Pre A_© c~‡e©, position A_©
myZivs Preposition A_© c~‡e©
Ae¯’vb| A_©vr †h me kã Noun ev
Pronoun Gi
c~‡e© e‡m ev‡K¨i Ab¨vb¨ k‡ãi wK m¤cK© Zv cÖKvk K‡i Zv‡K Preposition e‡j| †hgbt
The book is
on the table. He came here at noon.
(At, in, on, to, of, into, for,
under, above, from, than, by, with, after, among, against, beside, behind,
before, between, down, over, towards)
Kinds of Preposition
There are Seven kinds of preposition. They are given below.
1. Simple Preposition.
2. Double Preposition.
3. Compound Preposition.
4. Phrase Preposition.
5. Participle Preposition.
6. Disguised Preposition.
7. Detached Preposition.
1. Simple Preposition: †hme
Preposition ïaygvÎ
GKwU word Øviv
MwVZ, Zv‡`i‡K Simple Preposition e‡j| †hgbt by, At, in, with, on, to, of, off,
from, up, over, for, under, after, through,
2. Double Preposition: `ywU
Simple Preposition wb‡q MwVZ nq Double Preposition. †hgbt from off, onto (on+to), within(with + in), Into (in+to), without (with + out), among, under from, far form, etc.
3. Compound Preposition: †h
Preposition `yB
ev Z‡ZvwaK word Øviv MwVZ Zv‡`i‡K Compound Preposition e‡j| †hgbt
(by + low) = below, (on+cross)=
across, (by+ hind)= behind. (on+ long)=along, (by+side)= beside. (on+by+up)= above, (on+sleep)=
asleep, (by+ fore) = before. (on+
wait)= await, (on+ by+ out)= about, (by + side) = beside. Etc.
4. Phrase Preposition: †Kvb Phrase hLb
Preposition Gi
KvR K‡i ZLb Zv‡K Phrase preposition e‡j| †hgbt In order to, In stead
of, In force of, In account of, By dint of, By all means, On behalf of, In the
eve of, In lieu of Etc.
5. Participle Preposition: †hme Word Present or Past
Participle ev‡K¨i
g‡a¨ e‡m Preposition Gi KvR K‡i Zv‡`i‡K Participle Preposition e‡j| †hgbt
Pending, During, except, respecting,
save, past, regarding, considering.
6. Disguised
Preposition ( QÙ‡ek Preposition): †h
Preposition QÙ
†e‡k _v‡K Zv‡`i‡K Disgusied Preposition e‡j| †hgbt
The King went a
(=on) hunting.
It is 5 O’clock
in the evening. (O’= of) ,
In sleep= asleep
7. Detached
Preposition: †h
Preposition ev‡K¨i
cÖ_‡g bv e‡m ev‡K¨i †k‡l e‡m Zv‡`i‡K Detached Preposition e‡j|
What is
evsjv wefw³ mg~‡ni Bs‡iwR cÖwZiƒct
à |
k~b¨ |
Abid is a
doctor. (No preposition) |
à †K , †i, †Z, cÖwZ, wbK‡U, Kv‡Q |
to |
He goes to
school. (¯‹z‡ji cÖwZ ev w`‡K)
The gift was given
to my friend. (Avgvi eÜy‡K) |
3qv à Øviv, w`qv, KZ…K |
by (e¨w³)
, with (e¯‘), along, through (‡Kv‡bv wKQzi ga¨w`‡q) , with (Kv‡iv mv‡_) |
The letter
is written by me. The letter
is written with pen. |
à 2qv wefw³i b¨vq| |
For |
I waited for
him. |
5gxàn‡Z , †_‡K, †P‡q, A‡c¶v |
from, since,
than. |
The books
fell from the table. He will not
take less than twenty Taka. |
à (i/Gi) |
's (e¨w³), of (evw³, e¯‘) |
This dress
is of Abid. |
1gv/7gxà G, Bq, †Z, G‡Z |
to, at, in,
into, up, upon. |
He lives in |
†K K‡iwQ Rq
kni, bMi, cÖ‡`k, †`k
G‡`i Av‡M in ewm‡q Ki‡e †ek †ek|
mßvn, gvm, eQi, FZz; `kK, hyM, kZvãx
G‡`i Av‡M in emv‡bv nq AvR
cÖfvZ, `ycyi, †Mva~wj, ivZ
G‡`i Av‡M At ewm‡q Ki‡e evwRgvZ|
mg‡qi Av‡M at e‡m, w`‡bi Av‡M on
w`‡bi Ask fv‡M in bv emv‡j; gv_vq Ki‡e fb fb|
Festival G at , b¤^‡iI at, with nq e¯‘‡Z
Preposition wkL‡e dzwZ©‡Z|
Person G by , cv‡k †evSv‡ZI by , hvbevn‡bI ZvB
Article w`‡j on nq, (hvbevn‡bi
Av‡M ) wKš‘ in a car.
`¶Zv A`¶Zvq at bv emv‡j me n‡e QviLvi|
‡QvU n‡j at, eo n‡j in, KLb nq?
GB cv_©K¨ bv eyS‡j g‡b _vK‡e fq|
evwni †_‡K wfZ‡i into e¨envi K‡iv †i
wfZi †_‡K evwn‡i nq out
Preposition bv eyS‡j gyW
_vK‡e off.
†j‡M _vK‡j on nq, bB‡j above
Since, for †evS bv, Z‡e bvI
†Kb fve?
ïi“ †evSv‡Z since nq, bB‡j For.
MwZ †evSv‡Z (Dci w`‡q) Over, bx‡P n‡j Under.
Preposition Avm‡jB Lye gRvi|
gvÎv (¯—i) eySv‡Z below.
Preposition wkL‡Z †c‡i, Avwg AvwQ Lye
Dci †_‡K bx‡P nq Onto (MwZ †evSv‡Z)
mv‡_ †evSv‡Z with
nq, w`K †evSv‡Z to
†Kvb wKQzi wfZi w`‡q †h‡Z nq through. (evav _vK‡j)
G cvk †_‡K Icv‡k (‡h‡Z) nq across (evav bv _vK‡j)
Preposition wkL‡j †bB †Kvb Loss.
