¨evw`Zv m‡ev©rK…ó ¸bvejxi g‡a¨ Ab¨Zg hv gvbyl‡K mwZ¨Kvi gnr K‡i
‡Zv‡j|GKRb †jvK Ab¨vb¨ Øviv wek¦vmx nq bv hw` †m mZ¨ ejvi Af¨&vm m„wó bv
K‡i|‡h †jvK †h Kv‡iv Øviv wek¦vmx nq bv †m †h †Kvb Ae¯nvb jvf Ki‡Z cv‡i
bv|wg_¨v K_v e‡j GKRb †jvK GKevi ev `yBevi Zvi myweavejx AR©b Ki‡Z cv‡i wKš‘
Ggb mdjZvi g‡a¨ †Kvb ¯nvqx A©Rb Av‡m bv|GUv Aek¨B kxNB ev †`ix‡Z cÖKvwkZ n‡eB|Gici
wg_¨vev`xi cÖK…Z PwiÎ D‡¤§vwPZ nq Ges †KnB Zv‡K wek¦vm K‡i bv|)
makes (b) trusted (c) gain (d) telling (e) exposed
the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tenses:
solve |
Build |
keep |
turn |
face |
try |
Now a days Bangladesh
(a)…unemployment problem. This problem already has (b)….an alarming dimension. The government is
(c)…..to cope with this problem. But this problem can be (d)….if our vast population is (e)….into
human resources.(m¤cÖwZ evsjv‡`k †eKvi mgm¨vi m¤§yLxb| B‡Zvg‡a¨ G mgm¨v Avkv•LvRbK
AvKv‡ii i~c avib K‡i‡Q|miKvi G mgm¨v mvgvj w`‡Z †Póv Ki‡Q|wKš‘ G mgm¨v mgvavb
Kiv hvq hw` AwaK RbmsLv gvbe m¤ú‡` iƒcvšÍwiZ Ki‡Z cvwi|) Answer: (a) faces (b) turned (c)
trying (d) solved (e) kept
11.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs. Give their correct tenses:
absorb |
begin |
be |
appear |
hear |
find |
One night Rabia’s master woke up
and sleep and (a)---a sweet sound of prayer.Being curious he (b)----before the
cottage of Rabia following the sound.To his great surprise he (c)----that she
was deeply (d)----in prayer and there was a heavenly light around her.He
(e)-----that she was not an ordinary but an angel!(GKiv‡Z ivweqvi
gwbe Nyg †_‡K DVj Ges bvgv‡hi wgwó kã ïb‡Z †cj|kã AbymiY K‡I †KŠZznjx n‡q wZwb
ivweqvi KzwU‡ii mvg‡b Dcw¯nZ n‡jb|AwaK Avð©hvwš^Z n‡q wZwb †`L‡Z †c‡jb †h †m
(ivweqv) Mfxifv‡e cÖv_©bvq gMœ Ges Zvi Pvwiw`‡K ¯^Mx©q Av‡jv weivRgvb|wZwb
eyS‡jb †h wZwb GKRb mvaviY gwnjv bb,GKRb †d‡ikZv e‡U|)
Answer:(a) heard (b) appeared (c)
found (d) absorbed (e) understood
12.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs. Give their correct tenses:
Beat |
sit |
say |
hurry |
deserve |
see |
Steal |
There was a dishonest man in a
village who did all sorts of mischief to the villagers. But when he did any
evil work he (a)….that God had it done by him. One night the man (b)….some
mangoes from the gardener of his neighbour. The owner of the garden saw him
stealing mangoes and (c)---to the garden. Having reached the garden the took a
stick and continued (d)….the dishonest man. Then the man said to him. “What
have I done to (e)…..it,” (GKMÖv‡g GKRb Amr †jvK wQ‡jb †h MÖvgevmx‡`i meai‡bi Awbó KiZ|wKš‘ hLb †m
†Kvb Lvivc KvR KiZ , †m ejZ †h Avjvn Zv‡K w`‡q GUv Kiv‡”Qb| GK iv‡Z †jvKwU Zvi
cÖwZ‡ekxi evMvb †_‡K wKQy Avg Pzwi KiwQj|evMv‡bi gvwjK Zv‡K Avg¸‡jv Pzwi Ki‡Z
†`Lj Ges ZwoNwo K‡i evMv‡bi w`‡K †Mj|evMv‡b †cŠ‡Q †m GKwU jvwV wbj Ges Amr
e¨w³‡K †cUv‡Z _vKj|Gici †jvKwU Zv‡K ejj, ÓGUv †`wL‡Z Avwg wK KwiqvwQ?Ó)
Answer: (a) said (b) stole (c)
hurried (d) beating (e) see
13.Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in
the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary.
undertake |
solve |
succeed |
avoid |
Teach |
frustrate |
eradicate |
Illiteracy is a curse. It is the
root cause of ignorance which (a)----all development efforts of the government
and the community. No development effort can be (b)---unless illiteracy is
removed. No Individual community or organization not even the government is
capable of (c)----this huge problem is single handed. It is the social responsibility
of all the literate people to (d)----illiteracy from society. We can not
(e)---this responsibility.(wbi¶iZv GKwU Awfkvc|GUv AÁZvi Drmg~j hv miKvi Ges RvwZi Dbœqb cÖ‡Póv‡K
nZvkvi g‡a¨ †V‡j †`q|‡Kvb Dbœqbg~jK cÖ‡Póv mdj Kiv hvq hw` wbi¶iZv `~i Kiv nq bv|‡Kvb
e¨w³,m¤cÖ`vq ev msMVb GgbwK miKvi GKv G eo mgm¨vi mgvavb Ki‡Z m¶g bq|GUv me
wkw¶Z †jv‡Ki `vwqZ¡ †h mgvR †_‡K wbi¶iZv `~I Kiv| Avgiv G `vwqZ¡ Gwo‡q †h‡Z
cvwi bv|)
Answer: (a) frustrates (b)
succeeded (c) solving (d) eradicate (e) avoid
14.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
Become |
Change |
Discover |
Emerge |
Invent |
break |
Fight |
Dr. Muhammed Yunus and the
grameen Bank have (a)—as the winners of
the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize for their pioneering work in lending to the
poor. The Grameen Bank project has (b)—a model for so many developed and
developing countries of the world. Dr. Yunus has (c)—that only a very small
amount of interest free loan can be offered to the poorest women
folk(d)—vicious cycle of poverty. Money will not change them. The loan amount
will only be a weapon to (e)—against poverty.(`vwi‡`ªi FY cÖ`v‡bi cÖ_g KvRwU Kivi KvRwU Rb¨ Wt
gynv¤§` BDb~m Ges MÖvgxY e¨vsK †bv‡fj cÖvB‡Ri g‡Zv m¤§vbxq cyi¯Kv‡I f~wlZ n‡q
AvZ¡cÖKvk K‡i‡Q|we‡k¦i A‡bK DbœZ Ges Dbœqbkxj †`‡ki g‡Wj wn‡m‡e MÖvgxY e¨vsK
Kg©m~Px M„wnZ n‡q‡Q|Wt BDb~m Avwe¯‹vi K‡i‡Qb †h,`vwi`ªZvi `yóPµ‡K †f‡½ †djvi
Rb¨ me‡P‡q `wi`ªZg bvix‡`i my`gy³ FY †`Iqv †h‡Z cv‡i|A_© Zv‡`i †Kvb cwieZ©b
Ki‡e bv|`wi`ªZvi weiƒ‡× jovB Kivi Rb¨ A¯¿ wn‡m‡e KvR Ki‡e|)
Answer: (a) emerged (b) become
(c) discovered (d) break (e) fight
15.Complete the passage with suitable verbs.
Give their correct tenses:
know |
Tremble |
keep |
drown |
come |
Begin |
find |
One day a scholar was crossing a
river with a boat. Suddenly a ghastly wind (b)
…to blow. The scholar was (b) …
.with fear. The boatman said to him. “Do you (c)…..how to swim?” The
answer from the scholar was in the negative. Then the boatman said, “Very soon
you are going to (d)……..You have a lot of knowledge but it does not (e)------to
use at this moment.”(GK`v GK Ávbx ‡jvK †bŠKvh K‡i GKwU b`x cvi nw”P‡jb|nVvr S‡ov evZvm eB‡Z
ïiy Kij| Ávbx ‡jvKwU f‡q KvcuwQ‡jb|gvwSwU Zv‡K wRÁvmv Kij, ÓAvcwb wK muvZvi KvU‡Z Rv‡bb?Ó Ávbx ‡jvKwU wbKU †_‡K †bwUevPK DËi G‡jv |ZLb gvwSwU ejj,
Ó kxNÖB Avcwb Wy‡e hv‡”&Qb| Avcbvi A‡bK Ávb Av‡Q wKš‘ GBg~û‡Z Zv †Kv‡bv
Kv‡R Avm‡e bv|
Answer: (a) began (b) trembling
(c) know (d) drown (e) come
16.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs. Give their correct tenses:
vary |
Be |
find |
earn |
Have |
live |
become |
Happiness is relative term. A
person with a crown living in a palace may not be happy whereas a day labourer
may (b)------happiness living in a shabby hut. Again happiness (b)------from
person to person. A beggar can be happy if he (c)-----a coin but a business man
who can (d)-------a huge sum of money a day may not be happy. Happiness
(e)----only the blessing of Allah. (myL GKwU Av‡cw¶K kã|gyKzU gv_vq GKRb gvbyl cÖvmv‡` evm
K‡i myLx bvI n‡Z cv‡i A_P GKRb w`bgyR†ii gvjv †Kvb Kz‡uoN‡i evm K‡iI myL _vK‡Z
cv‡i|Avevi myLx e¨w³ †_‡K e¨w³‡Z Avjv`v nq|GKRb wf¶yK hw` GKwU cqumv Ly‡Ru cvq
Z‡e †m myLx nq wKš‘ GKRb e¨emvqx w`‡b cÖPzi UvKv Avq Ki‡Z cv‡ib wZwb myLx bvI
n‡Z cv‡ib|myL †Kej Avjvni Avkx©ev`|)
Answer: (a) have (b) varies (c)
finds (d) earn (e) is
17.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs. Give their correct tenses:
Keep |
Form |
refresh |
Walk |
be |
develop |
revive |
become |
Walking is a good exercise. It
(b)------our body and (b)------our mind. It (c)----beneficial for health. One
can take fresh air and enjoy the beauty of nature if one (d)-----in the early
morning. So walking should be (e)-------as a habit by people of all ages. (nvUuv GKwU fvj kvixwiK PP©v| GUv Avgv‡`i kixi‡K DbœZ
Ges gb‡K m‡ZR K‡i|GUv Avgv‡`i ¯^v‡¯’i Rb¨ fvj|GKRb m‡ZR evZvm MÖnYGes cÖK…wZi
†mŠ›`h© Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z cv‡i hw` GKRb Lye mKv‡j nv‡Uu|ZvB me©¯Í‡ii gvbyl KZ…©K
nvUuv‡K Af¨v‡m cwiYZ Ki‡Z n‡e|)
Answer: (a) develops (b)
refreshes (c) is (d) walks (e) formed
18.Fill in the gaps in the
passage below with the right from of verbs.
Be |
Use |
Add |
have |
work |
Change |
Do |
keep |
Mobile phone is one of the wonder of modern science. It has (a)……a new
dimension to our way of life and to the communication system. It is a telephone
system that (b)…..without any wire. Mobile telecommunication (c)…. became a
part of modern life. Now a days(d)….a mobile phone is not a luxury in this
country like Bangladesh. People (e)…..mobile phone to do rapid communication. (‡gvevBj †dvb AvaywbK weÁv‡bi GKwU we¤§q|GUv Avgv‡`i Rxeb hvÎvq Ges
†hvMv‡hvM e¨e¯_vq GKwU bZzb gvÎv hy³ K‡i‡Q|GwU GKwU bZzb gvÎv hy³ K‡i‡Q| GwU
GKwU `~ivjvcbx e¨e¯’v hvnv †Kv‡bv Zvi QvovB KvR K‡i|wbtm‡›`‡n †gvevBj-`~ivjvcbx
e¨e¯’v AvaywbK Rxe‡bi GKwU Ask n‡q‡Q|‡jv‡Ki `ªyZ †hvMv‡hvM Kivi Rb¨ †gvevBj
†dvb e¨envi Kiv nq|)
Answer: (a) added (b) works (c) has (d) keeping (e) use
Dare not |
visit |
desire |
be |
attain |
face |
Everybody (a)----success in life,
but few (b)-----it. One of the main reasons for this failure is that many
people (c)---take risks. Life (d)----not a bed a roses. It is full of troubles
and difficulties. We (e)-----them with courage. (cÖ‡Z¨‡KB Rxe‡b
DbœwZi Avkv K‡i wKš‘ Aí †jv‡KB GUv cvq|GB e¨_©Zvi cÖavb KviY n‡jv †ekxi fvM
†jvKRb †Kvb SzuwK wb‡Z Pvq bv|Rxeb †Kvb cy®ú kh¨v bq|Rxeb n‡”Q eÜzi I KwVb
|Avgv‡`i mvn‡mi mv‡_ G me †gvKv‡ejv Kiv DwPZ|)
Answer:(a) desires (b) attain (c)
dare not (d) is (e) should face
20.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
earn |
Take |
cause |
thrive |
execute |
run |
Eat |
Everybody knows that food
adulteration is a crime. Adulterated food is poisonous and it (a)…..fatal
diseases. People (b)….this kind of food fall victim to liver diseases cancer,
kidney failure and so on. Some businessmen who are avaricious and (c)…after
money only do this heinous work, they (d)….on the miseries of others. They
deserve severe punishment. The present government (e)…certain steps against
adulteration (cÖ‡Z¨‡KB Rv‡b †h Lv‡`¨ †fRvj GKwU Aciva|‡fRvjK…Z Lv`¨ welwgwkªZ Ges GUv
wewfbœ fqven †iv‡Mi Kvib|RbMb GmKj †fRvj Lv`¨ †L‡q cvK¯njxi †ivM,K¨vÝvi,hK…Z
weK…Z nIqv QvovI bvbv †ivM †fv‡M|wKQy e¨emvqx hviv †jv‡fi Kvi‡Y Ges ïay UvKv
Av‡qi K_v wPšÍv K‡I GB me RNb¨Zg KvR K‡i|Zviv A‡b¨i m¤ú` Pzwi K‡I m¤ú`kxj
nq|Zviv I kvw¯Í cÖvß nq|eZ©gvb miKvi‡K G mKj Lv‡`¨ †fRv‡ji weiy‡× c`‡¶c wb‡Z
Answer: (a) causes (b)
eating/taking (c) run (d) thrive (e) has taken
21.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
inspire |
take |
control |
paralyse |
earn |
try |
groan |
gallop |
Prices of essentials are such a crucial factors that it directly
(a)…..the life and living of the majority people of the country whether in the
rural or urban areas. The measures so far (b)….by the government has
(c)….appreciation from the people. But it is now being replaced by despair as
the majority of the people have been (d)….under the crushing burden of
(e)….prices. (AvR MÖvgxY wKsev kn‡I †e‡Pu _vKvi
Rb¨ GKUv ¸i“Z¡c~Y© n‡q D‡V‡Q|Gi MfxiZv GZB †h miKvi RbM‡bi g‡bi gZ KvR Ki‡Z
cvi‡Q bv|RbMY I Zv‡`i cÖZ¨vkv wVKgZ bv †c‡q `ªe¨g~†j¨i cvnv‡oi wb‡P Pvcv c‡o
ïay MR©b K‡i‡Q|)
Answer: (a) controls (b) taken (c) earned (d) groaning (e) galloping
22.Fill in the gaps in the
passage below with the right from of verbs.
is |
confine |
has |
enable |
discharge |
read |
acquire |
There (a)—rose without thorns, no
rights without duties and no pleasures without pains. No wonder then that a
student (b)—certain duties to perform. He has to(c)—duties to his own self to
his parents, to his family, to his country and what is more to God. The first
and foremost duty of a student is to (d)—knowledge. But he must not (e)—himself
to the prescribed books.(KvUuv Qvov †Mvjvc nq bv,Kg© Qvov
AwaKvi nq bv,Kó Qvov Avb›` †bB|ZvB G‡Z web¥‡qi wKQy †bB †h,GKRb Qv‡Îi I wKQy
wbwðZ `vwqZ¡ cvjb Kivi Av‡Q|Zv‡K `vwqZ¡ cvjb Ki‡Z nq Zvi wcZvgvZvi cÖwZ,Zvi
cwiev‡ii cÖwZ,Zvi †`‡ki cÖwZ,m‡ev©cwi Ck¦‡ii cÖwZ| GKRb Qv‡Îi cÖ_g Ges cÖavb
`vwqZ¡ n‡jv Ávb AR©b Kiv|Z‡e Aek¨B †m wb‡R‡K eB‡qi g‡a¨ mxgve× K‡i ivL‡e bv|)
Answer: (a) is no (b) has (c) discharge (d) acquire (e) confine
23.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
Prepare |
command |
ability |
memorize |
help |
have |
answer |
write |
their |
Most of the students of our
country are experts in (a)- -----answers. They do not prepare notes by
themselves. They get them (b)-----by their tutors. Their tutor exercise their
brain for students. So, the (c)-----power of the students does not develop.
They do not have any (d)-----over the language. They of course, do well in the
examination. But for this they can claim no credit of their own. This result
can not (e)----them in their later life.(Avgv‡`i †`‡ki AwaKvsk QvÎQvÎxB DËi gyL¯Í Ki‡Z cvi`kx©|
Zviv wb‡Riv †bvU †Zwi K‡i bv|Zviv Zv‡`i GKvšÍ wk¶‡Ki †_‡K Zv ‰Zix K‡i †bq|Zv‡`i
GKvšÍ wk¶Kiv Qv·`i Rb¨ †gav PP©v K‡i|ZvB Qv·`i †jLbx kw³ DbœZ nq bv |fvlvi
Dc‡i Zv‡`i †Kvb `Lj †bB|Aek¨B Zviv cix¶vq fvj K‡i|wKš‘ G Rb¨ Zviv wb‡Riv †Kv‡bv
mybvg `vex Ki‡Z cv‡i bv|GB djvdj Zv‡`i cieZx© Rxe‡b mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cv‡i bv|
Answer: (a) memorizing (b)
prepared (c) writing (d) command (e) help
24.Fill in the gaps in the
passage below with the right from of verbs.
Help |
Spend |
have |
take |
Provide |
Be |
pass |
Adult allowance is a noble programme taken in our country. In most of
the developed countries of the world this kind of programme is (a) —by the
government. The adults are (b)—care of by the government. But in our country
the adults are mostly dependent on their sons and daughters. They do not(c)—the
ability to work and earn. They (d)—sometimes treated roughly by their issues.
They have to (e)—the days of their life depending on others.(eq¯‹fvZv Avgv‡`i †`‡k †bqv GKwU gnr Kg©m~Px|c„w_exi AwaKZi DbœZ †`k
miKvi KZ…©K G ai‡bi fvZv cª`vb Kiv n‡q _v‡K| miKvi KZ…©K eq¯K‡`i hZœ †bqv
nq|wKš‘ Avgv‡`i †`‡k eq¯Kiv cÖavbZt Zv‡`i cyÎKb¨vi Dci wb©fikxj| Zv‡`i KvR Kiv
Ges Dcv©Rb Kivi †Kv‡bv †hvM¨Zv _v‡K bv|gv‡S gv‡S Zviv mšÍvb‡`i Øviv wbM„nxZ
nq|Zv‡`i‡K A‡b¨i Dci wb©fikxj n‡q Rxe‡bi w`b¸‡jv KvUv‡Z nq|)
Answer: (a) provided (b) taken (c) have (d) are (e) spend
25.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs. Give their correct tenses:
necessary |
build |
Act |
rise |
breed |
damage |
conclude |
want |
Self-control(a)—all other
virtues. Man generally(b)—on impulses and strong desires. Vicious desire
(c)—the purity of heart and mind resulting in the degradation of human nature.
it is self control that can help a man(d)—up a pure character which is very
essential to(e)—above the level of inhumanity(AvZœmshg Ab¨ mKj ¸bvejxi Rb¥ †`q|gvbyl mvavibZtg‡bi
Av‡eM Avi AwZ AvKvOLvi Dci KvR K‡i|g›` AvKvOLv ü`q I g‡bi cweÎZv bó K‡i
djkÖ“wZ‡Z gvbe cÖe„wË AatcZb N‡U|GUv n‡”Q
AvZœmshg hv gvbyl‡K cweÎ PwiÎ MV‡b mvnvh¨ K‡i hv AgvbweKZvi Dc‡i DV‡Z
(a) breeds (b) acts (c) damages (d) building (e) rise
the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses.
Use negatives where necessary.
say |
Be |
provide |
face |
participate |
enrich |
Human life (a)---not static but
dynamic. A man cannot reach the highest peak of success if he does not (b)---in
extra co-curricular activities. Travelling is also an important part of
co-curricular activities. It is traveling which (c)----our knowledge
,experience and promotes our attitudes. Therefore, traveling (d)---us with
knowledge and practical experience. It can be clearly (e)---that our knowledge
can be mobilized by traveling the different corners of the vast globe. (gvbe Rxeb
w¯’wZkxj bq eis MwZkxj|‡KD hw` we‡kl wKQy Ki‡Z bv cv‡i Z‡e †m †Kvb w`bB D”PZvi
wkL‡i †cŠQv‡Z cv‡i bv|we‡kl wKQyi g‡a¨
ågb GKwU ¸iZ¡c~Y© Ask|ågb hv Avgv‡`I Ávb,AwfÁZv Ges Avgv‡`i‡K g‡bvfve‡K DbœZ
K‡i| AZGe,ågb Ávb Ges AwfÁZv‡K AMÖMvgx K‡i|GUv cwi¯‹vi fv‡e ejv hvq we‡k¦i
wewfbœ cÖv‡šÍ åg‡bi Øviv Avgv‡`i Ávb‡K mK‡ji mv‡_ GK Ki‡Z cvwi|)
Answer: (a) is (b) participate
(c) enrich (d) provides (e) said.
27.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
Provide |
Struggle |
serve |
go |
call |
gain |
help |
The communication between
students and a teacher (a)----a connection between the two, which (b)---a
better atmosphere for a classroom environment. Of course a teacher is not
(c)---to understand every problem for every student in the classroom but
(d)---enough information for those students who (e)----with specific tasks.(QvÎ Ges wk¶‡Ki
ga¨Kvi †h m¤ú©K Zv wbf©i K‡i †gvUv iwk w`‡q evav myZvi Dci hv GKUv KwVb Aven
m„wó K‡I †kªYx K‡¶|Aek¨B GKRb wk¶‡Ki mvg©_¨ †bB cÖ‡Z¨‡K GKmv‡_ †evSv‡bvi wKš‘
†m K¬v‡m A‡bK g~j¨evb Z_¨ †`q hv GKR‡bi c‡¶ †RvMvo Kiv Kó mva¨ KvR|)
Answer: (a) serves (b) provides (c) going
(d) provides (e) struggle
28.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
believe |
Move |
return |
get |
think |
have |
Be |
The universe (a)-----a very vast
thing. In fact, it is unimaginably vast.But the primitive people (b)---a very
narrow idea about the size and nature of the universe. They (c)---that the
earth was flat and stationary. They (d)---that the earth was at the centre of
the universe while the sun, the moon and the planets.(e)----round the earth.To
them,the earth was the largest thing in existence. (gnvwek¦ GKUv
mywekvj e¯‘|e¯‘Z GUv KíbvZxZ fv‡e eo|wKš‘/c~‡e©I gvbyl‡`i GKUv ¶z`ª aviYv wQj
gnvwe‡k¦i †K›`ª K‡i m~h©,P›`ª,MÖn-Zviv me NyiZ|Zv‡`i g‡Z,c„w_ex evwK mevi †_‡K
me‡P‡q eo|)
Answer:(a) is (b) had (c) thought (d)
believed (e) moved
29.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
adopt |
Come |
rise |
pay |
Do |
achieve |
Try |
Honesty is a great virtue. An
honest man is liked and trusted by all. The ignorant men adopt unfair means
with a view to (a)----their objectives. In every walk of life, honesty
(b)—most. An honest man may be poor, but he (c)----to become rich by
(d)---dishonest means. His rise in life may be slow, but he (e)---every high in
the long run. (mZZv GKwU gnr ¸Y|GKRb mr gvbyl‡K m‡K‡j cQ›` K‡i Ges wek¦vm
K‡i|wb‡ev©a/AÁ e¨w³i D‡Ïk¨ AR©‡bi Rb¨ Amr Dcvq Aej¤^b K‡i|Rxe‡bi cÖwZwU †¶‡Î
mZZv‡K cyi¯‹…Z Kiv nq|GKRb mr †jvK Mixe n‡Z cv‡ib|wKš‘ wZwb Amr Dcvq Aej¤^b K‡i
abx nIqvi †Póv K‡ib bv|Rxe‡b Zvi DbœwZ gš’iMwZ n‡Z cv‡i|wKš‘ cwi‡k‡l wZwb A‡bK
D‡”P D‡Vb|)
Answer(a) achieving (b) pays (c) does not
try (d) adopting (e) rises
30.Fill in the gaps in the
passage below with the right from of verbs.
Engaged |
Be |
make |
beset |
exploit |
Take |
Expect |
Bangladesh is (a)—with lots of problems. Among them child labour is an
acute one. Today millions of children are (b)—in various odd jobs. Today’s
children are future adult people. If a large number of our future adults are
oppressed and(c)--. We can(d)—anything for the nation. The future of our
country depends upon the children engaged in a number of programmers to find a
way out of this problem. We believe that the day (e)—too far when Bangladesh
will be free from child labor.(evsjv‡`k eû
mgm¨vq RR©wiZ|‡m¸wji g‡a¨ wkïkªg cÖKU| AvR cÖPzi wkï wewfbœ ai‡bi we`Ny‡U Kv‡R
wb‡qvwRZ|AvR‡Ki wkïivB fwel¨‡Zi c~Y©eq¯‹ gvbyl‡`i eû msL¨K wbh©vwZZ Ges †kvwlZ
nq Z‡e Avgiv RvwZi Rb¨ fvj wKQy Avkv Ki‡Z cvwi bv|Avgv‡`i †`‡ki fwel¨Z wb©fi
Ki‡Q bvbvwea Kg©m~Px‡Z wkï‡`i hy³ _vKvi Dci|G mgm¨v †_‡K gyw³ cvIqvi Dcvq †c‡Z
Avgiv wek¦vm Kwi †mB w`b A‡bK `~‡i ,†hw`b evsjv‡`k wkïkªg gy³ n‡e|)
Answer(a) engaged (b) expect (c) depends
(d) find (e) are
31.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
Be |
Have |
take |
purchase |
Give |
call |
carry |
Drugs (a)---a terrible effect on
social life. It (b)----the addicts to an unreal world of dreams. This is (c)---hallucination.
And this hallucination (d)---rise to social crimes. When the addicts cannot
afford (e)----drugs they commit various kinds of social crimes. (mgvR Rxe‡bi Dci
gv`‡Ki fq¼vi cÖfve i‡q‡Q|GUv Avm³ e¨w³‡`i KvíwbK /AjxK ¯^‡cœi RM‡Z wb‡q
hvq|GUv‡K `„wóåg ejv nq Ges GB `„wóåg
wewfbœ ai‡bi mvgvwRK Aciv‡ai Rb¥ †`q|AvµvšÍ e¨w³iv hLb †bkv`ªe¨ µq Ki‡Z cv‡i bv
ZLb Zviv wewfbœ ai‡bi mvgvwRK Aciva K‡i|)
Answer:(a) have (b) carries (c) called (d)
gives (e) to purchase
32.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
Observe |
Know |
Lag |
lead |
Defeat |
be |
look |
All men are not equally well
off.In society,some are rich and some (a)---a miserable life.It is clearly
(b)---that the rich most often (c)---down upon the poor.May be many poor men
are our relatives. Who (d)---who will be rich and who will be (e)---in his
human race.(mKj gvbyl mgvbfv‡e m”Qj bv|‡Kn †Kn abx Avi †Kn †Kn Ki“b Rxeb hvcb
K‡i|GUv cwi¯‹vi ch©‡e¶b Kiv hvq †h abxiv Mixeiv N„bv K‡i|n‡Z cv‡i A‡bK Mixi
gvbylI Avgv‡`i AvZ¡xq| †K Rv‡b †h,Rxe‡bi †`Š‡o †K abx n‡e Avi †K civwRZ n‡e|)
Answer:(a) lead (b) observed (c)
means (d) kept (e) reading
33.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
create |
hamper |
cause |
prevent |
Be |
Smoking (a)---a dangerous habit.
More than eighty percent people of our country (b)---addicted to smoking.
Smoking (c)---many fatal diseases. It (d)---the free circulation of blood
through the veins. It (e)----our lungs. (a~gcvb n‡jv wec`RbK Af¨vm| Avgv‡`i †`‡ki Avwk fv‡Mi I
†ekx †jvK aygcv‡b Avm³|a~gcvb A‡bK AvZ¥MvZx †ivM m„wó nq|GUv i³bvjxi g‡a¨ w`‡q
gy³ i³ PjvP‡j evav m„wó K‡i|GUv Avgv‡`i dzmdzm‡K ¶wZMÖ¯Í K‡i|)
Answer:(a) is (b) are (c) causes (d)
prevents (d) hampers
34.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
get |
uuse |
steal |
like |
make |
be |
Invent |
Many wonders have been
(a)-----with the help of science. Mobile phone is the most up-to date
invention. At present it is (b)—more popular with the people. It
(c)—communication easier. But it is a matter of sorrow that terrorists
are(d)----it to spread out terrorism.So proper steps should (e)—taken to stop it.(weÁv‡bi mvnv‡h¨
A‡bK we¯§q Avwe¯‹…Z n‡q‡Q| †gvevBj †dvb n‡”Q me© AvaywbK Avwe¯‹vi|eZ©gv‡b GUv
†jvK‡`I Kv‡Q AwaKZi RbwcÖqZv cv‡”Q|GUv †hvMv‡hvM‡K mnRZi K‡i|wKš‘ GUv `yt‡Ki
welq †h,mš¿vmxiv GUv‡K mš¿v‡mi Kv‡R e¨envi K‡i‡Q|ZvB GUv eÜ Kivi Rb¨ h_vh_
c`‡¶c †bqv DwPZ| )
invented (b) getting (c) makes (d) using (e) be
35.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
Remove |
go |
Be |
take |
give |
Develop |
compare |
Education (a)------a man a clear
conscious view of his own opinion and judgment, a truth in (b)----them.
Therefore, it is often (c)-----to light which (d)------the darkness of
ignorance and helps us distinguish between right and wrong. The primary purpose
of education (e)-------the liberation of man from the restrictions and habits
and attitudes which limit his humanity.(wk¶v GKRb gvbyl‡K Zvi wbR¯^ wePvi‡eva m¤ú©‡K ¯^”Q
aviYv cÖ`vb K‡i,m‡Z¨i Av‡jv‡K †m¸wj‡K(wePvi‡eva) M‡o wb‡Z mvnvh¨ K‡i|Zv‡K G‡K
Av‡jvi mv‡_ Zzjbv Kiv nq hv AÁZvi AÜKvi‡K `~i K‡i Ges mZ¨ I wg_¨vi g‡a¨ cv_©K¨
Ki‡Z mvnvh¨ K‡i|wk¶vi cÖv_wgK D‡Ïk¨ n‡jv †mBme mxgve×Zv,Af¨vm I g‡bvfve †_‡K
gvby‡li gyw³ NUv‡bv hv Zvi gvbiZv‡K mxwgZ K‡i †`q|)
Answer:(a) gives (b) developing (c) compared
(d) removes (e) is
36.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
teach |
continue |
finish |
triumph |
Engage |
help |
Trouble |
Truth always reigns in the world.
False wood may be (b)---for the time being. Those who are (c)—in preaching the
truth are respected by the people. Those who feel interested in telling lies
cannot prosper in life. They may prosper seemingly. But they can(c)—all the
time. Socrates throughout his life would preach the truth. He tried to make
people understand what was good for them. He was (d)---by the powerful people.
In spite of it, he never stopped (e)----good things. (RM‡Z mZ¨ memgqB
ivRZ¡ K‡i|wg_¨v ¶wb‡Ki Rb¨ weRqx n‡Z cv‡i|hviv mZ¨ cÖPv‡I wb‡qvwRZ Zviv RbM‡Yi
Øviv m¤§vwYZ nq|hviv wg_¨v ejvq AvMÖnx nq Zviv Rxe‡b DbœwZ Ki‡Z cv‡i bv|Zviv
evwn¨Kfv‡e DbœwZ Ki‡Z cv‡i|wKš‘ Zviv memgq Rqx n‡Z cv‡i bv|m‡µwUm Zvi mg¯Í
Rxebe¨vcx mZ¨ cÖPvi Ki‡Zb| wZwb †jvK‡`i †evSv‡Z †Póv Ki‡Zb|‡KvbUv Zv‡`i Rb¨
g½jRbK|wZwb ¶gZvevb †jvK‡`i Øviv DZ¨³ n‡Zb|Zv m‡Z¡I wZwb mrwk¶v †`qv eÜ
Answer:(a) triumphant (b) engaged (c) not
triumph (d) troubled (e) teaching
37.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
Suffer |
eat |
live |
start |
find |
mean |
Choose |
Basic need (a)----something
necessary to life without which we cannot do. One of them is food without which
we would not (b)---.In spite of eating plenty of food we will (c)----from
malnutrition if we cannot (d)---the right kind of food. In primitive societies,
people used to (e)---food as we do now.(‡gŠwjK Pvwn`v ej‡Z eySvq Ggb wKQy cÖ‡qvRbxq wRwbm hv
Qvov Avgiv Pj‡Z cvwibv|‡m¸wji GKwU n‡”Q Lv`¨ hv Qvov Avgiv evwuP bv|hw` Avgiv
mwVK ai‡bi Lvevi evQvB Ki‡Z bv cvwi Z‡e cÖPzi Lvevi LvIqv m‡Z¡I Avgiv Acywó‡Z
fyMe|Avw`g mgv‡RI †jv‡Kiv Lvevi †LZ †hgbwU Avgiv GLb LvB|
Answer: (a) means (b) live (c)
suffer (d) choose (e) eat/ate
38.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
mean |
flow |
understand |
Take |
Make |
pass |
Be |
Learning a language
(a)---learning also its culture and so language cannot be taught or learned
apart from culture. The relationship between the two (b)---functional and
mutually complementary. You have compared perhaps language with an electric
wire which may be dead in itself. Culture could be current that (c)---through
this wire and (d)—it active and purposeful. You (e)----both language and
culture to be integrated. (GKwU fvlv wk¶vi A_© GUvi ms¯‹…wZI †kLv Ges G Kvi‡YB ms¯‹…wZ Qvov fvlv
†kLv‡bv I hvqbv|GB `ywUi g‡a¨ m¤ú©K(nq) e¨envwiK Ges ci¯úi m¤ú~iK|fvlv‡K m¤¢eZt
Zzwg GKwU ‰e`y¨wZK Zv‡ii mv‡_ Zzjbv K‡iQ hv ¯^qs A‡K‡Rv n‡q _vK‡Z
cv‡i|ms¯K…wZ‡K ejv ‡h‡Z cv‡I we`y¨Z cÖevn hv GB Zv‡ii g‡a¨ w`‡q cwievwnZ nq Ges
GUv‡K mwµq I D‡Ïk¨ c~Y© K‡i Zz‡j|Zzwg fvlv I ms¯‹…wZ‡K GKxf~Z e‡j g‡b
Ki‡Z/eyS‡Z cvi|)
Answer:(a) means (b) is (c)
passes/flows (d) makes (e) can take/can understand
39.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
give |
consider |
visit |
Start |
Be |
increase |
Play |
Travelling (a)----a vital role in
(b)---one’s knowledge. But before taking the decision to go somewhere, you
should consider the finance, climate, suitability, pleasing, facts etc. There
are many tourist spots in our country. Among them the sea beach of Cox’s Bazer,
Mahastangar, Lalmai, Maynamati, Ahsan Monjil, Lalbag Fort are remarkable.