Gi †evSv‡Z of
Preposition- †K AvR K‡iwQ Rq|
Following are the specific area to use
prepositions. |
Preposition of Place, Position and Direction (in, at, on,
by, next, to, beside, ) |
In |
In the room. |
At |
At the window. At the office. |
On |
On the table. |
By |
Sitting by
the woman. |
Above |
Above the sky. |
To |
Go to
university. |
Towards |
Towards east. |
From |
Fled from
home. |
Into |
Jumped into
the well. |
Preposition of time |
At |
At 10 a.m., at dawn, at
noon, at night, at an early age. |
After |
After 3 O’clock, after his arrival. |
Before |
Before the 15th July. |
By |
By 4 p.m. |
During |
During five years. During the whole
day/summer, during five years. |
From |
From 1st January. |
For |
For a week/month. |
In |
In June, in 2010, in the
morning/evening/afternoon. |
On |
On Sunday. |
Since |
Since he comes. |
Within |
Within three days. |
throughout |
Throughout the year. |
Preposition of Reason or Purpose |
For |
For the good of the people, died for
the country. |
Form |
Died from
fatigue, suffering from fever/cold. |
Of |
Died of
cancer. |
Through |
Lost his pen through
negligence |
With |
Trembles with
fear shivers with fever. |
1. †QvU ¯’v‡bi c~‡e© I wbw`©ó w¯’i we›`y eySv‡Zt Farsi lives at Racecourse.
2. wbw`©ó mg‡qi c~‡e©t Tohfa came to me at 6 p.m.
3. eq‡mi c~‡e©t Raisa went to school at five.
4. w`‡K-eySv‡Z-Farhan pointed the gun at the bird.
5. `vwqZ¡ eySv‡Z- Rafi completed the work at his own risk.
6. †Kv‡bv cÖwZôv‡bi c~‡e©- Mr. Saiful works at the
is at the office.
7. †Kvb wKQz †h Ae¯’v‡b Av‡Q-eySv‡Zt
Forid arrived late at the
The Accident happened at the corner of the street.
8. Kv‡iv
`¶Zv eySv‡Zt Nasrin is good
at English.
Esrat is help less at
managing people.
9. gvÎv eySv‡Zt I drive at 70 km per hour.
I run at the speed of a
10. j¶ Kiv ev ZvKv‡bv A‡_©t Look at the picture.
He aims at the tiger.
11. we`ª“c ev gyL †fsPv‡bv A‡_©t Don’t laugh at the poor.
faces at me.
12. SzuwK †bqv ev fqven cwibwZ
eySv‡Zt He
went there at the risk of his own life.
13. g~j¨ †evSv‡Z- I bought the shirt at TK. 200.
In (G, q , †Z)
i) Polybags are used in many ways.
[SSC-DHB-12] (cwje¨vM
A‡bKfv‡e(G) eŸnvi Kiv nq| )
Kajol is watching TV
in the drawing room. KvRj ˆeVK K‡¶ (G) wUwf †`L‡”Q|
I saw a cow in the
garden. Avwg evMv‡b (G) GKwU Mi“ †`‡LwQjvg|
ii) He always tries to cut a good figure in the
examination.[SSC-DHB-10] (‡m me©`v cix¶vq fvj djvdj K‡i)
iii) There is a lot of fish in the river. ( b`x‡Z
cÖPzi gvQ Av‡Q|)
iv) He wrote to me in English. (‡m Avgv‡K Bs‡iwR‡Z wj‡LwQj)
GQvovI Gi Av‡iv wKQz e¨envi wb‡P †`qv njt
1. eo ¯’v‡bi c~‡e©- Liyakot
lives in
2. †Kvb RvqMv ev GjvKvi c~‡e©- The boy was playing in the field. Sosmita is
swimming in the pond.
3. †Kvb wKQzi wfZ‡i †evSv‡Z- Kajol is watching TV in the drawing room.
Kaspriya went out in
the rain.
I saw a cow in the
Happiness lies in
4. mßvn, gvm, eQi I Kv‡ji c~‡e©- Rifat came to his village home in a week. Tohfa
was born in August in 1995. I will go to
5. mxgvbvi g‡a¨- Comilla is in the south of
†Kvb e¨w³ ev e¯‘i Ae¯’v †evSv‡Z- My sister is in a hurry. Rosidul is in good health.
6. wb‡Pi Adjective ¸‡jvi c‡i- in e‡m|
Absorbed, abstemious, accurate, accomplished, assiduous, backward,
bigoted, correct, defective, deficient, experience, diligent, enveloped,
fertile, foiled, honest, implicated, interested, involved, proficient, remiss,
temperate, versed ect.
7. wb‡Pi Verb ¸‡jvi c‡i- in e‡m|
Believe, acquiesce,
dabble, delight, employ, enlist, excel, fall, glory, increase, indulge,
involve, preserve, persist etc.
8. †cvkv‡K mw¾Z Ae¯’v ev we‡kl
†cvkvK G mvRv‡bv †evSv‡Z- He is in full shirt.
1| DcwiZj ¯ck© ev Dc‡i †evSv‡Z-
There is a picture
on the wall.
The book is on the
2| RxweKv wbe©vn †evSv‡Z- Kabir lives on a low income. Mr. Shafiq is
living on his
pension. The cow
lives on grass.
3| wbw`©ó w`b, ZvwiL Gi c~‡e©- Saowda went to Comilla on Friday.
4| †Kvb wel‡qi Dci †evSv‡Z- I have started a course on computer.
5| Dcj¶/ Abymvi †evSv‡Z- Kajol forgave Samiha on my request.
Jarin invited me on
her birthday.
He appilied for the
job on their advice.
I thank on your
6| ciciB †evSv‡Z- On
reading the letter, he went.
7| w`K †evSv‡Z- They are on the left.
8| wb‡Pi word ¸‡jvi c‡i
on e‡m.
Attack, authority,
based, calculate, decide, determined, found, fall, fire, gain, influence,
impose, insist, lecture, outlook, operate, pounce, revenge, speak, silent, Comment, Feed, Live,
Decide, Deliberate, Depend, Determine, Dwell, Subsist, Embark, Encroach,
Enlarge, Impose, Insist, Intrude, Resolve |
on |
To (†K/
w`‡K/ Rb¨ / cÖwZ)
i) †K: The pen was given to Ratri. (KjgwU ivw·Ki †`Iqv n‡qwQj)
ii) w`‡K: Mr.
Shaown is going to
(wg. kvIb Bsj¨v‡Û(Bsj¨v‡Ûi
w`‡K) hv‡”Q| )
He went to college yesterday.
Farsi is going to
iii) Rb¨: Smoking
is very injurious to health. (a~gcvb
¯^v‡¯’i Rb¨ ¶wZKi| )
iv) cÖwZ:
Drug addiction means strong attraction to
any harmful things.
(‡Kvb ¶wZKi wRwb‡mi cÖwZ cÖej AvKl©Y‡K †bmvq Avmw³ e‡j| )
He is sympathetic to me.
GQvovI Gi Av‡iv wKQz e¨envi wb‡P †`qv njt
1| Abyhvqx †evSv‡Z- The dish is not to my taste.
2| mgq cÖihš— †evSv‡Z- He fought to the end of the battle.
3| gy‡LvgywL ev †Nulv‡Nuwl A‡_©- Talk
to him face to face.
4| D‡Ïk¨ ev Abymv‡i- Send the book to him.
5| Gi A‡_©- Industry is the key to success.
6| Zzjbv ev AbycvZ - We won the game by four goals to zero.