Before (c)---for a visit you should remain careful of your physical and mental
fitness also. According to your time and money, your (d)----hours should be
(e)----.Otherwise your dream may turn to a big Zero. Travelling gives pleasure
to our mind and body.(GKR‡bi Ávb e„wׇZ ågb weivU f~wgKv cvjb K‡i _v‡K|wKš‘ †Kv_vI hvIqvi
wmØvšÍ †bIqvi Av‡M Avcbvi DwPZ LiPcÎ,AvenvIqv,Dchy³Zv,Avb›``vqK welqe¯‘ BZ¨vw`
we‡ePbv Kiv|Avgv‡`i †`‡k A‡bK ch©U‡bi RvqMv Av‡Q|‡m¸wji g‡a¨ K·evRv‡ii mgy`ª
ˆmKZ ,gnv¯’vbMo ,jvjgvB cvnvo ,ghbvgwZ,Avnmvb gwÄj,jvjevM `~M© D‡jL‡hvM¨|ågb
ïi“ Kivi Av‡M Avcbvi kvixwiK Ges gvbwmK Dchy³Zv m¤ú©‡KI mZ©K nIqv DwPZ| Avcbvi
mgq Geq A_©Kwo Abycv‡Z Avcbvi åg‡bi mgq we‡ePbv Kiv DwPZ|Ab¨_vq Avcbvi ¯^cœ
GKwU weivU k~b¨‡Z cwibZ n‡Z cv‡i|ågb Avgv‡`i gvbwmK Ges kvixwiK Avb›` †`q|)
Answer:(a) plays (b) increasing
(c) starting (d) visiting (e) considered
40.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
Amuse |
like |
simple |
symbolize |
consider |
modernize |
supply |
A flower (a)---beauty and purity.
Flowers (b)---us with immense pleasure. Our minds (c)---at the beauty of
different kinds of flowers. Consequently, flowers (d)----to be the food of
human mind. Who (e)---flowers? (dzj ‡mŠ›`©h¨ I cweÎZvi cÖZxK|dz‡j Avgv‡`i e¨vcK Avb›` †`q|Avgv‡`i gb wewfbœ
ai‡bi dz‡ji ‡mŠ›`©h¨ I myM‡Ü Av‡›`vwjZ nq|d‡j gvbe g‡bi †LvivK wn‡m‡e we‡ewPZ
nq|‡K bv dzj cQ›` K‡i?)
Answer(a) symbolizes (b) supply
(c) are amused (d) are considered (e) does not like
41.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
Crown |
achieving |
to go |
take |
bring |
Everybody wants to be (a)---with
success in life. But for (b)----the desired success. One has (c)---a long way
with patience ,sincerity and honesty. But unfortunately, many of us avoiding
the honest path of life (d)----the dark way to enjoy the fruit that eventually
fails to (e)----happiness. (Rxe‡b mevB
mvdj¨ †c‡Z PvB|wKš‘ GB cÖ‡Z¨‡K Rq Ki‡Z PvB‡j cÖ‡Z¨‡KiB `xN© ‰ah©,GKvMÖZv Ges
mZZvi c_ AwZµg Ki‡Z nq|wKš‘ AZ¨šÍ cwiZv‡ci welq †h AvR A‡b‡KB mZZvi c_ GwM‡q
P‡j‡Q AÜKv‡ii c‡_ Ges GgbwK Avb›`UvI AvR gyL _ye‡o co‡Q|)
Answer: crowned (b) achieving (c)
to go (d) take (e) bring
42.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
feel |
lead |
make |
inspire |
create |
imply |
devote |
Patriotism is a noble virtue. It
(a)---a man to do everything just and fair for his country and people. Actually
it (b)----those qualities which makes a person (c)---his/her life for the well
being of his country. Patriotic zeal (d)----a person dutiful, energetic and
enthusiastic. On the other hand, those devoid of patriotic zeal (e)----any
scruple to plot against the country. (‡`k‡cÖg GKwU gnr¸b|Ggb Drmvnx e¨w³ †`k I Zvi RbM‡bi
Rb¨ fvj KvR K‡i|Avm‡j GUv Hme ¸b hvi Øviv GKRb e¨w³ †`‡ki g½‡ji Rb¨ Zvi Rxeb
wem©Rb w`‡Z cv‡i |‡`‡ki cÖwZ Av‡eM GKRb e¨w³ †K `vwqZ¡c~Y©,kw³kvjx Ges †`‡ki
cÖwZ AvMÖnx K‡i †Zv‡j|Ab¨w`‡K GBme Rxeb DrmMx©K…Z †`k‡cÖwgK mšÍv‡biv †`‡ki
wei“‡× PµvšÍ K‡i bv|)
Answer: (a)inspires (b) implies
(c) devote (d) make (e) do not feel.
42.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
Think |
build |
die |
believe |
go |
call |
have |
bury |
The Egyptians believed that after
people died they (a)….to another world. They (b)….that people would still need
many of the things they had on earth. Their king had many wonderful treasures.
They buried those treasures with them. The kings (c)….in the open ground or in
grave yards. They buried them in great buildings or tombs (d)….pyramids. These
pyramids (e)…out in the deserts.(wgkixqiv wek¦vm KiZ †h gvbyl g„Zz¨i ci Ab¨RM‡Z P‡j hvq|Zviv wek¦vm KiZ
†h c„w_ex‡Z gvby‡li †h mKj wRwbm wQj GL‡bv A‡bK wRwbmB Zv‡`i `iKvi n‡e|Zv‡`i
ivRvi A‡bK we¯§qKi ¸ßab wQj| Zviv Hme ¸ßab Zv‡`i mv‡_B Kei¯’ KiZ|ivRv‡`i †Lvjv
gv‡V wKsev †Mvi¯’v‡b Kei †`Iqv nZ bv|Zviv Zv‡`i wcivwgW bv‡gi wekvj fe‡b A_ev
mgvwa‡Z Kei¯’ KiZ| GB wcivwgW¸‡jv gi“fywg‡Z wbg©vb Kiv n‡Zv|)
Answer: (a) went (b) believed (c) were not
buried (d) called (e) were built
43.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
allow |
be |
make |
contribute |
arrange |
work |
take |
Now a days women (a)---a lot to
our national economy.In the past, the society (b)—them to come out of
doors.They (c)---confined within the four walls of the house.At present,they
can (d)---part in various outdoor activities and (e)---alongside then.(AvRKvj gwnjviv
Avgv‡`i RvZxq A_©bxwZ‡Z e¨vcK Ae`vb ivL‡Q|AZx‡Z mgvR Zv‡`i†K M„‡ni evB‡i hvIqvi
AbygwZ w`Z bv|Zv‡`i evoxi Pvi †`Iqv‡ji g‡a¨ Ave× K‡i ivLv n‡Zv|eZ©gv‡b Zviv
evB‡i wewfbœ Kg©Kv‡Û AskMÖnY Ki‡Z cv‡i Ges cyi“‡li cvkvcvwk KvR K‡i|)
(a) contribute (b) did not allow (c)
were (d) take (e) work
44.Complete the passage
with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use
negatives where necessary.
lie |
encompass |
wither |
know |
have |
decline |
It is better to (a)---brain than
beauty while physical beauty is purely visual.The beauty of brain is all
(b)---.It is,therefore, a known fact that beauty is only skin deep.Most
beautiful people are just superficial : beneath their exterior countenance
(c)----based qualities of jeolousy,wickedness,pride and arrogance.Physical
beauty is not everthing for it (d)---with age and time.Thus,what is its peak in
youth (e)---away with age.(‡mŠ›`‡©h¨i †P‡q †gav _vKv DËg †hLv‡b ˆ`wnK ‡mŠ›`©h¨ wbQK `„wói
e¨vcvi|‡gavi ‡mŠ›`©h¨ me wKQy‡K avib K‡i|ZvB GKwU Rvbv NUbv †h ‡mŠ›`©h¨ †Kej
Pvgovq MfxiZvq|‡ekxi fvM my›`i †jv‡Ki ‡mŠ›`©h¨ †Kej fvmv fvmv (evwn¨K); Zv‡`i
evwn¨K †Pnvivi bx‡P i‡q‡Q Cl©v,`yóvgx,AnsKvi,Ges J×Z¨I gZ †nq †`vm
¸Ymg~n|kvixwiK ‡mŠ›`©h¨B me wKQy bq KviY eqm Ges mg‡qi mv‡_ mv‡_ GwUi cZb n‡Z
_v‡K|Gfv‡e †hŠe‡b hv kx‡l© Ae¯’vb K‡i eva©‡K¨ Zv ¶‡q hvq|)
Answer: (a) have (b) encompassing
(c) lie (d) declines (e)withers
45.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
do |
tell |
make |
destroy |
ask |
be |
have |
What is the first and foremost
need for our prosperity,education,money or wealth? Some people say that money
is the means whereby everything can be (c)----.But I shall(c)---you that
education is the best of all.Proper education (d)---the way to earn money and
wealth .(e)---a good student to have all the three.(Avgv‡`i mg„w×
,wk¶v,UvKv A_ev m¤ú` Gi Rb¨ Kx cÖ_g Ges cÖavb cÖ‡qvRb? wKQy †jvK e‡j †h UvKvB
n‡”Q Dcvq hvi Øviv me wKQy AR©b Kiv hvq|wKš‘, Avwg †Zvgv‡K eje †h wk¶v me‡P‡q
DËg|h_vh_ wk¶v UvKv I m¤ú` DfqwU Dcv©R‡bi c_ ˆZix K‡i †`q|G wZbwUi me¸‡jv †c‡Z
fvj QvÎ nI|)
Answer (a) is (b) gained (c) tell
(d) makes (e) be
46.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
jump |
run |
pass |
be |
play |
go |
have |
I (a)---the grimmest shock of my
life the other day.A few boys of about 10 to 12 were playing with a tennis ball
in a corner of the park opposite to our house.Suddenly,one of them jumped over
the ralling and (b)----into the middle of the street after the ball that
(c)---come out there.Just at that time, a truck (d)---along the place.The boy
came right infront of it so suddenly and so unexpectedly that the driver had no
time to stop his vehicle became it (e)---too late.A loud cry of alarm went
forth from the people around. (K‡qKw`b Av‡M Avwg Avgvi Rxe‡bi me‡P‡q K‡Vvi AvNvZ †c‡qwQjvg|`kevi R‡bi
gZ wKQy evjK Avgv‡`i evoxi gy‡LvgywL cvK©wUi ‡KvYvq GKwU †Uwbm ej †Ljv
K‡iwQj|Zv‡`i g‡a¨ GKRb nVvr †iwjs(†eov) Gi Dci w`‡q jvd w`j Ges e‡ji wcQ‡b
†`Š‡o iv¯Ívi gvSLv‡b †Mj ‡h‡nZz ejwU †mLv‡b wM‡qwQj|wVK †mB gyn~©‡Z GKwU UªvK
RvqMvwU AwZµg KiwQj|evjKwU GZB `ª“Z I AcÖZ¨vwkZfv‡e wVK Gi mvg‡b Avmj †h Mvox
PvjK Mvwo _vgv‡bvi †Kvb mgq cvqwb KviY ZLb A‡bK †`wi n‡q †M‡Q| Pvicv‡ki †jv‡Ki
KvQ †_‡K ksKvi GKwU Zxeª wPrKvi †kvbv †Mj|)
Answer :(a) had (b) ran (c) had (d) was
passing (e) was
47.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
create |
circulate |
go |
do |
Be |
accept |
can |
Money is an essential thing.No
man can do without money.Even no nation can (a)---without money.It (b)---the
functions of a medium, a measure, a standard and a store.Money may be white or
black.White money (c)---the legal money.It is (d)---by all.This kind of money
is (e)---throughout the country.(A_© GK Acwnvh© wRwbm|A_© e¨wZZ †Kvb gvbyl Pj‡Z cv‡i
bv|GwU GKwU gva¨g,GKwU cwigvc,GKwU Av`k© I GKwU gva¨gi KvR K‡i|A_© mv`v A_ev
Kv‡jv n‡Z cv‡i|hLb ‰ea nq,ZLb GUv mK‡ji Øviv MÖnxZ nq|G ai‡bi A_© mgMÖ †`‡k
PµvKv‡i Pvjv‡bv nq|)
Answer: (a) do (b) does (c) is
(d)accept (e) circulated
48.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
acheive |
earn |
taste |
beome |
Remove |
We (a)----independence on 16th
December,1971.This independence was (b)---- at the cost of a great
sacrifice.But have we (c)---- real Independence in the true sense?Still there
are want,poverty,illiterate and injustice in the society.Many people are still
homeless and shelterless.The rich have (d)---- richer and the poor have become
poorer.It is our sacred duty to (e)------ this miserable plight of the coutry.(1971 m‡bi 16 B
wW‡m¤^i ¯^vaxbvZv jvf KwiqvwQ|A‡bK Z¨v‡Mi d‡j GB ¯^vaxbvZv AwR©Z nBqv‡Q|wKš‘
Avgiv wK mwZ¨Kvi A‡_© ¯^vaxbvZvi ¯^v` cvBqvwQ?mgv‡R AvRI Afve,`vwi`ª,Awk¶v I
AwePvi weivR Kwi‡Z‡Q|AvRI A‡bK †jvK M„nnviv,Avkªqnxb|abx AviI abx Ges Mixe AviI
Mixe nBqvwQ|‡`‡ki GB `yie¯’v `~i Kiv Avgv‡`i cweÎ `vwqZ¡|)
Answer: (a) achieved (b) earned
(c) tasted (d) become (e) remove
49.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
Become |
transmit |
Reach |
Divide |
Bring |
preach |
Afford |
E-mail has (a)…..about a
revolution in modern communication. Message can (b)……from one country to
another within seconds. It is far cheaper than telephone calls. Trade and
commerce has (c)….greatly dependent on this speedy mode of communication. It
has however,not (d)…..everyone, especially in developing countries like ours
,as most people cannot (e)…..to have a
personal computer.(AvaywbK †hvMv‡hvM e¨e¯’vq B-†gBj GKwU wece NwU‡q‡Q|GK‡`k †_‡K Ab¨ ‡`‡k
gyn~‡Z©i g‡a¨ Z_¨ Av`vb cÖ`vb Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i|‡Uwj‡dvb K‡ji †P‡q GwU A‡bK
m¯Ív|e¨emv evwYR¨ GB `ª“Z MwZkxj gva¨‡gi Dci e¨vcK gvÎvq wbf©ikxj n‡q‡Q|GUv
we‡kl K‡i Avgv‡`i g‡Zv Dbœqbkxj †`‡k
mK‡ji wbKU †cŠQvuqwb KviY AwaKvsk †jvK GKwU e¨w³MZ Kw¤úDUvi ivLvi e¨qfvi enb
Ki‡Z cv‡i bv|)
Answer (a) brought (b)transmitted
(c)become (d)reached (e) afford
50.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
progress |
be |
love |
make |
try |
do |
Bangladesh (a)---- our land of
birth.We (b)---- the blue sky,the green fields,the murmuring sound of the
rivers and the simple people of this country.The man who (c)----- his country
is a patriot.A real patriot loves his country more than his life.It is our holy
duty to (d)---- efforts for the welfare and (e)---- of our motherland.(evsjv‡`k
Avgv‡`I gvZ…f~wg|Avgiv fvjevwm G‡`‡ki bxj AvKvk,meyR gvV,b`xi K~j K~j aŸwb Avi
mij gvbyl|‡h †`k‡K fvjev‡m †m †`k‡cÖwgK|GKRb h_v_© †`k‡cÖwgK wb‡Ri Rxe‡bi †P‡q
wb‡Ri †`k‡K ‡ekx fvjev‡m|Rb¥f~wgi g½j I DbœwZi Rb¨ †Póv Kiv Avgv‡`i cweÎ
Answer: (a) is (b) love (c) loves
(d) make (e) progress
51.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
be |
Hold |
keep |
remember |
cover |
Twenty February is a memorable
day of our life.Every year we remember this day with respect.It is a government
holiday.The national flag is kept half mast this day.Various meetings and
seminars are held.Every Shaid Minar is covered with flowers.Those who laid down
their lives for language ,are immortal. (GKz‡k †deª“qvix Avgv‡`i Rxe‡b GKwU ¯^iYxq w`b|cÖwZ eQi
GB w`bwU Avgiv kª×vi mv‡_ ¯^iY Kwi|w`bwU miKvix QywUi w`b|GB w`‡b RvZxq cZvKv
Aa©bwgZ Kiv nq|bvbv mfv-mwgwZ AbywôZ nq|cÖwZwU knx` wgbvi dz‡j dz‡j XvKv
_v‡K|hviv fvlvi Rb¨ Rxeb w`‡q‡Q,Zviv Agi|)
Answer:(a) is (b)remember (c)kept
(d) held (e)covered
52.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
take |
lay |
exploit |
be |
remember |
rule |
respect |
Bangladesh (a)---- not
independent formerly.Others ruled and (b)----- this country. So, a war of
independence (c)---- place in 1971.Nearly 30 lacs of heroes (d)--- down their
lives in this way.We (e)---- them with respect.(evsjv‡`k Av‡M ¯^vaxb wQj bv|A‡b¨iv G †`k‡K kvmb KiZ
Ges †`‡ki gvbyl‡K †kvlY KiZ|ZvB 1971 mv‡j gyw³hy× n‡qwQj|G hy‡× cÖvY w`‡qwQj
wÎk j¶ exi mšÍvb|Avgiv Zv‡`i kª×vi mv‡_ ¯^iY Kwi|)
Answer:(a) was (b) exploited (c)
took (d)laid (e) remember
53.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
dislike |
play |
keep |
obey |
study |
go |
mix |
A good student studies
regularly.He obeys his parents and teachers.He neither tells a lie nor keeps
evil company.He looks polite and intelligent.Everyday he plays with good boys
for an hour in the afternoon.Nobody dislikes him.(GKRb fvj QvÎ
wbqwgZ Aa¨vqb K‡i|‡m Zvi wcZv gvZv I wk¶KMY‡K †g‡b P‡j|‡m wg_¨v K_v I e‡j
bv,Amr m‡½ I _v‡K bv|Zv‡K †`L‡Z f`ª I eyw×gvb g‡b nq|‡m cÖwZw`b we‡K‡j fvj
†Q‡j‡`i mv‡_ GKN›Uv †Ljvayjv K‡i|‡KD Zv‡K cQ›` K‡i bv|)
Answer: (a) studies (b) obeys (c)
keeps (d) plays (e) dislikes
54.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
need |
be |
import |
implement |
increase |
expand |
start |
Bangladesh (a)---- an independent
country in South Asia.Her population is very large for her total area.As a
result,we have to (b)---- a lot of food-grains from abroad every year.A huge
amount of foreign currency is (c)---- for this.Our country will make no
progress if we fail to (d)---- the production of food grains.All of us should
make efforts in this respect.We should (e)---- scientific method in our
cultivation for increasing the production of food grains.(evsjv‡`k `w¶Y
Gwkqvi GKwU ¯^vaxb †`k|AvqZ‡bi Zzjbvq Bnvi RbmsLv A‡bK †ekx|d‡j we‡`k nB‡Z cÖwZ
ermi cÖPzi Lv`¨km¨ Avg`vbx Ki‡Z nq|Bnv‡Z cÖPzi ˆe‡`wkK gy`ªv LiP nq|Lv`¨k‡m¨i
Drcv`b evovB‡Z bv cvwi‡j †`‡ki †Kvb DbœwZ nB‡e bv|GB e¨vcv‡i Avgv‡`i mK‡ji †Póv
Kiv DwPZ|Lv`¨k‡m¨i Drcv`b e„w×i Rb¨ ˆeÁvwbK c×wZ‡Z Pvlvev` Kiv DwPZ|)
Answer: (a) is (b)import
(c)expanded (d) increase (e) implement.