7| mgq evwK Av‡Q †evSv‡Z- It is quarter to ten. How long is it to lunch?
8. wb‡Pi word ¸‡jvi c‡i
To e‡m.
Adhere, Alternative,
addicted, accustomed, adjacent, affectionate, allot, allude, alien,
appropriate, access, attention, beneficial, contribute, callous, common,
conducive, congenial, detrimental, devoted, due, essential, equal, faithful, favorable,
irrelevant, listen, limited, natural, necessary, obedient, opposite, prior,
prefer, suited etc. |
to |
For (Rb¨/
i) Rb¨: Begum
Rokeya dedicated her life for the convenience of women. (‡eMg †iv‡Kqv bvix‡`i Rb¨ Rxeb DrmM©
This gift is for
you. (†Zvgvi
Rb¨ GB Dcnvi)
What can I do for
you? (‡Zvgvi
Rb¨ Kx Ki‡Z cvwi? )
ii) Kvi‡Y: He
died for the country.
†`‡ki Rb¨ Rxeb DrmM© K‡i‡Qb|)
She took
medicine for attacking fever.
(R¡‡i Avµvš— nIqvi Kvi‡Y †m Ilya †meb K‡iwQj|)
Rajshahi is
famous for mangoes.
iii) Awbw`©ó mgq eySv‡Z- He has
been waiting for me for three hours.
I am for the proposal.
They voted for independence in referendum.
iv) D‡Ïk¨ eySv‡Z- Hakim has
come to
Let us go for a walk.
I am learning English for pleasure.
wb‡Pi Word ¸‡jvi ci For e‡m|
Ambition (DÓPvKv•¶v),
Desire (cÖej
AvKv•¶v), Respect (m¤§vb ), Esteem(D”Pg~j¨ †`Iqv), Affection (cÖxwZ , ggZv , †øn , Av‡Em), Fitness
(Dc‡hvwMZv, kvixwiK †hvM¨Zv), Anxiety
(D‡ØM), Fondness (AbyivM,
ggZv) Apology (gvc PvIqv
, ΓwU¯^xKvi , ¶gvcÖv_©bv) Guarantee
(Rvwgb) Appetite (¶zav iƒwP‡hŠbevmbv cÖf…wZ †gUvBevi
AvKv•¶v) Leisure (Aemi)
Aptitude (cÖeYZv) Liking (Awfi“wP) Blame (†`vlv‡ivc Kiv) Match (mgK¶,
µxov cÖwZ‡hvwMZv, w`qvkjvB) Candidate (cÖv_©x)
Prediction (fwel¨revwY; ) Capacity
(aviY¶gZv , mvg_¨©) Pretext (AwQjv, ARynvZ) Compassion (Ki“Yv, ci`ytLKvZiZv) Relish (LvËqvi B”Qv, iƒwP)
Compensate (¶wZc~iY
Kiv) Remorse (Zxeª
Aby‡kvPbv) Contempt (AeÁv ,
N„Yv) Reputation(L¨vwZ,
gh©v`v) Carving (†Lv`vB)
Surety (RgvbZ) Hope (Avkv Kiv) Pity(`y:
†Li welq , mg‡e`bv)\Long (BÓQv †cvlb Kiv) Lust (Kvgbv Kiv)
Yearn (mg‡e`bv
cvevi Rb¨ e¨vKzj) Aspire (AvKvs¶v)
Account (Revew`wn Kiv) Atone(AbyZvc), ament (†kvK
Kiv) Wait (A‡c¶v Kiv) Search (†LvuRv) lament (KvbœvKvwU)
Indispensable (Acwinvh©)
canvass (cÖPviYv
Pvjv‡bv) anxious (DwØMœ) care (g‡bv‡hvM , ¸i“Z¡ , mveavbZv)
angry (Amš‘ó , ivMvwš^Z)
clamour (`vwe
, we‡¶vf) mad (Db¥v`x) feel (Dcjwä Kiv |) celebrated (m¤§vb
cÖ`k©b Kiv ) mourn (Mfxi `ytL †`Iqv , †kvKvZ© Kiv ),
concerned (wPš—vwbgMœ),
pine (AvKzjfv‡e
AvKv•Lv Kiv) conspicuous (`„wó-AvKl©YKvix ), start (V)(N) (ïi“
(N) , Avi¤¢ Kiv (V) customary(wbqggvwdK) stipulate (†c¨©vRbxq
kZ© wn‡m‡e †Kv‡bv welq †Rvi Kiv
designed (cwiKwíZ),
sue (V) (Av`vj‡Z Awfhy³ Kiv , gvgjv
Kiv ) destined(Mš—e¨) wish (B”QzK nIqv) eager (AvKzj
AvKv•¶x) proper (h_vh_)
eligible (Dchy³) qualified (gvbm¤cbœ, †hvM¨) eminent (gnvb) ready(Adj.) (cÖ¯‘Z
) fit (Dchy³) sorry
(interj.)(Adj.) (`ytwLZ
) good (fv‡jv
, m‡š—vlRbK) sufficient (Adj.) (h‡_ó ,
ch©ß) grateful(K…ZÁ)Useful (DcKvix
) notorious (KzL¨vZ) prepared(cÖ¯‘Zx)
penitent(AbyZß ) Ambition(D”PvKv•¶v)
Desire (cÖej
AvKv•¶v) Respect(m¤§vb)Esteem (D”Pg~j¨
†`Iqv) Affection (cÖxwZ ,
ggZv , †øn , Av‡eMFitness (Dc‡hvwMZv,
kvixwiK †hvM¨Zv/) Anxiety(D‡ØM) Fondness(AbyivM, ggZv) Apology (gvc PvIqv
, ΓwU¯^xKvi , ¶gvcÖv_©bv) Guarantee (Rvwgb)
Appetite(¶zav iƒwP‡hŠbevmbv cÖf…wZ
†gUvBevi AvKv•¶v) Leisure (Aemi)
Aptitude (cÖeYZv Liking Awfi“wP) Blame (†`vlv‡ivc Kiv) Match mgK¶, µxov cÖwZ‡hvwMZv,
w`qvkjvB) Candidate (cÖv_©x) rediction (fwel¨revwY
) Capacity (aviY¶gZv
, mvg_¨©) Pretext (AwQjv,
ARynvZ) Compassion (Ki“Yv, ci`ytLKvZiZv Relish (LvËqvi
B”Qv, iƒwP) Compensate (¶wZc~iY Kiv ) Remorse (Zxeª Aby‡kvPbv) Contempt (AeÁv , N„Yv Reputation (L¨vwZ,
gh©v`v) Carving (†Lv`vB) Surety (RgvbZ) Hope (Avkv Kiv)
Pity (`y:
†Li welq , mg‡e`bv) Long (B”Q v
†cvlb Kiv Lust (Kvgbv Kiv) Yearn (mg‡e`bv cvevi Rb¨ e¨vKzj) Aspire (AvKvs¶v)
Account (Revew`wn Kiv) Atone (AbyZvc) Lament (†kvK Kiv) Wait (A‡c¶v Kiv)
Search (†LvuRv)
By (Øviv/
cv‡k/ hvZvqvZ)
i) Øviv: The
snake was killed by Fahim. (dvwn‡gi Øviv), The cake was
eaten by the dog.
ii) cv‡k: He
sat by me. (‡m Avgvi cv‡k emj), He lives by our house.