55.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
feel |
try |
need |
do |
call |
be |
work |
Industry (a)--- the root of
success.It is not possible to (b)--- any great work without industry.Our
Bangladesh is a poor country.But we feel proud to (c)--- it Golden Bengal.The
people of the developed countries (d)--- very industrious.On the other
hand,many among us are idle and reluctant to (e)------.(cwikªg DbœwZi
g~j|webv cwikª‡g †Kvb gnr KvR Kiv m¤¢e bq|Avgv‡`i evsjv‡`k `wi`ª †`k|wKš‘ Avgiv
Bnv‡K †mvbvi evsjv e‡j Me© Kwi|mwZ¨Kv‡ii †mvbvi evsjv M‡o Zzj‡Z K‡Vvi cwikªg
cÖ‡qvRb|DbœZ †`‡ki Awaevmxiv AZ¨šÍ cwikªgx|Aciw`‡K Avgv‡`i A‡b‡KB Ajm I
(a) is (b) do (c) call (d) are
(e) work
56.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
be |
wait |
make |
succeed |
waste |
use |
try |
The value of time (a)----
infinite.Time (b)--- for none.So,it is essential for us to be conscious about
time.Those who (c)---- right use of time succeed in life.None can (d)--- in
life by wasting time.Man prospered by making proper use of time.Therefore,it is
absolute foolishness to (e)----- time. (mg‡qi g~j¨ Acwimxg|mgq Kv‡iv Rb¨ A‡c¶v K‡i bv|AZGe
Avgv‡`i mgq m¤ú‡K© m‡PZb _vKv Avek¨K|hviv mg‡qi mØe¨envi K‡i Zviv mdjKvg
nq|mg‡qi AcPq Ki‡j Rxe‡b mdjKvg nIqv hvq bv|mg‡qi mبenvi K‡iB gvbyl DbœwZ
K‡i‡Q|Kv‡RB mg‡qi cÖwZ Ae‡njv wbZvšÍB wb©eyw×Zv|)
Answer:(a) is (b) waits (c) make
(d)succeed (e) waste
57.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
remember |
endure |
turn |
exhaust |
change |
forget |
feel |
The love of mother is never
exhausted.It never changes,it never tires.The father may turn on a
child,brothers and sisters may become deadly enemies.But a mother’s love
endures through all.A mother always remembers her child’s smile.(gv‡qi fvjevmv
KLbI wbtk¦vm nq bv|GwU KLbI e`jvq bv,KLbI K¬všÍ nq bv|wcZv mšÍv‡bi KvQ †_‡K gyL
wdwi‡q ivL‡Z cv‡ib|fvB-†ev‡biv †NviZi kΓ n‡Z cv‡i|wKš‘ gv‡qi fvjevmv mewKQyi
g‡a¨ I wU‡K _v‡K|gv Zvi wkïi nvwm wPiKvj g‡b iv‡Lb|)
(a) exhausted (b)
changes (c) turn (d)endures (e) remembers
58.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
try |
realize |
need |
protect |
achieve |
retain |
be |
We (a)----- the inhabitants of
independent Bangladesh.Freedom (b)---
the inherent right of man.No nation can (c)---- it without efforts.Again,it is
more difficult to (d)--- independence than to achieve it.It is the sacred duty
of every citizen to (e)--- the independence of motherland.(Avgiv ¯^vaxb
evsjv‡`‡ki Awaevmx|¯^vaxbvZv gvby‡li Rb¥MZ AwaKvi|webv †Póvq †Kvb RvwZ Bnv AR©b
Kwi‡Z cv‡i bv|Avevi ¯^vaxbvZv AR©‡bi †P‡q ¯^vaxbvZv i¶v Kiv AviI KwVb|gvZ…fywgi
¯^vaxbvZv i¶v Kiv cÖ‡Z¨K bvMwi‡Ki cweÎ KZ©e¨|)
Answer (a) are (b) is (c)achieve
(d) retain (e) protect
59.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
need |
remain |
go |
live |
call |
like |
obey |
Man cannot live alone.He has to
take the help of others.So man lives together.So he is called the social
creature.One cannot do whatever he likes in the society.He has to obey the laws
of the country.If laws are not obeyed in society there is chaos and
confusion.So we all should obey laws. (gvbyl GKv evm Kwi‡Z cv‡i bv|Zvnv‡K A‡b¨i mvnvh¨ jB‡Z
nq|GB Rb¨ gvbyl GK m‡½ evm K‡i|ZvB Zvnv‡K mvgvwRK Rxe ejv nq|mgv‡R †KnB B”Qv
Abyhvqx KvR Kwi‡Z cv‡i bv|Zvnv‡K †`‡ki AvBb Kvbyb gvwbqv Pwj‡Z nq|AvBb Agvb¨
Kwi‡j wek„•Ljv m„wó nq|Kv‡RB Avgv‡`i mKj‡KB AvBb gvwbqv Pjv DwPZ|)
Answer: (a) live (b) lives (c) called (d) likes (e) obeyed
60.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
be |
hate |
need |
like |
feel |
fond |
remain |
Bangladesh (a)---- our mother
land.It is a very ancient country.The people of this country (b)---
peaceloving.We want to live with all in peace.We do not (c)-- anybody.We pray
for the welfare of all.Bangladeshis are generous and unselfish.Our civilization
is very developed.We (d)---- proud of our culture.Religion is at the root of
our life.We (e)----- war, we are not timid.(evsjv‡`k Avgv‡`i gvZ…fywg|Bnv AwZ cÖvPxb †`k|G‡`‡ki
†jvK kvwšÍKvgx| Avgiv mevi m‡½ kvwšÍ‡Z evPu‡Z PvB|Avgiv KvD‡K wnsmv Kwi bv|mevi
DbœwZ Kvgbv Kwi|evsjv‡`kxiv D`vi,wbt¯^v_© |Avgv‡`i mf¨Zv Lye DbœZ|Avgv‡`i
ms¯‹…wZi Rb¨ Avgiv Mwe©Z|Avgv‡`i Rxe‡bi g~‡j Av‡Q ag©|hyׇK Avgiv N„bv Kwi,wKš‘
Avgiv fxi“ bq|)
Answer:(a) is (b) are (c) hate
(d)are (e) hate
61.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
need |
work |
need |
make |
will |
be |
lead |
The life of a student is a life
of preparation for the struggle of life.To make him well fited for the
struggle,education is necessary.Students of today will lead the nation to
morrow.But if their education is not complete.Would they be able to lead the
country to peace and prosperity?(QvÎRxeb Rxe‡bi cÖ¯‘wZi mgq|G cÖ¯‘wZ Rxeb msMÖv‡gi|Rxeb
msMÖvg‡K `„pfv‡e †gvKvwejv Kivi Rb¨ wk¶vi `iKvi|AvR‡Ki QvÎ AvMvgx w`‡bi RvwZi
cwiPvjK|wKš‘ Qv·`i wk¶v hw` c~Y© bv nq Zvn‡j wK Zviv †`k‡K kvwšÍ ev DbœwZi
w`‡K cwiPvjbv Ki‡Z cvi‡e|)
Answer:(a) is (b) make (c) will
(d) is (e) lead
62.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
be |
love |
attend |
study |
fond |
mind |
work |
A student (a)----- a learner.He
must (b)--- his studies first.He should go through with his home work and
(c)--- school regularly.A good student (d)--- a lot even outside his prescribed
his text books.He loves knowledge for the sake of knowledge.He loves his
teachers as he (e)--- his parents.(GKRb QvÎ nj GKRb wk¶v_x©|cÖ_gZ †m †jLvcovq gb w`‡e|‡m
wbqwgZ evwoi KvR Ki‡e Ges we`¨vj‡q Dcw¯’Z _vK‡e|GKRb fvj QvÎ cÖPzi covïbv
K‡i,GgbwK wba©vwiZ cvV¨cy¯ÍK Qvov I A‡bK eB c‡o|‡m ÁvbvR‡b©i Rb¨B Ávb cQ›`
K‡i|‡m Zvi wcZvgvZv I wk¶K‡`i fvjev‡m|)
Answer:(a) is (b) mind (c) attend
(d)reads (e)loves
63.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
work |
remain |
stay |
realize |
name |
feel |
be |
Industry (a)--- the key to
success.No noble deed is possible without industry.Our Bangladesh is poor but
we (b)---- proud of her.We (c)---- her Sonar Bangla.The people of the developed
countries (d)--- very hardworking.But we are lazy and reluctant to (e)----.(cwikªg DbœwZi
g~j|webv cwikª‡g †Kvb gnr KvR Kiv m¤¢e bq|Avgv‡`i evsjv‡`k `vwi`ª wKš‘ G‡`‡ki
Rb¨ Avgiv Me©‡eva Kwi|Avgiv G‡K †mvbvi evsjv ewj|DbœZ †`‡ki Awaevmxiv K‡Vvi
cwikªgx|wKš‘ Avgiv Ajm I Kg©wegyL|)
Answer:(a) is (b) feel (c) name
(d) are (d) work.
64.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
aim |
make |
mean |
bring |
get |
goal |
need |
The aim of education is to (a)---
a man fully equipped to be useful to himself and to the society.It (b)--- to
develop the whole nation –his body and soul.Education (c)--- at providing a
child with opportunities to (d)---- out all the talents that he he posseses.
Educated man should be well mannered , througtful ,creative.If the soul does
not (e)----- beauty through education,that education has no value. (wk¶vi D‡Ïk¨
n‡”Q GKRb gvbyl‡K Zvi wb‡Ri I mgv‡Ri Rb¨ cy‡ivcywi Dc‡hvMx K‡i †Zvjv|G n‡PQ
†`n,gb I AvZ¥vi m¤^Y‡q †MvUv gvbyl‡K weKwkZ Kiv|GKwU wkï‡K Zvi mKj myß ¸bvejx
cÖKv‡ki my‡hvM K‡i †`IqvB wk¶vi D‡Ïk¨|GKRb wkw¶Z †jvK n‡e
f`ª,wPšÍvkxj,m„wóagx©,`qvjy,kª×vc~Y©I mn‡hvwMZvc~Y©|wk¶vi gva¨‡g AvwZ¥K †mŠ›`h©
bv n‡j †mB wk¶vi †Kvb g~j¨ †bB|)
Anaswer: (a) make (b) means (c)
aims (d)bring (e) get
65.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
feel |
need |
decrease |
increase |
fix |
be |
stand |
A language never (a)---- still.It
is always changing and developing.These changes (b)-- rapid in primitive
societies,but slow in advanced ones ,because the invention of printing and the
spread of education have (c)---- a traditional usage.The only important change
(d)----- that English has undergone since the sixteenth century is a very large
(e)----- in its vocabulary.(fvlv KLb I w¯’i _v‡K bv|Bnv me©`v cwiewZ©Z I DbœZ nq|GB cwieZ©b Avw`g
mgv‡R `ª“Z Ges DbœZ mgv‡R ax‡i j‡q nBqv _v‡K;KviY gy`ªYhš¿ Avwe¯‹vi Ges wk¶v
we¯Ív‡i wPivPwiZ kã cÖ‡qvM ixwZ‡K mxgve× Kwiqv‡Q|‡lvok kZvãxi ci Bs‡iwR fvlvi
†h ¸i“Z¡c~Y© cwieZ©b mvwaZ nBqv‡Q,Zvnv nBj Bnvi kãfvÛv†ii mg„w×|)
Answer: (a) stands (b) are (c)
have (d) is (e) increase
66.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
fond |
like |
lag |
be |
labour |
do |
work |
None can prosper if he (a)----
not labour.You must (b)---- hard if you like to acquire either money or
learning.Those who are idle (c)---- behind for ever.If you want to be healthy,
you must be deligent.An idle man (d)-----,as it were, a burden of the
society.Nobody (e)----- him. (cwikªg Qvov †KD KL‡bv DbœwZ Ki‡Z cv‡i bv|A_©B ej Avi we`¨vB ej Zv AR©b
Ki‡Z n‡j †Zvgv‡`i K‡Vvi cwikªg Ki‡Z n‡e|Aj‡miv wPiKvjB wcQ‡b c‡o _v‡K|hw` Zzwg
¯^v¯’¨evb n‡Z PvI Zvn‡j †Zvgv‡K cwikªgx n‡Z n‡e|Ajm †jvK †hb mgv‡Ri
†evSv¯^iƒc|Zv‡K †KDB cQ›` K‡i bv|)
Answer: (a) does (b) labour
(c)lag (d) is (e) likes
67.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
delight |
Learn |
speak |
Learn |
like |
enrich |
be |
English (a)--- an international
language.There is no country in the world where english is not (b)-----.Once
one has taken delight in this language,one cannot but (c)--- it.It is with the
purpose to (d)---- the Bangla language that one should learn English.Do you not
(e)---- speaking English.(Bs‡iwR AvšÍ©RvwZK fvlv|c„w_ex‡Z Ggb †Kv‡bv fvlv †bB †hLv‡b Bs‡iwR ejv nq
bv|GKevi Avb›` †c‡j G fvlv bv wk‡L Avi cviv hvq bv|evsjv fvlv mg„× Kivi j‡¶¨B
Bs‡iwR †kLv DwPZ|Zzwg wK Bs‡iwR ejv cQ›` Ki bv|
Answer:(a) is (b) spoken (c) learn (d)
enrich (e) like
68.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
go |
continue |
cultivate |
acquire |
form |
should |
need |
Punctuality is to be (a)----- and
formed into a habit.This quality is to be (b)--- through all our work from our
boyhood.Boyhood is the seed time.The habit (c)--- at this time will (d)-----
all through our life. “Everything at the right time”(e)---- be our motto.(mgqvbyewZ©Zvi
PP©v K‡i Zv Af¨v‡m cwibZ Ki‡Z n‡e|evj¨Kvj †_‡K Kv‡Ri gva¨‡g G¸bwU AS©b Kiv
`iKvi|GB mg‡q MwVZ Af¨vm mviv Rxeb Pj‡Z _vK‡e|cÖwZwU KvR h_vmg‡q Kiv Avgv‡`i
g~jgš¿ nIqv DwPZ|)
Answer: (a) cultivated (b)
acquired (c) formed (d) continue (e) should
69.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
be |
become |
keep |
stop |
allow |
go |
study |
Terrorism in the educational
campus (a)---- an issue of all of our concern.This is such a matter as cannot
be (b)----- to be continued.All concerned people should come forward without
any prejudice to (c)----- this violence as soon as possible.To save valuable
lives and to maintain a sound environment in the area of education,the campus
should be (d)--- free from the political clash for power.Students should be
alert so that they do not (e)---- the tolls in hands of the cunning
politicians.(wk¶v½‡b mš¿vm Avgv‡`i mK‡ji `ywðšÍvi GKwU KviY|GwU Ggb GKwU e¨vcvi hv
Pj‡Z †`Iqv hvq bv|G mš¿vm‡K h_vkªxNÖB m¤¢e Aemvb NUv‡bvi Rb¨ mswkó mKj‡K GwM‡q
Avm‡Z n‡e | g~j¨evb Rxeb evPv‡Z n‡j Ges wk¶v‡¶‡Î myô cwi‡ek eRvq ivL‡Z n‡j
wk¶v½b‡K ivRbxwZi ¶gZvi jovB †_‡K gy³ ivL‡Z n‡e|Qv·`i‡K I m‡PZb n‡Z n‡e hv‡Z
Zviv a~Z© ivRbxwZwe`‡`i nv‡Zi cyZzj bv nq|)
Answer: (a) is (b) allowed
(c)stop (d)kept (e) become
70.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
remain |
feel |
fond |
need |
declare |
become |
be |
Bangladesh declared independence
on 26 March,1971.It became free from paksitant on 16 December,1971 after a
great liberation war.It is a democratic country with many kinds of
people.Bangladesh is also a beautiful country with many resources.It has rich
deposit of oil,gas and coal.It can utilize these resources and become
prosperous.(1971 mv‡ji 26 gvP© evsjv‡`k ¯^vaxbvZv †Nvlbv K‡i|GK gnvb gyw³hy‡×i
gva¨‡g GwU 1971 mv‡ji 16B wW‡m¤^i cvwK¯Ívb n‡Z gyw³ cvq|GwU wewfbœ ai‡bi †jv‡Ki
GKwU ¯^vaxb †`k|GQvovI evsjv‡`k cÖPzi m¤ú` mg„× GKwU my›`i †`k|Gi †Zj M¨vmI
Kqjvi wekvj gRy` i‡q‡Q|GwU Zvi G m¤ú‡`i mبenvi Ki‡Z cv‡i Ges mg„×kvjx n‡Z
Answer: (a) declared (b) became
(c) is (d) has (e) become
71.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
take |
need |
consist |
bring |
fall |
content |
have |
Happiness (a)----- in
contentment. So we should not run after more and more money.Sometimes it may
(b)----- about some unexpected troubles and one may (c)---- a victim to dangers
for his inusual greed for money.We all should be (d)--- with what we (e)-----.(mš‘wói Dci myL
wbw©gZ|ZvB Avgv‡`i †ekx †ekx UvKvi wcQy †`Šov‡bv DwPZ bq|‡Kbbv gv‡S gv‡S GUv
cÖZ¨vwkZ wec` e‡q wb‡q Avm‡Z cv‡i Ges A¯^vfvweK UvKvi †jv‡fi Kvi‡Y †m wec‡`i
wkKvi n‡Z cv‡i| ZvB Avgv‡`i hv Av‡Q ZvB wb‡q mš‘ó _vKv DwPZ|)
(a) consists (b) bring (c)
fall (d)contented (e) have
72.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
is |
have |
can |
do |
need |
work |
hard |
Bangladesh (a)--- a democratic
country.In democracy a boy or girl (b)--- become the most important person in
the land.He does not need money.He (c)---- need powerful friends.He (d)--- the
three things-abiltity,intregrity and (e)---- work.Bangladesh also needs people
with these three things. (evsjv‡`k GKwU MYZvwš¿K †`k|MYZvwš¿K †`‡ki †h †Kvb †Q‡j ev †g‡q me‡P‡q
¸iZ¡c~Y© e¨w³ n‡Z cv‡i|Zvi A‡_©i cÖ‡qvRb †bB|Zvi ¶gZvmxb eÜzev܇ei cÖ‡qvRb
†bB|Zvi wZbwU wRwbm `iKvi-mvg_©,msnwZ,I K‡Vvi cwikªg|evsjv‡`‡kI GwZbwU ¸‡bi
AwaKvix †jvK Pvq|)
Answer: (a) is (b) can (c) does
not (d) needs (e) hard
73.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
take |
must |
help |
be |
mean |
has |
abiltiy |
Self-reliance (a)--- depending on
one’s own self.It is a great virtue.Self help (b)--- the best help.God (c)----
those who help themselves.So everybody(d)--- rely on his own abiltities to be
self-reliant.A self-reliant man has confidence in his own abilities.He (e)---
heart in the face of difficulties.(AvZ¥wbf©ikxjZv ej‡Z wb‡Ri Dci wbf©ikxjZv‡K eySvq|GwU
GKwU gnr¸b| AvZ¥wbf©ikxjZv DËg mnvqK,weavZv Zv‡`i‡K mnvqZv K‡ib hviv wb‡R‡`i‡K
mnvqZv K‡i|myZivs cÖ‡Z¨‡KB wb‡Ri mvg©‡_i Dci wbf©ikxj n‡q AvZ¥wbf©ikxj wn‡m‡e
M‡o IV‡Z cv‡i| AvZ¥wbf©ikxj e¨w³i wb‡Ri mvg‡_©i Dci AvZ¥wek¦vm _v‡K|GKRb
¯^vej¤^x mvnwmKZvi mv‡_ mgm¨v †gvKvwejv K‡i|)
(a) means (b) is (c) helps (d) must (e)
74.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
be |
has |
stand |
honour |
do |
work |
respect |
Bangladesh (a)---- her own
national flag.It (b)--- for our sovereignity and it is the symbol of our
national pride and prestige.It (c)------ the symbol of our national hope and
ideas.All the Bangladeshis (d)------ the national flag.It is also honoured by
the people of all oher countries of the world as we (e)--- their national
flag.(evsjv‡`‡ki wbR¯^ cZvKv i‡q‡Q|GUv Avgv‡`i mve©‡fŠg‡Z¡i
Av`©k¯^iƒc Ges RvZxq †MŠie I gh©v`vi cÖZxK|GUv Avgv‡`i RvZxq Avkv AvKv•LvGes
Av`©‡ki gvbe cÖZxK|cÖ‡Z¨K evsjv‡`kxi RvZxq cZvKv‡Z m¤§vb K‡i|we‡k¦i Acivci
bvMwiKe„›` I Avgv‡`i GB RvZxq cZvKv‡K m¤§vb K‡i|‡hgwb Avgiv Zv‡`i RvZxq cZv‡K
m¤§vb Kwi| )
Answer:(a) has (b) stands (c) is
(d) honour (e) do
75.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
be |
add |
should |
take |
hoard |
look |
feel |
Price spiral has (a)----- a new
suffering for our life.Lack of supervision (b)--responsible with it.Some
dishonest businessmen devoid with morality (c)--- goods for quick profit.The
government should (d)---- punitive action out those people.People of all walks
in life (e)--- also co-operate with the government .(g~j¨ kw¼j
Avgv‡`i Rxe‡b bZzb `y‡©fv‡Mi m„wó K‡i‡Q|Z`viwKi Afve Gi Rb¨ `vqx|‰bwZKZvewR©Z
wKQy Amr e¨emvqx `ª“Z jv‡fi Rb¨ `ªe¨mvgMÖx gRy` K‡i|miKv‡ii DwPZ GB mg¯Í †jv‡Ki
wei“‡× kvw¯Ík~jK e¨e¯’v †bIqv|me †kªYxi †jv‡Ki DwPZ miKvi‡K mn‡hvMxZv Kiv|)
Answer: (a) added (b)is (c) hoard (d) take (e) should
76.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
give |
attain |
should |
has |
kind |
try |
be |
Man is the best of the
creation.Allah has given men some noble virtues.Kindness is one of them.Allah
is kind to him who is kind to others.Every one should try this noble virtue and
be kind to others.Without kindness a man cannot attain perfection.28(gvbyl m„wói
†miv|Avjvn gvbyl‡K wKQy gnr ¸b w`‡q‡Qb|`qv Zvi g‡a¨ Ab¨Zg|‡h e¨w³ A‡b¨I cÖwZ
m`q nq Avjvn Zvi cÖwZ m`q nb|mevB‡K G¸‡Yi PPv© Kiv Ges Ac‡ii cÖwZ m`q _vKv
DwPZ|`qv Qvov †Kv‡bv gvbyl P~ovšÍ mdj n‡Z cv‡i bv|)
(a) is (b) given (c) should (d)
kind (e) attain
77.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where
feel |
were |
lived |
introduce |
die |
live |
see |
Books (a)---- us into the best
society ;they bring us into the presence of the greatest minds that have ever
(b)---.We heat what they said and did,we see then as if they ever really
alive.We are participators in their thoughts ,we (c)---- with them,grieve with
them and we (d)--- as if we were in a major actors in the scenes which they
describe.The great and the good do not (e)--- even in this world.Emblemed in
books the sprits walk about.The book is a living voice.(eB Avgv‡`i †kªô
gvby‡li mv‡_ cwiPq Kwi‡q †`q|Avgv‡`i‡K wPiRxwe gnr gvby‡li mvwbœ‡a¨ wb‡q
hvq|Zviv Kx K‡iwQ‡jb Ges e‡jwQ‡jb Zv †hb Avgiv ïwb Ges mwZ¨B Zviv †hb RxweZ n‡q
Avgv‡`i wbKU †`Lv †`q|Zv‡u`i wPšÍvq Avgiv AskMÖnY Kwi|Zv‡u`i wPšÍvq Avgiv
AskMÖnY Kwi|Zv‡`ui m‡½ `ytL‡eva Kwi Ges Zv‡u`i cÖwZ mnvbyf~wZ cÖKvk Kwi Ges
Abyfe Kwi Zv‡u`i ewY©Z `„†k¨ Avgiv I †hb A‡bKvs‡k Awf‡bZv|G c„w_ex‡Z my›`i Ges
gn‡Ë¡i g„Zz¨ †bB|eB‡qi g‡a¨ cÖZxKiy‡c Zv‡`ui AvZ¥v Pjgvb _v‡K|eB Rxeb KÉ|)
Answer: (a) introduce (b) lived
(c) symphatise (d) feel (e) die
78.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
give |
Form |
Be |
live |
conquerer |
advance |
try |
work |
need |
Succeed |
Man (a)---a social being. He
lives in society because society (b)----him security. But it is man who
(c)---society. Man cannot live alone. He (d)----the help of others to survive.
So man (e)---together in co-operation with one’s another from time immemorial.
He has been (f)---hard to bring about changes in society. He (g)---in
developing society and the condition of his life by dint of his own efforts. He
(h)---many forces of nature.He is (i)---hard to earn complete mastery over
nature.He (j)---step by step. Gvbyl mvgvwRK Rxe|‡m mgv‡R evm K‡I KviY
mgvR Zv‡K wbivcËv †`q|wKš‘ gvbylB mgvR MVb K‡i|gvbyl GKv evm Ki‡Z cv‡i
bv|‡e‡Pu _vKvi Rb¨ Zvi A‡b¨i mvnvh¨ mvnv‡h¨ I `iKvi nq|ZvB ¯^iYvZxZKvj †_‡K
gvbyl G‡K A‡b¨i mn‡hvMx n‡q GK‡Î emevm Ki‡Q|‡m mgv‡R cwieZ©b NUv‡bvi Rb¨
K‡Vvifv‡e KvR K‡i‡Q|‡m wb‡Ri †Póvi e‡j mgv‡Ri Dbœqb NUv‡Z Ges wb‡Ri Rxe‡bi
Ae¯’v cwie©Zb Ki‡Z mdj nq|‡m cÖK…wZi A‡bK kw³‡K Rq K‡i|cÖK…wZi Dci cwic~Y© KZ©„Z¡
A©R‡b †m K‡Vvi †Póv Ki‡Q|‡m av‡c av‡c GwM‡q hvq|)
Ans:(a) is (b) gives (c) forms
(d) needs (e) lives (f) working (g)succeeds (h) conquers(i) trying (j) advances
79.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
befit |
Fail |
advance |
be |
must |
update |
develop |
Education (a)---- the key to
prosperity.The more a country is (b)---- in education and culture,the more it
is prosperous in all respects.But education (c)---- meet the demand of the age
and it must be highly standard.Unfortunately our education is neither (d)-----
to the age nor to the advcanced standard.We cannot keep peace with other
countries of the world if we (e)----- to update the standard of our education.(wk¶v DbœwZi
PvweKvwV|wk¶v`x¶vq †h †`k hZ DbœZ †m †`k me w`K †_‡K ZZ mg„×kvjx|Z‡e wk¶v‡K
hy‡Mi Pvwn`vgvwdK n‡Z n‡e Ges Zv n‡Z n‡e DbœZgv‡bi |`yfv©M¨ekZ Avgv‡`i wk¶v
hy‡Mvc‡hvMx I bq,DbœZgv‡bi I bq|Avgv‡`i wk¶vi gvb DbœZ Ki‡Z bv cvi‡j Ab¨vb¨
†`‡ki mv‡_ Avgiv Zvj wgwj‡q Pj‡Z cvie bv|)
Answer:(a) is (b) developed (c) must (d)
befitting (e) fail
80.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
work |
feel |
need |
provide |
cultivate |
be |
live |
More than 80% people of our
country (a)--- in villages.Most of them are poor and illiterate.Illiteracy
(b)---- one of the causes of their poverty.Many of the villagers are landless
cultivators.They (c)---- the lands of other people throughout the year.They get
a very small portion of the crops.They (d)---- all of us with food.But in want
they only are in hunger.They suffer most.This situation (e)---- to be changed.(Avgv‡`i †`‡ki
kZKiv Avwk fv‡Mi I †ekx †jvK MÖv‡g evm K‡i|Zv‡`i AwaKvskB `wi`ª I
wbi¶i|wbi¶iZvB Zv‡`i `vwi‡`ªi Ab¨Zg
KviY|MÖvgevmx‡`i A‡b‡KB f~wgnxb K…lK|Zviv mviv eQi A‡b¨i Rwg Pvl K‡i|dm‡ji fvM
Zviv Lye Kg cvq|Zviv Avgv‡`i mevi Rb¨ Lv`¨ †hvMvq|A_P Afv‡ei mgq ZvivB Abvnv‡i
_v‡K|me‡P‡q †ekx Kó cvq|G Ae¯’vi cwieZ©b cÖ‡qvRb|)
Answer: (a) live (b) is (c)
cultivate (d) provide (e) needs
81.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
Be |
situate |
observe |
protect |
call |
name |
enjoy |
The Sundarbans that is the unique
creation of nature is (a)----- the 52nd
World Heritage site.It (b)----- called Mangrove forest.It is (c)---- in
the southern part of Bangladesh.It is one of the biggest mangrove forests in
the world.It (d)----- southern part of our country in time of natural disaster.