Avgvi evwoi cv‡k evm K‡i| )
He came and sat by me.
Jerry sat by the fire.
The phone is by the window.
à by land.
à by air. He will go abroad by air.
(‡m wegvb‡hv‡M we‡`‡k hv‡e)
à by water.
iii) hvZvqvZ: I
went there à à by boat.
à by bus.
à by train.
à by launch.
Tips: †Kvb KvR wb‡Ri kw³‡Z Kiv eySv‡j
on wKš‘
wb‡Ri kw³‡Z Kiv bv eySv‡j by e‡m| †hgb-
I went there on
foot. (Avwg
cv‡q †nu‡U †mLv‡b wM‡qwQjvg| )
iv) fwel¨Z wbKU mgq eySv‡Z- He will reach there by 10
I shall
finish the work by 5 O'clock.
v) kc_ Kiv eySv‡Z- He swore by Allah that he would pray
five times a day.
vi) †Kvb e¨vw³ ev e¯‘‡K AwZµg Kiv eySv‡Z- He walked by
Pollab without speaking. They
passed by the forest.
with (mv‡_/
wb‡q/ w`‡q/ AwaKvix)
i) mv‡_ : Do you go with me?
wK Avgvi mv‡_ hv‡e? )
ii) wb‡q: I went to school with
an umbrella. (GKwU QvZv wb‡q Avwg ¯‹z‡j wM‡qwQjvg)
iii) w`‡q: He killed a bird with a
gun. (‡m
e›`yK w`‡q GKwU cvwL wkKvi Kij|)
iv) AwaKvix: I saw a woman with black hair.
Kv‡jv P‡ji AwaKvix GK bvix‡K †`‡LwQjvg)
v) m‡Ë¡I eySv‡Z- Sabbir is unhappy with all his riches.
vi) wb‡Pi Word ¸‡jvi ci with e‡m|
blessed (myLx
(Adj.), ab¨
(Adj.), cweÎ
(Adj.), †mŠfvM¨kvjx
(Adj.), ¯^M©myLcÖvß
acquainted (cwiwPZ,
Ávbx, wkw¶Z), afflicted (wbcxwoZ), beset (Pv‡ivw`K w`‡q Ae‡iva Kiv) ,
busy, compatible (aviYv, hyw³), complaint (Awf‡hvM ),
consistent (AwePwjZ , AUj), contemporary (mgKvjxb,
mgeq¯‹ ,GKeqmx), contented (mš‘ó ), contrasted (wecixZ
), conversant (fv‡jviKg cwiwPwZ ), convulsed (gyP‡o aij
), delighted, digested, drenched, endowed, fatigued (kªvš—
), fired, gifted, infatuated (AÁvb), infected (`~wlZ
nIqv), infested (Dc`ª“Z), inspired, intimate (AwZcwiwPZ,
Avfvm †`Iqv), invested, overcome, popular, replete (cwic~Y©),
satiated (Z…ß),
satisfied, touched, agree (Kv‡iv mv‡_ GKgZ nIqv), associate (mnKvix ,
mn‡hvMx) , abounds(Dov, DcPvBqv cov), deal (‡jb‡`b
Kiv), hurt (AvNvZ cvIqv), bear (enb Kiv‡Kv‡bv wKQzi Øviv
cwiwPZ nIqv ,bear (enb Kiv‡Kv‡bv wKQzi Øviv cwiwPZ nIqv
), clash (msN‡l©
wjß nIqv), face, coincide (wg‡j hvIqv), comply (‡g‡b †bqv),
charge, condole (‡kvKcÖKvk Kiv), cope (‡c‡i IVv), correspond
nIqv , wgj nIqv), credit, deluge (gnvcveb, R‡jv”Q¡vm) ,
disagree, dispense (eÈb Kiv), expostulate (hyw³ †`Lvb
ev ZK© Kiv) , fill, grapple (`ynv‡Z Rwo‡q aiv),
intrigue (Pµvš—
(N), lo¨š¿ (N)) , meddle, part, quarrel, demonstrate (nv‡Z-Kj‡g
†`Lv‡bv) , side, sympathize, vie (cvjv †`qv), play, Differ (Kv‡iv
wfbœ gZ †cvlb Kiv), Compare, Commence (Avi¤¢ Kiv)
Of (i, Gi)
i) i/ Gi/‡`i eySv‡Z- My father is a man of great
The name of my friend is Shamim.
The table was made of wood.
This is the book of Rana.
I like houses made of brick.
ii) wKQzi Øviv eySv‡Z- The glass is full of milk.
iii) cwievi †_‡K Avmv eySv‡Z- He came of a noble family.
vi) wb‡Pi Word ¸‡jvi ci of e‡m|
Jealous (Ck©vwš^Z
, fv‡jvevmvi e¨vcv‡i cÖwZØÜxi f‡q kw¼Z), free, accused (Awfhy³), impatient
acquitted (Lvjvmx), ashamed (jw¾Z), afraid, apprehensive (kw¼Z ,DwØMœ ),
apprised (AewnZ
Kiv), assured (wbwðZ,Avk¦¯’ Kiv), aware, bereft (wcÖ়Rb -
wb‡qvMweayi), bought, cautious (mZK©), certain, composed (iPbv Kiv),
characteristic (‰ewkógq), confident, conscious, convicted (Acivax ),
convinced (wbðq,
wek¦¯— ), covetous (‡jvfx), defrauded (VwK‡q †bqv),
deprived, desirous (B”QzK), destitute (wbt¯^), devoid (wenxb),
diffident (AvÍwek¦vmnxb),
distasteful (AiƒwPKi ), dull (welYè), easy, envious (wnsmyK),
fearful, food, greedy, guilty, heedless (AmZK©, Ag‡bv‡hvMx
), igorant, informed, innocent, irrespective (wbi‡c¶), lame (c•¸ ),
lavish (D`viwPË
, gy³n¯—), negligent (AmveavbZv , Ag‡bv‡hvMx ),
productive, proud, regardless (wPš—v/we‡ePbv bv Kiv),
sanguine (i³eY©
,iw³g), sensible (Bw›`ªqMÖvn¨), sick, slow, sure, suspicious (m‡›`nRbK,
m‡›`ncÖeY), tolerant, vain (wbõj, e„_v), void (k~b¨,
evwZj ), weary (K¬vš— K¬vwš—Ki), worthy ( PgrKvi ,
†hvM¨ ) , Acquit(wgU¥vU Kiv, †eKmyi
Lvjvm †`Iqv), learn, admit, beware (ûuwkqvi Kiv, mZK© nIqv), boast (Me©),
complain, despair (nZvkv), die, disapprove (Aby‡gv`b
bv Kiv), dispose (myweb¨¯— Kiv ), divest ( wee¯¿ Kiv
, AwaKviP¨yZ Kiv), dream, heal (Av‡ivM¨ Kiv ev nIqv), judge,
taste etc
About (m¤^‡Ü/ cÖvq/ Pviw`‡K)
i) m¤^‡Ü: He
was concerned about his examination.