Many people go to the Sunadarbans to (e)----- the natural beauties.(my›`i eb‡K ejv
nq 52 Zg wek¦ HwZ‡n¨i ¯’vb hv cÖK…wZi GK Abycg m„wó|Bnv‡K g¨vb‡MÖvf ebf~wg ejv
nq|Bnv evsjv‡`‡ki `w¶Yv‡j Aew¯’Z|GUv n‡”Q we‡k¦i GK Ab¨Zg e„nr g¨vb‡MÖvf
ebf~wg|GUv cÖvK…wZK `~©‡hv‡Mi mgq Avgv‡`i †`‡ki `w¶YvÂj‡K i¶v K‡i A‡bK gvbyl
cÖvK…wZK †mŠ›`h© Ae‡jvKb Ki‡Z my›`ieb hvq|)
Answer: (a) is (b) called
(c)situated (d)protects (e) observe
82.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
use |
take |
belong |
smoke |
find |
irritate |
offened |
People addicted to (a)----find it difficult to give up this harmful
habit.Many of them suffer from various diseases including cancer which (b)----a
heavy toll of lives every year.A cure for this deadly disase has not yet been
(c)----.Smoking (d)----eyes and (e)—the nose.(‡h mKj †jvK aygcv‡b Avm³ Zviv G ¶wZKi Af¨vm †Q‡o †`Iqv KwVb g‡b
K‡i|Zv‡`i g‡a¨ A‡b‡KB K¨vÝvimn wewfbœ †iv‡M †fv‡M hv cÖwZ eQi A‡bK Rxeb †K‡o
†bq|G gvivZ¡K †iv‡Mi wPwKrmv GLb I cvIqv hvqwb|a~gcv‡bi Kvi‡Y †PvL R¡vjv‡cvov
K‡i Ges bv‡Ki ¶wZ K‡i|)
Answer: (a) smoking (b) takes (c) found (d) irritates (e) offends
83.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
be |
fight |
regain |
brood |
try |
inspire |
Help |
Robert Bruce was the king of
Scotland.Once he (a)----with the British forces and lost his kingdom to
England.He fought several times with the British forces to (b)---his country
but failed.One day,he sat in a lonely cave(c)----over his sad lot.suddenly he
caught sight of a spider.It was (d)----to reach the ceiling.But each time it
tired,it dropped.After six attempts it became successful.This perseverance of
the spider(e)---Bruce to fight again with British and this time he was able to
free his country from the enemy.(iev©U eª“m wQ‡jb ¯‹Uj¨v‡Ûi ivRv|GKRb wZwb weªwUk
evwnbxi mv‡_ hy× K‡ib Ges Bsj¨v‡Ûi Kv‡Q Zvui ivR¨ nvivb|wZwb weªwUk evwnbxi mv‡_
K‡qKevi hy× K‡iwQ‡jb Zvi †`k cyii“×vi Ki‡Z wKš— wZwb e¨_© nb| GKw`b wZwb GKwU
wbR©b ¸nvq e‡m Zvui `yfv©M¨ wb‡q Mfxi wPš—v KiwQ‡jb|nVvr GKwU gvKomv Zvui bR‡i
Gj|gvKomvwUi GB Aa¨vemvq weªwUk‡`i mv‡_ Avevi hy× Ki‡Z eª“m‡K AbycÖvwYZ Kij Ges
Gevi kΓi nvZ †_‡K Zvui †`k‡K gy³ Ki‡Z wZwb mg_© n‡jb|)
Answer:(a) fought (b) regain (c)
brodding (d) trying (e) inspired
84.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
needed |
learning |
going |
do |
modify |
revise |
Design |
Communicative competence in
English is urgently (a)-----in our country.The present world (b)----fast and
developing by leaps and bounds.In order to keep pace with the present world,we
cannot help (c)-----English.But the present system of teaching and learning
English is not upto the mark.The textbooks (d)-----for the class IX-X have to
(e)-----and made updated.(Avgv‡`i †`‡k Bs‡iwR‡Z fve wewbgq `¶Zv Ri“ixfv‡e cÖ‡qvRb|eZ©gvb wek¦ `ª“Z
AMÖmi n‡”Q Ges jvwd‡q jvwd‡q DbœZ n‡”Q|eZ©gvb we‡k¦i mv‡_ Zvj wgjv‡bvi D‡Ï‡k¨
Avgiv Bs‡iwR bv wk‡L cvwi bv|wKš— Bs‡iwR wk¶v †`Iqv Ges †kLvi eZ©gvb c×wZ gvb
m¤úbœ bq|beg-`kg †kªYxi ˆZwi/cwiKwíZ cvV¨cy¯—K ms‡kvab Ges hy‡Mvc‡hvMx Ki‡Z
Answer:(a)needed (b) is going (c)
learning (d) designed (e) be revised
85.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
Look |
mingle |
adulterate |
punish |
sell |
direct |
catch |
The issue of food adulteration
has drawn the attention of general public at present.There is hardly any food
in our country that is not (a)----in one way or another.Substandard foods
(b)----in most of the hotels.Very recently government (c)---the mobile court to
(d)---into the horrible pictures of adulteration.They (e)---dishonest hoteliers
red handed for using unhygienic food ingredients.(Lv‡`¨ †fRvj
†gkv‡bv welqwU eZ©gv‡b mvaviY gvby‡li g‡bv‡hvM AvK©lY K‡i‡Q|Avgv‡`i †`‡k Ggb
†Kvb Lv`¨ †bB ej‡jB P‡j hv †Kvb bv †Kvbfv‡e †fRvj †gkv‡bv bq|wbgœgv‡bi Lv`¨
†ewki fvM †nvU‡j wewµ nq|AwZ m¤cÖwZ miKvi åvg¨gvb Av`vjZ‡K wb‡©`k w`‡q‡Qb †fRvj
†gkv‡bvi fqven wPÎ Z`š— K‡i †`Lvi Rb¨|Zviv Amvay †nv‡Uj e¨emvqx‡`i‡K nv‡Zbv‡Z
a‡i‡Qb A¯^v¯’¨Ki Lv`¨ Drcv`b Kivi Rb¨|)
Answer:(a) adultered (b) are sold
(c) has directed (d) look (e) have caught
86.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
obliterate |
prepare |
lie |
face |
engage |
serve |
enjoy |
The main pursuit of students is
study and acquisition of qualities that will make them (a)----for the
life(b)-----ahead.But when country is (c)---with a natural calamity like
flood,famine or epidemic,they should come forward and stand by the suffering
humanity.Even in normal time,they should (d)----in many acts of social service
with an object to (c)-----their fellow men.(Qv·`i cÖavb KvR n‡jv †jLvcov Ges †mB mKj ¸b AR©b Kiv hv Zv‡`i‡K cÖ¯‘Z Ki‡e
mvg‡b c‡o _vKv Rxe‡bi Rb¨|wKš‘ hLb †`k cÖvK…wZK `y‡h©vM †hgb eb¨v,`yw©f¶ A_ev
gnvgvixi m¤§yLxb nq, Zv‡`i GwM‡q G‡m AvZ©gvbeZvi cv‡k `vuov‡bv DwPZ|Ggb wK ¯^vfvweK
mg‡q Zv‡`i mgvR †mev welqK A‡bK Kv‡R wb‡qvwRZ _vKv DwPZ Zv‡`i ¯^‡`kevmx‡`i †mev
Kivi jব|)
Answer: (a) prepared (b) lying
(c) faced (d)enaged (e) serving
87.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
Visit |
grow |
make |
be |
come |
forgive |
be |
Dhaka (a)---a very ancient and
historical city.It (b) ---into the lime light when Islam Khan (c)-----Dhaka the
seat of provincial government in 1652.Present old Dhaka(d)---once the heart of
Dhaka city.It (e)----by many foreigners.(XvKv GKwU LyeB cÖvPxb Ges HwZnvwmK bMix|GwU cÖwmwׇZ
Av‡m hLb Bmjvg Lvb 1612 mv‡j cÖv‡`wkK miKv‡ii cxV¯’vb XvKv cwi`k©b K‡ib|eZ©gv‡b XvKv †Kvb GK mg‡q
XvKv bMixi †K›`ª¯’j wQj|GwU A‡bK we‡`wk KZ©„K cwi`wk©Z n‡q‡Q|)
Answer: (a) is (b) came (c)
visited (d) was (e) was visited
88.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
Want |
keep |
play |
talk |
hear |
merge |
happen |
Rumour is some information that
is spread by being (a)----about but many not be true.For instance,we
(b)----that South Korea was going to be (c)----with North Korea.Actually that
did not (d)----.Rumour (e)----a very important role in forming public opinion
even on a very important matter.(¸Re n‡jv wKQz Z_¨ hv Avjvc Av‡jvPbv nvIqvq Qovq wKš‘
mZ¨ bv I n‡Z cv‡i|D`vnib¯^i“c,Avgiv ïbjvg †h `w¶Y †Kvwiqv DËi †Kvwiqvi mv‡_
GKxf~Z n‡Z hv‡”Q| ev¯—‡e Zv N‡Uwb|¸Re RbgZ MV‡b Lye ¸iZ¡c~Y© f~wgKv cvjb K‡i
GgbwK Lye ¸iZ¡c~Y© wel‡q I|)
Answer(a) talked (b) heard (c)
merged (d) happen (e) plays
89.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
Write |
become |
neglect |
take |
change |
rehabilitate |
cause |
Acid throwing is a serious crime
(a)---harm to a victim physically and mentally .An acid survivor (b)----by us.
The life of an acid survivor totally (c)-----.However,victims(d)----and stern
steps (e)-----to control this violence.(GwmW wb‡¶c GKwU gvivZ¡K Aciva hv GKRb fy³‡fvMxi kvixwiK
Ges gvbwmK ¶wZi Kvib nq|GKRb GwmW wb‡¶c †e‡Pu hvIqv e¨w³i †e‡Pu hvIqv e¨w³i
Rxeb m¤ú~Y© cv‡ë hvq|hv ‡nvK,fy³‡fvMx‡`i cyb©evmb Kiv DwPZ Ges GB mš¿vm wbqš¿b
Ki‡Z K‡Vvi c`‡¶c wb‡Z n‡e|)
Answer: (a) causing (b) is
neglected (c) changes/is changing (d) should be rebahiliated (e) must be taken
90.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
prove |
stop |
live |
happen |
cope |
know |
read |
We (a)----in an age of science
and technology.But if we remain ignorant of the incidents(b)----in our country
as well as in the world, we will (c)----unfit for the world.By reading
newspapers,we are able to (d)-----new scientific inventions,economic
development and political situation of our country.Without this kind of
knowledge we can not(e)-----with others.(Avgiv weÁvb I cÖhyw³i hy‡M evm KiwQ|wKš— hw` Avgiv
Avgv‡`i †`‡k Ges we‡k¦ NUgvb NUbvejx m¤ú©‡K AÁ _vwK,Avgiv we‡k¦i Rb¨ wb‡R‡`i‡K
Abychy³ cÖgvY Kie|Le‡ii KvMR cvV K‡i Avgiv bZzb ˆeÁvwbK Avwe¯‹vi,A_©‰bwZK Dbœqb
Ges Avgv‡`i †`‡ki ivR‰bwZK cwiw¯’wZ Rvb‡Z mg_© nB|G ai‡bi Ávb Qvov Avgiv A‡b¨i
mv‡_ Lvc LvIqv‡Z cvwi bv|)
Answer: (a) are living (b)
happening (c) prove (d)know (e) cope
91.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
enjoy |
flood |
show |
enjoyable |
look |
be |
A moonlit night (a)-----one of
the greatest gifts of God.On a moonlit night Nature really (b)----very
beautiful and charming.Nature seems to (c)----with the soft silvery radiance of
the moon.We cannot help (d)----our gratefulness to God.Thus everybody wants to
(e)----himself on a moonlit night.(GKwU †R¨vrmœvivwÎ nj m„wóKZ©vi †kªô `vb¸‡jvi
GKwU|‡R¨vrmœ&v iv‡Z cÖK…wZ mwZ¨Kvifv‡e Lye my›`i Ges g‡bvig †`Lvq|cÖK…wZ
Pv‡`ui g„`y i~cvjx Av‡jvq cvweZ nq e‡j g‡b nq|Avgiv m„wóKZ©vi cÖwZ Avgv‡`i
K…ZÁZv bv †`wL‡q cvwi bv|Gfv‡e cÖ‡Z¨‡K †R¨vrmœv iv‡Z wb‡R‡K Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z Pvq|)
Answer: (a) is (b) looks (c) be
flooded (d) showing (e) enjoy
92.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
Stop |
cause |
consitute |
prove |
include |
be |
work |
As women (a)-----almost 50
percent of our population,they should also be (b)---in our development
programmes.For the development of the country full participation of women in
economic activities (c)-----essential.There are areas where our women have
already (d)-----their efficiency.They (e)----not only in the agricultural
fields but also in the mills and factories.(‡h‡nZz bvixiv Avgv‡`i RbmsL¨vi kZKiv cÖvq 50 fvM MVb
K‡i,Avgv‡`i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px‡Z I Zv‡`i‡K Aš—©f~³ Kiv DwPZ|‡`‡ki Dbœq‡bi Rb¨
A_©‰bwZK Kg©Kv‡Û bvix‡`i cy‡ivcywi AskMÖnb Avek¨K|KZK¸‡jv †¶Î Av‡Q †hLv‡b
Avgv‡`i bvixiv BwZg‡a¨B Zv‡`i `¶Zv cÖgvY K‡i‡Q|Zviv ïaygvÎ K…wl‡¶†Î KvR Ki‡Q bv,KjKviLvb
†Z I KvR Ki‡Q|)
Answer: (a) constitute (b)
included (c) is (d) proved (e) are working
93.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
To have |
To be |
find |
see |
need |
bore |
buy |
Living in a city (a)-----both
advantages and disadvantages.On the plus side,it is often easier (b)----work
and there is usually a choice of public transport,so you (c)---own a
car.Also,there are lots of interesting things to do and places(d)----.However,for
every plus there is a minus.For one thing, if you don’t have a very well paid
job,you (e)----able to afford many of the things that there are to do; because
living in a city is often very expensive.(kn‡i evm Kiv myweav Ges Amyweav DfqB Av‡Q|BwZevPK w`K
†_‡K,KvR †c‡Z cÖvqB mnRZi nq,Ges mvaviYZ miKvwi cwien‡bi cQ‡›`i my‡hvM
_v‡K,myZivs †Zvgvi Mvox _vKvi cÖ‡qvRb nq bv|Avevi,A‡bK Dc‡fvM¨ wRwbm Kivi Av‡Q
Ges A‡bK RvqMv †`Lvi my‡hvM Av‡Q|hv‡nvK,cÖ‡Z¨K BwZevPK w`‡Ki GKwU †bwZevPK w`K
Av‡Q|GKUv wRwbm,hw` †Zvgvi Lye fvj †eZ‡bi GKwU PvKzix bv _v‡K,†mLv‡b Kivi A‡bK
wRwbmB Ki‡Z Zzwg m¶g n‡e bv; †Kbbv kn‡i emevm Kiv cÖvqB Lye e¨qeûj|)
Answer: (a) has (b) to find (c)
need not (d) to see (e) will not be
94.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
obtain |
run |
regard |
take |
redefine |
Come |
go |
Education is (a)-----as the
yardstick of development.Devolopment and education (b)----hand in
hand.(c)-----degrees is not prime objective of education. Education has to be
(d)----.It is high time we(e)-----measures to spread education.(wk¶v‡K Dbœq‡bi
gvcKvwV wn‡m‡e Mb¨ Kiv nq| Dbœqb Ges wk¶v nv‡Z nvZ a‡i P‡j|wWMÖx AR©b Kiv wk¶vi
g~j D‡Ïk¨ bq|wk¶v‡K cybtmsÁvqb Ki‡Z n‡e|GLbB Dchy³ mgq Avgiv wk¶v m¤cÖmvi‡Y
e¨e¯’vw` MÖnY Kwi|)
Answer(a)regarded (b) go (c)
obtaining (d) redefined (e) took
95.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
pave |
consider |
posses |
lag |
regard |
flow |
To be |
Energy (a)----as a vital element
for the prosperity of a nation.Since Bangladesh (b)---mcuh energy resources.It
(c)----behind in development activities in comparison with other countries of
the world.So Bangladesh (d)----as a least developed country.But sufficient
energy resource (e)----a country to the way of development.(GKwU RvwZi
DbœwZi ¸iZ¡c~Y© Dcv`vb wn‡m‡e aiv nq kw³‡K|GLb ch©š— evsjv‡`‡k kw³i †Kvb Drm
†bB|c„w_exi Ab¨vb¨ †`‡ki Zzjbvq DbœwZi w`K †_‡K evsjv‡`k A‡bK wcwQ‡q Av‡Q|Avi
†mB Kvi‡Y evsjv‡`k‡K aiv nq GKwU AbybœZ †`k wKš‘ GKUv †`‡ki ch©vß kw³ †m †`k‡K
DbœwZi w`‡K wb‡q hvq|)
Answer: (a) is considered (b)
does not posses (c) is lagging/lags (d) is regarded (e) paves
96.Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
keep |
be |
enjoy |
read |
mean |
find |
derive |
A library (a)-----a collection of books of various subjects.The word
‘library’ is (b)---from latin word ‘libre’which (c)-----a book.But in actual
use, a library is a house where books are (d)----for (e)----.(GKwU cvVvMvi nj wewfbœ wel‡qi Dci cy¯—‡Ki GK msMÖn|jvB‡eªixÕ kãwU j¨vwUb
kã wjeiv †_‡K D™¢yZ n‡q‡Q hvi A_© eB|wKš— mwZ¨Kvi cÖ‡qv‡M,cvVvMvi GKwU M„n
†hLv‡b eB ivLv nq cvV Kivi Rb¨|)
Answer: (a) is (b) derived (c) means (d) kept (e) reading
97. Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
work |
invent |
discover |
come |
take |
give |
bring |
Computer has (a)----about revolutionary change in the world.But it
(b)----overnight.It (c)-----a long time to invent computer.Many votaries of
science (d)----hard for years and finally (e)----out successful.(Kw¤úDUvi we‡k¦ GKwU ‰ecweK cwieZ©b wb‡q G‡m‡Q|wKš— GwU ivZvivwZ D™¢vweZ
nqwb|Kw¤úDUvi D™¢veb Ki‡Z A‡bK mgq †j‡MwQj|A‡bK weÁvb AbyivMx eQ‡ii ci K‡Vvi
cwikªg K‡iwQ‡jb Ges Ae‡k‡l mdj n‡qwQ‡jb|)
Answer: (a) brought (b) was not
invented /had not been invented (c) returned (d) have heard
98. Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
born |
see |
know |
tend |
affect |
regard |
be |
Bangladesh (a)----a poor country with a per capita annual income of
about four thousand taka.Although poverty (b)----everybody,it is the women who
are the worst suffers.Social prejudices and customs (c)----to degrade their
position.When a girl(d)----in a poor family,it is not (e)-----as a happy
event.She has come,as if to add to the sufferings of her parents.(evsjv‡`k nj gv_vwcQz evwl©K cÖvq Pvi nvRvi UvKv Av‡qi GKwU `wi`ª †`k|hw`
I `vwi`ªZv cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki Dci cÖfve †d‡j,bvixivB nj me‡P‡q †ewk fy³‡fvMx|mvgvwRK
ms¯‹vi Ges cÖ_v Zv‡`i c`gh©v`v nvwb NUvq|hLb GKwU `wi`ª cwiev‡i GKwU †g‡q Rb¥
†bq,†mwU‡K GKwU my‡Li NUbv wn‡m‡e Mb¨ Kiv nq bv|‡m G‡m‡Q ‡hb Zvi evev gvi Kó
Answer(a) is (b) affects (c) tend (d) is born (e) regarded
99. Complete the passage with
suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives
where necessary.
keep |
be |
entertain |
give |
know |
enrich |
avoid |
The importance of English (a)----to all.(b)----an international
language.English holds the key to the broad expanse of learning and
knowledge.Many great writers have (c)---this language.If we (d)----English,we
(e)----ourselves aloof from the civilized world.(Bs‡iwRi ¸iZ¡ mK‡jiB Rvbv|GwU Avš—©RvwZK fvlv nIqv‡Z,†kLv Ges Áv‡bi
we¯—…Z iv‡R¨i Pvwe i‡q‡Q Bs‡iwRi nv‡Z|A‡bK eo eo †jLK GB fvlv‡K mg„× K‡i‡Qb|
hw` Avgiv Bs‡iwR bv Rvwb,Avgiv mf¨ RMZ †_‡K wb‡R‡`i `~‡i ivLe| )
Answer: (a) is known (b) being
(c) enriched (d) do not know (e) will keep
Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct
tenses. Use negatives where necessary.
gain |
go |
check |
suffer |
report |
go up |
happen |
The prices of essential commodities already (a)---up beyond the
purchasing capacity of the common people.While visiting different kitchen
markets in Dhaka city yesterday,our correspondent (b)----the price of coarse
rice was TK 22 per KG.The price of vegetables (c)-----manifodls.If this trend
of prices cannot be (d)----,the people of low income group will not be able to
buy their daily necessaries and so they (e)-----untold sufferings.(cÖ‡qvRbxq wRwbm c‡Îi g~j¨ B‡Zvg‡a¨ mvaviY gvby‡li µq ¶gZv Qvwo‡q
†M‡Q|MZKvj hLb XvKv gnvbMixii KvPuvevRvi ¸‡jv cwi`k©b Kiv nq,Avgv‡`i msev``vZv
msev` w`‡”Qb †h ‡gvUv Pv‡ji `vg wQj cÖwZ †KwR 22 UvKv|kvKmewRi g~j¨ eû¸b e„„w×
†c‡q‡Q|hw` gy‡j¨I GB cÖebZv †iva Kiv bv hvq, wbgœ Av‡qi RbMb Zv‡`i cÖZ¨vwnK
cÖ‡qvRbxq wRwbmcÎ µq Ki‡Z m¶g n‡e bv Ges ZvB Zviv Ae©bxq `ytL Kó †fvM Ki‡eb|)
Answer: (a) have gone (b) reports (c) has gone up (d) checked (e) will suffer
Cloze Test without clues for SSC Examination.
1. Complete the following
passage using suitable words. Use only one for each gap:-
Books are men’s best (a)—in life,
you may have many good friends, but you do not (b)—them when you (c)—them. They
may not always (d)—to you with sympathy. One or two may (e)—false and do you
much (f)--. But books are always ready to be your (g)--. Some books will
(h)—you laugh some others will give you much (i)--. Again some books will bring
new knowledge and ideas. They are your (j)—friends thought out your life.
Ans: (a) friends/companions (b) find (c) need (d) come (e) prove (f) harm
(g) side (h) make (i) pleasure (j) real
2. A flower is the best
(a)-----of nature. It is a (b)----of purity and beauty. It gives us (c)-----.
There is nobody but (d)----a flower. Its sweet smell (e)----one to all.
Nowadays, flowers are (f)---in our country. Many people earn their (g)----by
flower cultivation. Today (h)-----people (i)----their houses with flowers to
enhance beauty. At present flower exhibitions are (j)---in our country.
Ans: (a) gift (b) symbol (c)
pleasure (d) likes/loves (e) flower (f) cultivated (g) livelihood (h) are (i)
livelihood (j) held
3. A student, who
(a)---the best seeds in his life, is an ideal student. He is (b)---to his
parents. He never (c)----with his brothers and sisters. He is (d)---to his
neighbors .He learns his lessons (e)---and never keeps himself aloof from the
institute. He is obedient to his teachers and (f)----what his teachers say. An
ideal student (g)---good use of his time. He (h)---his leisure time in reading
good books and newspapers like Prothom Alo or Saptaik 2000.He (i)-----good
company with good boys. An ideal student helps classmates in (j)—their
difficult lesson.
Ans: (a) sow (b) devoted (c) mixed (d)obedience(e)
regularly (f) make (g) listen (h) passes/enjoys (i) likes (j) follow
4. Afforestation means preservation
of trees. It is a (a)-------to deforestation. Trees and plants are part and
(b)------of the environment .Ecology fully (c)-----on trees and plants. The
country will (d)-----into desert unless there are trees. The trees help to
(e)----the soil from erosion. Flood can (f) ------affect those areas covered
with trees. Storms cannot (g)- -----its forcefully on the places (h)------there
are trees. However,
the trees are so (i)------that it is impossible to think of life (j)---it.
Ans: (a) opposite (b) parcel (c) depends (d) turn (e) protect (f)
hardly (g) impose (h) where (i) important (j) without
5. Bangladesh is a
country (a)….an area of 147570 square kilometers. It is (b)….with more than 140
million people. About 1000 people live in per(c)…kilometer. So it is a
(d)…populated country now. The present growth rate is very (e)….which should be
(f)….immediately. If this rate (g)…on unchecked, Bangladesh will (h)….a great
problem. So everyone should come (i)…to (j)…public awareness.
Ans: (a) having/with/covering (b) populated (c) squre (d) densely
(e) high (f)controlled (g) goes (h) face (i) forward (j) raise
6. Bangladesh is a
darling child of nature. Nature has (a)….her with unique beauty. Really, no
(b)…country in the world is so (c)….with natural beauties as Bangladesh is. She
is noted for her (d)….beauty, golden crops of paddy and (e)….leaves of trees.
The six seasons of the year (f)….by turns marking Bangladesh a land of beauty,
variety and plenty. Her rivers present her a (g)….beauty particularly in the
rainy season. The boats (h)….on the rivers under multi (i)….sails also present
a (j)….sight.
Ans:(a) blessed (b) other (c) rich (d) natural (e) green (f) coming
(g) natural (h) playing (i) coloured (j) beautiful
7. Bangladesh is a small
country but has a (a)…population. Most people here live below the (b)…line and
cannot therefore (c)….to educate their children. Many poor children (d)…drop
out of school after just a few years or simply do not go to (e)…at all. Despite
this situation , we have far too many (f)…to educate compared to the number of
(g)…available. Bangladesh needs schools, colleges and (h)…to provide for the
increasing number of (i)….But owing to financial and resource constraints, the
government cannot fund the (i)…number of educational institutions.
Ans: (a) huge (b) poverty (c) afford (d) often (e) school (f)
children (g)institutions (h) universities (i)students (j) requisite
8. Bangladesh is in
South-Asia on the (a)…of the Bay of Bengal. It is (b)…by India(c)…three sides.
She has been independent (d)…1971.The religions in Bangladesh are Islam,
Hinduism, Buddhism and (e)----.She has a (f)---climate. Families are usually
(g)…by males.(h)…monogamy is practiced and people like to live an (i)…family. I
am (j)…of my country.
Ans: (a) shore (b) surrounded (c) on (d) in (e) Christianity
(f)moderate (g)run/maintained (h) here (i) extended (j) proud
9. Book introduce us
(a)—the best society the bring us into the (b)—of the greatest minds
that(c)—ever lived. We hear what (d)—said and did we see (e)—as if they were
(f)—alive. We are participator (g)—their thoughts, we sympathize
(h)—them,(i)—with them and we feel as if we were a measure actors. The great and good men (j)—not die even in this
Ans: (a) to (b) writing (c) have (d) they (e) then (f) still (g) in
(h) with (i) speak (j) will
10. Computer was not (a)-----overnight. It took long time and hard
labour to (b)-----computer. Many votaries of science (c)----hard and
(d)----computer. Computer cannot (e)---itself. It works on the basis of command
(f)----by the operator. It is (g)-----in our daily life for various purposes.
It has (h)------our work load and (i)----our life easy. Today the doctors use
computer (j)-----a disease.
Ans: (a) invented (b) invent (c)
work (d) invented (e) work (f) given (g) used (h) lessened (i) make (j)
11. Computer was not invented (a)----.It took long time and hard
(b)----to invent computer. Many votaries of science (c)----hard for years
together and finally came out (d)----. In fact, computer cannot work (e)----.It
works on the basis of the (f)----given by the operator. It is used in our daily
life for (g)---- purposes. It has (h)----our work, (i)----our life comfortable.
Nowadays doctors are also using computer to (j)---a disease.
Ans: (a) overnight (b) invent (c) work (d) labour
(e)successful (g)itself (h) command
(g)various (h) lessened (i) make (j)
12. Drug addiction has become a (a)—national problem in our
country. An (b)—attraction for some harmful things may be(c)—as addiction and
the materials which cause (d)—in men are called drugs. Drug addiction is
spreading lie (e)—in Bangladesh. The number of addicts are being (f)—rapidly.
Drug carries the addict to an unreal (g)—of dreams. This is called (h)--.
Religious and social values must be taught (i)—early childhood. A countrywide
campaign (j)—drug addiction should be undertaken immediately.
Ans: (a) great/major (b)
indomitable/immense (c) defined/called (d) stimulation/addicition (e) epidemic
(f) increased (g) world (h) illusion/hallucination (i) from (j) against
13. Einstein (a)—lonely and (b)—in his childhood. He(c)—to play by
himself in the (d)—and woods. School was an unpleasant (e)—for him. He was
(f)—by how war (g)—were taught at school. At the age of fifteen, he went to
Milan with his family. In Italy he (h)—free for the first time. He (i)—through
countryside, visited museums and (j)—galleries, attended concerts and read
Ans:(a) was (b) unhappy (c) liked (d) parks (e) place (f) disgusted
(g) strategies (h) fell (i) traveled (j) art
14. English is a widely (a)—language. In our country we. (b)—it as
a (c)—language. It is not our (d)—tongue. Naturally, it is very (e)—to learn.
So, we have a very poor (f)----on this language. As a result we do not get
(g)—interest in this (h)------. For all these (i)—English is difficult for us
to (j)-------.
(a) used (b) learn (c) foreign (d) mother (e) difficult (e) command (g) much
(h) language (i) reason (j) learn
15. English is an (a)—language (b)—all over the world. People
(e)—English can express their ideas everywhere in the world. Tourism is an
industry (d)—cannot work (e)—if there is not any (f) – language for mutual
expression of ideas and views. Without (g)— much. English and without
proficiency in this language you can not (h)—all over the world. But you will
be in (i)—barriers. In order to overcome these difficulties you have to be
(j)—to listening and speaking.
Ans: (a) international (b) used(c) knowing (d)that(e)properly
(f)common (g) being (h) travel(i) language (j) accustomed
16. Examination is very important in student’s life. If justifies a
student’s (a)—no student ca be (b)—to next class without examination, so every
student (c)—hard to pass the examination. There are many ways to do (d)—in the
examination and meritorious students follow these ways. Subject (e)—is not all
things to approach the exam. One may gather much (f)—about his subject but if
he can not (g)—his performance in the examination his such kind of knowledge is
(h)--. He (i)—be very practical in the examination which is also an (j)—thing.
Ans: (a) quality (b) promoted (c) tries (d) well (e) knowledge (f)
knowledge (g) show (h) valueless (i) must (j) important
17. Friendship is not only a (a)---but also an innate relationship
between two men. A real friend understands you (b)----and takes the share of
your job and sorrow. But an acquaintance does not do the (c)----.At the same
time of you your sorrow he (d)----be by your side. He (e)----not know your
parents and he won try to know their identity. On the (f)----you real friend
must be curious about every information about them. He must mix and talk to
them (g)-----.When an acquaintance comes to your home, he will bring gifts and
will act (h)----as guest. But your real friend helps you in your (i)---.So, we
have to be (j)----of friendship.
Ans: (a) name (b) well (c) same
(d) may (e) may (f) contrary (g) happily/cordially (h) likes (i) kitchen (j) conscious
18. Foreign aid is (a)—for our
economy. (b)—foreign aid we can’t progress. We can’t(c)—our developmental
programs (d)—financial (e)—from other developed countries. Sometimes we
(f)—sufficient assistance. But sometimes we (g)—nothing. But that is not the
(h)—problem . The main problem is that
the donor countries impose conditions that must be fulfilled. If we (i)—to
receive their help. And Alas! if we follow their suggestion then we can’t
(j)—very much.
Answer:(a) essential (b) without (c) continue (d) without (e) help
(f) need (g) get (h)only (i) want (j) develop
19. Garment sector is playing a (a)—role by earning a lot of (b)— exchange. At the (c)—time, it has opened
scope of (d)—for the unskilled workers especially for women. Though it has
paved the way for economic (e) ….. for the women the working (f)—is not
suitable to them. As they (g)—to work for a (h)---- shift, they are bound to
(i)—most of the time at their working place. For unhygienic atmosphere, they
are (j)—from various kinds of disease.
Ans:(a) vital (b) foreign
(c) same (d) employment (e) solvency
(f) place (g) have (h) long (i) stay (j) suffering
20. Honesty is a (a)—virtue. Helps a man to (b)—in life. An honest
man is (c)—and honors all. No body (d)—a dishonest man. A man may be eminent
(e)—means of dishonesty but that is short lived. A dishonest man (f)—in the
long run. So we should (g)—to be honest (h)—truthful if we (i)—to be respected
Ans:(a) great (b)
succeed (c) loved (d) believes (e) by (f) suffers (g) try (h) and (i) want (j)
21. In our country women are the (as)—sufferers. When a girl is (b)—to
the parents, it is not (c)—as a good news. It is the (d)—of the parents that a
daughter will only (e)—to their sufferings. So they do not like to send her to
school for education. Thus being (f)—of the light of education she (g)—at home
for doing (h)—work. Finally her parents remain greatly (i)—to marry her off
before she attains (j)—.
Answer:(a) worst (b) born (c) regarded (d) idea (e) add (f)
deprived (g) stays (h) household (i) anxious (j) maturity
22. It is a fact that complete (a)—does not exist in worldly life.
A man (b)—have all things that he desires in(c)--. It is better not to seek
(d)—happiness. Rather one should be satisfied with (e)—one gets. Contentment is
the key (f)—to happiness. One should not always (g)—about what he had and what
he does not (h)—because by doing so a man (i)—frustrated and depressed. There
are some people who think that it is (j)—that brings happiness and happiness
could be bought.
Answer:(a) happiness (b) may (c) life (d) absolute (e) what (f)
element (g) think (h) have (i) becomes (j) money
23. Liberty does not (a)---------upon a people. People must
(b)-----themselves to it. It (c)-----a fruit that (d)----be earned before it
(e)----be enjoyed. That freedom means freedom only from foreign rule (f)----an
outworn idea. It (g)-----not merely government that should be free, but people
themselves (h)-----be free. And no freedom (i)-----any real value for the
common man or woman unless it also (j)---freedom from want, disease and
Answer:(a) descend (b) raise (c) is (d) can (e) is (f) outworth (g)
is (h) should (i) has (j) means
24. Man is a rational being (a)------wisdom, intellect and sense of
self-respect. He had immense (b)------in himself. It keeps him aloof from all
sorts of evil (c)-----.To become an ideal man he should (d)----the feelings of
others and (e)----his utmost for the greater welfare of (f)-----.It is not at
all (g)-----that a man should remain busy only with his own (h)----and
materialistic obsession. With a view to (i)---- the society, he should come
forward with sincerity and (j)----.
Answer:(a) creature/having/with
(b) potential/power (c) deeds (d)
have/develop (e) try (f) mankind (g)
desired (h)business (i) serving (j)
25. Mobile phone is and important (a)—of communication and correspondence.
It helps to (b)—with people of distant places in the (c)—possible time. The use
of mobile phone is more (d)—than that of land phone. The person who (e)—the
message is to pay the bill. The (f)—can respond any call without any cost.
Mobile phone has (g)—the communication system. People of all(h)—of the become
benefited through the use of mobile phone. But sometimes criminals keep their
(i)—by using mobile phone. In spite of that, mobile phone is a (j)—modern civilization.
Ans: (a) means (b) communication (c) shortest (d) effective (e)
sends (f) receiver (g) revolutized (h) walks/spheres (i) communication (j)
26. Man is architect of his own fortune. If he makes a
(a)----division of his time and does his duty (b)----,he is sure to prosper in
life. But if he does otherwise, he is sure to repent when it is too (c)----.To
kill time is as culpable as to commit
(d)---,for our life is nothing but the sun total of hours (e)…..and years
.Youth is the golden (f)----of life. If we lose the morning hours of (g)-----we
shall have to repent (h)----.If we sow good (i)----during the sowing time, we
shall reap(j)-----when we grow up.
Ans: (a) proper (b) accordingly (c) late (d) suicide (e) days (f)
season (g) life (h) afterwards
(i)seeds(j) harvest
27. Most students learn (a)—by rote taking them from a common (b)—.
I think this is again a wrong(c)—of preparing for an (d)--.. for one thing its
not good(e)—things without understanding or thinking about them. You become a
parrot. Another reason is that examiners get board when they find almost the
same answers in all the (f)—. You can’t blame them if (g)—don’t give you good
(h)—. If you were an (i)—you would do the (j)—.
Ans: (a) answers (b) sources (c) way (d) exam (e) memorizing (f)
answers (g) if (h) marks (j) same.
28. Mother Teresa is a great (a)-------and Philanthropist, was
(b)-----on August 2,1920 in Albania of Yugoslavia. Her real (c)-----was Agnes
Teresa. She had her (d)-----at a government school in Albania. In 1928 Agnes
(e)----to kolkhata to do some (f)----work and later took Indian(g)----.Then she
devoted and (h)----herself to the service of sufferings and distressed
humanity. She (i)----the Missionaries of Charity in 1950 and Nirmal Hridaya in
1954 in kolkata and was (j)-----as mother.
Ans: (a) humanist (b) born (c) name (d) schooling (e) came (f)
missionary (g) citizenship (h) dedicated (i) set up (j) known
29. Patriotism is a (a)----virtue. It is an inherent instinct in
human nature. A Muslim (b)--- -it as a part of his faith. It (c)-----a man to shed
every drop of his blood to (d)-----the
liberty and honour of his country. A person who (e)----not love his
country is a brute. A true patriot (f)----day and night for progress of his
country.(g)----patriotism however is bad. A
man like Hitler (h)-----such narrow patriotism did a lot of harm to mankind. So patriotism is not enough.
We (i)-----have not hatred or malice towards anyone. A true patriot (j)-----the
freedom of others as of his own.
Ans: (a) noble (b) takes (c)creates (d) keep (e)does (f) works
(g)False (h)took (i)must (j) values
30. Poverty (a)-------a great problem in our country. But we hardly
(b)------that this miserable (c)------is our own creation. Many do not try to
(d)-----their conditions by means of hard and profitable business. They only
(e)-----their miserable lot and (f)-------their fate. We must (g)-----this
lethargy and aversion to physical labour. Man is the architect of his own
fortune. If we (h)-----this wise saying and (i)-----in the way of life with
firm steps, our poverty and misery will (j)----and peace and happiness will be
our constant companion.
Ans: (a) great (b) think /realize (c) condition (d)
change/better (e) bemoan (f)curse (g)
shake off (h) remember (i) advance (j) disappear
31. Our beloved motherland Bangladesh is an (a)—and severing state.
She came (b)—existence on December 16, 1971. We (c)—freedom at the cost of
three million (d)--. The lives which are laid down for the sake of the
country’s liberty (e)—really dignified lives. The martyred freedom (f)—snatched
away the red sun of independence at (g)—of an ocean of blood. As they
established undying achievement .they reign in the hearts of their (h)--. The
countrymen will cherish the memory of hose glorious sons of the soil for (i)--.
In this sense, the millions of martyred freedom fighters are (j)—.