( †m Zvi
cix¶v m¤^‡Ü DwØMœ| )
I know about
him. (
Avwg Zvi m¤^‡Ü Rvwb)
The book is
about human mind.
Tell me about
the incident.
ii) cÖvq: I
need about one thousand taka.
train is about to start.
The man is
about to die.
iii) Pviw`‡K: There is a fence about the
(evMv‡b Pviw`‡K GKwU †eov Av‡Q|)
He looked
about the room.
From (‡_‡K/n‡Z)
i) He is coming home from school. (‡m ¯‹zj
†_‡K evwo Avm‡Q)
ii) The girl came
from abroad.
iii)The train arrived from
iv) I have heard it
from Natasha.
v) I want relief from
vi) The apple fell from the tree. (Av‡cjwU MvQ †_‡K c‡owQj)
vii) wb‡Pi Word ¸‡jvi ci
From e‡m|
Distance (`~iZ¡), deliverance (D×vi), descent (AeZiY),
digression (Aevš—iZv),
scope (my‡hvM),
exemption (Ae¨vnwZ),
inference (AbywgwZ),
respite (AeKvk),
abstain (weiZ
_vKv), relieve (Dckg Kiv), part (Ask), alight (AeZiY
Kiv), cease (¶vwš—), debar (cÖwZ‡la Kiv), drive (Pvjv‡bv),
derogate (Le©),
desist (GK_v
cwinvi Ki), deviate(c_åó), differ(gZ‡f`),
digress (g~j
MwZc_ †_‡K m‡i), dissent (wfbœgZ), elicit (Uvwbqv
Kiv), emerge (DÌvb), escape (Ae¨vnwZ), exclude (ev`),
prevent (cÖwZ‡iva),
), protect (i¶v ), recoil (cðv`cmiY ), recover (cybi“×vi),
refrain (weiZ)
During (mg‡q): What are you going to do during
the next autumn vacation?
Note: During Gi cwie‡Z© In e¨envi Kiv
Part 3
1. In/At :
In + eo ¯’vb / †ewk mgq /////// At + †QvU ¯’vb / Aí mgq
Ex: i) Tuli lived in
ii) Tohfa went
to market at 5 p.m. in the evening.
Note: mKvj,
weKvj, mܨv, FZz, gvm Ges eQ‡ii c~‡e©
in e‡m|
Ex: in the
morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, in the summer, in the rainy season,
in July, in 2013.
N.B: mg‡qi
c~‡e© in em‡j
Zvici Noun Gi
c~‡e© the e‡m|
wKš‘ mg‡qi c~‡e©
at em‡j
Zvici the e‡m
He came to me at
7 pm in the evening.
The man died in 2005.
In/ Into :
†Kvb wKQzi wfZ‡i Aew¯’Z (w¯’wZkxj) eySv‡Z in e‡m| Ges
†fZ‡i cÖ‡ek ev cwieZ©b eySv‡Z into e¨eüZ nq|
Ex: i)
The students are in the class room.
ii) He went
into the room.
iii) Water
change into vapour.
iv) Come in
to the house.
v) The fruit
can be made into jam.
On/ In/ At
w`b ev ZvwiL Gi Av‡M On
gvm ev eQ‡ii Av‡M in
wbw`©ó mg‡qi Av‡M at
I joined the job at 8 am on Saturday in 2012.
In/ Within
fwel¨r Kv‡j wbw`©ó e¨vcK mg‡qi †kl gyn~‡Z© †evSv‡Z within e‡m|
àmg‡qi g‡a¨
†evSv‡Z in e‡m|
I will be back in a week. (mßv‡ni
I will be back within a week. (mßv‡ni
†kl w`‡K)
In/ To/ On
mxgvi g‡a¨ eySv‡Z in e‡m|
mxgvi evB‡i eySv‡Z to e‡m|
mxgvi g‡a¨ Dcwifv‡M eySv‡Z on e‡m| | †hgbt
iii) Barishal
stands on the Kirthonkhola river.
iv) Rangpur is
the north of
v) The Bay of
Bengal is to the south of
vi) Tajindong
is on
the south of
On/ Over/ Above
i) On (Dc‡i) : Zj ¯ck© K‡i _vK‡j on e‡m| †hgb-
The ball is on my
ii) Over (Dc‡i): Zj Dc‡i
_vK‡j Over e‡m| †hgb-
The shade is over
my head.
The fan
over my head.
iii) Above (Dc‡i): Av‡iv Dc‡i
eySv‡Z above e‡m| †hgbt
The sky is above
Since/ For/From
Since + perfect/
perfect continuous tense + wbw`©ó mgq
From + all tense +
For + Awbw`©ó mgq
i) Our examination has been
running since December.
ii) Our examination has been
running for a month.
iii) It has been raining since
iv) It has been raining for a
v) It did not rain from January.
By/ With
†h KvR K‡i Zvi c~‡e© by Ges †h hš¿ ev nvwZqvi Øviv
K‡i Zvi c~‡e© With e‡m| †hgb-
The dog was
bitten by the boy with a stick.
The snack was
killed by the boy with a stick.
Between/ Among
`yRb e¨w³ ev e¯‘i g‡a¨ eySv‡j between Ges `y‡qi
AvwaK eySv‡j among e‡m| †hgb-
i) Divide the fruits between
Kajol and
Ii) Divide the fruits among
the girls.
iii) Divide the fruits among
Jui, Jasmin and Mahi.
Below/ Under
Zj ¯ck© K‡i _vK‡j below Ges Zj ¯ck© K‡i bv _vK‡j
under e‡m|
i) There is a
bag below
the box.
ii) Keep the
basket under the table.
in/ after
à wKQz mgq c‡i ev wKQz mg‡qi g‡a¨ +
Future tense + in e‡m|
à wKQz mgq c‡i ev wKQz mg‡qi g‡a¨ +
Past tense + after e‡m|
i) I shall come back in a week/ month/ year.
ii) I came back after a week/ month year.
iii) They came back after a while. (not in)
iv) Fahim will come in a few minutes. (not after)
In order
to/ With a view to
à †Kv‡bv
wKQz Kivi D‡Ïk¨ cÖKvk Ki‡Z GB `ywU Phrase e‡m|
In order to + infinitive
With a view to + V+ ing
à ev` w`‡q
ev e¨wZ‡i‡K †evSv‡Z Expect e‡m|
à Qvov ev
†bB A‡_© Without e‡m|
I like him expect his hair style.
I can not do without him.
Preposition Gi Ae¯’vb
i) Preposition + Noun/Pronoun/Objective/Present
Ex: Education is essential for
any kind of development.
Tohfa is a beneficiary of
this project.
Oni had done some unnecessary
works for me.
Konika worries more about
getting married.
Appropriate Preposition
Abide by- |
‡g‡b Pjv |
we should abide by our parents advice. |
Absorbed in- |
wbgMœ |
He is absorbed in deep sleep. |
Abstain from- |
weiZ _vKv |
Everyone should abstain from
sin. |
Access to- |
wbK‡U hvevi AwaKvi |
We have access to our
English teacher. |
by- |
mv‡_ wb‡q |
He came to the meeting accompanied by his
supporters. |
According to- |
Abymv‡i |
He acted according to my decision. |
of- |
Awf‡hvM Kiv |
He was accused of murder. |
Accustomed to
– |
Af¨¯— |
He was accustomed to drink tea. |
Abound with |
cÖPzi cwigv‡b we`¨gvb _vKv |
The Padma abounds with hilsha fish. |
Absent from |
Abycw¯’Z |
He was absent from the meeting |
Accompanied with |
GKms‡M NUv |
He has feve accompanied with headache. |
Accused for |
Awfhy³ |
He is accused for the thief. |
Acquit of |
Lvjvm †`qv |
I acqiut you of the charge. |
Adjacent to |
msjMœ |
His school is adjacent to his house. |
Admit of |
¯^xK…wZ cvIqv |
Your conduct admits of on excuse. |
Admit into |
cÖ‡ekvwaKvi †`Iqv |
He was admitted into the room. |
Addection for |
†øn |
The teacher feels affection for every
pupil. |
Affectionate to |
‡mœnkxj |
He is affectionate to me. |
Afraid of |
fxZ |
I am not afraid of ghosts. |
Agree with |
ivRx nIqv (e¨w³) |
I agree with you on this point. |
Agree to |
ivRx nIqv (cÖ¯—ve) |
I cannot agree to all the proposals. |
Aim at |
j¶¨ Kiv |
He aimed his gun at the bird. |
Alarmed at |
AvZw¼Z |
We were alarmed at the news. |
Allot to |
wewj Kiv |
Alternative to |
weKí |
Aloof from |
`~‡i _vKv |
Angry with |
ivM Kiv (e¨w³) |
He is angry with me for speaking against
him. |
Angry for |
†Kv‡bv wKQzi Rb¨ ivM Kiv |
Angry at |
ivM |
I am angry at your conduct. |
Annoyed with (Person) |
wei³ |
I was annoyed with him for being late. |
Annoyed for (Something) |
I was annoyed for this matter. |
with- |
cwiwPZ |
Rina is acquainted with me. |
Add to- |
‡hvM †`qv |
Rural women are added to the family
income. |
Addicted to- |
Lvivc Kv‡R Avm³ |
Reza is addicted to drug. |
Abhorrent to |
N„Yv |
Corruption is abhorrent to the honest. |
Adhere to- |
‡j‡M _v‡K |
A brilliant student never adhere to his study. |
to- |
‡j‡M _vKv |
I must adhere to him. |
Admit to- |
fwZ© nIqv |
I was admitted to Britannia University. |
amazed at- |
wew®§Z nIqv |
I amazed at him. |
Ambition for- |
D”PvKv•Lv |
We should not have ambition
for worldly wealth. |
about/for- |
wPwš—Z |
Sila is anxious about/for her
examination. |
Apart from- |
Qvov |
Apart from this, I have three books. |
to- |
Dchy³ |
Her dress was not appropriate to the
marriage ceremony. |
Believe in – |
wek¦vm Kiv |
I don not believe in his word. |
Belong to- |
AwaKvix nIqv |
The pen belongs to me. |
Blind to – |
‡`‡LI bv †`Lv |
She is blind to her daughter’s fault. |
Born in- |
Rb¥ |
was born in Comilla. |
Bring about- |
NUv‡bv |
Don’t bring about a war. |
Burst into- |
Kvbœvq †f‡½ cov |
She bursts into tears. |
Busy with/at/in/about- |
e¨¯— |
He is busy with/at/in/about
doing his work. |
Capable of- |
m¶g |
Arman is not capable of buying this
book. |
Care of- |
hZœ |
One should take care of one’s health. |
Cause of- |
KviY |
What is the cause of her failing? |
Cling to- |
‡j‡M _vKv |
Students should cling to
study. |
Close of- |
wbK‡U |
He lives close to our house. |
Consist of- |
MwVZ |
The committee is consisted of five
members. |
Contented with- |
Zß _vKv |
We have to content with what
we have. |
Cover with- |
Av”Qvw`Z |
The earth is covered with
water. |
Cure of- |
Av‡ivM¨ |
He has been cured of typhoid. |
Commence on |
ïi“ Kiv |
Our examination commence on the 3rd
july. |
Comment on |
gš—e¨ Kiv |
He comment on the point. |
Compare with (Similar thing) |
Zzjbv Kiv |
Rabindranath may be compared with
Shakespeare. |
Compare to (dissimilar thing) |
Anger is compared to fire. |
Compete with (Someone) |
cÖwZ‡hvwMZv Kiv |
I comeped with him for the first prize. |
Compete for (Something) |
Complain to (Person) |
Awf‡hvM Kiv |
The complained to the Director against
the Manager about his behavior. |
Complain against (another) |
Complain about (Something) |
Comply with |
†g‡b †bqv |
I shall comply with your request. |
Composed of |
ˆZwi |
Water is composed of Hydrozen and
Oxygen. |
Confident of |
w¯’i wek¦vmx |
I am confident of success. |
Congratulate on |
Awfbw›`Z Kiv |
I congratulate you on your success. |
Conscious of |
m‡PZb |
He is conscious of his weakness. |
Consist in |
wbwnZ |
Consistent with |
mvgÄm¨c~Y© |
Your action is not consistent with the
rules. |
Contrary to |
wecixZ |
His action is contrary to his words. |
Contribute to |
`vb Kiv |
He contributed one thousand rupees to
the flood relief fund. |
Control over |
wbqš¿Y |
He has no contron over his brother. |
Count for |
MY¨ nIqv |
His advice counts for nothing. |
Count upon |
wbf©i Kiv |
I count upon your help. |
Cope with |
mvgjv‡bv |
I cannot cope with the situation. |
Crave for |
AvKv•¶v Kiv |
He craves for wealth. |
Dangerous to/for- |
wec¾bK |
Smoking is very dangerous to/for
health. |
Deal in- |
e¨emv Kiv |
Alam deals In wood. |
Dedicate to- |