Ans: (a) independent (b) into (c) achieved (d) live (e) are (f)
fighters (g) cost (h) country (i) good/ever (j) immortal
32. Our freedom fighters are the (a)—heroes of our country. We
should (b)—them as they sacrificed their(c)—for the cause of our mother land.
It is a matter of great (d)—that most of them are (e)—and our young generation
does not know (f)—the valiant struggle. Yet today many of the real freedom
fighters have not been (g)—and established. Some of them lead (h)—poor life.
The authority in power should take (i)—step to enlist them and give them
Ans: (a) national (b) respect (c) lives (d) regret (e) forgotten
(f) even (g) succeeded (h) necessary
33. Student life a life of (a)---for future struggle. To make him
(b)-----for the struggle, education is necessary. So the first and foremost
duty of a student (c)-----to prosecute his studies well. He who (d)----his
lessons regularly (e)---well in the examination. On the (f)-----the student who
wastes his time cuts a (g)----figure. It should be (h)----in mind that none can
get back the (i)----time. If the students neglect their studies they will
suffer in the (j)----run.
Answer(a) preparation (b)
fit/eligible/worthy (c) is (d) prepares/learns (e) does (f) contrary (g)sorry
(h) kept (i) lost/missing (j) long
34. Smoking is a dangerous (a)—habit. More than eighty percent
people of our country (b)—addicted to smoking. Smoking (c)—many fatal diseases.
It prevents the free (d)—of blood through the (e)--. It (f)—our lungs.
(g)—addicted to smoking lose their appetite. Smoking pollutes the (h)--. It
costs a lot of (i)--. So this habit should be (j)—up.
(a) bad (b) are (c) causes (d)
circulation (e) veins (f) affects (g) people (h)environment (i)money (j) given
35. Students (a)------the future hope and strength of the country.
Much depends upon how they (b)----their time and energy now. They (c)-----in
the first place, to acquire knowledge, experience and wisdom. Secondly, they
have to look around and (d)-----the conditions of the people, their habits and
customs and (e)----in what direction reforms (i)----necessary. The students are
often compared to the buds and before buds are fully (g)----.they should not
(h)----into politics. They should not (i)---the player into the hands of the so
called politicians who (j)----then for their own purposes.
Ans:(a) are (b) spend
(c)have (d)knowledge (e) see (f) is (g) bloomed (h) enter (i) remain (j) use
36. Teaching is a suitable profession for women (a)—it helps them
to (b)—up their career and look after their family. Very few people (c)—the
amount of work that a teacher (d)—to do in fact, a teacher does a lot work like
(e)—classes. Examining the answer (f)—for the students. A good teacher has to study
a lot in order to know the latest development regarding teaching opportunities
for (g)— development exist equally for everyone in teaching. Yet due to social
(h)—family circumstances, it often (i)—difficult for women to (j)— them.
Ans:(a) career (b) build (c) know/think /realize (d)has (e) taking
(f) scripts (g)professional (h) and (i) remain/become (j)take
37. The 16 the December is a (a)-----day of the history of
Bangladesh. On this day we achieved (b)---.Bangladesh came into being at the
cost of a bloody (c)----.It occupied a place as an (d)-----country in the world
map. Every year we (e)-----the day with great solemnity. The day (f)----us the
supreme sacrifice of our heroic sons. The day (g)---with gun shot. The whole
(h)----wears of festive look. The national (i)----is hoisted on the top of each
Ans:(a) victory/memorable (b) independence (c) struggle/war (d)
independent (e) observe/celebrate (f) reminds (g) starts/begins (h) country (i)
38. The 21st February (a)---a memorable day in our life. On this
day in 1952 the martyrs (b)----down their lives for the mother tongue. We
(c)----this day with great honour. The
day is a government holiday. On this day our national flag (d)----flying
half-mast. Meetings and assemblies of different kinds are (e)---and every
Shaheed Minar is (f)---with flowers. Those who (g)---down their lives for the
mother (h)---are immortal. Now the day has been (i)---international Mother
Language (j)----.
Ans: (a) is (b) laid (c)observe/celebrate (d)keeps (e)arranged/held(f)
covered (g) laid (h)tongue (i) recognized (j) day
39. The Bangladeshis are (a)—all over the world for their
traditional hospitality. The Bangladeshis may be poor in (b)—but are(c)—in
heart. The home of a Banglee is open to
a (d)--. So entertaining a guest has become a (e)—of Bengali culture. Whenever
anyone (f)—our house, we try best to please him or her. Certainly guests
are(g)—with most care. A guest may (h)—at out residence for a longer period.
During their stay,(i)—short or long the (j)—takes care of his guest.
Ans: (a) famous/known (b) condition (c) generous/rich (d) foreigner
(e) tradition (f) visits (g) entertained (h) stay (i) either (j) most
40. The economy of a country largely (a)---- on its population. But
if it (b)—rapidly. The standard of living in the country declines. Because the
increasing population eats (c)---- the additional growth of (d)--- economy.
Nevertheless the population of country (e)--- her man power and is (f)---
resource that (g)--- a vital role in her economic sphere. Without adequate
human resource the other resources of the country will (h)--- under utilized
and to hat extent her economic development will remain unsatisfactory. A large
population (i)—rise to large demand in
manufactured goods. At the same time it can meet that demand by engaging
itself in increasing productive (j)--.
Ans: (a) depends (b)
grows (c) up (d) the (e) is (f) an (g) plays (h) be (i) causes (j) capacity
41. The Eskimos are the most widely (a)—group in the world still
leading partly(b)—way of life. They live in a (c)—that spans more than 35,00
miles,(d)—Greenland, the northern fringe of North America and a (e)—of eastern
Siberia. Eskimos are racially distinct from American Indians. They are most
closely (f)—to the Mongolian people of eastern Asia. The Eskimos (g)—adapted
themselves to cold, harsh (h)—because of their highly inventive skill. They
would make (i)—from almost anything and everything. The most spend the winter
in tents in a larger settlement and then (j)—during summer.
Ans:(a) spread (b) aboriginal (c) region (d) including (e) part (f)
related (g) successfully (h) climate (i) inventive (j) things
42. The plan touched down at Katmandu Tribhuvan airport. Masum was
no more (a)---. He was (b)---to see what was outside. The door of the plan
(c)---. Everybody stood in a (d)----and slowly started to walk towards the airport. The cabin crew
(e)---every passenger for traveling with Bangladesh Biman. Neela , Becky and
Masum took their hand (f)---and walked forward. They looked around with (g)—and
climbed down the steps. The (h)---looked like a picture and the high
(i)---range in the background was something Masum had only read about in (j)-.
Ans(a) nervous (b) eager (c)
opened (d) queue (e) greeted (f) luggage (g) interest (h) airport (i)mountain
(j) books
43. There are three important duties on earth. They (a)—duty to
God, duty to parents and duty to mankind. All these (b)—duties are important
because they(c)—us to go a long way. Duty to God helps us to be favoured by
God. If we are favoured by God, we can (d)—in life. Duty to parents is
(e)—important because if our parents are (f)—with us, God will help us to make
our life smooth. Duty to mankind is not negligible. We (g)—be the apple of
God’s eyes by (h)—this last duty. All the great men of the world tried to
(i)—all these duties. So we should (j)—them to be great.
Ans: (a) are (b) three (c) help (d) succeeded (e) also (f) pleased
(g) can (h) performing (i) perform (j) follow
44. Though Bangladesh is not a (a)---- country. Too many people live
(b)--, because most of its lands(c)—fertile and plain. The monsoon causes
(d)—rainfall. The country is crisis-crossed by many (e)--. The country looks
very beautiful (f)—there are green trees and green crops (g)--. Sometimes thee
are (h)--. Then life becomes very difficult and (i)—need boats for (j)—.
Ans: (a) big (b) here (c) are (d) heavy (e) river (f) because (g)
everywhere (h) under (i) people (j) movement
45. Through everybody (a)---freedom (b)---choice, thinking
expressing opinion (c)---working, he has a peaceful society. Every man
(h)---the social responsibility and (i)---every person of (j)---society obeys
it. It has also helped him to (j)---beautiful things.
Ans: (a) loves (b) of (c) and (d) by (e) regulations (f) equal (g)
people (h) has (i) if (j) our
46. Time and tide (a)-----for none. Time goes on and (b)-----.None
can get it (c)-----.A man can regain his (d)-----money and health but cannot
get back his lost time. Time once lost is lost for (e)------.So, we
(f)-----utilize our time. We must do our work (g)-------if we put off our work
for (h)------.We may not get time to do it at all. There are some people
(i)------waste of time for nothing. They can (j)-----succeeded in life.
Ans: (a) waits (b) on (c) back (d) lost (e) ever (f) should (g) properly
(h) tomorrow (i) who (j) not
47. Truth reigns in the world always. False wood may be
(b)------for the time being, it loses sooner or (c)-------.Those who are
engaged in preaching the truth are (d)-----by the people. Those who feel
interested to tell lies can never shine in life. They may prosper seemingly,
they can not be (e)---it for all the time. Socrates throughout his life, was
(f)---- -in preaching the truth. He tried to make people (g)-----and know what
was (h)-----for them. He was troubled by the people .In spite of it, he never
stopped (i)-----good things. We should (j) ------him.
Ans: (a) prevailed (b) later
(c) respected (d) maintain (e)honoured (f) encourage (g) good (h) troubled (i) doing (j) follow
48. Without effort there can
be no (a)—in life. Life (b)—its interest if there is no struggle. Games become
dull, of there is no(c)—in them and if the result can be easily (d)--. No
matter we win the game of lose it the keener the contest, the greater the
(e)--. A victory is not a (f)—triumph unless both sides are equally (g)--.
Whether we like it o not, life is one kind of (h)—competitive exam. It is not a
bed of (i)--. Here only the fittest can (j)--.
Ans: (a) progress (b) losses (c) competition (d) seen (e) enjoyment
(f) real (g) matched for (h)continuous
(i) roses (j) survive
49. Everybody knows that food (a)-----is a crime. Adulterated food
is poisonous and it (b)-----fatal diseases. People (c)------this kind of food
fall a (d)----to liver diseases, cancer, kidney failure and so(e)----.Some
businessmen who are unscrupulous and running (f)----money only do this
(g)----work. They thrive on the (h)- ---of others .The citizens have to die a
(i)----death. Men, women, boys, girls, children and all are (j)--- --killed
without any reason.
Ans: (a) adulteration (b) causes
(c) eating (d) victim (e) on (f) after ( g)heinous (h)miseries (i)unnatural
50. Most libraries are (a) –––––– a systematic way that (b) ––––––
it possible to (c) –––––– any book quite (d)-----. All of the books in a library are organised into (e) –––––– or
classes and then arranged (f) –––––– within their class. There are two systems
(g) –––––– organizing books in a library. One is called the (h) –––––– Decimal
System and the other is known as the library of the (i) –––––– System. Most of
the libraries (j) –––––– the Dewy Decimal System.
(a) arranged (b) makes (c) locate
(d) easily (e) categories (f) alphabetically (g) for (h) dewy (i) congress (j)
51. Most of our country (a)----from poverty. They can hardly keep
body and (b)---together. So, poverty is a great (c)----in our country. However,
this problem is a (d)----of our own. Again there are many (e)---who do not work
(f)----to change their condition. They are very averse to (g)----.But they
blame their lot. They do not know that industry is the (h)----to success.
People say that one idle brain is the (i)---workshop. So, we should work hard
(j)---prosper in life.
An:(a)suffer (b) soul (c)
problem (d) creation (e) people (f)hard (g) work (h) key (i) devil’s (j) to
52. A student (a)----the habit of thinking about something by
himself as no one has ever become great by (b)---others blindly. When his
teacher says something, he should (c)---to understand it, he should (d)---about
it in his own way. If he does not (e)-----with the teacher on any point ,he
should boldly (f)---so to the teacher. A good teacher will never be (g)----at it. He will rather be
glad to (h)----such an intelligent student in his class. A student should think
about the lesson and then (j)---to memory if necessary.
Answer(a) have (b) copying (c) try (d) think (e) agree (f)say
(g)annoyed (h)have (i) understanding (j) keep
53. Road accidents are daily
(a)—in modern city life. Every year thousands of people die and many more are
(b)—in road accidents. So steps to check road accidents need top (c)--. The
increasing volumes of traffic should be (d)--. New roads should be (e)—in
cities and towns. Reckless driving should be dealt with (f)-----punishment.
Defective vehicles must not be (g)—to ply on the roads. Driving license should
be given (h)—of specific (i)----of driving (j)-----.
(a) phenomena/occurrences (b)
injured/wounded (c) priority (d) controlled (e) made/constructed/built (f)
exemplary/severe (g)allowed/permitted (h) view (i) fitness (j) skill
54. Environment plays a (a)—role in our life. To make our
surrounding suitable there is no (b)—of planting trees. Tree plantation
provides fruits, woods, medicine and(c)--. For the (d)—of trees, cultivable
land becomes barren. The sources of rain is (e)--. As trees help to (f)—the
balance of our environment. We should (g)—all to plant more trees. If one cuts
(h)--, he should plant two. Trees are also the (i)—of income. So we must be
(j)—to plan more and more tree.
(a) vital (b)alternate (c) foods
(d) lack (e) decreasing (f)maintain (g)inspire (h)one (i)source (j) conscious
55. Nature has given her (a)—to us more generously (b)—many other
countries of the world. Think about out (c)--. It is soft and (d)--. Out
farmers who have (e)—simple hand made tools can (f)—dig, plough and prepare the
soil with them. Where as (g)—which is (h)—and rocky cannot be so easily dug,
ploughed and (i)—we have a great natural advantages too. We can (j)—most of our
Answer (a) given (b) than (c) land (d) fertile (e) only (f) easily
(g)soil (h)hard (i) prepared (j)cultivate
56. War is a (a)—to human civilization. In older days war was
(b)—to be warriors. But today all people being civilians have to suffer the
(c)—of war. Nobody can (d)—from the bombers of the (e)--. Rich cities, fields
(f)—with green corns and beautiful places are(g)—to ruins. Even the
(h)—children have to die as a (i)--.Men
women, boys, girl, children all are killed without any(j)—.
Answer: (a) curse (b) confined (c) curse (d) escape (e)enemy
(f)fill (g)lead (h)innocent (i)war (j)reason
57. Civility means polite
(a)----or modesty. It also (b)----courteous manner. It is a great virtue
(c)----a man. To be well behaved or good manner we (d)---spend money or wealth.
We have to (e)---willingness to attain civility. We have to (f)---some code of
conduct and (g)---norms of etiquette of the society. It (h)----varies from
society to society. However one has to (i)---good manners in one’s character
from an early age. No expenditure (j)---consciousness is required.
Answer(a) behaviour (b) means (c)
in (d) need not (e) have (f) follow (g) learn (h)sometimes (i) form (j) but
58. The (a)----- of a nation is not an easy matter. It(b)—upon the
selfless and noble (c)—of some worthy sons of the (d)--. They worthy sons of
the (d)--. They work without rest and often(e)—praise. While most of the
(f)—are busy with their (g)—name and comfort, these(h)—persons live and die to
(i)---- the life of their fellow(j)—richer and happier.
Ans (a) progress (b) depends (c) deeds (d) country (e) ignores (f)
persons (g) own (h) dedicated (i) make (j) easier
59. Illiteracy is an (a)—to progress. A nation cannot (b)—if most
of its people are illiterate. The (c)—do no know about their own life. So we
should (d)—our mentality. We should (e)—away illiteracy and poverty from the
(f)—in this regards the government should take proper steps to (g)—the problem.
The government as well as the (h)—people should (i)—to spreads the light of
education. If we work together. Illiteracy will no (j)—stay.
(a) obstacle (b) prosper
(c)illiterate (d) change (e) drive (f) from (g) proper (h) literate (i) come
60. Student life is the golden season of life. This is the time
when we should prepare ourselves for future. The very habits formed in the
student life influenced the later phases of life. Student should have a
(a)-----life. Right (b)-----the student life they (c)---be careful in
(d)---discipline. It is true that (e)----success of life
depends(f)----discipline and perseverance. He (g)----does not have (h)----discipline
in life cannot succeeded (i)-----where in life. So, everybody should be
(j)----about it.
Answer(a) planned (b) from (c) should (d) maintaining (e) real (f)
on (g) who (h) followed (i) any (j)car
61. Hospitality has long (a)----a part of our culture in
Bangladesh.(b)---many other things (c)---changing now. People are still quite
polite and friendly (d)---foreigners. They like (e)---to foreigners even if
they (f)----not been introduced. It is quiet common for Bangladeshis to
(g)—personal questions about family, jobs and income which visitors from
(h)----might find awkward. However, it should be (i)---that no harm is (j)---by
such questions.
Ans: (a) been (b)though (c) are (d) with (e) talking (f) had (g)
ask (h)overseas (i)known (j) done
62. Bangladesh (a)---in the active Earthquake (b)-----.It is a
(c)----natural disaster. It has occurred in the country (d)----times during
recent years. If a (e)----earthquake occurs in Dhaka city (f)---will happen
unthinkable. So, experts are paying more (g)----to the issue of earthquakes in
(h)----times. People should be (i)---and careful about earthquake in the
capital city to (j)----the loss of it occurs.
(a) is/lies (b) zone (c)
serious/dangerous (d)many/several (e)
serious (f) what (g) attention (h) recent (i) alert (j) reduce
63. As mothers, women play an important (a)….in building the
character of their children. There is a proverb in (b)….that the hand that
rocks the (c)…rules the world. The role of women in making a home (d)…is great
(e)……as mothers (f)…., as wives they expert great influence in the family. if a
wife is properly (g)….she can manages the family (h)……A good housewife is an
(i)…..She (j)….the burden of her husband.
(a) role (b) fact (c) cradle (d)
happy (e) wives (f) family (g) educated (h) well (i) ideal (j) shares