DrmM© Kiv |
Our freedom fighters dedicated their
life to the country. |
Depart from- |
P‡j hvIqv |
We have to depart from this
world. |
Depend on- |
wbf©i Kiv |
Demand depends on price. |
Deprived of- |
ewÂZ |
He is deprive of basic needs. |
Desire for/of- |
AvKvsLv |
I have no desire for/of riches. |
Deviate from- |
c_åó |
A brilliant student never deviates
from his duties. |
Die by- |
AvÍnZ¨v Kiv |
He died by suicide. |
Die for- |
AvÍZ¨vM Kiv |
Our freedom fighters were ready to die
for the country. |
Die from- |
‡Kv‡bv Kvi‡b giv |
He died from over eating. |
Die of- |
‡Kv‡bv †iv‡M giv |
He died of typhoid. |
Deaf to |
ïb‡Z Awb”QzK |
He is deal to my request. |
Deal with |
e¨envi Kiv |
He deals well with the customers. |
Delight in |
Avb›` |
He takes delight in music. |
Despair of |
wbivk nIqv |
Do not dispair of success. |
Destined to |
fvM¨ wbw`©ó |
He was destined to death. |
Devoid of |
ewR©Z |
He is deviod of common sense. |
Devote to |
Drm M© Kiv |
He devotes much time to study. |
Die by (Poison) |
gviv hvIqv |
He died by poison |
Die in (Peace) |
Let me die in peace. |
Differ with (Person) |
wfbœ gZ nIqv |
I differ with you on this point. |
Differ on (point) |
Differ in (Opinion) |
They differ in their opinion. |
from- |
c_K |
This book is different from that. |
Endowed with- |
f‚wlZ |
Muhsin was endowed with many qualities. |
Enter into- |
‡XvKv |
The teacher enter into the class. |
Essential to- |
AZ¨vek¨K |
Diligence is essential to success. |
Famous for- |
weL¨vZ |
Dhaka is famous for mosque. |
Filled with- |
c~Y© |
This jar is filled with water. |
Fit for- |
Dchy³ |
Jahir is not fit for
this post. |
Fond of- |
cQ›` |
Children fond of sweet. |
Faithful to |
wek¦¯— |
The dog is faithful to his master. |
False to |
wg_¨vev`x |
I cannot be false to my friend. |
Familiar with |
mycwiwPZ |
He is familiar with my brother. |
Fatal to |
gvivÍK |
The doctor's mistake proved fatal to his
life. |
Favour with |
AbyMÖn Kiv |
Would you favour me with an early reply?
Favour of |
c‡¶ |
He spoke in favour of his friend. |
Favourable to (Person) |
AbyK‚‡j |
This situation is favourable to me for
doing this. |
Favourable for (Something) |
Feel for/in |
Abyfe Kiv |
I feel Mahadi in your trouble. |
Free from |
gy³ |
He is now free from danger. |
Full of |
cwic~Y© |
This tank is full of water. |
Glance at |
†PvL eywj‡q †bqv |
He glanced at me casually. |
Good at |
`¶ |
He is good at cricket. |
Greatful to (Person) |
K…ZÁ |
I am greatful to you for your help. |
Greatful for (Something) |
Greed for |
†jvf |
He has no greed for wealth. |
Guess at |
Abygvb Kiv |
Can you guess at her age? |
Hanker/ Run after- |
jvjvwqZ |
An honest man does not hanker/run
after riches. |
Hit upon- |
gZje LvUv‡bv |
They hit upon a plan. |
Hard at |
D`¨gx |
He is hard at work before examination. |
Hard of |
Kg †kvbv |
He is hard of hearing. |
Hope for |
Avkv Kiv |
Let us hope for the best. |
Hunger for |
Zxeª AvKv•¶v |
His hunger for knowledge surprised us. |
Injurious/harmful to |
¶wZKi |
Smoking is injurious/harmful to
health. |
Involve in- |
wjß nIqv |
He involved in the murder. |
Ignorant of |
AÁ |
He is ignorant of this rule. |
Ill with |
Amy¯’ |
He is ill with fever. |
Impose on |
Pvcv‡bv |
The task was imposed on me. |
Indebted to |
K…ZÁ |
I am indebted to him for this help. |
Indifferent to |
D`vmxb |
He is different to our problem. |
Indulge in |
Avm³ nIqv |
Don't indulge in wine. |
Inferior to |
wbK…ó |
This orange is inferior to that. |
Inquire of (Person) |
AbymÜvb Kiv |
Inquired of him about/into the matter. |
Inquire about/into (mater) |
Insist on |
wR` Kiv |
He insisted on mygoing home. |
Interest in |
AvMÖn |
He has a special interest in history. |
Interfere with (Person/matter) |
n¯—‡¶c Kiv |
Do not interfere with me in my business.
Invite to |
wbgš¿Y Kiv |
I invited him to dinner. |
Jealous of |
Cl©v civqY |
I am not at all jealous of his fortune. |
Jump at |
AvMÖn mnKv‡i MÖnY Kiv |
Do not jump at the offer. |
Key to- |
PvweKvwV |
Industry is the key to success. |
Lack of- |
Afve |
He has no lack of money. |
Laugh at- |
VvÆv Kiv |
Don’t worry if people laugh at you. |
Lie in- |
wbwnZ |
True happiness lies in
contentment. |
Live in- |
evm Kiv |
He lives in Chittagong. |
Live on- |
‡L‡q Rxeb aviY Kiv |
The cow lives on grass. |
Look after- |
‡`Lvïbv Kiv |
We should look after our
parents. |
Marry to- |
weevwnZ |
Shathi was married to Mahi. |
Name after- |
bvgvbymv‡i |
The Olympic Games were named after
the town of Olympic in Greece. |
Natural to- |
¯^vfvweK |
It is natural to me. |
Necessary for-
`iKvix |
English is necessary for getting a good
job. |
Need of- |
cÖ‡qvRb |
It is badly in need of a canteen in our
college. |
Obstacle to – |
evav |
Population problem is obstacle to the
progress of Bangladesh. |
Open to- |
Db¥y³ |
The national museum is open to all. |
for- |
my‡hvM |
He had no opportunity for going to
cinema. |
Owe to- |
FYx nIqv |
I owe to you. |
Occupied with (Business) |
wb‡qvwRZ |
He is occupied with his studies. |
Occupied in (Doing thing) |
He is occupied in writing a letter. |
Occur to (One's mind) |
g‡b nIqv |
The idea never occurred to me. |
Occure in (an essay a poem etc) |
This line occurs in the poem "The
Cloud" written by Shelly. |
Offend againest |
j•Nb Kiv |
You have offended againest good manners.
Offensive to |
weiw³Ki |
This acrid smell is offensive to me. |
Officiate for (Person) |
cwie‡Z© KvR Kiv |
officiated for me in that post. |
Officiate in (Post) |
Open at |
Db¥y³ Kiv/ †Lvjv |
Open at page 20. |
Opposite to |
wecixZ |
Your idea is opposite to mine. |
Overcome with/by (Emotion) |
AwZµg Kiv |
He was overcome with fatigue. He was
overcome by anger. |
Part from (Person) |
we”Qbœ nIqv |
He parted from his friend. |
Part with (thing) |
She parted with the ring. |
Partial to |
c¶cvZ`yó |
He is partial to his son. |
Partiality for |
He has no partiality for his son. |
Pass for |
Mb¨ nIqv |
He passed for a clever man. |
Pass away |
gviv hvIqv |
He passed away last night. |
Persist in |
†j‡M _vKv |
He persisted in disturbing me. |
Pity for |
Ki“Yv Kiv |
Have pity for poor. |
Plead with (Person) |
IKvjwZ Kiv |
pleaded with him for justice. |
Plead for/ Against (Something) |
Pleased with (Person) |
mš‘ó |
I am pleased with him. |
Pleased at (Something) |
I am pleased at the news. |
Polite in/to |
bgª/ f`ª |
He is polite in his manners. |
Preside over |
mfvcwZZ¡ Kiv |
He presided over the meeting. |
Pretend to |
fvb Kiv |
He does not pretend to high birth. |
Pride on (oneself) |
Me© Kiv |
He prides himself on his high birth. |
Proud of |
Mwe©Z |
He is proud of his position. |
Prior to |
c~‡e© |
Prior to that. |
Prohibit from |
eviY Kiv |
I prohibited him from going there. |
Prompt in (answers) |
PUc‡U |
He is prompt in his answer. |
Prompt at (figures) |
He is prompt at figures. |
Parallel to- |
mgvš—ivj |
This line is parallel to that. |
Play on- |
evRv‡bv |
He played on piano. |
with/for- |
RbwcÖq |
Nuhsin is popular with the people for
his kindness. |
Prefer to- |
cQ›` Kiv |
Monira prefers reading to writing. |
Prepare for- |
cÖ¯‘wZ jIqv |
I have not taken any preparation for the
examination. |
Rely on- |
wbf©i Kiv |
We should not rely on other. |
Remedy for- |
cÖwZKvi |
There is no remedy for cancer.
to- |
`vqx |
We are responsible to Allah. |
Result in- |
d‡j chewmZ nIqv |
Vice results in misery. |
Result is- |
‡W‡K Avbv |
Don’t smoking. It will result in
respiration troubles. |
Satisfied with- |
mš‘ó |
We should be satisfied
with what we have. |
Search for- |
AbymÜvb Kiv/ †LvuR Kiv |
Litfor came to Dhaka searching for a job. |
Subject to- |
eva¨/Aaxb |
Man is subject to death. |
Suffer from- |
‡fvMv |
He suffers from fever. |
Sure of- |
wbwðZ |
I am sure of my success. |
Search of |
AbymÜv‡b e¨¯— |
They are in search of a nice bird. |
Sensible of |
†eva m¤cbœ |
She is sensible of the risk. |
Sensitive to |
ms‡e`bkxj |
She is sensitive to cold. |
Sentence to/for |
`Ûv‡`k †`Iqv |
He was sentenced to death for murder. |
Senior to |
eq‡m eo, D”Pc`¯’ |
He is senior to me by four years. |
Send for |
†W‡K cvVv‡bv |
Send for a doctor immediately. |
Sick of/for |
K¬vš—/cxwoZ |
I am sick of a fever. I am sick for this
idle life. |
Similar to |
m`„k |
This pen is similar to that. |
Sink in (mind) |
Ave× nIqv/Wz‡e hvIqv |
He sank in mud. |
Sink into (Sea, river) |
The ship sank into the sea. |
Slow of (Speech) |
axi |
He is slow speech. |
Slow at (Figures) |
He is slow at figures. |
Slow in (Doing something) |
He is slow in writing. |
Smell of |
MÜ †`q |
This glass smells of wine. |
Smile on |
AbyMÖn Kiv |
Fortune smiled on him. |
Stare at |
GK`„wó‡Z ZvKv‡bv |
She stared at me. |
Stick to |
`„pfv‡e †j‡M _vKv |
He sticks to his decision. |
Subject to |
kZ©vaxb |
This is subject to approval of the
committee. |
Succeed in |
mvdj¨ jvf Kiv |
He will succeed in life. |
Superior to |
DrK…óZv |
This type of rice is superior to that. |
Supply to (Person) |
†hvMvb †`Iqv |
He supplied food to us. |
Supply with (thing) |
He supplied us with food. |
Sympathy for |
mnvbyf‚wZ |
I have no sympathy for him. |
Take after |
m`„k¨ nIqv |
The boy takes after his father. |
Talk to/with (Person) |
K_v ejv |
I am talking to/with Mr. Shaown
of/about/over the matter. |
Talk of/about/over (thing) |
Taste for |
i“wP |
She had no taste for music. |
Tell upon |
¶wZ Kiv |
Over-eating tells upon health. |
Tide over |
AwZµg Kiv |
He will soon tide over the difficulty. |
Think of/about (person) |
wPš—v Kiv |
What do you think of/about him? |
Think over (Something) |
Think carefully over his advice. |
Tolerant of |
mwnòz |
We must be tolerant of opposition. |
Triumph over |
Rq Kiv |
Jim and Della triumphed over their
poverty. |
True to |
wek¦¯— |
He is true to his master. |
Trust to (Person) |
wek¦vm Kiv |
You may trust the work to me. |
Trust with (thing) |
You may trust me with the work. |
Trust in (God) |
Trust in God. |
Thirst for- |
evmbv |
Man has unquenchable thirst for
knowledge. |
Tired of- |
wei³ |
am tired of his
activities. |
Tired with- |
K¬vš— |
am tried with hard work. |
Useful to- |
cÖ‡qvRbxq |
This book is useful to us for
examination. |
Unite with |
HK¨eÜ nIqv |
Be united with your friends. |
Useful for (Purpose) |
cÖ‡qvRbxq |
This book is useful to us for
examination. |
Victim of- |
wkKvi |
He is victim of the circumstances. |
Victim to- |
Ke‡j cwZZ |
Bangladesh falls a victim to flood every
year. |
Visit to- |
cwi`k©b Kiv |
I visited to Cox’s Bazar. |
Vain of |
AnsKvix |
She is vain of her beauty. |
Vary from |
Avjv`v nIqv |
His opinion varies from his brother's. |
Vexed with (person) |
wei³ |
He is vexed with me at my conduct. |
Vexed for/at (thing) |
He is vexed with me for opposing him. |
Wait for- |
A‡c¶v Kiv |
I waited for him. |
Worthy of- |
‡hvM¨ |
He is worthy of praise. |
Zealous for- |
Drmvnx |
He is zealous for improvement. |
Zest for- |
AbyivM |
Mila has zest for English. |